Everyone chattered a lot, and even brought in a few Ravenclaw students to find credible information from the existing materials, and finally let Hermione understand how wrong Ron's mouse Scabbers was.

Using Xia Guo's words, Ban Ban, who has lived three times the life span of an ordinary mouse, can already be called a demon at this time, otherwise the explanation will not make sense, but in the general terms of this world, demons are actually magical creatures, such as Veela .

However, Ron's mouse named Scabbers obviously never showed any magic. Otherwise, given Ron's character, he might have shown it off, so it can be ruled out that it is a magical creature. But it is not normal for a creature that is not a magic creature to be able to live for such a long time.

Given the situation of Ron's family, it is impossible to give a mouse any too precious magic potion, unless someone secretly remodels an ordinary mouse, but isn't this even more terrifying!? There are mice everywhere, but they just stare at them. The Weasley family, you don't believe me when you say there are no secrets.

"Then, what should we do!?" Hermione was also at a loss.

When she came here, she wanted everyone to comfort her. Unexpectedly, things seemed to be getting worse and worse. Hearing the conspiracy theories everyone was talking about, Hermione was horrified. After all, although she lived in a girls' dormitory, But they are still in the same tower as boys like Ron, but they are separated from each other.

Not to mention that the common room below is still connected, who knows if the monster mouse will transform into its original form at night, climb up the corridor over the girls' dormitory, and attack the sleeping little witch!?

Qing Zhang spread his hands and said, "There is no way, tell the professors, this matter is related to your safety, it's okay if you make a mistake, if there is really a problem, you can't sleep well at night, right!?"

To be honest, Qing Zhang actually didn’t want to deal with Peter Pettigrew so early, because both Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black were bullies during school, and I’m sure Snape wasn’t the only one who was bullied by them, of course It's nothing, after all, Qing Zhang is not familiar with those people who are being bullied, but he doesn't have too much affection for people like Black who have not felt ashamed and regretted what they did back then.

Let them continue to suffer more, which is a kind of punishment.

But who made Ron to be so obsessed there, Zhang simply gave him a big gift.

Hope Ron's little heart can take it!

But in the end, Qing Zhang didn't let Hermione do it. After all, if she told Professor McGonagall, Hermione's life in Gryffindor would be very difficult in the future, even if she did the right thing. And Professor McGonagall might not be willing to listen, unless Hermione could turn Scabbers into a human.

Professor McGonagall and Hermione are very similar in character, so stubbornness is the same. Unless she saw it with her own eyes, the witch might not take a student's words too seriously, especially since Hermione had a quarrel with Ron not long ago. .

It's not that Professor McGonagall is bad, but as the head of Gryffindor, although she won't show favoritism to her students like Snape, but the protection of the calf is the same, she doesn't feel that she is There will be bad people among the students, so when two students have conflicts, she will subconsciously act as a peacemaker. As for whether the mouse is abnormal!? God, do you think the Weasleys are fools!? Aah Ser and Molly are grown-up wizards, don't they know if there is anything wrong with their pet mouse!?

Just because Ron was not an orphan, and because Ron came from a wizarding family, Professor McGonagall might not want to believe Hermione, a child from a Muggle family, even if Hermione was very good, and even if she was very optimistic.

This is the inherent "arrogance" of wizards towards Muggles.

So the group approached Professor Pomona Sprout, the dean of Hufflepuff, and told the kind and chubby witch about the matter and everyone's guesses, hoping that the other party could find other professors, even Deng Xiaoping. Principal Bullido made a check to reassure everyone.

Professor Sprout frowned after hearing this. She believed that her students would not lie and cause trouble, and as a master of magic plants, she knew better than anyone how difficult it is for ordinary animals and plants to become magical ones. It is almost impossible, otherwise there would not be only so few little wizards who can learn magic every year, and there would be no squibs.

If there is such a technology, if all Muggles are turned into wizards, then there is no need for wizards to hide, because everyone is special, and there is no specialness.

Obviously, after so many years, no one has been able to solve this problem, which shows how difficult it is.

So whether it's man-made transformation or mouse Banban's mutation, it's all very valuable, and the former is indeed a very serious problem.

"I will talk to Professor McGonagall and the others. Children, you can go back with peace of mind. Don't worry, there will be no problems. Even if there is, we will make it disappear."

Professor Sprout showed strong self-confidence at this moment, which made all the little wizards feel at ease.

Afterwards, no one knew what she did, but the next day Ron's mouse, Scabbers, divorced and disappeared. Ron yelled at Hermione early in the morning, thinking it was her cat, and ate Scabbers in the middle of the night, because yesterday In the evening, he scolded the other party as a "damn beast".

Hermione didn't bother to talk to this guy. Hermione guessed that Scabbers had either escaped or was secretly taken away by the professors. If he didn't reply now, it would undoubtedly be enough to explain the problem.

"What's her attitude!?" Ron was held back by Harry, but still glared at Hermione angrily and yelled.

"Ron, calm down, did Scabbers go out for a stroll by himself, it's nothing to do with Hermione's cat!?" Harry persuaded.

"Apart from her ugly cat, who else!? She's the only cat here! Damn it, cats shouldn't be allowed in schools, and cats shouldn't exist. The map was shot, obviously forgetting that their dean, Professor McGonagall, is a cat girl.

Parvati hesitated for a while before saying, "Actually, Hermione locks her cat in the cage every night..."

Ron choked, and the other supporters who looked at Hermione accusingly fell silent.

"But, maybe her cat can sneak out..." Ron insisted.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "My Crookshanks can fly and escape, and even fight dragons."

After finishing speaking, Hermione ignored the other party and went to the auditorium. She hadn't had breakfast yet, so she didn't bother to talk to the other party.

During herbal medicine class, both Qing Zhang and Hermione could see fatigue and a trace of solemnity from Professor Sprout's smiling face. It was obvious that Ron's mouse was not all right, but the problem was serious, so big that this The witch was also a little absent-minded.

Professor Sprout just shook his head in response to the questioning gazes of Qing Zhang and the others, as if he didn't intend to tell them the details. However, during Potions class, Snape was in an overly happy mood. And it would suddenly be so bad that people wondered if he was suffering from schizophrenia.

As for Professor McGonagall, during Transfiguration class, he always looked at Ron distracted from time to time, which made Ron frightened for a long time. He felt that Professor McGonagall must have heard what he said in the morning.

●Ask for flowers......

Soon, however, the students' attention was diverted from the eccentric professors, because something else happened.

Hermione's roommate on the other side, Ron Weasley's crush Lavender Brown's bunny Binky was kidnapped by a fox today, October 16th.

Of course, this kind of thing is not worth making a fuss about, but if it has something to do with the divination that Trelawney taught in the divination class, it is not the same thing.

In fact, during the first divination class, Professor Trelawney had divination for Lavender, telling her, "The thing you are most afraid of will happen on October 16th!"

Apparently the prophecy has now been fulfilled.

It undoubtedly made everyone believe that Professor Trelawney is not a lunatic and a liar, and that she has real skills.

Then it was Harry's turn to be depressed, because everyone was more convinced that he would encounter misfortune and even die in the near future. Ron didn't even care about his own mouse, Scabbers, and found a lot of unreliable amulets, so that Harry put it on.

Some Gryffindor students even acted as Harry's guards, especially Wood of the Quidditch team. He wished to protect the safety of Harry, the Seeker, 24 hours a day. This is related to whether they can win the championship today. He knew that after this year, he would have to graduate, and he would never have another chance.

Fortunately, when things got worse, Professor McGonagall came and successfully drove Wood and the others away.

Professor McGonagall was obviously not in good spirits, but he still held on and shouted at the little lions, "Is everyone here!? If not, tell them all to come down. Well, I only need the third graders here. The rest Those who are old don’t need to be called.”

After a while, after all the third graders arrived, she spoke again and said, "It's like this, your permission form to go to Hogsmeade village needs to be handed over to me before Halloween, if you don't hand in the form , I can’t go, now everyone can give me the permission form signed by the parents, do you have any questions!?”

"No!" Except for Harry, everyone gave their permission forms to Professor McGonagall, and Neville's copy was sent to Professor McGonagall by his grandmother, in case Neville would forget where to put it. Neville had a bad memory after all.

After the whole class left, Harry anxiously caught up with Professor McGonagall.

"Professor, my aunt and uncle...uh...they forgot to sign my form. So...so do you think it's okay to...I mean, can you let I'm going to Hogsmeade!?"

Professor McGonagall lowered her eyes and looked at the anxious Harry seriously, as if she was thinking about something, but in the end she shook her head and said, "I'm afraid not, Potter. You heard what I just said, right? No expression just can't go.

In fact, some students who are orphans don't need a watch at all, and they can get permission from the professor, but Harry can't, until he finds out the messy things about Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black, Harry had better stay It's better in Hogwarts, and even if Harry's Muggle relatives signed it, Professor McGonagall would prevent Harry from leaving the castle.

What Harry and Ron didn't know was that Ron's parents had been called to the principal's office this morning. Obviously, once Ron's mouse Scabbers was thought to be problematic, Professor McGonagall and the others would not be hard to think of Animagus, after all, McGonagall Professor Greg himself is an Animagus.

(Note: Animagus refers to a wizard who can turn himself into a certain animal while retaining his own magic power. Mouth).

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