Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

285 Arthur Weasley: No One Can Green Me!

"We should obviously be using Veritaserum now.

"We can't do this, Severus! It needs approval from the Ministry of Magic."

"Oh, boring justice, no Veritaserum, no Legilimency, do you want to know some of the stories he made up from this dirty mouse!?"

Just when the little wizards were supposed to attend classes and play around as usual, the principal's room was very lively at the moment. The dean-level professor, the new professor Lupine, and Ron's parents were all present.

In fact, Ron's dad was green with anger, but he tried not to say anything.

It wasn't that he was dissatisfied with Snape's proposal, in fact no one was more anxious than him to know what Peter Pettigrew wanted to do and what else he was driving!?

My God, Arthur Weasley couldn't help clenching his fists at the thought of a grown man pretending to be a pet mouse in his own home, with his favorite wife and baby daughter.

Even before he fully figured out the matter, Peter Pettigrew was still recognized as a hero in the wizarding world, so it was the same for those who had won the Order of Merlin First Class.

This is impossible for any normal man to bear.

If he hadn't been sane and still trusted Dumbledore in "Ninety Twenty", he would have stood by Snape and shouted "G give him a set!"

"Animagus, illegal Animagus, Luhu, how dare you!?" Professor McGonagall also looked at Lupine who had been silent all this time with a grim expression.

Not to mention that underage wizards look at the dangers of learning, but conceal such important information that Sirius Black was able to pull out Azkaban, and Pettigrew Peter is hiding in the Weasleys for a full twelve Years, Lupine can be said to be an accomplice.

Lupine smiled bitterly, "I'm sorry, Professor, I didn't know it would happen. When James and the others knew that it was caused by Black's betrayal, I was hit hard at that time, and I was not welcome or trusted in many places. ,so......."

"But can you tell us, didn't you always trust that old bee the most!?" Snape sneered, obviously dissatisfied with Lupine's sophistry, after all Lupine still regarded these two as his best friends .

Seeing that Lupine stopped talking, Snape looked at Dumbledore again, "Now, it's up to you to make a decision, whether to let this dirty rat man wake up and tell us ridiculous fake stories, or let us Use our method to know the real inside story!?"

"Don't talk about handing it over to the Ministry of Magic, you know Fudge and the others will only whitewash the past, then this mouse will still be a hero, because the Ministry of Magic can't be wrong, and of course I don't want that stupid and arrogant Black to be exonerated, no matter I will never forgive him no matter what.

When it comes to Sirius Black, Snape is even more murderous, no matter what the truth is, whether it is as they guessed, but Sirius Black is also inseparable from Lily's death, anyone can forgive him, but Snape Nep would not.

"Let's vote, those who support the use of veritaserum put up their hands!" Dumbledore said after looking at everyone present.

Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, and Professor Sprout didn't raise their hands, because Veritaserum would cause permanent damage to the brain of the user. Before knowing the truth, it was obvious that Pettigrew Peter and the others were not treated this way. agree.

Yet Snape, Lupine and Arthur Weasley, and even his wife Molly put up their hands in approval.

"Lupin, you..." Professor McGonagall always thought that he knew his student very well, even if the other party was a werewolf, but now he found that his understanding of him was more than one-sided.

The person who was the least likely to agree, actually agreed, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Snape smiled sarcastically, "Isn't that exactly him!? Hypocritical Remus John Lupine.

"No, I just want to find out the truth." Lupine smiled bitterly, no matter how reasonable the excuse was, Peter Pettigrew would rather become a mouse and hide in the Weasleys for twelve years than accept Dumbledore Lido's protection, this is enough to explain the problem to Lupine who knows what kind of person Peter is.

Not only Harry’s generation thinks that Dumbledore is the most powerful wizard, and the place where he lives is the safest place, but Lupine’s generation also grew up with this concept, it is conceivable How suspicious Peter Pettigrew's abnormal behavior is.

What's more, when he thinks about Sirius Black being wronged, Lupine's experience in Azkaban these years will make Lupine feel like a knife. He is also his best friend! If he can't know the truth, he will It will be crazy, he can't wait, and he can't wait.

4:3, in the case of Dumbledore not participating in the vote, the matter is so settled.

However, what happened in the principal's office didn't matter to the little wizards at all. They still lived their own campus life, running between classrooms every day, scratching their heads and ears doing homework at night.

Oh, and it doesn't matter who it is.

At least Ron wasn't. He even asked his brothers and sister Ginny to look for poor Scabbers. He even thought that Scabbers might have gone into the Forbidden Forest, so he even asked Hagrid to go in and look for it.

Of course, even if Parvati knew that Hermione kept his cat Crookshanks in a cage every night to prevent him from going out while he was asleep, Ron still blamed it on Hermione. .

Just because Hermione raised a cat, his family's Scabbers has been frightened since the beginning of school, so that he doesn't eat much, and becomes even uglier after losing weight. cats stay in the same place.

In fact, he and Hermione had always disliked each other. So Ron has reason to suspect that Hermione's sudden purchase of a cat as a pet is malicious, otherwise why not buy an owl or something else!? A cat that loves to catch mice!?

"That guy is crazy." Hermione complained to Qing Zhang and the others.

"What kind of pet I buy is my freedom!? And owls also catch mice, why don't you see him suspecting Harry!? Oh, yes! Owls can't be kept in the dormitory, but this can doubt my Crookshanks !?"

Hermione was very angry at Ron's unreasonableness, and what made Hermione even more uncomfortable was that there were not many people (no one at all) in Gryffindor who spoke for her [Hermione regretted entering Gryffindor for the first time up.

Qing Zhang and the others don’t know how to comfort them. It’s useless to say bad things about Gryffindor. They can’t transfer schools halfway, right? As for Ron, there’s nothing to say..0

Everyone can only let Hermione eat and drink well, and then chat with her for a while.

Fortunately, Hermione has a lot of courses, and she doesn't have much time to spend on grief. The little witch travels between different classrooms every day, and she is too tired to care about the attitude of Ron and her classmates.

Time soon came to the day before Christmas. This day was the first time the third graders went to Hogsmeade village for the weekend, and Hermione's mood also improved.

Early in the morning, Hermione and Qing Zhang came to the hall and lined up in the queue, chatting about things related to Hogsmeade village. Administrator Filch stood just inside the gate, checking off a long list, watching every face vigilantly, not letting anyone who shouldn't have slipped through the gate.

Especially when Harry accompanied Ron and the others down, Filch kept his eyes on him, which made Harry Potter feel worse.

"Stay here, Potter!?" Malfoy yelled, filming in line with Clark and Goyle, laughing as Harry fell outside, "Don't dare pass those dementors!?"

Then Clark and Goyle laughed too, and some of the Slytherins stared at Harry mockingly.

Harry ignored him, and walked up the marble stairs alone, through the deserted corridors, back to Gryffindor Tower.

On the other hand, Ron kept staring at Malfoy and the others after Harry left, and almost rushed over to them for a meal.

Malfoy raised his eyebrows, "What's the matter, Weasley!? Don't you dare to pass those dementors!? Then you can go back to accompany Potter.

He looked at Ron with a half-smile, and then suddenly thought of something, and said loudly, "By the way, I heard that you lost a mouse. It's so pitiful. How about it? Do you want me to ask my father to give you a mouse?" A new one, but I think there are a lot of dirty rats in that big stupid guy by the Forbidden Forest, maybe you can ask him for it, aren't you friends!?"

"Shut up, Malfoy!" Ron was furious, and Fred and George also glared at him, "If you talk nonsense, we will praise you at 5.5, you'd better be able to laugh and call Dad like this."

Draco Malfoy looked at the Weasley brothers standing next to Ron, and couldn't help but turn pale, as if he was really scared, but he snorted stiffly and stopped provoking.

Hearing the farce behind, Hermione didn't even look back, she didn't really want to pay attention to anything about Ron and the others, she didn't want to affect her mood for ten days today.

"By the way, Hermione, there is a Honeydukes candy store in Hogsmeade, which not only sells a wide variety of candies, but also homemade milk fudge and super large chocolates. The candies there are very popular, do you want to buy some too? Send it back to your parents to taste, I think they will like it."

Hannah suggested empathetically, in fact, every time she entered Diagon Alley, she would pass by the Leaky Cauldron. The Granger family, especially Hermione's father's family, got acquainted with the people in the bar and knew that Hannah After being Hermione's classmate, Hannah asked Hannah to find out how Hermione was at school!?

"Oh, they're dentists, but I'll send them some." Hermione didn't know if her parents would like it, after all, they always controlled sweets very strictly. .

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