The trip to Hogsmeade Village is very enjoyable, especially for the little wizards who come here for the first time, to get away from the gaze of the professor, to spend the money on your body outside the school, or to enter some novelty Inside the store, there are enough surprises.

But the happy time is always short, they have to return to Hogwarts Castle before the dinner on Christmas Eve, although a little reluctant, but the hungry little wizards still leave Hogsmeade village behind , Anyway, I can still go later, and now I have to fill my stomach first.

The auditorium is adorned with hundreds of candle-lit pumpkins, a swarm of flying bats, and flaming orange banners like colorful water snakes brewing a stormy ceiling floated lazily.

For some reason, Snape was absent, and the professors who came were not as interested as expected. Only Headmaster Dumbledore seemed to have an appetite as usual.

Harry has been observing Lupine, he doesn't know whether he is mostly worried or expecting at this moment.

He was waiting for Professor Lupine to be poisoned. He always believed that there was something wrong with what Snape gave Professor Lupine to drink. The goblet was definitely not a good thing.

However, to Harry's disappointment, Professor Lupine had been chatting enthusiastically with the little Charms teacher, Professor Flitwick, and it didn't look like there was any problem at all.

The banquet concluded with a performance by the Hogwarts ghosts. They jumped out of the walls and tables one after another, forming various formations to perform skating. Gryffindor's Nearly Headless Nick re-enacted his beheading experience with great success.

It wasn't until Hermione and the Gryffindors walked to the Gryffindor Tower along the usual route, that the joy disappeared completely.

The corridor leading to the portrait of the fat lady was full of students, but none of them went in. There was a constant sound of gasping. If you look forward from the back, you will find that the portrait hole is still closed.

"Excuse me, let me pass." At this moment, Percy hurried through the crowd, why are you stuck here!? You can't possibly forget the password—I'm the student council seat, right?"

Percy, who was speaking in an official tone, suddenly stopped talking when he saw what was happening in front of him. After a long time, he shouted in a sharp voice, "Someone call Professor Dumbledore!? Hurry up!" !"

A chill was spreading along the corridor. The people behind didn't know what happened, but it didn't prevent them from knowing that something serious happened.

People turned their heads one after another, and those standing behind tiptoed.

"What happened!?" Ginny who had just walked over asked with some doubts, but no one answered her question, including her brothers.

Then Professor Dumbledore appeared, walking briskly towards the portrait. The Gryffindor classmates huddled together to let him pass> Hermione leaned over to wonder what happened.

"Oh my God——!" exclaimed Hermione, as she saw the Fat Lady disappear from her portrait, which had been badly hacked, and pieces of canvas scattered on the floor, and three large pieces of canvas It was simply torn away.

Dumbledore quickly glanced at the ruined portrait, turned around, and looked solemnly, watching Professor McGonagall, Lupine and Snape and even Professor Sprout walking towards him quickly.

"We need to find her." Dumbledore looked at everyone, "Professor McGonagall, please go to Mr. Filch immediately and tell him to search every painting in the castle for the Fat Lady.

"Good luck!" said a voice, giggling.

It was Peeves who loved to play tricks, and he jumped up and down over the heads of the people, and he was as happy as ever at the scene of misfortune and trouble.

"What did you say, Peeves!?" Dumbledore asked calmly, and the smile on Peeves' face softened a little. He dared not laugh at Dumbledore. He changed into a flattering tone, but it was not much better than the giggling just now.

"She's shy, Mr. Headmaster. She doesn't want to be seen. She's a miserable mess. Saw her run across the fifth-floor landscape, sir, and she ended up hiding in the bushes. Crying so hard." He was merry. say.

"Poor man," he added, falsely.

"Did she say who did it!?" asked Dumbledore softly.

"Oh, I've said it, Professor Head." Peeves said, with a look like he was holding a big bomb in his arms, "You see, he is very angry that she won't let him in." Peeves turned over suddenly. A somersault, grinning at Dumbledore from between his legs, "His temper is really scary - that Sirius Black."

Professor McGonagall and the others looked at each other, but Snape sneered, "Stupid, conceited and reckless as always, he really deserves to be a student from Gryffindor.

In one sentence, he mocked all the Gryffindors present, and Harry and the other lion cubs glared at him.

Professor McGonagall was also a little angry, but he didn't refute. Before the Ministry of Magic announced the truth and made Sirius Black innocent, the other party was still a wanted criminal. Minister Fudge, who was more obedient than his words, was unexpectedly unwilling to cooperate this time.

Professor McGonagall and the others didn't even suspect that if Peter Pettigrew was just handed over to them, he would either have died inexplicably, or disappeared and escaped. Fudge and the others didn't want the Ministry of Magic or Fudge's reputation to be damaged, so they naturally didn't want the truth to come out.

As for Sirius Black, it was completely out of their consideration.

Recently, everyone has been troubled by this. The biggest problem is that they can't find Sirius Black. The other party deliberately avoids them, making Dumbledore and the others very helpless. They want to help the other party get rid of the suspicion, but the other party does not cooperate life and death. This is absurd Things actually happened.

But if Black was willing to complain, or tell Dumbledore, it will not be like this now, so Snape is actually right, Gryffindor students are always a headache, because they are too selfish , They are more willing to believe in themselves than in others.

Lupine was also a little anxious. He wanted to talk to Black and tell him that Peter had been caught, and they already knew the truth, but Black seemed to only want to find Peter to kill him. He didn't know the truth at all. Going to let others know.

Snape flicked the black robe, "I'm not interested in playing peek-a-boo with you, if you can't find that stupid fool, just wait for him to do more stupid things

After leaving such an inexplicable sentence, he walked away without looking back. The little lions glared at him a moment ago, but when the other party was about to leave, they shrank their necks and obediently let the passage out, even worried about the passage. It's not wide enough, and it's desperately stuck together,

Seeing this, Snape snorted coldly, as if laughing at them.

Professor Dumbledore ordered all Gryffindor students to return to the Great Hall. Ten minutes later, the Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, and Slytherins came in, everyone with confused faces.

"The teachers and I need to conduct a full search of the castle." Dumbledore told everyone, at this time McGonagall and Professor Flitwick closed all the doors of the auditorium, "For your own safety, I'm afraid you can only spend the night here. I I hope the prefects will guard the entrance of the auditorium, and I entrust the chairman of the male and female student council to take charge of the management. If there is any situation, report to me immediately."

Then he said to Percy, who was very proud and serious, "Send a ghost to deliver the message."

Professor Dumbledore stopped talking and was about to leave the auditorium when he said, "Oh, yes, you need to..."

With a flick of his magic wand, one after another the long tables flew to the edge of the auditorium, and stood against the wall automatically, and with another flick of his wand, hundreds of limp purple sleeping bags appeared on the ground.

"Sleep well." After Professor Dumbledore finished speaking, he went out and closed the door.

Immediately, chattering voices rang out in the auditorium. The Gryffindor students told the students from other colleges what happened just now.

Hermione also came to the little friend and told her discovery. She planned to sleep with Qing Zhang and the others tonight. The tragic appearance of the fat lady's portrait made her a little scared.

Coupled with the dignified and slightly weird expressions of the professors, the little witch who has always been strong is even more uneasy.

He also heard Peeves mention a person's name - Little 650 Sirius Black, who is a wanted criminal.

Harry's face was even more ugly. He felt that Sirius Black must have wanted to enter the tower to kill him. He recalled Arthur Weasley's exhortation before the start of school. At that time, the other party persuaded him that maybe it would be better to suspend school temporarily. OK

But Harry didn't listen, because Hogwarts was the happiest place for him, where he had friends, where he was the best and youngest Seeker, where there were no aunts, uncles and Dali, and he didn't need to sleep in a cupboard, Don't worry about being scolded for making a little noise.

If possible, he would rather die in the wizarding world than return to the Muggle world.

"Everyone get into sleeping bags, come on, stop talking! Turn off in ten minutes!" Percy shouted at this moment.

However, his words didn't seem to be very effective. Everyone just lowered their voices, but they were still whispering. It was obvious that the little wizards would not be able to fall asleep for a while.

Staring at the time, after ten minutes, Percy yelled again, "Lights out now, I ask everyone to get into their sleeping bags and stop talking!"

He seemed a little annoyed, and gave Ron and the Weasley twins an emphatic look.

The candles were all extinguished at once. Only those silver ghosts gave off a little light, floating around and talking seriously with the prefects. The enchanted ceiling looks like the sky outside, dotted with stars.

Under such a ceiling, listening to the whispers still ringing in the auditorium, Hermione also felt a lot more at ease, but she still put her sleeping bag next to the green sheet, and followed the two thick quilts against the other.

Suddenly, I felt that such a fright was not bad.

Qing Zhang was thinking about what Dumbledore and the others were doing now. To be honest, he was a little stunned by this incident, and he let Peter Pettigrew out of the game ahead of time, but it seemed that the original plot was still going on.

He wants to know what happened!? Could it be that Peter Pettigrew charmed all the professors and made them believe in the stories he made up!? Impossible!?

Even if Qing Zhang was killed, the matter was even more absurd than he had imagined. .

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