Saturday will be the first Quidditch match of the term, Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff.

But as the first Quidditch match drew closer, the weather got worse and worse.

The day before the race, the wind was howling and the rain was falling harder than ever. The corridors and classrooms were too dark, so we had to light some torches and lanterns for lighting. All the Slytherin players showed gloating expressions, and Malfoy was the most proud of them.

He was constantly showing off his facial features to Harry, and even demonstrated how to get blown off the broom by the wind himself, making the Slytherin students laugh, but Harry didn't even bother to talk to each other, which made Malfoy's face Not very good looking.

But none of this has anything to do with Qing Zhang and Hermione, because whether it's about Malfoy and Potter, or Quidditch's bad luck, it actually has little to do with them, they are the most common students only.

Today's Defense Against the Dark Arts class was taught by Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. It was obvious that the two colleges would have a battle on Quidditch tomorrow, but the atmosphere didn't look like it was time to draw their swords at ten o'clock.

Not long after Hermione and Qing Zhang walked into the classroom and found seats to sit down, they were shocked to see Snape walking in with a black robe and a straight face.

"Professor, this class is Lupine..."

"I know, I don't need you to remind me, Miss Know-it-all." Snape interrupted Hermione and said indifferently.

Since Hermione and Harry weren't close, he wasn't too hard on him, unless of course Hermione wasn't trying to help Neville in her stupid ways.

Realizing that this class will be replaced by Snape, the students of the two colleges dare not breathe, and the good mood before the class is swept away.

Hermione was a little speechless. It seemed that every time the teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts 767 needed someone to substitute for something, it was Snape who came here. Could there be no other teacher in the school!?

Even Hermione didn't want to meet Snape in classes other than potions, his classes were always accompanied by low pressure and challenging others' heartbeat limits.

Just when Snape was about to say something to show his authority, hurried footsteps came from outside, and they got closer and closer.


Without being pulled away, a boy with glasses and a lightning scar on his forehead ran in panting.

"I'm sorry I'm late, Professor Lupine, I..."

After getting rid of Wood's nagging, Harry ran to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, but he was still late. He was sincerely apologizing to Professor Lupine, but as he was talking, he found someone on the podium looking up at him. Not the smiling Professor Lupine in his imagination, but Snape.

"This lesson started ten minutes ago, Potter, so I think ten points should be deducted from Gryffindor. Sit down."

Harry didn't move.

"Where's Professor Lupine!?" he asked against the pressure of Snape's gaze.

"He said he was very unwell today and couldn't come to class." Snape said with a smirk, "I think I told you to sit down!?"

But Harry still stayed where he was, and Hermione frowned, not understanding what he was going to do, even if Snape took over as a substitute, there was no need to show such strong resistance!? When did Harry become so brave!?

Not only Hermione, but other students also looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering why Harry Potter, who was late, acted so aggressively, it was wrong to look so much like Snape on the opposite side.

Openly questioning the professor, no matter where it is, is not a commendable thing. Many Hufflepuff students looked at Harry with a different look (cadi), even if they didn't like Snape either.

"What's wrong with him!?" Harry stared at Snape, as if he was looking at a murderer.

In fact, Harry has always suspected that Snape intends to kill Lupine, because sometimes he looks at Professor Lupine with the same hatred and disgust as he looks at Harry, and Harry notices these things sensitively .

Snape's black eyes were shining, he seemed to have realized something, and then the corner of his mouth curled up into a dangerous and subtle arc, a little sinister.

"Oh, not life-threatening, for the time being," he said slowly, even a little Draco Malfoy at this moment. His expression seemed to hope that his life was in danger.

"Another five points from Gryffindor, and if I have to make you sit down a third time, fifty points.

Before Snape lost his patience, Harry walked slowly to his seat and sat down. He didn't notice the strange eyes of the students around him.

Snape looked around the class.

"Before Potter interrupted me, I said that Professor Lupine left no record of what you've learned..."

"Sorry, sir, we have learned Boggarts, Red Hat, Kabbah and Grindylow, and we are about to start learning..." Hermione couldn't help but raised her hand and said, but was caught by Snape's cold eyes halfway through the speech stopped.

Qing Zhang shook his head at him, Snape didn't know about it, he just didn't want to hear it, when it came to study, Hermione tended to forget to read people's faces, Qing Zhang was very helpless about this.

"Quiet!" said Snape coldly. "I'm not asking. I'm just criticizing Professor Lupine's lack of method."

"He's the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we've ever taught," said Dean Thomas boldly, and the other students murmured their agreement.

Thinking about Professor Quirrell in the first grade, and Professor Lockhart in the second grade, the students felt that it was a bit too much to say that about Professor Lupine.

Snape glared at Dean, who looked more menacing than ever at the moment.

"You're too easy to please. Professor Lupine didn't put any burden on you——I think first-year students should be able to deal with Red Hat and Grindylow. Today we're going to discuss..."

He flicked through the textbook until the last chapter, then smiled with an unknown meaning, and uttered the last two words, said, werewolf. "

"But, sir." Hermione got rid of Qing Zhang's hand, seemingly unable to control herself, she stood up and said, "We shouldn't be learning werewolves yet, we should start learning Hinkpunk now..."

She couldn't accept this kind of teaching method of skipping all the processes and going directly to the end. Even in Muggle schools, no teacher would start teaching from the last chapter of the textbook.

Qing Zhang sighed, and sure enough, Snape said in a frighteningly calm voice, "Miss Granger, I seem to remember that I taught this class, not you. Now I'll call you all Turn to page 394." He glanced at the class again, "Everyone! Hurry up!"

The students rolled their eyes indignantly, and while muttering in a low voice, they opened their textbooks, and Hermione, who sat down again, was even more furious.

She might think that Snape was sick, even if he hadn't been very good before, but this time he seemed to be sicker and more unreasonable.

"Can any of you tell me how to tell the difference between a werewolf and a real wolf!?" Snape asked.

Everyone sat motionless, without saying a word, except for Hermione, even if she was angry with Snape one moment, she would still raise her hand high when she heard a question the next moment.

It's a pity that Snape, as always, ignored the little witch who was full of performance, which made Hermione's face puff up. He went on, with that smirk on his face again, "Are you saying that Professor Lupine didn't outline the fundamental difference between the two of you!?"

"We told you, we haven't learned the chapter of werewolves yet, we're still learning..." Parvati said suddenly, and she couldn't bear Snape's unreasonable trouble.

"Quiet!" said Snape savagely. "Yeah, yah, yah, I can't believe I'm going to meet a class of third-years who can't recognize a werewolf. I've got to tell Professor Dumbledore, How backward you are"

"Please, sir." Hermione still raised her hands high, she said to herself, "There are a few small differences between a werewolf and a real wolf, the snout of a werewolf..."

Qing Zhang covered her face, she didn't understand why Hermione was so stubborn here, what's wrong with asking Snape to perform a solo show!? Anyway, he was just substituting for such a class, and other people wouldn't because of what he said, Just changed his mind about Lupine's teaching.

"This is the second time you've spoken without permission, Miss Granger." Snape said coldly, "Another five points from Gryffindor for being an outrageous know-it-all."

Hermione, flushed, let the guards down, staring tearfully at the ground. Qing Zhang had no choice but to comfort the sad and wronged little witch. And the whole class was glaring at Snape angrily, which was enough to show how much everyone hated him, even though they all called Hermione a "know-it-all" at least once.

And Ron, being a guy who didn't quite get along with Hermione, who would call Hermione "knows it all" at least three or four times a week, now he's saying out loud, "You asked a question and she knows the answer! If You don’t want someone to answer [Why is Zhongmin!?”

The whole class knew immediately that Ron was in trouble. Snape walked slowly towards Ron, and the students held their breath.

"Retention, Weasley!" Snape said softly, bringing his face closer to Ron. "If I hear you criticize my teaching methods again, it will be too late for you to regret it."

In the next class, no one dared to speak out because Ron was killed to make an example of others. They sat there, copying notes about werewolves from books, and Snape visibly walked back and forth, paying more attention than he did to Potions class.

After class, a paper on how to identify and kill werewolves was also assigned as homework. Let everyone know how much he hates werewolves.

"Hermione, are you alright!?" After class, Hannah and others surrounded her, looking at Hermione with concern. Just now they saw Hermione was about to cry.

Hermione shook her head, "It's nothing, I'm just a little angry."

Qing Zhang was a little helpless, "You shouldn't stand out, as long as no one plays with him, Snape won't be interested in continuing the show, and your resistance will only make him feel that he has succeeded."

Everyone felt a little helpless when they heard the words, "But what he said was too harsh. Does it have to be a teacher like Lockhart!? And he deliberately picked on the thorns, and taught from the last chapter."

It's hard for the little wizards to let go of their grievances.

Qing Zhang didn't say anything about it. In fact, Snape was indeed making trouble, but it is really important not to hinder him in this class, because Lupine is a werewolf, and no one can guarantee whether there will be accidents in the future, just like the Same as Snape.

[The author has something to say: I made a mistake, hurry up to do nucleic acid!].

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