Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

739 The Business Of Selling Talisman Paper!

On the second day, the weather still didn’t improve, thunder was rolling overhead, the strong wind hit the walls of the castle, and the sound of branches snapping in the forbidden forest in the distance came from time to time, which made people frightened.

During breakfast, Hermione wrapped her cloak and looked at the violent storm outside the window worriedly, "Aren't you planning to postpone the game in this weather!?"

Hermione didn't quite understand the school's approach, not to mention that the players in the sky were uncomfortable, and the spectators below would probably have a hard time seeing the game situation above, and the stands without sheds would be useless even if they wore nothing, they would definitely get wet Transparent.

Qing Zhang crossed a piece of broccoli and chewed it in his mouth. Hearing Hermione's worry, he said disapprovingly, "If the Muggle world movement would have been cancelled, but this is the wizarding world, and there are all kinds of things. Such magic, so if it is not a big natural disaster, it is difficult to dispel the enthusiasm of wizards, they love Quidditch so much

Ernie on the side nodded sharply, "Yes, you don't know that regular teams have encountered worse weather during games, and now this kind of weather is still a child's play!"

"But they don't seem to think so." Hermione glanced at Harry, Wood and others who were mechanically chewing and swallowing food at the Gryffindor table, probably feeling very nervous.

"Eh..." Ernie didn't know what to say when he saw this, he said that he was in a bad mood, didn't he ask for a fight!? But there is really no need to be so nervous. The weather is almost as bad at this time of year , It's no surprise that I've seen it for a long time.

"You should really join the Quidditch team." At this time, Cedric Diggory, the captain of the Hufflepuff College Quidditch team, came over and patted Qing Zhang on the shoulder and said.

There are too few students with extraordinary talents on the flying broom of Hufflepuff College. Everyone basically makes up for their weaknesses through hard work. Even when he was in the lower grades, he was not as talented as Harry Potter on Quidditch. Dazzling, talent can only be considered mediocre.

So Cedric always couldn't help coming to invite a rare and talented student from the same college, even though he was declined many times.

Qing Zhang looked at the other party with a bit of resentment, don’t always choose when he eats!?

"I'm not keen on Quidditch." Qing Zhang said bluntly.

To be honest, a cheater like him has too much physical fitness, even if he doesn't use magic, he can find the Snitch immediately, so if he is a seeker, he can definitely end the game easily. As for the batsman, I am afraid that he will always crush the opposing player, unless the opponent catches the Snitch immediately, otherwise the longer the time delays, the larger the score gap will be, and it will be useless to catch the Snitch later.

It is conceivable that once he participates, the game will lose its fun. I am afraid that after a long time, the players from the other three major colleges will simply perform poorly, because they will not win at all.

Therefore, Qing Zhang's reluctance to join the team of his own academy is also for the sake of everyone. Of course, it is also because he can't bear the boredom of training all day.

As for suppressing one's own performance, it is even more unnecessary. If participating in the competition is to wrong oneself and perform acting desperately, then it is better not to do it in the first place.

After staring into Qing Zhang's eyes for a while, Cedric sighed, "Okay, but if you change your mind later, remember to come to me.

In fact, the current situation of Hufflepuff College's Quidditch team is not optimistic. He is already a fifth-grade student, and he can still compete for another year. After the seventh grade, he must not be as distracted as Wood. He has to concentrate prepare for the exam.

As for Hufflepuff so far, Cedric has not found someone who can replace him to carry the banner. Of course, this refers to Quidditch, so Cedric is very worried that once he leaves, Hufflepuff's ball will be destroyed. The team will plummet from the beginning.

After Cedric left, Justin said, "Sure enough, Senior Diggory has never given up. Dude, I think you can think about it. You fly so well!"

Hermione and the others also nodded, Qing Zhang said helplessly, "Eat quickly, you guys!"

In the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, Gryffindor led by 50 points in the first half. Due to the heavy storm, the team members on both sides were not feeling well, but overall Gryffindor The Gryffindors were less affected. After all, the Gryffindors were more courageous. They dared to make difficult moves in this kind of weather, and they had the spirit of not fearing death.

Harry Potter had to be ruled out at the beginning, because he was wearing glasses, and in this kind of weather, he couldn't see clearly at all, and he was like a blind man throughout the whole process. big impact.

But Wood is still very anxious and irritable, because Harry is the key to their victory.

Fortunately, Professor McGonagall came to cast a spell on his glasses, otherwise Harry didn't know what to do. In fact, there are potions to correct eyesight in the wizarding world, but with Snape's attitude towards Harry, I am afraid that he is unwilling to make it himself, and he is not a master of potions, but he cannot make this kind of potion that has no side effects and permanently restores vision.

Want to buy from other potions masters, not to mention Harry, even Professor McGonagall doesn't have such a big face, except for Dumbledore.

However, in the second half, Harry's performance did not get better because his vision was not affected. He seemed to be in a trance, making the audience below wonder what happened. If it wasn't for Professor McGonagall who cast the spell on Harry just now, If it was Snape, everyone would have doubts, but it is unlikely that Professor McGonagall would harm Harry.

Professor McGonagall also frowned, thinking: Is it too cold!? Maybe I should add a warming spell to him just now.

This is not a violation. After all, the senior students will basically use it on themselves. Harry is only in the third grade and has not learned this. In fact, there are very few low-grade players on the Quidditch team who become the main players. Harry had broken the record.

Of course, Malfoy doesn't count, it depends on the relationship between the family, and the other party must also have the magic item to resist the cold, so it can be said that the only one who suffers is Harry.

However, now that the game is over, Professor McGonagall can't stop it if he wants to. He can only regret that he is too slow to respond when he is old. She should have thought of it earlier.

"Hiss! It's so cold!" Hermione, who was wrapped in a cloak in the stands, shivered suddenly.

Qing Zhang turned his head and looked into the distance, there were nearly a hundred dementors floating towards this side, it seemed that because of the Quidditch competition, there were too many young wizards gathered here, and sports can indeed cause People's positive emotions, for these monsters who suck other people's joy, are like a full feast of Chinese people sitting there.

"Ah-!!!" At this time, many girls screamed, including Hermione.

Because Harry Potter fell off the broom suddenly, and Cedric caught the Snitch at the same time. At this moment, Cedric looked at the falling Harry in astonishment, as if he wanted to reach out and grab him, but It's too late.

0 for flowers...

The faces of Professor McGonagall and Ms. Hooch below were even paler. This was a full fifty feet above the ground. If Harry fell, there would be no possibility of rescue, and he would only become Potter Sauce.

The turquoise light in Qing Zhang's eyes flickered for a moment, and a soft wind supported Harry's rapidly falling body, but it didn't show too much, at least Professor McGonagall didn't see anything wrong.

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, but he was still waving his wand while rushing towards the court. The speed of Harry's fall further slowed down. At this moment, it was almost like the time when a feather fell to the ground, giving people a feeling of lightness.

But this is not the end, Dumbledore waved his wand again and turned to those dementors. In the rain, everyone could only see a silver light flashing past and attacking the dementors who were smelling the scent. blame, and then all these dementors were pushed out.

"You're overstepping, I'll have a good talk with Fudge." Dumbledore's face showed undisguised anger this time, he put the unconscious Harry on the stretcher by magic, then shook his robe and followed the floating stretcher to the stretcher. Went in at the school hospital.


Before leaving, he said to Professor McGonagall, "Minerva will be left to you."

Then Dumbledore scanned the stands again, and left with a frown after not seeing the figure of a big dog.

"No, Black..."

"This is the second time I've broken the rules." Hermione looked at the place where the dementor appeared just now with an ugly face, although there is nothing now "But it doesn't prevent Hermione, these little wizards from the Muggle world, from knowing something ——Never trust other non-human race Jin Shizhong to abide by the agreement.

"I think we should learn how to resist dementors instead of werewolves."

Qing Zhang shook his head, "It's not that simple. The spells that can work on dementors are generally very difficult to learn, and some are even in the hands of ancient wizard families, which are not accessible to ordinary people. Even It’s useless if the school’s teachers are willing to teach, this kind of magic that must be taught one-on-one, it’s okay to teach one or two, but it’s impossible to teach so many people at once.”

In fact, as Qing Zhang said, since there are dementors stationed in the school this semester, it stands to reason that for the safety of the students, the school should also teach the Patronus Charm, but they didn't. Apart from worrying that the students would use the Patronus Charm to tease the dementors, the reason is more because of the high difficulty of learning, it may not be possible to master it in a year, and it is impossible to teach too many people at once, and the professor's energy is limited.

And the dementors can only stay at Hogwarts for a year at most, so learning the Patronus Charm becomes unnecessary.

Hermione is disappointed, but are we just going to do nothing!? I can't believe it's the last time.

It is better to believe that dementors follow the rules than to believe that sows can climb trees.

Qing Zhang rubbed his chin, looked at his little friend who looked at him expectantly, and sighed, "Well, it's not impossible, but it can only play a defensive role, don't fight back like Dumbledore Come to think of it, it’s an amulet similar to a magic item.”

I didn't expect that I would have a day to sell amulets, and Qing Zhang was also a little speechless, but thinking about it, the plot has changed slightly because of the butterfly effect. If I really believe in the plot, I am afraid that I will die. Of course it was other people who died. .

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