Qing Zhang believes that if Hogwarts runs a college newspaper, it will never lack interesting news, and it will even become the most concerned and favorite newspaper for little wizards and parents.

Of course, some people may also research and find that all the big and small things here are related to that legendary boy, the "savior" who defeated the Second Generation Meguro Demon King not long after his birth.

Obviously, Lockhart, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in the second grade, was criticized in many ways, but one thing is absolutely undeniable, that is, his precise and unique vision, which can tell whether a person has enough or not. The story, and the ability to let trouble find you, oh, we generally call this kind of person a "natural protagonist".

All kinds of after-dinner conversations in Hogwarts are almost all directly or indirectly related to the scarred boy Harry Potter.

Let's talk about the recent events.

The first thing is that Gryffindor's score pool has inexplicably reduced some gems. Now Gryffindor can predict that in this year's School Cup, it will once again be at the bottom. Even if it wins the Quidditch Cup this year, it is not enough To close the gap between them and the penultimate place.

If this kind of behavior suddenly appeared before Harry Potter entered school, many people, including Gryffindor students, would immediately look suspiciously at the Weasley twins, after all, they can play, Moreover, he never changed his mind after repeated admonitions, and received the most yelling letters from Mrs. Weasley among all the students.

But all this has changed since the famous "Savior Boy" entered school. Of course, the record of receiving the shouting letter has not been broken. After all, Harry is an "orphan", and I don't think he himself will deny this.

Points were deducted this time because Harry discovered a secret path leading to Hogsmeade village, and he went there without the signature of his parents, and many of them could go there more than once. This time it was discovered by Draco Malfoy and told Snape, and Snape told McGonagall.

According to reliable sources, Professor McGonagall was very angry about this, and she deducted the points herself, because many people in Gryffindor must have known about it early on, but no one told her

In this regard, most of the Gryffindor students didn't feel ashamed when they knew it, they just stared at Malfoy angrily, wishing to tear each other apart.

What really hurts Professor McGonagall is that the students in his house don't realize what's wrong and what's wrong. For the next few days, she was in a bad mood, which made the stupid lion of Gryffindor even more hostile to Slytherin.

The second thing is that Draco Malfoy suddenly fainted and was carried to the school hospital. After this time, he could no longer suddenly "faint" laughing and laughing at Mr. Harry Potter, because Ha Leigh at least because of horrible monsters like dementors, but Draco Malfoy because of heatstroke and hunger.

Yes, he actually suffered from heat stroke at the end of March, and he still couldn't afford to eat, which is unbelievable.

However, Draco Malfoy firmly believed that someone cast a curse on him. It is said that he not only confronted Ron Weasley at that time, but also planned to call Qing Zhang and Hermione with impolite names.

Yes, Malfoy is very suspicious that Qing and Zhang or one of the three cast a curse on him, insisting on writing a letter to ask his father to teach Qing and Zhang a lesson, the death penalty is the best, the worst is have to drop out.

Madam Pomfrey was very angry about this, because she felt that Draco Malfoy was questioning her ability, and she absolutely did not detect any curses from him, and if Draco insisted, she would use it Her energy made the Malfoy family unhappy.

Trust the connections and energy of a doctor who has been a Hogwarts nurse for many years.

Afterwards, it is said that Draco Malfoy received kind shouting letters from his daddy and mommy, and even cut off the "love" that sent him sweets and snacks every day, until Draco Malfoy would eat well.

God knows, how many times they have been ridiculed outside because of Draco's affairs, as the rich second generation, they would actually faint from hunger, so how dare they go out as parents!?

After this time, it would be replaced by Ron following Draco Malfoy's performance and fainting from hunger. Every time Draco Malfoy passed by, he could see Ron and a group of Gryffindors talking loudly there, Then he clutched his stomach and passed out, and then everyone laughed together. As the first witness, Ron's performance was very weighty, and everyone believed him.

The third thing is about Hagrid, or to be precise, his hippogriff Buckbeak, the one that hurt Draco Malfoy, and it is said that Hagrid was in the defense not long ago Losing the case, the committee decided to execute Buckbeak instead of containment.

Regarding this, Hagrid drank all day long, and he could smell the strong smell of alcohol during class. The big fool seemed to be hesitating whether to let Buckbeak go privately, and even if he did, with Buckbeak's Wisdom, maybe basically can't understand such a complicated thing, maybe it will continue to fly back to die, this is what makes Hagrid most melancholy.

Everyone can also feel Hagrid's sadness, because they are back to the days of taking care of caterpillars, and everyone is about to throw up.

Harry and Ron, who are Hagrid's friends, have long forgotten about Buckbeak. Knowing that they came back from Professor McGonagall that day and saw Hagrid's letter inviting them to the cottage, disasters never come singly .

Because there is no Hermione, the think tank, although the original book also lost the case, at least Hagrid can make those people bald for a while to study how to come up with a barely convincing statement that seals Dumbledore's mouth, yes Yes, what is really daunting has always been Dumbledore [As the headmaster, it is impossible for him to watch what happened on Hagrid's side without being indifferent.

It's a pity that because of Hermione's absence this time, the crimes of wounding and supervision were directly implemented over there, and Hagrid was also implicated. I am afraid that not only Buckbeak will be executed, but Hagrid will also be thrown away. Professor's job.

The fourth thing is Hermione's. She deleted a lot of courses, including the divination class. Although she said before that she would not go again, she never took the initiative to cancel this course. The reason is If so, probably because she didn't want Professor McGonagall to think that she changed every day.

She wasn't afraid that this matter would be exposed, after all, Professor Trelawney didn't know how to call names, and she even wished that Hermione wouldn't come, and she didn't even remember Hermione as a student from beginning to end

However, just because Hermione canceled a large number of classes this time, it also confirmed a divination prophecy made by Professor Trelawney last semester. She once predicted that around Easter, one of her classes would leave forever! Now it seems true It was Hermione.

Although she didn't die because of everyone's guess, in a sense, Hermione did leave forever.

Of course, if this is the case, no matter how you look at it, it has nothing to do with Harry, but because Professor Trelawney's divination ability has been proven again, Harry's situation is getting worse

Even Harry himself began to believe that the unknown was slowly approaching him.

Well, Professor Trelawney read Harry again, and this time it turned out that the mist was looming.

The last thing is about the Quidditch trophy, yes, in May, in the duel between Gryffindor and Slytherin, Gryffindor won the match, and it was 150 points The gap above won the trophy and became the winner of this year's Quidditch Four House Tournament.

Because of Quidditch's victory, the score in the Academy Cup has finally risen a bit, and of course Gryffindor is still at the bottom.

It is worth noting that the competition process went smoothly, because the professors have already taken safety measures, this time there will be absolutely no dementors coming out to make trouble, and of course there will be no students from Busletling playing dementors. flattered.

Afterwards, all the Gryffindors held a party again, and this time Hermione also participated, but that night Professor McGonagall came to patrol the tower in Finnish from time to time. Sirius Black, in order to kill Peter Pettigrew, he really can do anything. If a student hinders him, he doesn't mind hurting the other party. After all, Black has never left since he was sent to Azkaban voluntarily. , it can be seen that he has long been determined to die.

A person who doesn't want to live, how can he care about whether he is a good (Wang Zhao) person in the eyes of others!?

Moreover, Professor McGonagall is also worried that those Death Eaters who are still at large are inspired by Sirius Black, and some of them will learn from Hogwarts. You must know that there is no shortage of smart people in the magic world, and some people may have thought of Anima Gus, it's just that this kind of transfiguration technique has a certain degree of difficulty, and the risk of failure is also high, but the professors of Hogwarts don't just gamble on the team.

During this period of time, they have been studying how to warn unfamiliar Animagus entering Hogwarts, but because the Animagus transformed into ordinary animals, this made everyone face a difficult situation. There is no good way between.

But what is certain is that as long as the professors don't give up, when they come up with an effective method, a certain Miss Beetle in the future may not be able to afford to go around, and her secrets will no longer be covered, and it is very likely that she will not Facing prison.

Whether it's illegal Animagus, or getting enough enemies, it's not a good thing.

[The author has something to say: This volume is almost finished. As for the story of Empress Dalan, I will occasionally continue to write it in that volume later. It is not scheduled, but it has not been sorted out for the time being, and it is still under consideration, so it will not be so fast, but It won't be too long, and it may be written into a modern chapter in a separate volume. 】.

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