Having finally won the Quidditch Cup, Harry and Wood maintained their doping for at least a week. Even the day feels like a celebration.

As June approaches, the days turn cloudless and hot enough to make one just want to stroll over to the field with a few pints of iced pumpkin juice, sit down, and maybe play a few random rounds of Gobstone (note : a pebble toy that sprays foul-smelling gas at the loser), or watch the giant squid swimming dreamily across the lake.

But none of these things worked, and soon everyone, including the members of the Gryffindor team who won the Quidditch Cup, had no time to relax. Except for a certain Hufflepuff, everyone was nervous.

The exam is approaching, and the students can't relax outside, but have to stay in the castle, forcing their brains to concentrate and let the tempting summer wind blow from the window.

Even Fred and George, the Weasley twins, are working hard as they take their O.W.L. (Ordinary Wizarding Level). Percy is preparing to pass the N.E.W.T. (The Ultimate Wizarding Test), the highest qualification offered at Hogwarts. If Percy wants to enter the Ministry of Magic after graduation, he must have a very good grade

So during this time Percy is much more neurotic than the crazy Hermione before, no matter who disturbs the quietness of the common room at night, he will give a heavy punishment

Of course, in reality, Hermione was more nervous than Percy. The little girl never gave up the idea of ​​competing with Qing Zhang in terms of test scores, and she would never simply admit defeat in this respect. Just because you like it doesn't mean you have to lose to the opponent.

After Hannah and the others looked at Hermione's exam timetable, although they were also curious about how Hermione managed to appear in two or even three exam rooms 777 at the same time, this did not prevent them from comforting the nervous Hermione.

"Hermione, I think you've won the green." The little wizards of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw agreed with this.

While Hermione was reviewing, she said without raising her head, "That's because he didn't take these classes. If he also took them, I don't think I will pass him."

If the full score is 100, Hermione can take the test because she can only take 100 points, and Qing Zhang is because the test paper only has 100 points. Hermione knows this, so everyone's comfort is not let go. heart.

In fact, Hermione felt that even if Qing Zhang hadn't taken these classes, he might still get an excellent result if he took the exam now, which is why he would be considered a monster. Probably the best student ever.

The only thing that people criticize is that he is not hardworking enough and comes from a Muggle family. If he had one tenth, no, one ten thousandth of Hermione's effort, I believe all the professors would be happier, maybe only Dumbledore I will be more vigilant, and no one else thinks that it is wrong for students to be outstanding.

As for the Muggle family background, it means that Qing Zhang’s future after graduation is doomed, because most of the knowledge in the wizarding world is only available in the great library of Hogwarts, and only those ancient wizard families, it’s even worse What's more, even rare magic materials are controlled by these big families, which means that if Qing Zhang doesn't choose to join them, he will be hindered in everything he does, and it will be extremely difficult to make progress.

What's even more helpless is that even if Qing Zhang studies independently under the pressure of all parties, it is very likely that the results obtained over the years are only recorded in the ancient books collected by others. Your end point is the starting point of others. This is also applicable in the magic world (caad), and it is much more cruel and realistic.

But it's not really hopeless, because with Qing Zhang's performance, if he wants to stay in school as a professor in the future, I believe no one will object. After all, most of the professors at Hogwarts are quite old now. Professor Keitel Byrne of the Protection of Fantastic Beasts class has retired, otherwise Hagrid would not have taken over. To be honest, Hogwarts has always been short of people.

In particular, there was a shortage of teachers for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Faced with Hermione's rebuttal, everyone was very helpless, because Hermione was right, and now many people began to wonder whether Hufflepuff really had the inherent impression of being mediocre. After all, there was Cedric, and then Qing and Zhang are all excellent students, so they have nothing to do with mediocrity.

One might be an accident, but two or three is not.

So...they are the clowns, are they the ones who lowered the overall Hufflepuff!? Hannah and the little Hufflepuff wizards wailed in their hearts.

But apart from being nervous, everyone was also surprised by another news, that is, Buckbeak's appeal was scheduled for the 6th day, which was the day when everyone finished the exam.

This made Harry and Ron even more irritable when they were reviewing.

Even Hermione frowned, "Is there really no room at all!?"

She never thought that it would be so serious. It stands to reason that the main cause of this kind of teaching accident is not even Malfoy, but also Hagrid. Now it has completely fallen on Buckbeak, the Hippogriff , How is this different from not catching a murderer and blaming a kitchen knife as a murder weapon!?

Hermione didn't understand whether this was a strange thing in the wizarding world, or it was simply because the Malfoy family was so powerful that they turned black and white into falsehoods.

Hermione didn't take it seriously before, because she also felt that Hagrid was responsible. It was Hagrid who brought this dangerous creature to the classroom. For the third graders, the Hippogriff is dangerous enough. It should appear in the fifth and sixth grade classrooms.

Hermione thought that Hagrid might be replaced in the end. After all, Hagrid is really not suitable for teaching and educating people. However, Hermione felt that it was unreasonable, even absurd, to execute and kill a creature now.

Qing Zhang accompanied Hermione to review, and after hearing Hermione's words, he said indifferently, "There is no need to worry, Hagrid is a teacher at Hogwarts now, Principal Dumbledore will not just watch and do nothing, The final result this time will definitely be fine.”

Just a joke, if you can really kill Buckbeak, will you be able to do more outrageous things next time, and will the Ministry of Magic be able to dictate everything about Hogwarts at will!? Then what else? Headmaster!? Let Fudge be the headmaster of Hogwarts!

Dumbledore really thinks this old silver coin is easy to bully!? The energy of the Malfoy family is great, but it is not so big. From the fact that he was worried about being inspected by the Ministry of Magic before, and he sent the diary, he knew that the situation of the Malfoy family was a bit embarrassing. of. This time, it was actually the temptation of Hogwarts or Dumbledore by the Ministry of Magic dominated by Fudge.

If Dumbledore quits, they will feel that they can get more, and when the time comes, it will be upside down, and it is Dumbledore who should listen to them.

Compared with when Voldemort was there, the Ministry of Magic now clearly regards Dumbledore as the third generation of Dark Lords, and feels that the existence of Dumbledore itself is not conducive to the independence of the Ministry of Magic. Whether it is fame or strength, Dumbledore is a mountain that weighs on the head of the Ministry of Magic. Regardless of whether the minister is Fudge or not, this kind of thing will also happen.

Malfoy is not having a good time this time, to be precise, it is Draco Malfoy. Since the last fainting incident, Draco Malfoy obviously has a grudge against Qing Zhang and Hermione. When he came to find trouble, after a few beeps, both of them were indifferent, because Ron would attract the other's anger in due course, and Ron never tired of playing Malfoy fainted, maybe this was retribution.

But every night when he went back, Draco would have nightmares, which made him already have serious dark circles on his face, and his appearance was a lot haggard, almost comparable to Lupine back then. Draco suspected that he was under a curse, but every time Madam Pomfrey assured him that there was absolutely no trace of a curse on his body. If you don't believe me, you can go to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries for examination.

Of course Draco would not go, even if he insisted, his parents would not agree, because it would be tantamount to offending Madam Pomfrey completely.

In this regard, the only thing Draco Malfoy can do is to hide from Qing and Zhang. Facts have proved that he is not picky, and he really eats and sleeps well, which further confirms his guess, but the others I think it was caused by his cranky thinking.

The exam week has begun, and the city is very quiet.

When we were having lunch on Monday, the third-grade transfiguration class came out of the examination room, all of them languid and pale.

Hermione made a fuss and said that the turtle she conjured up looked like a sea turtle, which made others angry, because in the eyes of others, there was no need to worry about it. After all, no matter what kind of turtle is a turtle, unless Hermione conjures a turtle A man with green hair or Grandpa Guixianren, otherwise he would pass with full marks.

And most people can't make a decent tortoise at all. Like Ron, he made a stripped with a turtle shell, that is, a mouse, and he made Professor McGonagall angry.

Then, everyone hurriedly finished their lunch, and immediately went back upstairs to test the spells. Hermione was right, and Professor Flitwick really passed the Happiness Charm. Everyone laughed and forgot the previous unhappiness.

The next morning, Hagrid presided over the exam on the protection of magical creatures. He seemed preoccupied, as if his thoughts were not in the examination room at all. He prepared a large bucket of fresh Flobber caterpillars for the students, and said that in order to pass the exam, their Flobber caterpillars must be kept alive after an hour. This makes the students who have had enough of these caterpillars quite speechless this time, is it impossible to get rid of Flobber hairs!?

In the afternoon, it was the Potions test. Although Snape wanted to make it difficult for Hermione and Qing Zhang, it was obvious that he couldn't do more, and because of the excellence of the two, the next Harry's test was conducted under the air conditioner. Predictably bad.

I took an astronomy test in the middle of the night, on top of the tallest tower. History of Magic is on Wednesday morning. In the afternoon was the herbal medicine exam, and the greenhouse was scorched by the sun, which made the examinees very tormented.

Thursday morning was the penultimate exam, Defense Against the Dark Arts. Hermione almost failed the exam because she still couldn't get over the Boggart-turned-Professor McGonagall, which almost made Professor Lupine wonder if he was doing something wrong, since he did spend most of his time on Harry, so that none of the other students' problems were solved, which is obviously dereliction of duty.

But he has no chance to remedy it, and there is not much time left. .

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