After the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam in the morning, Qing Zhang was comforting the frightened little witch. Hermione was still in palpitations, and she almost failed the only one.

He had obviously hinted to himself many times that it was all fake, but when he faced a creature like the Boggart again, he still couldn't hide the fear in his heart. It turned into the figure of Professor McGonagall again, and this time it was even more so. Say directly to her "Sorry, Miss Granger, you failed all your exams.

This made Hermione almost cry, but fortunately she caught a loophole at the last moment, and she should thank Professor Flitwick, because the content of his Charms exam is happy spells, which are basically sub-questions, so far she hasn't listened Hermione couldn't say that a student was worried about the exam.

So even if other subject exams may be unreachable due to a small mistake, the spell exam will definitely not.

"I actually forgot that I might face a Boggart." Hermione regretted her carelessness as she walked towards the castle.

Qing Zhang and the other friends looked at each other, feeling a little helpless, and Hermione's post-exam remorse came again. But everyone obviously already has experience, it's fine if you don't talk at this time, Hermione will come out by herself after a while, and then devote herself to the preparation for the next exam.

Suddenly Hermione stopped, and several people followed behind and almost collided with each other. After the stop, Hermione raised her index finger to the mouth and pointed to the place on the stone steps of the castle gate.

I saw Cornelius Fudge standing there chatting with Harry and the others, wearing a pinstriped cloak, wiping the fine sweat from his forehead from time to time.

After watching from afar for a while, Hannah asked curiously, "What did he say, why is Harry so angry~?"

"Potter wouldn't want to hit Fudge, would he? After all, Fudge is also the Minister of Magic, is Potter crazy!?" Susan covered her mouth and said in disbelief.

Justin and Ernie didn't know why, they had never seen Harry like this, even when Malfoy provoked him, Harry had never been so angry.

Luna tilted her head and said nothing.

At that moment two wizards came out of the castle gate behind Fudge, one so old that he seemed to be shrinking before their eyes, the other tall and burly with a wispy black mustache. Then Fudge left with the two of them, and it was obvious that Harry wanted to hold Fudge, but was stopped by Ron.

But judging from Harry's red eyes, he probably wouldn't listen to the persuasion at all.

Hermione and the others felt more and more weird.

"Could it be because of Hagrid's Hippogriff!?" Several people speculated.

Qing Zhang watched Fudge's back, guessing whether the other party deliberately ran into Harry, and then talked about his father, mother and the past with Sirius Black.

Yes, Qing Zhang heard their conversation clearly, so he had to doubt Fudge's intentions.

Is this guy trying to use Harry to fish out Sirius Black!? Indeed, it can be seen from the two appearances of Sirius Black that the other party must still be staying somewhere in Hogwarts, and Fudge probably also knows about Sirius Black What is it here for!? So he wasn't worried that the other party would hurt Harry. Perhaps Sirius Black was more concerned about Harry's safety than anyone else.

Therefore, if there is anyone in this world who can make Sirius Black, who is dazzled by hatred, respond, or even take the initiative to show up, then only Harry Potter, as the best friend's child, still feels a little guilty Boy, Sirius Black can't resist showing up.

Everyone knows this, but Hui Bulido and the others can't do it.

"What are you thinking!?" Just when Qing Zhang was guessing Fudge's intentions, Hermione and the others had already finished communicating, and seeing Qing Zhang's ecstasy, they couldn't help shouting.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little curious about what the other party is here for!?" Qing Zhang casually found a passable reason to deal with it.

"I hope, Principal Dumbledore really has a solution!" Hermione shook her head and said, she obviously believed that Fudge and the others' arrival had something to do with the Hippogriff, but Hermione ignored one point, this kind of There is no need for a Minister of Magic to do things himself.

After talking, a few people walked towards the auditorium. The afternoon is the last exam. Before that, they must have a good meal and take a nap to ensure a comprehensive state.

On the other side, Lupine looked at Harry with some concern. He didn't watch the whole scene, but when he came, he also saw the scene where Harry was going to rush towards Fudge with red eyes. Fortunately, Ron Pull it, or know what will happen!?

Although Lupine didn't know exactly what had happened, Harry's state still worried him.

During this period of time, Lupine has been looking for Black, and even neglected Harry, but even when Harry was caught by Snape and sent to Professor McGonagall last time, Lupine saw the Even a cursory glance at the Marauder's Map did not reveal Black's name on it, which concerned Lupine very much.

Lupine couldn't figure out what method Sirius Black used to evade. If he lost his mind, what about this anti-reconnaissance ability!? This is not like a lunatic, but more like a wily and extremely rational and calm wise men.

To put it simply, not to mention the image of Blake that was pieced together by other people more than ten years later, even Blake in his student days is far from him at the moment, he doesn't look like a person at all.

But the fat lady should not be mistaken, she has always been the gatekeeper of Gryffindor, Blake was in school, just like the fat lady can't fail to recognize the mischievous Weasley twins, the same famous naughty little It was impossible for Sirius Black to admit that he was wrong.

"Where are you..."

Lupine sighed, life did not crush him, but what happened to his friends made the sorrow on his face a little deeper, the betrayal of Peter Pettigrew, the death of James Potter, and the death of Sirius Black It makes people worry that everything in childhood is like a dream.

And Sirius Black, who is missed by many people, is hiding somewhere in Hogsmeade Village at the moment. After two failed raids, he also realized how difficult it is to sneak in again.

Although he really wanted to kill Peter Pettigrew to atone for his stupidity back then, he had to admit that it was too difficult to replicate the last experience.

And last time after seriously searching in front of Ron's bed, Black also guessed that Peter Pettigrew was so scared that he hid after all. Annoyed, Black impulsively vented his anger on Ron's curtain, which woke him up. Now It would not be easy to sneak in again, Dumbledore and the others must have taken precautions.


In addition, Black also remembered the Marauder's map made by the four of them when they were students. He was worried that Pettigrew Peter, who was hiding, would find that thing first and then locate himself in reverse, so he didn't dare to stay in Hogwarts. He is very clear about the disadvantages of the cheating mini-map, that is, it is useless after leaving Hogwarts.

He was waiting, waiting for Ron to go to Hogsmeade village again, this time he might hurt the little guy a little bit, he desperately needed to know where the damn mouse went!?

He rummaged through the trash can and found the chicken leg with a little meat left on the bone. The big dog bit down viciously. Before he kills Peter Pettigrew, he has to live, live

There was still a short time before sunset, Cornelius Fudge looked at the sky, then looked at the direction of the castle and frowned, beside him was the aging committee member and executioner McNeil, both of them also Some people don't quite understand why Minister Fudge is so interested in executing a beast, but if the Minister is willing to see it, they won't stop it.


In the garden, Buckbeak was tied to a tree, and Hagrid comforted him with a sad face, but Buckbeak didn't seem to understand Hagrid's hidden meaning at all, and he might not even realize that he was about to die .

The sun was gradually setting, and Fudge looked towards the direction of the castle with an ugly expression. Neither Dumbledore nor Harry appeared, which was completely beyond his expectation.

In fact, Fudge intends to pull Dumbledore and Harry down from the altar. In the wizarding world without Voldemort, he does not need a Dumbledore and a savior on the head of the Minister of Magic. He is fed up with the days of humility up.

As for Sirius Black, he didn’t care much about it. Maybe that guy was already crazy, otherwise why didn’t he come out to clear up his grievances!? If he had asked Dumbledore for help, Peter Pettigrew would have been caught long ago , it is conceivable that this is not like what a normal person would do.

After so many years in a place like Azkaban, how could Black not be a normal person!?

Of course, it can’t be said that you don’t care about it at all. After all, awarding the Merlin Medal to a criminal and wronging a real hero, this kind of thing will definitely not be the responsibility of the previous minister. The seed of injustice is undoubtedly him, the current Minister of Magic, so no matter how intimidating Dumbledore and the others are, Fudge does not intend to let go, and will only deal with them if they have all the evidence.

Now the only thing left to do is Black, as long as Black doesn't show up for a day, or doesn't defend himself when he does, then he, the Minister of Magic, won't be wrong.

Even Fudge was afraid that Black would not be able to find Peter Pettigrew, so he specially said something to Harry, just to let Black know where Peter Pettigrew was locked up. At that time, no matter whether Sirius Black succeeded in killing Peter Pettigrew, His innocence can never be cleared.

But the key Harry didn't come, if Harry stayed obediently in the castle, what else would he play! How much?.

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