Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

Episode 75 The Legendary Transfer Student!


"Everyone be quiet! Li Xiaowu, stop whispering."

As the class bell rang, a male teacher wearing glasses clapped his hands in front of the podium, signaling all the students to be quiet, and at the same time glared at a certain monkey who was still doing tricks below, and gave a warning.

After everyone quieted down and looked at him, the male teacher coughed and said, "Today we have five new students in our class. Due to some reasons, they are not allowed to transfer here at this time. No requirement, but if I know someone who bullies a new classmate, hehe..."

After warning the students in his class again with a straight face, the male teacher turned his head and waved to the five people who were already standing at the door, trying not to lose his majesty, but with a gentle tone, and said, "You can come in gone."

In fact, people in the class have already seen four women and one man standing at the door. Huaguo's teaching does not close the door after class. Most of them open the door so that people passing by outside can see the situation inside.

Of course, there is generally no link for students to introduce themselves.

So after the five transfer students from outside came in, the male teacher took the roster and said, "Huang Yuan, take the last seat in the second row. You are taller. Wu Zhikui, move your seat to the front... "

"Long Si, you said that the right side is in the middle of the wall, yes, that's the empty space."

"Feng Baobao, go to the third position in the fourth row.

"Luo Tianyi's far left is in the middle against the wall, and Le Zhengling's words are in the middle, yes, it is the position closest to the teacher.

"It's all right!?"

After dividing the people, seeing Luo Tianyi and the others sat down, the male teacher propped his hands on the podium, and asked with a rare smile.

Luo Tianyi and the other five nodded, although their expressions were a little strange.

Inexplicably wearing a school uniform, inexplicably becoming a transfer student, inexplicably brought to this class to report, and even inexplicably arranged to sit inside.

I really don't know why there are so many vacant seats in this class, and I would rather sit across an empty seat than let others lean forward.

What was even more speechless was that, whether it was intentional or not, the five of them happened to be separated, and none of them sat next to each other.

"It's fine if you don't have any questions. If you have any questions, you can come to me at any time. I am the head teacher of this class. My surname is Chen and my name is Ping An. You can call me Teacher Chen. The subject I am in charge of is mathematics!"

Speaking of which, Chen Pingan pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said with a smile.

How should I put it!? Several people actually have a lot of questions, but how do they open their mouths!?

First, don’t you think that the charter woman and Huang Yuan are older than your teacher!? Do you really think they look like sophomores in high school!? No, no, no, no one is really blind This level, right!? It’s not a TV show, so if you can’t find actors of the right age, let’s just forget about it. Anyway, let’s talk about the basic law!?

Second, the five of them are not the only ones who entered this school. So many transfer students appear at once, so no one really finds it strange!?

Third, it doesn’t mean you really want to go to school!? You can’t avoid this even when you enter the secret realm, isn’t it a bit too much, and Luo Tianyi and Le Zhengling have only graduated from junior high school, and they haven’t been to the first year of high school. Is it okay!? This sophomore year is really not a joke!?

To be honest, if it wasn't for the huge red moon that could be seen outside the window, Luo Tianyi and the others couldn't help but wonder if there were really living people in this school, and they still maintained the appearance before the doomsday, like the most ordinary school. The school is average.

Not only Luo Tianyi and the five were full of emotions, even the audience watching the live broadcast on Blue Star couldn't help complaining, it was really weird, and it was a bit funny, especially Huang Yuan's face, No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a sophomore in high school. To be honest, it looks like an old man wearing a school uniform and sneaking in, but no one thinks it's strange. It's really strange.

"What's the situation!? Why did Huang Yuan and the others suddenly become transfer students as soon as they entered Rongcheng No. 3 Middle School!? And is there anyone alive in that secret realm!?"

An expert pointed to the picture on the large projection screen in the meeting room and asked in surprise.

However, others couldn't give him an answer at all, because no one understood what was going on.

On the contrary, a young man who was in charge of recording the content of the meeting opened his mouth a little hesitantly, and said, "I saw that in the movie..."

"Movie!?" The experts present couldn't help but frowned. They were just about to reprimand each other for their nonsense, but they soon remembered that this secret realm had been complained by many people on the Internet before, as if they were playing a game.


Maybe it's the same as the plot of the movie that I imagined, but it's not impossible.

Although I always feel that this is a bit wrong, but this secret realm has never talked about science with you.

"Then tell me what's going on!? Well, in the movie..."

After hearing one of the female professors signal that she could speak bluntly, Xiaonian breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time explained the routines in many supernatural movies.

"So, this is falling into a real historical record of the past!? It's like traveling through time!?"

"No no, it shouldn't be that magical. It's probably a large illusion. It's more like a game plot that allows all players to participate. This also explains why so many transfer students appear, and no one thinks It's strange, those people are just NPCs." The young man explained.

"However, because it will be fine-tuned according to the reality that actually happened, it should be correct, so in that period of real history, there should have been transfer students, at least one transfer student... and all the causes and effects Because it has a lot to do with this or several transfer students, if this is really the ghost that wants to show us..

"Then according to the routines of those movies that Xiao Li said before, as long as the key node is not found, this past will continue indefinitely, or if the first week is over but has not yet come out, it will A little bit into the npc inside!?"

Speaking of which, a group of bigwigs from various fields in the Xia Kingdom in the conference room couldn't help but put on a worried look on their faces, worrying about Luo Tianyi and the five people who were brought closer to this memory, because this is a test of one's observation Strength and a strong psychological quality, must maintain enough calm and reason.

This is the most difficult, because the unknown will make people uneasy and make people anxious. Once you lose your sense of normalcy, even the smartest ones will be useless.

As for people from other countries, they are dead when they die, and they are not the parents of these people, so what do they do!? And what are these people here for? They are neither blind nor stupid, don’t you know that!?

"Everyone, stop worrying. It's not time to draw conclusions. Why did the country call us here!? It's because we are needed. Although we have no way to enter the secret realm and fight side by side with our heroes, even if it is There are also places where we can help here. My knowledge, our life experience, etc. are all precious wealth, and don't forget that we still have a lot of room for news this week. They It's not that five people are fighting alone, there are thousands and thousands of Xia people behind us.

0 for flowers... 0

"Oh! That's right, old man, I haven't reached the point where my eyesight is dim. My eyesight is better than that of many young people. Maybe I can see something!?"

"Me too!"

"me too!"

"However, the painting country in this secret realm is indeed very similar to our Xia country. Except for the name, I feel that I am not surprised in all aspects. Is this a parallel world!?"

At this time, an old scholar pushed his glasses and looked at the school environment in the live broadcast screen, which was similar to that of Xia Guo's ordinary school. He couldn't help being a little interested.

But soon he shook his head again and sighed, "It's a pity! There is no way to collect data in it, otherwise, we might be able to come up with a formula in time...  

This is the same as the superpowers in the forbidden world, because the existence of superpowers proves certain theories, and in turn, it is naturally easier to deduce the formula of truth, which is the convenience of turning the unknown into the known, Because there is no need to waste energy debating whether it is true or not, because it has clearly appeared in front of you, and it would be ridiculous to say that it does not necessarily exist.


"Now is not the time to care about this, but these things can be left to other people to study. Our current job is to assist Huang Yuan and the others.

"you are right!"

Little did they know that Luo Tianyi and the others, who had formed a think tank for themselves in Xia Guo, were a little bored listening to Teacher Chen's lecture. Although Le Zhengling had never been to high school, her kind of family usually had My tutor's learning progress has already surpassed many students of the same age. The reason why I didn't choose to skip a grade is because it doesn't make much sense to do so. Even Le Zhengling herself couldn't bear Luo Tianyi, so she went to school step by step

Not to mention Luo Tianyi, she has been a human being in two lives, and she has been superimposed with herself in countless worlds. She has studied high school knowledge countless times, and she understands everything she should know, but she just feels a little bored.

On the other hand, the three older adults, no matter Feng Baobao, the charterer, or Huang Yuan, were all a little broken. If they didn't want to make a big mistake without understanding the situation, they would all want to skip class and sit here, Every minute and every second is torture.

What's more, they turned out to be poor students, and they basically didn't know what to ask when they were asked by name.

But Luo Tianyi, who is very distracted, can answer every time, sister, didn't you just graduate from junior high school!? How do you even understand the knowledge of high school!? This is too much!

(The author has something to say: I didn't sleep well, because I was worried about going to the hospital early, I haven't slept much this week, and I have insomnia every night. The author is the type who has something on his mind, and if he doesn't finish it, he will think about it , so this week's update is really a bit stretched, I hope everyone understands, there will be another chapter tonight! And).

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