As the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Chen Pingan walked out of the classroom with books and handouts under his arms. This relatively young male teacher rarely procrastinates in class, and being able to become a class teacher at a young age is enough to show that his teaching level is not bad.

In a big environment like Xiaguo, the school has a system that operates on its own. It is impossible for anyone who can be a head teacher to be too bad. Of course, students will not be classified by AABBCC. Ornn remember ha 8r3uhfajisfnaklfaehfnqwwfqwnklbqw

.*......%......¥¥##uiqe932), well, after deleting it, it will come up, don't think about the original content of this paragraph.

Pulling away, I returned my attention to Class Two (2) of Senior High School.

After class, there were not many students gathered around to ask questions. Whether it was Xia Guo or Hua Guo, it was actually rare to see such a situation in the foot pot chicken country. Of course, I would be very curious about the new students who suddenly transferred to another school, but In terms of how to get in touch with and get to know each other, Xia Guo's students let time take their time.

Unless the transfer students take the initiative, otherwise, if they want to join this big group, it will take a period of time for the two sides to get in touch with each other. However, although XX also has the situation of Campus I, it is a minority after all, and most of them are due to the inaction of the school. Related, and most of these "637" schools are the j schools mentioned above.

Luo Tianyi and the other five were happy to be at leisure. In fact, they were also very afraid of meeting those overly enthusiastic guys. If they were ordinary students, they really had no choice but to transfer here suddenly. Of course, they were happy to see this situation, and they could save themselves Take time and energy into the larger group.

But Luo Tianyi and the other five knew that this was in a dungeon of ghosts. It would be fine to act as a student, but it would be too embarrassing to spend energy dealing with these npcs. After all, they were not real transfer students, nor did they come here. Among those who are studying, there are a few who are actually over 20 years old, how can it be possible to play with a class of high school students!?

What, it’s weird here!?” Huang Yuanjie took out a cigarette and lit it, but looked at the students passing by in the corridor, and the staff members sighed from time to time, and didn’t really take out the cigarette.

It's not that he hasn't been to school, if he really took out the cigarette in a fair and honest manner, given the school's standard requirements for students in Xiaguo, he might be called to the office to have a heart-to-heart talk. , then write the review and read it out in front of all the students, and probably the parents.

The corner of Huang Yuan's mouth twitched at the thought of calling parents.

God knows this ghost place, where did his parents come from!? Huang Yuan doesn't want to have parents out of nowhere, otherwise his parents in this life will have to beat him to death. If you recognize your parents outside, Huang Yuan, you are a talent ah!

Of course, teachers and classmates are enough to cause headaches. If there is another variable parent, it will definitely not be a good thing!?

Huang Yuan just gave up taking out the cigarette with a sad face, while the W.C. brothers and sisters over there couldn't wait to kill themselves.

As soon as the five of Luo Tianyi came out, they saw a few W.C. people in school uniforms outside, talking back to someone who seemed to be a teacher, and took out a hot dog, so they couldn't help but stop and didn't go forward. What do you plan to see next!?

The five of Luo Tianyi also found that there were a few W.C. students in other classes who were standing at the door of their respective classes laughing and laughing, looking lively.

These guys probably didn't see the faces of the students behind them!?

Definitely will be snitched.

"What are these guys thinking!? Could it be that they really forgot what kind of place this place is!? Don't you understand the principle of being cautious in words and deeds!?" Le Zhengling was afraid that the renter and Huang Yuan would bring out Y , I was ready to stop it, but I was relieved to see that both of them were still conscious.

In the end, I saw those W.C. contestants who followed them all the way to Rongcheng No. 3 Middle School, they really regarded this place as an ordinary school, and didn't take it to heart at all. It really shocked Le Zhengling, a little girl whose real age is only less than 16 years old. .

"Who knows what these guys think!? I'm afraid they didn't pay attention to the Xia people before, so I got used to it, so I didn't take the school stuff to heart at all!" The renter shrugged, although At such an old age, she still wears a high school student's colonel's uniform, and she also feels full of shame, but the charter woman has never forgotten what this place is, so she didn't really let herself go.

But I didn’t expect that some people just dare to challenge the rules. Sure enough, foreigners advocate freedom. I really can’t stand the lack of freedom.

The charter woman is also happy to watch the jokes, as for worrying about those students and teachers, there is no need to worry, because I don't know what the hell those npcs are!?

"Those guys, I'm afraid they've been arguing with that teacher from the very beginning!?" Luo Tianyi didn't even need to dig deeper to know what those guys did. I led them to report in the class, but these guys are not worthy at all. They want to leave or don't take the teacher seriously, and then they burst into this situation

Of course, looking at the appearance of those black buddies, I am afraid that they even have the behavior of molesting female classmates!?

For these W.C. people who came to Xiaguo and felt that they were superior to others, even though they hugged each other to accompany them, they probably took it for granted, so they refused to accept discipline.

But it's a pity that this is not the school that the soft bones talk about running in reality...

Sure enough, seeing these students taking out hot dogs, the teachers and students were not afraid at all. The bald male teacher looked at the five black buddies with a sneer, "What's the matter, now I'm taking out toy hot dogs to bribe the teacher!? I Give you one more chance, apologize for your mistakes, and then go back to study hard, forget about this matter for now, otherwise, I will report this matter, you just wait and get out! Our school can't afford that kind of disobedience. If you have a bad money, you can buy a thousand-dollar hot dog to bribe the teacher's students."

"Hahaha..... Dude, look at this old OOXX, he really thinks he is a human being, if you say that I, a big fellow, hold his head, can he still be so arrogant!"

"This is an idiot. I still want my father to be obedient, but I'm afraid I don't know who we are!?"

"Hee hee, there are a lot of small M sizes here, let's share the bikes later!? As long as we control this place, people from these schools can't do anything to us, because I have hot dogs in my hand, hahahaha... …………”

However, after a few black buddies looked at each other, they all laughed indifferently. After all, everyone knows that XX bans hot dogs. No matter how many security guards there are in a school, it is useless. dog!?

Not to mention that they are all tall and big, but XX people are rarely tall and strong, all of them are thin and small, and they like to reason with others, but reason is fist

They still open their mouths and shut up nonsense like "a gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands". They shut their mouths and retreat as soon as they raise their fists. They are completely soft, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Just ask, why are they afraid!?

Haha, at most it’s just to condemn their country, what’s their business!?

Huang Yuan and the others couldn't help squinting their eyes when they heard the words, and looked at these complacent fools from a distance, their faces no longer had any intention of watching the excitement.

And those who were equally angry were the audience in Xia Guo's live broadcast room.

"Hehe, how do these W.c. friends think of us, it's so good......"

"I have long thought that those soft bones are not pleasing to the eye, but it is a pity. Those people are having a hard time now. Once the fate of Skynet came out, they were all thrown out of the country by the country. It is a pity, otherwise we can form a group to set up a wave of sacks .”

"Cooperation!? Still want to cooperate and form an alliance, bah, I will put my words here, even if the world will end tomorrow, and aliens will descend on the earth, don't even think about me cooperating with these devils

"Which country are these five people from!? How arrogant!"

All of a sudden, the whole country of Xia Kingdom was furious, and they were no longer in the mood to wait to see the jokes of those murderous guys.

Luo Tianyi coldly glanced at the five laughing idiots, and then looked away. If the gun is useful, this secret place will not make people frightened. How long has it been, have you forgotten where this place is? !?

And don’t you find it strange at all!? Do you know Chinese!? That’s a very difficult language to learn. Don’t these idiots find it strange!? I can communicate with these npcs without barriers.

Although I want to crush these idiots to death, but it still has some effect, let these idiots use their residual heat!?

Apart from Luo Tianyi, the other W.C. players were also watching the fun, laughing in their hearts. Of course, they were not laughing at those npcs, but those big black guys who had brains.

Haven't you seen them obediently being students and going to class!?

It's because it's weird and unknown here.

It turned out that they were doing well, from the very beginning to the present, a few w.c. Everything like the podium fell to the ground, and books and other items were scattered all over the place, which shows how lively it was before.

Luo Tian 0.4 They want these people to explore the way, and other W.C. people are not stupid [also pay attention to this.

Only those five idiots didn't know, and thought that other people were cheering them up and adoring them.

Of course, these five idiots don't know about their W.C. headaches, because they have run out of messages for this week, and there is no chance to wake up those five idiots. God knows if five more people die, they will die first.

W.c., no need for the national luck to be zero, I am afraid that once the war really starts, it will not be too easy for the behemoth XX to run over them to death.

And in this big environment where the secret land is coming, I'm afraid there won't be any w.c. who really want to start a war with XX, especially after seeing the strength of people like Huang Yuan's charter woman, God knows how many such people XX has hidden.

Now that we can't afford OO weapons, a team of these super soldiers only needs a few dozen people, plus modern equipment, it's probably more terrifying than anything else.

Not to mention that most of the w.c.s have lost their national luck due to the death of several players. Now that w.c. is full of natural and man-made disasters, they are already a little busy and dizzy. There is no time to start a war with Xia Guo. If I teach a certain w.c. a lesson, I'm afraid I have to face XX's anger alone.

"Those idiots, do you know what they are doing!?".

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