After the exam, when everyone thought that the semester was coming to an end and they could have a pleasant summer vacation just by waiting for the grades to come out, a big event happened.

This time, it wasn't Harry Potter doing something again.

The professors are seriously reviewing the test papers. The exams for wizards not only have practical parts, but also written tests. That's for sure. A wizard who can only foolishly wave a wand is just like Snape said, a little troll That's all.

The professors are busy, and the students are rarely relaxed. They can do whatever they want in the next period of time, and they can control their time freely. Of course, they are not allowed to do things that are too extreme, such as blowing up School.

Senior students, such as seventh-grade graduates, are thinking about their future after graduation, while taking a good look at Hogwarts Castle, because most of them have no chance to come back here after graduation. Unless willing to be the next victim of Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Yes, the professors at Hogwarts are all old, but it doesn't mean that anyone can succeed them. First of all, they must be good enough. Potion masters like Snape are even rarer. The other professors are similar, and they have all proved themselves in their respective fields, such as Professor McGonagall [she is the most powerful transfiguration master recognized by Dumbledore.

Because of the excellence of the professors at Hogwarts, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is also considered the best school of magic in England, even though there is actually only one school of magic in England!

Students in the middle and lower grades either hide in the lounge to play games, sleep in the dormitory until they wake up naturally, or wander outside, but they dare not go far. After all, there are dementor guards in the outer area, and no one If you dare to risk your life, even if you go to Hogsmeade Village, you have to obediently take the arranged safe passage.

This day, Tianqing Zhang and Hermione are also doing their last visit in Hogsmeade Village. As long as they want to buy some interesting things to take home, after all, it will be summer vacation soon, and they will have a long time Far from the magic world.

As a little wizard from a Muggle family, as long as you don’t live near the Leaky Cauldron, it’s not easy to go to Diagon Alley. The main reason is that little wizards are not allowed to use magic outside, so little wizards from Muggle families, most summer vacation Sometimes, you can only choose the Muggle way of living, and basically only go to Diagon Alley once when you receive the textbook list for the next semester sent by the school.

Qing Zhang and the others are naturally also exchanging their summer vacation arrangements. To be honest, in the early 1990s, there was not much entertainment. enough.

The more I know how the development of future generations is, the more I feel that the magic world is backward and blocked. The Xia Kingdom is better. Although they are also not good, it only needs to be because the overall environment of Xia Kingdom in this era is like that. It may well be different in a few years.

When I went there last time, Qing Zhang found that the warlocks in Xiaguo were studying how to combine alchemy and technology for innovation. They didn't seem to reject the emergence and development of technology, and there was no Dark Lord there.

Oh, by the way, England is called a wizard, and Xia Guo is called a magician (teacher). In fact, they are almost the same in essence, just the use of extraordinary power.

Ernie seems to be going to the Three Broomsticks, a small pub frequented by Hogwarts students. It's a warm, cozy place to drink butterbeer, although they also serve lemonade, mulled mead, red wine, even cherry juice and soda with ice and a small umbrella.

But Qing Zhang basically doesn't go back there, no, it should be said that as long as it is a bar opened by a wizard, he will not help business. The reason is that he can't stand the unique habit of wizards. They always like to use dirty things. Only in this way can he appear mysterious enough.

Obviously Qing Zhang couldn't bear it, and even Hermione had never drank butter beer.

Don't even go to the Three Broomsticks with its pretty lady proprietress, let alone the Hog's Head pub at the corner of the main road in Hogsmeade village. Compared with the Three Broomsticks, it is not only dirtier and cheaper, but also attracts more interesting and weird guests. If you use the Muggle side, there are all kinds of people. It is definitely not a good place, especially For students.

After a few people played for a while, they heard a piece of news. While many young wizards staying in Hogsmeade turned pale, they were also congratulating themselves for their luck.

Because not long ago, outside the Hogwarts castle, those dementors who were said to be guarding their comfort rioted again, perhaps because after the exams, the students were relaxed and leisurely, allowing a lot of positive emotions to overflow. Like a shark smelling blood, the dementors broke into the castle, frightening the little wizards who stayed there to the point of peeing.

The news was brought back by a student who was going back to the castle just now, and a professor followed behind him, but Hermione, who was not at the level of dean, recognized that the other party was the team professor who taught Muggle studies.

The other party ordered everyone to stay in Hogsmeade village obediently, and told everyone that Dumbledore and the others in the castle would settle the matter soon.

Only then did the panic-stricken students finally be calmed down.

"How could this happen!?" Hermione held Qing Zhang's arm and stood in the middle of the crowd, a little unbelievable.

This is the third time, is the so-called danger coming from Sirius Black, or those dementors!? Such absurd things have never happened in the Muggle world, and no one has ever thought that bodyguards are more dangerous than wanted criminals .

"I know what I'm going to do with my summer vacation. I've got to learn a spell that can take down dementors [I said."

The little witch also seems to have a psychological shadow, there is no way, this is already the third time, very likely, no, if these dementors are not driven away, there will definitely be a fourth and fifth time

These students can be safe and sound once or twice, but if there are too many times, there will always be accidents.

As for this time, many students were still sleeping soundly in their beds, but the dementors broke in, which was a nightmare.

Hannah and the others also had pale faces and kept nodding. They were obviously frightened too.

Qing Zhang saw a big skinny black dog coming out of a certain corner and running towards the Screaming Shack. It seemed to be very intersecting.


Did they hide here!? Only then did Qing Zhang know why Lupine and the others couldn’t find anyone after searching in the castle. They didn’t stay there at all. It must be because of the Marauder’s Map that Black didn’t dare to stay In the castle, and he knew, hiding there, Dumbledore would find him soon.

But the Screaming Shack, do you want to enter the castle through the secret passage there!? Calculating the time, it seems to be a full moon last night, and I am afraid that Sirius Black will directly meet Lupine who turned into a werewolf.

Although he really wanted to see the excitement, Qing Zhang held back in the end, he couldn't take Hermione and the others to take risks, even if Hermione probably already guessed that Lupine was a werewolf, it was too suspicious Every time Lupine asked for leave, it happened to be around the full moon, and Snape, the substitute teacher, took the trouble to ask everyone to open the chapter about werewolves to teach them.

No matter how everyone protested, he insisted on going his own way and lecturing, as if only this chapter in the entire textbook was useful. Many students even privately complained that Snape was not good at other classes except for stirring the cauldron like a witch.

In fact, it's not just Hermione who is smart, many Ravenclaws, especially the senior students, discovered it earlier, and you can see it from their attitude towards Lupin, but these smart little eagles They didn't publicize their discovery so much that everyone knew about it.

Maybe Professor Flitwick said something to them, whether it is so I don't know.

After withdrawing his eyes from the big dog, Qing Zhang and others looked towards the direction of the castle. He was a little curious about who ordered the dementors. Others might think it was those unruly dementors. It was caused by the riot of the ghosts and the uncontrollable desire.

But Qing Zhang knew very well that those dementors could definitely sense Dumbledore's danger, and also understood that as long as Dumbledore wanted to, they would definitely die. It was the first time to break into a train, and he could still use business to explain it for the safety of students checking the train.

The second time was caused by the temptation of the overly strong happy emotions of the little wizards in the Quidditch game, but after being warned by Dumbledore, the dementors did not bother them in the subsequent games.

But the third time is different, the dementors are not really brainless, they also understand that after the second time, Dumbledore will never allow the third time, if there is one

That legendary wizard definitely doesn't mind showing off his wrists and letting everyone understand why he is a legendary wizard.

All the dementor riots are definitely looking for death. This time, even the Ministry of Magic can't keep them, and even the people in the Ministry of Magic may have been devastated. God knows how many children are in the castle now. As long as they think of the parents behind those children, they can't wait. Destroyed those dementors with his own hands.

Cornelius Fudge even fainted the moment he heard the news. He, the minister, must bear the main responsibility for this dementor riot. If any students died, they might be thrown into Azkapandu Live the rest of your life.

He must be regretting now why he didn't cleanse Sirius Black, otherwise there would be no such thing!? Losing face is better than losing position!

Of course, Qing Zhang doesn't know the situation at the Ministry of Magic yet, but he can also guess that he is more concerned about who is planning all this now. As I said before, it is impossible for a dementor to be so brave. One bite, and then directly killed by Dumbledore!? Is it possible!? Naturally impossible, it is the instinct of all intelligent creatures to seek good fortune and avoid evil, even dementors are the same. .

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