Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

752 Harry: Blake, I'm Here To Kill You. Dumbledore Reached Out: That's Your Godfather!

The dementor riot was quickly suppressed, but many young wizards were still frightened. Of course, this time the incident happened suddenly, even the professors did not expect it, so a small number of people were also demented. Fortunately, the strange injury was not life-threatening, but he was still sent to the school hospital for treatment, and may even be sent to St. Mungo's Magical Hospital later.

Dumbledore even went straight to death, he was really angry this time.

However, when he killed some of the dementors and left a few dementors behind, and waited for the people from the Ministry of Magic to come and explain to him, Professor Flitwick ran over in a panic. The short wizard looked a little funny .

But Dumbledore didn't laugh, his face sank instantly, and before Professor Flitwick could speak, he said, "Yes, is there something wrong with Peter Pettigrew, Felius!?"

"Yes, after checking the situation of the students in my college, I found out when I came back that Peter was rescued." Professor Flitwick was full of self-blame at the moment, "I should have thought of it earlier, sorry, it's all my fault………"

"No, it's none of your business. The safety of the students is more important than Peter." Dumbledore sighed and comforted Li Wei.

Professor McGonagall, Snape and other professors also came over at this time. When they learned that Peter Pettigrew had been rescued, they all looked very ugly. God knows if the Ministry of Magic will make a fuss about this matter. Dwarf Peter handed over to the Ministry of Magic, naturally he felt that Hogwarts would be safer, but now that he is lost, things are a bit embarrassing.

Regardless of whether this is caused by dementors, it is a fact that people are lost. This is definitely what the Ministry of Magic wants to see. After all, it is a super scandal to award awards to the wrong person, and it is enough to make people laugh internationally. For a long time, it is not incomprehensible that the people of the Lan Ministry of Magic did not want this.

After all, once it is exposed, many people will lose their jobs, and the only one who benefits is Sirius Black, he is innocent, and he can inherit the family property.

What makes the people in the Ministry of Magic even more unwilling to accept it is that Sirius Black was responsible for a large part of this stupid incident. If the other party didn't say anything at the beginning, he directly acquiesced in the crime and didn't even tell anyone the truth. , where can there be such unjust, false and wrongly decided cases!?

Not to mention the Ministry of Magic in England, even in the courts of the Muggle world, the judge has to cry out for injustice. Black has ruined his life's reputation and became a muddled judge.

Especially those who really believe that Peter Pettigrew is a hero, who have sung each other's bravery every year these years, and who care about each other's old mother and take care of each other's mother, one can imagine how angry they will be.

These angers have to be vented to someone, and obviously the Ministry of Magic is the only one that is unlucky, and a bunch of people have to lose their jobs or be demoted. Some people may find it ridiculous, but just thinking about the population of England's magic community, this kind of thing is really a super big deal.

Snape tightened the wand in his hand, green roots sprouted on the back of his hand, obviously he was absolutely extremely angry at the moment, if anyone wanted Peter Pettigrew to die the most, it was not Sirius Black, but Snape. The reason why Dumbledore handed Peter Pettigrew to Flitwick for guarding was because he was afraid that Snape would kill him, and it was difficult for Professor McGonagall and the others to have much time to guard each other.

Professors who are not dean level are not strong enough, not to mention Snape, maybe Peter Pettigrew can play tricks and slip away, so it is safest to hand over to Flitwick, who has some goblin blood , as a former dueling champion, although his strength is not as good as Dumbledore's, he is also much stronger than most wizards.

If Flitwick underestimated him because of his height, he would definitely die a miserable death.

"Find someone, and then...||." Snape stared at Dumbledore, and didn't finish what he said, but everyone here understood what he meant.

"Severus..." Professor McGonagall said, wanting to say something, but was stopped by Dumbledore, who shook his head at Snape, "Peter can't die yet, but you said That's right, we must find him now."

"Minerva, you stay in the castle. The safety of the students still needs you. Severus and I will look for Peter. I hope he doesn't go too far..." Dumbledore narrowed his eyes , looking out.

"Hmph! It depends on the other party's luck." Snape sneered.

"Also, you have to think about who leaked the news, I don't think anyone will know that the dirty mouse is here, too many people will know.

"I understand what you mean, but now is not the time to pursue this. I will ask Fudge to give us a good explanation afterwards." Dumbledore also understood that if there is no problem with their people, then it must be from the Ministry of Magic. side.

To be honest, the incompetence and corruption of the Ministry of Magic in England is a bit beyond Dumbledore's expectations. If there is no cleanup afterwards, Tom will really return

Fearing that something might go wrong, Dumbledore always knew that Voldemort was not really dead.

Even after seeing the diary of one of the opponent's Horcruxes last year, Dumbledore knew how difficult it was to kill the opponent completely.

He is also old, if he misses a Horcrux after he dies, I am afraid that no one will be able to deal with Voldemort anymore, even a genius needs time to grow, and also needs a big man who can grow steadily environment.

Dumbledore was even considering whether he wanted to speed up Harry's training. He knew how talented Harry was, but he didn't want Harry to go astray, "deliberately suppressing his talent."

As for the more talented Qing Zhang, Dumbledore was more vigilant, he couldn't see through that little boy, even Tom back then could be easily seen through his heart by him, but Qing Zhang was different, Dumbledore often He could only see a layer of fog. Dumbledore felt that he couldn't be too careful about this kind of people who were out of control and couldn't see through.

Not long after Dumbledore and Snape left to follow the trail of Peter Pettigrew, Fudge brought people to Hogwarts Castle. At this moment, his clothes were soaked in sweat, and his hair was wet with little beads of sweat. , looks terrible.

However, he was relieved to hear that the students were fine, at least no one died. At least he didn't have to worry about being sent to Azkaban, becoming the first Minister of Magic to enter Azkaban , thanks Merlin for the stinky socks!

But the heart is still very heavy, because he just avoided the worst ending. In fact, his situation is still not good. At this moment, he has no mood to calculate Dumbledore and the others. He will not be the Minister of Magic in a long time Already, no use against Dumbledore.

But when he knew that Peter Pettigrew had escaped, or was rescued by someone, there was a gleam in the eyes of the "no" Minister of Magic.

"Professor McGonagall, I think it's time to rectify the name of our original hero, what do you think!?"

Professor McGonagall frowned, and looked at Fudge with some incomprehension. A moment ago, the other party looked lifeless, but now he was suddenly refreshed.

"What's the meaning!?"

"Of course it's to justify Sirius Black, I think you need it." Fudge smiled.

"?????" Professor McGonagall was full of question marks. He disagreed with life and death before, but now he suddenly agrees!?

"Peter Pettigrew is lost, and we have no evidence." Professor McGonagall accentuated the word "evidence" and repeated Fudge's original words.

To be honest, she was also very angry with this former student, and wished that time would go back to the past, and she would definitely let him do a lot of homework.

"No, no, no! That was before! After we went back to discuss it, we felt that the law was nothing more than human feelings and should not be too rigid, but we didn't expect this kind of thing to happen when we were planning to come to negotiate with you again, oh... ..." Fudge said seriously, his face was full of remorse at the moment.

Professor McGonagall froze, she wondered if she really misunderstood Fudge.

"Then... thank you, I think Harry is very happy to have a godfather, you know, we said it was worth not telling him about Black before."

"Of course, I also care about Harry, he is a good boy." Fudge smiled even more happily.

After Professor McGonagall left, Fudge breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was smart and thought of a solution, otherwise he would really have to abdicate. The next step is to pull Dumbledore's platform. I believe he will not refuse.

But now Fudge expects Pettigrew to not get caught, or it will have a bad effect on his plans. As long as it is confirmed that Peter Pettigrew was rescued by someone, he can even fabricate that the reason why he didn't announce the truth before is purely for fishing, and to lead out some evil guys behind the scenes.

Even if Peter Pettigrew is not caught, the group of people will become more terrifying. Even if it is for the stability of the current magic world, he, the Minister of Magic, will not step down, at least not in a short time, as long as there is time Even if he has room to manipulate three.

Now he is betting, betting that the group is cunning and powerful enough, and he is not stupid only if he arranges the dementors to come over as guards in this way. He just misunderstood how powerful the enemy is, which is a very important point.

Fortunately, Fudge seemed to be lucky. Half a day later, Dumbledore returned to the castle with a sullen face and Snape, who had a darker and smellier face. Fudge stared at four murderous eyes, and walked over with a smile. He said what he said to Professor McGonagall before.

Dumbledore couldn't help but glanced deeply at Fudge, then nodded in agreement.

Only Snape gave a cold snort, shook his robes and strode away, obviously he was not interested in such boring things as how to treat Harry well.

So far, things this year seem to have finally come to a happy end at the last moment. .

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