Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

777 Spider-Woman Under The Leather Case!

"What's going on!? Why are you left alone!?"

In a branch base of Hydra, a scar-faced officer looked at the terrified man in a black suit with an ugly expression on his face, "And you are here at this time, how dare you!?

The burly man in the suit smiled bitterly, "Sir, we captured Spider-Woman, but the process was a bit dangerous. Our previous evaluation of her was obviously incorrect, she is very strong."

"I think we need her, and Nick Fury needs her, so...."

Scarface showed a puzzled expression, "So!?"

"I think we can turn her into one of our own, and then let her join Nick Fury's preparatory team. For this reason, we have to take this risk." The strong man gritted his teeth and said that he had prepared in advance It was revealed that he couldn't reveal that it was because of his own arbitrariness that he caused such a large number of casualties, and even missed the opportunity to go to Harlem to secretly contact the Hulk.

This kind of thing, not to mention Hydra, even if he is really a member of SHIELD, that black stewed egg will not let him go.

So he can only bet that Hydra will not punish him because he successfully captured Spider-Woman.

"Very well, I will immediately notify the Madam and the others of this suggestion. If it is passed, you will be rewarded a lot."

Scarface thought for a while after hearing the words, and was obviously moved by the words of the strong man in the suit. Although Hydra has almost completely occupied the magpie's nest now, there are only a few people in the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. But if Nick Fury's whole black corned egg really makes a super boy group, even if it is definitely not theirs, this is equivalent to black corned egg owning a team that is not in nine heads. The snake took control of the team.

This is unacceptable to the top and bottom of Hydra, and of course it also involves power struggles among the top officials within Hydra.

The strong man breathed a sigh of relief. Since the other party accepted his reason, he obviously survived.

"Where's that person!?" Scarface asked.

The strong man explained, "She's too dangerous, I'll have her locked up in a special cage, sir!"

Seeing the scarred face disapproving, the strong man was helpless, and continued, "She is very fast, and can even easily dodge bullets. Our people were knocked down by her almost instantly. If it wasn't for luck, I might not be able to sneak attack successfully. Her perception is also very strong."

Scarface frowned: "Okay, you can find a way to deal with Nick Fury when you go back later, I will have someone cooperate with you, it is best not to let the other party suspect."

Obviously, Scarface still doesn't take it seriously, thinking that the strong man is exaggerating. Regarding the evaluation of Spider-Woman's strength, the public now basically believes that she just has some abilities that are different from ordinary people. Maybe she is not as strong as the old antique Ugly Captain. The scar face will not be taken too seriously.

Perhaps in his heart, also brainwashed, Spider-Woman is not even as good as the weapon of Winter Soldier.

No way, Spider-Woman is too low-key to some extent. Her opponents basically don’t have any super villains. They are all ordinary people with weapons. Gangster transactions are a bit horrible in terms of force.

In fact, Iron Man is similar. Because there is no Iron Man incident, the outside world's evaluation of Iron Man is just an interesting toy. Of course, Hydra will not treat Tony Stark at the same level as Spider-Woman. After all The wealth Tony possesses is amazing enough, not to mention that the other party is still a genius, and he is Howard's son. When dealing with Tony, Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. obviously still attach great importance to it.

But Tony is Tony, Iron Man is Iron Man, and the score is clear.

Just as the burly man in the suit left to chatter with the chief of the sub-base, Spider-Woman, who was pretending to be unconscious, complained in her heart, "Believe it or not, if I pull it with my hand, this cage will be useless!? This Did the guy underestimate me!" "?"

"Are you really planning to break into it!?" Zhang Qing ignored the little girl's complaints and asked back.

"Of course, didn't you say that they would brainwash me with a high probability!? In this case, wouldn't I be able to easily break into their interior!? At that time, it would be better to grab this sheep than to trouble the gangsters! too much."

After Spider-Woman's active performance in Hell's Kitchen during this period, those gangsters or rotten people are obviously very defensive, and they don't even carry out illegal activities. As long as they hear that Spider-Woman is coming, they will basically run away quickly. , There is a great sense of sight of "the wolf is coming".

It's also impossible for Gwen to beat someone just looking at them when others are doing nothing.

However, Hydra is different. Whether they are really doing trouble, or the kind of trouble that wants to conquer the world, the height is different. Naturally, the chivalrous value obtained by fighting this kind of criminal organization is also different.

Gwen is obviously completely eyeing Hydra.

Maybe Gwen, who is only ten years old now, doesn't have the consciousness to save the world, but she is serious about earning money (points).

Just when Gwen and Zhang Qing were chatting vigorously in their minds, someone finally came over to deal with her. I saw a few men in special combat uniforms, under the command of a man in a white coat, lift the cage containing Spider-Woman onto a cart.

As if planning to transport Spider-Woman somewhere, Gwen simply opened her eyes and recorded everyone or things along the way. Anyway, Spider-Woman was wearing a hood, and no one knew if she had her eyes closed. .

Finally, they came to a room with icy tones. The lights in the room were so bright that people could only see a vast expanse of whiteness. In the middle of the room was a somewhat weird machine. Those people first gave Spider-Woman A shot of medicine was injected, and then the cage was opened to lift it out, and placed it on something like an operating table under the machine.

The man in the white coat looked at the wall on one side of the room, as if he was looking at someone, and then, as if he had heard some order, he put his hand on Spider-Woman's head and pulled her hood.

"Report, no zippers were found, and no access openings were found. It may be necessary to destroy the coat."

The man in the white coat spoke to the air after tossing and turning. He looked at the comatose Spider-Woman strangely, as if he was thinking about how the other party put on this layer of skin.

But when he fetched a scalpel and cut open Spider-Woman's suit, he gave up thinking.

Because the bottom is still the same leather case, and when I cut it, I found that there was another layer. I don’t know how many layers were cut in the end, but the leather case was still inside. The man in the white coat felt that he was going crazy. This Spider-Woman Are you still human!?

The leather case is perfect!?

There are some people standing on the other side of the wall at this moment. In front of them is a huge glass, which happens to see the scene in the room, so in fact the side of the room is not a wall, but a special one-way glass wall that has been painted That's all.

These people also seem to be a little speechless, is this Spider-Woman really a creature on Earth!? It's too weird.

Gwen was also a little speechless, she gritted her teeth at Zhang Qing, "You didn't say it's like this inside, did you!?"

The second avatar she has been using before is actually a humanoid leather case with fabric inside!?

Zhang Qing: "...`I thought you knew it, think about it, if it was really a living thing, it would have broken down if you worked so hard.

How can carbon-based creatures stand up to being chivalrous and righteous all day long!? They’re not robots, are they!?

And the most important thing is that Gwen has never controlled Spider-Woman to eat. Thinking about it, I know that something is wrong with the second clone. Zhang Qing feels that this is not his fault at all, but Gwen's own problem. The answer is so obvious. , did not find it to blame him!?

"Didn't you see that the white coat is losing SAN value!?" Gwen rolled his eyes and said.

Of course she knew that Spider-Woman couldn't be a real biological body, but she didn't expect the inside to be so weird! Looking at the man in the white coat, his whole body was starting to feel wrong now, and Gwen wondered if he would be the same in the next moment. After yelling, it mutated into something indescribable.

"Anyway, you reminded me before, now how can they brainwash me!?" Gwen complained.

Zhang Qing looked up at the sky, "There are always more solutions than problems, trust humans, Gwen."

Gwen had a black thread, "I believe there is a ghost! It must be that the other party really has a way!"

This Spider-Woman doesn't even have a brain. Don't Gwen think that these Hydra people have a way to brainwash this weird creature. With this ability, does Hydra need to develop wretchedly!?

What's worse is that Spider-Woman's body abnormality is obviously impossible to be stunned or stunned by drugs, and the people of Hydra may have reacted (Noma's).

Sure enough, when this idea came to Gwen's mind, the door of the room was opened from the outside, and a group of well-dressed people equipped with various heavy firearms broke in, facing the lying Spider-woman without saying a word. Xia opened fire.

The man in the white coat dropped the scalpel and ran away.

Gwen gritted her teeth, "I can't help it, I can only eat a meal to fill my nephew."

Since the matter has been revealed and there is no way to have a full meal, then let's eat this full meal first, and destroy the opponent's base to get a lot of knight points.

Thinking of this, she controlled Spider-Woman to sit up, and then rushed towards those people against the dense rain of bullets. Her head was cut open by a scalpel, revealing the layers of Spider-Woman inside , The face at this moment is really a bit like Cthulhu.

The armed personnel of Hydra felt a little stressed and broke out in cold sweat.

"Use fire, bullets are useless!" someone shouted.

Others also reacted, throwing incendiary bombs at the rushing Spider-Woman, and the flames that exploded immediately turned the entire room into an oven.

But before the armed men could breathe a sigh of relief, the Spider-Woman was on fire all over and continued to rush towards them, and these men felt their pants were wet in an instant.

This shit is too scary, what kind of monster is it!?

"Support, support, support quickly!".

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