Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

Chapter 778 Did You Throw A Golden Hammer Or A Silver Hammer, Or This Meow Hammer! ?

【Reincarnated as a spider: Big shit, have you settled the matter over there!?】

[Strike while the iron is hot: How many times have I said, my name is Stark, not a big shit, you stinky spider. 】

【Strike while the iron is hot: I guess it's solved...】

[Fallen Saint Black Cat: From your tone, it doesn't look like a solution. 】

【Ganwumei: Yes, it feels like I have given up thinking, Uncle Tony, you are very wrong now!】

【Strike while the iron is hot: Call me brother, I'm still very young. 】

【Sister Ganwu: .........】

[Yokai idler: If you have any unpleasant things, just say it, let's have fun!]

[Strike while the iron is hot: I have nothing unpleasant, forget it, there is indeed one thing that needs your help, can you contact Senior Madoka Ultimate, she doesn't know where she is now!?]

Tony felt a big headache, why did that guy disappear in a blink of an eye!?

Tony wasn't very worried about Senior Madoka's personal safety, but now Tony was extremely worried about the person who had the misfortune to meet her! Although he didn't have much contact with her, but from the short observation before, Tony decided that the other party was a super dangerous guy .

Thinking about what Bruce Banner is going through now, he is almost suffering from social phobia and autism. He is afraid that he will not dare to go on the street without covering his face in the future, so you know how dangerous that guy is.

If one victim is not enough, then adding the words of hatred and General Ross will definitely let you understand what is called scourge.

Not to mention General Ross, now he is basically a bachelor commander, and all the soldiers under him were killed by the hatred. After returning, General Ross was afraid that he might go to a military court and spend the rest of his life in prison.

As for the abomination, he was kicked away by Senior Madoka, and now he doesn't know where he went, maybe he went to space.

Being kicked like a ball is 80 years away from being disgusted.

The other party's excited voice still echoed in Tony's ears, "Look at my golden shot!"

【Master Mori: Now there is a good news and a bad news, you need to listen to that first @Strike the iron while it is hot】

【Strike while the iron is hot: let's get the good news first!】

[Master Mori: The good news is that the chat group finally supported their dignity after unremitting efforts. 】

【Strike while the iron is hot: ...... Bad news!】

【Master Mori: You can check the list of group members, there is no senior Madoka Madoka on it. 】

The meaning of Dansheng Gu Morixia is obviously to tell Tony that they have no way to contact each other, and let Tony ask for more blessings.

【Strike while the iron is hot:…………】

Just when Tony was in a delicate mood, a rainbow bridge appeared over the earth, and then a hammer was thrown down, and then it fell into the hands of a cute pink-haired boy.

Cutie looked at the hammer that fell from the sky, then looked up at the Rainbow Bridge that hadn't had time to leave, and threw the hammer back.

"This is your thing, you're welcome!"

Odin: "........."


Thank you, warm the four seasons......

After a long time, Odin said: "Change the place..."

Heimdall: "...

"But Sol has already gone down..." Heimdall felt that he still had to remind the other party.

Odin: ""

"Throw it down again and tell the other party that it's not ours." Odin gritted his teeth.

Heimdall: (caec) Then, the Meow Meow Hammer was thrown down from the Rainbow Bridge again, and Heimdall’s voice also came down, "Miss, this is not our hammer, our king said, Surely not."

The pink-haired cutie scratched her head, "No!? Could it be this silver hammer, or this golden hammer!?"

She didn't care about the Meow Meow hammer that fell to the ground, she took out two hammers that were similar except for the color and asked the sky.


Heimdall: "..."

Odin is annoyed, what is going on with the people in the middle court!? Let this play the game of the river god with them!?

Heimdall reminded, "Wang, the other party may not be from the courtyard, she just appeared suddenly."

Odin was speechless: "Where is Ancient One, did she not say anything!?"

"My lord, the supreme mage said that she is dying, so what will happen after her successor comes to power?" Heimdall repeated what Gu Yi had said before.


"Go! Tell the other party, we haven't thrown the hammer, and the prince!"

After waiting for a while, the pink-haired cutie who finally heard the answer tilted her head, "So this is really not yours anymore!?"

"Yes." Heimdall replied without blushing.

"Whose is that!?"

"have no idea.

Senior Madoka stroked his chin and asked again, "Then can I dispose of this hammer as I please!?"

"This!?" Heimdall was stunned. He looked back at Odin, only to find that Odin also had a subtle expression on his face.

"what to do!?"

Odin gritted his teeth, "Let her deal with it, this is Thor's experience, how to get the hammer back from this guy, he has to figure out a way, if he can't even meet this requirement, there is no need for him to come back. "

"This..." Heimdall suddenly felt that Thor might never come back in his life.

"Come on, turn off the Rainbow Bridge quickly, and don't let that atrium girl come up." Odin urged.

Heimdall was stunned for a moment, and he also realized that compared to Thor's hammer, they are obviously in more trouble now. God knows if the pink-haired girl really ran to Asgard through the Rainbow Bridge, would she cause trouble? Big trouble, after all, Odin will soon enter Odin's sleep, and others obviously can't stop that weird girl.

"Why did you run away!?" Senior Madoka looked suspiciously at the Rainbow Bridge that suddenly disappeared without saying a word.

After thinking for a long time to no avail, she picked up the Meow Meow Hammer that had fallen on the ground, weighed it, and put it away.

"Since no one claims it, it will be mine from now on."

After Heimdall saw that the other party really took the Meow Hammer away, he felt that Thor's chance of returning was not very high.

Gu Yi also saw this scene, but she was already planning to retire, so leave this troublesome matter to Stephen.

Almost at the same time, George Stacey, who returned to the New York Police Department, also frowned.

Because the survivors in Harlem found them, but I learned from them that Spider-Woman did save them, but on the way, they met a group of people who claimed to be a bureau, and Spider-Woman held back the group of people. , They just escaped, and now Spider-Woman's whereabouts are unknown, and she seems to have been taken away by that group.

Although George has always disliked Spider-Woman, he felt that what the other party did was making trouble, because the security problem in New York was not maintained by superheroes alone, and the police were indispensable. As a result, Spider-Woman’s Appearing to make everyone think that it is okay without the police, which is obviously wrong.

But this time, Spider-Woman was entrusted by him to save someone, so it was hard for George not to care about the other person's safety.

But the strength in his hands was useless even if he did it, he didn't know what the situation was that the survivors were talking about, and the people above didn't give an answer, just told him not to worry about it.

George was a little confused, he didn't know if he or the New York police had any meaning in existence, he suffered too many blows today, General Ross's arbitrary actions, his superiors were perfunctory, even monsters appeared, but there was no explanation at all. No, all these things made George think that maybe New York really didn't need the police anymore.

"No, even so, I have to find Spider-Woman, I won't owe anyone a favor..." After his anger passed, George stood up and said to himself

He didn't believe that those people could really leave no trace.

And just when George made up his mind to pursue it, Hydra was very lively in a certain sub-base in New York.

An emotion called "fear" spread inside.

Where a certain graceful figure passed, eggs wrapped in white spider silk were left behind.

The fire was spreading, and individuals were fleeing, screaming in despair, but the sub-base seemed to have lost the means to communicate with the outside world, and could not even open the door to the outside world.

Gwen doesn't understand what these people are doing!?

She just bought a silencer device, why are these people suddenly so scared? Although the Spider-Woman she controls is not human, she doesn't eat people!?

She just didn't want these people to escape or destroy the facilities here.

If it is possible to keep the evidence, and if the people here are terrorists, she can get more knight points. If they are allowed to destroy everything here, Gwen can only get the benefit of crusade against the villains here. .

You must know that this is just a sub-base of the opponent, how many people and bases are there!?


The spider silk directly hit a researcher, who was stuck on the ground and struggled constantly. Seeing Spider-Woman whose face was dug open, revealing the layers of leather inside approaching, the researcher struggled harder, mouth He also shouted, "Don't come here, don't kill me" and the like.

Gwen looked at the yellow liquid flowing under the other party with a little disgust, "When did I say to kill them!?"

"Obviously they set the fire!"

Spider-Woman has seldom killed people since her debut, most of them beat people to the point of hemiplegia, and most of them died at the hands of their teammates.

After all, a superhero who can kill people will not be appreciated by people even if he acts chivalrously, but will be feared by others.

Moreover, Gwen was actually influenced by George's precepts and deeds, and also believed that the bad guys need to be tried by law, so she would pack the bad guys and send them to the police station. Of course George would never thank Spider-Woman for taking their police job.

"Tell me, where is your highest command here!?"

"Don't kill me, don't kill me..."

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