Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

779 The Elegant And Elegant Goddess Who Abandoned Herself!

"Base, we're coming in!"

"Wait, what is this!?"

Somewhere in the Arctic Ocean, a team of exploration teams came today. They used advanced instruments to drill a hole in a certain position, only to find that there was a huge hole under the ice layer inside, and they sent a few forwards. People went inside to check.

What surprised them was that it was obviously not a natural cave, but the interior of an aircraft, with metal structures and some mechanical wreckage inside.

In an instant, everyone in the temporary base was surprised and delighted. The surprise was that this might be a trace left by some extraterrestrial civilization, and the joy was that this was a possibility of becoming famous or making a profit.

However, after in-depth investigation, they found that there was no advanced technology in it, but some old antiques that were decades behind. Of course, what was even more shocking was that they seemed to find a round shield with a five-pointed star cluster.

"Lieutenant! Come and see what this is!?"

"My God! Base, put me through to the Colonel."

"Sir, it's 3 o'clock in the morning..."

"I don't care what time it is, this gentleman has been waiting too long!"

Not long after, SHIELD received news that someone had discovered Captain America’s frozen body .

"The old Popsicle, is it finally coming back!?" Tony murmured with a complicated mood.

In fact, he, who is familiar with the plot, could actually find Steve Rogers earlier, but Tony didn't do that, and even Tony felt that it might be a good thing to keep Steve frozen there forever.

However, in the end Tony did nothing.


Tony wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end. He looked in the direction of the SHIELD headquarters, as if he had passed through countless obstacles and saw the frozen man, his face was full of complex expressions.

Steve Rogers, the captain of Ugly Country, is undoubtedly pathetic. He has paid a lot, but in the end all he gets is being used, and he wakes up again after seventy years, facing a strange world and strange people, how is it possible adapt!?

Maybe it's because he has been unable to adapt and has been looking for some traces of the past, so he is so persistent in the matter of Bucky the Winter Soldier, which violates the spirit of selflessness and fairness. Bucky is not only his friend, but also the contact Is he the last person in this world!?

To be honest, after watching the plot from the perspective of God, Tony can no longer blame the other party, but it does not mean that the death of his parents can be written off.

"Sir, you haven't finished your work today, I suggest you drink after finishing writing."

"Jarvis! Shut up!" Tony had just picked up the wine bottle and had to put it down. He felt more and more that his artificial intelligence butler might be poisoned.

"Sir, I don't have a mouth!" Jarvis explained honestly.

Tony: "...then turn off your speakers! OK!?"


Just when Tony's thoughts were extremely complicated and difficult to understand, there was another person or god in the chat group, and his mood was extremely complicated.

That’s right, it’s Yaya who is nicknamed "God of Welfare". To be honest, she is still very annoyed that the chat group molested her as a god who has no special features other than giving benefits. , and equally angry.

At any rate, she is also a goddess representing chastity. If she wants to kill someone, even if the opponent is a godslayer and has a high resistance to mystery, there are thousands of ways to hurt the opponent. You must know that although Kusanagi Godou has obtained the power of the ten avatars, but the usurper When using the power and gods, there are still people.

To a certain extent, the power of the ten avatars is actually a weakness, not to mention that Kusanagi Godou was an ordinary person who knew nothing about the mysterious inner world before he became a godslayer. The real history recorded in the inner world In other words, it is a myth, but it is very different from what is circulated in the watch world. As long as Kusanagi Godou is not given time to understand the truth, killing the other party is as easy as crushing an ant.

However, due to the elegance and elegance of the plot, what he did was full of confusing and completely inexplicable.

It is precisely because of this doubt that after Yaya joined the chat group and learned about her future destiny, even if she was angry, she did not have the urge to directly kill Kusanagi Godou. Before she found out the truth, she kept clinging on. The Ergon Stone was not on Kusanagi Godou.

Yes! The Gorgon Stone is now in the hands of the incompetent king who did not appear in the plot. This guy who is known as the strongest godslayer today makes Yaya extremely afraid.

It is too difficult to obtain the Gorgon Stone from the opponent.

Originally, Yaya was still worrying about how to plan, but the chat group actually had the function of traveling through other worlds, which made Yaya see the possibility of getting rid of the myth, as long as she went to other worlds, even if there was a natural way to complete herself and go further, No longer bound by mythology.

But what makes Yaya helpless is that this time travel is not free. If she wants to gain destiny points in her own world, she must come out and can't continue to hide. It's the same as courting death.

The targeting of the patriarchal gods and the stalking of the godslayers made Yaya not want to be exposed to the public, not to mention that she also found that there seemed to be some strange things mixed into this world, which made her very afraid.

As a forceful god, Yaya is not allowed to ask for help in the group.

So Yaya is always frowning all day long, feeling that the current situation is not as good as in the plot! That Kusanagi Godou is a bit evil, but the incompetent king is standing there like a mountain, No matter what Yaya wanted to do, she found that she couldn't get around the other party, so she was too speechless.

Day by day, the Incompetent King first defeated the Marquis of Vauban, and then defeated the King of Swords Salvatore Tony in a duel. The irony is that he should be called "incompetent", that is, without usurping any power.

Of course, calling him the "Incompetent King" is not because he really didn't usurp the power of any god, but to say that the other party can compete with other godslayers and disobedient gods without using these powers. scary.

What makes Yaya even more speechless is that this incompetent king has a good personal relationship with Luo Hao, the uncrowned empress of Xia Kingdom, "King of Martial Arts", and she is also a compatriot from the same country. King + martial arts king basically beats all godslayers of the same generation.

And it's useless to let the godslayer cooperate with the god of disobedience. In the eyes of the rebellious guys like the godslayer, the god of disobedience is basically the prey, just like people can't cooperate with bread. The god of disobedience cooperates, but no one will really trust the other party. This kind of cooperation is better than non-cooperation.

Yaya felt the deep malice from the world, obviously she should be a god of great luck, but the result was not only because of historical factors, she was divided and downgraded, but now she finally got such a god-defying artifact like a chat group, with the foresight to see the future , It turns out that the plot has changed a long time ago.

0 Seeking flowers……………

Miserable, too miserable...

However, I can't tell people this, as long as I was so arrogant and arrogant when I entered the chat group, I regret how much I regret it now, which makes me feel embarrassed to ask for advice now.

"Alas..." Yaya sighed, and suddenly picked up the Coke beside her and poured it into her mouth.

On the computer screen in front of her was a large English letter "GAME OVER!"

Then she squeezed the can hard, "Damn it, the other party must be cheating! Otherwise, there's no reason why my divine reflexes are still inferior to mere human beings.

Yaya completely ignored the scolding of her teammates on the public screen and her own record of 0-0-0.

On the other hand, Yi Ziqing, the incompetent king who took out the Gorgon Stone to play with every day, was also a little puzzled.

He didn't understand why after Kusanagi Godou got this thing, Yaya ran over and threw himself into the trap. He had got this thing from the Red Copper Black Cross for several years, and it turned out that I didn't wait for Yaya to come.


Of course, this is not Yiziqing's thoughts on that Yaya, but it is not a good thing to let a disobedient god live in this world. Even the weakest god can cause natural disasters and destroy a world. The country is just a matter of wanting and not wanting.

So even if there is no deep hatred with these disobedient gods, killing the disobedient gods must be done.

Not to mention Yaya Yaya has never been a weak god, and her wisdom is recognized to be very high. Such a goddess is hidden in the world, which cannot be reassuring at all.

Yi Ziqing thought that Yi Yaya would come to him soon because of his obsession with the Gorgon Stone, but it turned out that the wait had been several years.


Just when Yiziqing was thinking about whether the goddess of wisdom was secretly planning some kind of conspiracy, Erika Brauntree, who was already sixteen years old and more and more charming and graceful, was still a big girl. Push the door straight and walk in.

Behind her was Liliana who was full of disapproval and wanted to reprimand her.

However, Erica obviously had no intention of blaming herself for her rude behavior. She hurriedly came to Yi Ziqing and said, "My lord! There may be a God of Disobedience in Sardinia."

"Wang, did you know it a long time ago, otherwise you wouldn't let us stare there."

You must know that since Italy has completely fallen under the hands of the Incompetent King, especially after defeating the Wolf King and the Sword King before and after the Incompetent King, not to mention other godslayers, even the God of Disobedience will not rashly enter Italy. Is the territory of the strong godslayer really a fake god of disobedience who was hunted down in those years!?

Originally, Erica was a little baffled when she heard Yiziqing's order. She felt that Yiziqing might be worrying too much. How could there be a disobedient god who dared to come to Italy to die? I haven't seen the Gorgon Stone in hand for so long , does that goddess dare not come over at all!?

But soon Erica was slapped in the face, not only when she received the news, she hurried over to find Yiziqing for verification.

[The author has something to say: It’s too bad, after taking the medicine for a few days, I still have a fever, and now I feel dizzy. Could it be that those anti-inflammatory drugs are fake!? Righteousness].

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