Time travels back to a night in the middle of March, that is, a few days ago.

In the living room of Kusanagi's house, two old men are drinking.

Kusanagi Godou also sat on the side, but it was just to pour wine for them, he transported the jug of warming the Eastern Japan country wine back and forth.

Only fifteen years old, he has been trained by his grandfather since he was a child, as long as he smells it, he can tell whether the salt plum wine has been warmed to the best and most appropriate stage.

In fact, it’s not the only one. His words and deeds were deliberately cultivated by his grandfather (who was a playboy when he was young), and he was admired and paid attention by some women and men. He also learned some special skills under the deliberate cultivation of his grandfather and mother. , And in gambling, he has won many battles.

"...Then, why did Tian suddenly go to Italy to work?"

The first person who couldn't bear to speak was Mr. Takamatsu, a professor at a private university in Tokyo. He was in charge of teaching western history. He was an old friend of Kusanagi Godou's grandfather, so he came here often, so he had a good relationship with Kusanagi Godou and his sister Shizuka. , will be honored as "teacher" by siblings.

"Huh!? Just want to meet old friends."

Kusanagi Godou's grandfather, Kusanagi Ichiro, seems to be planning to go to Italy in two days. He is a person who likes to travel very much, and sometimes he brings Kusanagi Godou or Kusanagi Shizuka to increase his knowledge.

He was also a professor of folklore in the past, but now he is retired and lives leisurely every day.

Mr. Gao Song should be used to it, but he didn't expect that this time he was very disapproving. Although he came to see him off with a wine bottle, it was more like coming to persuade Kusanagi-Ichiro to give up his plan now.

"Is that the witch!?" Teacher Gao Song seemed to be angry, and seemed to be sneering again.

"Don't tell me, you have been in touch with her all the time, have you forgotten the promise you made with Chiyo!? Or have you been lying to her all this time!?"

"No, actually it started recently. I sent the letter to the Italian address I asked from her before, and I got a reply. It was about forty years ago.

—The things she left in the East Japan Kingdom have been transferred to my hands. If possible, I would like to return them to her personally. " Kusanagi Godou's grandfather Ichiro explained.

"Oh, what a coincidence." Gao Song seemed not satisfied with the answer.

By the way, the Chiyo in his mouth refers to Kusanagi Godou's grandmother, that is, Kusanagi Ichiro's wife.

"It's useless for you to pretend to be a fool. Even if there is really something left in the East Japan Kingdom, there is no reason for you to send it in person. It would be fine to send it by airmail."

Facing the strong accusations from his old friend, Ichiro Kusanagi looked calm, "That can't be done, it's a very valuable thing, if it breaks halfway, it will be troublesome, and I also want to go to Italy once, and talk to Luculazia, whom I haven't seen for a long time. chat."

When he said the name "Lukurazia", ​​he blinked, showing an expression that any man could understand.

Lukulazia Zola, who suddenly came to East Japan to study abroad more than 40 years ago, with her outstanding appearance and exquisite devil figure, made many boys in the school turmoil. If it hadn't happened , Maybe many boys in the class will still regard her as the lover of their dreams, even if she is a bit weird.

"Ichiro, do you know Italian!?"

"No, I don't understand at all, but it doesn't matter if the boat goes straight from the bridge to the nature."

If it was spoken by an ordinary old man, then he must be very leisurely, or a person with a little dementia.

However, this is Ichiro Kusanagi, and the situation is different. When Ichiro Kusanagi was still working as a folklorist, he was a famous field researcher. He specialized in the study of traditional art and culture in various places, and he always went to various settlements to conduct investigations.

The places he visits are sometimes closed village societies, and language barriers are very common. However, with his extraordinary communication skills, he is often able to easily overcome the barrier of language.

"So you have to go, what kind of valuables did that woman leave behind!?"

"Well, didn't my companions in college go on a trip together, and at that time because of the curse of Lord Ujigami or something, twenty people died strangely and made a big fuss!?" Kusanagi Ichiro looked at Takamatsu who was in memory and continued road.

"At that time, Luculazia, who was the only one who was calm, seemed to go out all night. When she came back the next morning, she was tired and made a 'prophecy' when she came back, saying that no one would die in the future, and everything would be resolved."

"That thing was put down in the cursed village. It seems that she visited a local shrine that was burned by disrespectful people that night, and then dedicated it. But that village was abandoned more than ten years ago, People in the village have moved to other places, and the people who manage the shrine are very troubled about what to do with that thing, because they don't know where the owner is, but they still remember the student who visited there at that time, that is, me. It was clear, and after tossing and turning for a while, I finally got in touch with me."

"Oh, I'm afraid I only remember your appearance clearly." Teacher Takamatsu looked at Ichiro Kusanagi meaningfully. In fact, many people suspected that Ichiro Kusanagi knew each other long before Luculazia came to study in East Japan. Yes, and it was always a mystery that the other party suddenly came to the East Japan Country to study alone.

I'm afraid I was deceived by Ichiro Kusanagi's rhetoric at some point, just like those other women who love this playboy so badly.

Kusanagi Ichiro didn't care about Takamatsu's attitude, he seemed to know why Takamatsu was so angry, after all, who asked him to marry his goddess as his wife.

He got up from his seat and left, but returned after a while.

He came back with the board wrapped in purple cloth, put it on the bad table, and opened the package.

A very naive picture is engraved on the rectangular slate the size of A4 paper. It should be a man with his hands and feet locked. On the edge of the picture are birds with wings spread, the sun

Pattern of the moon and stars.

The whole is badly worn, and there are black marks everywhere that seem to have been scorched by fire.

"That's it.

"Oh, it's all like this, so it's been well kept!?" Teacher Gao Song looked at Ichiro Kusanagi angrily.

"Don't make excuses, you have made an agreement with Chiyo that you will never see each other again."

"I made an agreement with Chiyo just not to see him off." Ichiro Kusanagi argued.


The two old men quarreled and argued like this, and finally couldn't stand it any longer, Kusanagi Godou, who seemed to be interested in the "witch" they called, directly suggested, "Why don't I go instead of grandpa, then grandpa doesn't have to disobey I made an agreement with grandma, and if I personally escort it, I don’t have to worry about damage on the way.”

Kusanagi Ichiro seemed to have been waiting for Kusanagi Godou to speak, he showed a tricky smile, patted Kusanagi Godou's shoulder, and said, "Good boy, I will do as you say, I have already booked the plane ticket, you are here today." Pack your bags tonight."

ask for flowers

Teacher Takamatsu also came to his senses at this time, pointed at Ichiro Kusanagi and cursed, "You old bastard did it on purpose, Godou, don't go, this is unreliable, listen to the teacher's advice, don't get involved in your grandfather's affairs."

However, when things got to this point, no matter how Mr. Takamatsu tried to persuade him, or how his younger sister Shizuka got angry when she found out, it was useless. That night, Kusanagi Godou rushed to the airport with his luggage.

Recalling this point, Kusanagi Godou also seemed to have realized something, and combined with Lukurazia Zola's strange attitude, he was afraid that his grandfather seemed to be planning something bad this time, and he was The key to this line of work is why he deliberately didn't let his younger sister Jinghua come along.

And this is so old, since she was able to reply to the letter, Ms. Lukurazia Zola would also inform her of her current phone number, but the note that grandpa gave did not include this, so it is not like Lukurazia Zola at all. Kurazia knew about this in advance.

In addition to the "wild boar" that Ayanokōji Norika said during the day was one of the incarnations of the military god Veleslana, Kusanagi Godou felt that this might also be related to his grandfather's plan. Touch the truth of the world yourself.

"But, why...!?"

As for why his grandfather would do this, Kusanagi Godou still couldn't figure it out.

Seeing that the doors of the train in front of him were about to close, Kusanagi Godou gritted his teeth and went up.

Even if he doesn't know what grandpa wants to do, but combined with Ms. Luculazia Zola's attitude, the slate is definitely the key, and it will bring bad things. Kusanagi Godou regrets handing the slate to Yuki Ayanokouji Fragrant.

This is very likely to kill the other party, even if the other party is aware of this, but Kusanagi Godou can't just return to the East Japan Kingdom as if nothing happened.

"What are you doing here!?" Seeing Kusanagi Godou actually following up, Ayanokouji Norika's expression became dangerous, like a kitten protecting food, while hugging the stone slab tightly, the sun shone on Kusanagi Godou.

Maybe it's already night, and there is no one in the tram car, or if there is no one in this train, there are still people in other cars!?

But that's not important, the important thing is...

"Please let me walk together, please!"

"I refuse!" Ayanokouji Jixiang refused without thinking, jokingly, although she is confident that she is destined to be the protagonist as a time traveler, and can live a second life, she still doesn't have the kind of Mengpo soup, luck It can't be bad at all.

But it doesn't mean that she is allowed to have an original protagonist by her side! If at that time... She said if she made a wedding dress, then who would argue, she has been planning for so long, even if she offends Kusanagi Those people behind the hall also want to win this opportunity, shouldn't they be more cautious!?

Bah, when people get offended, they won't be able to become a godslayer, isn't that really the end of the game!?

"That... I just want to help you, you think you need help too..."

"No thanks, and don't talk to me, I don't know you..."


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