Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

Chapter 790 Destined For A Long Time!

What Kusanagi Godou didn't know was that because his cell phone had run out of battery and turned off, his family was also in a state of chaos.

Of course, only his younger sister, Shizuka Kusanagi, was the one making trouble. Neither grandfather Ichiro Kusanagi nor mother Kaoru Kusanagi seemed particularly worried. To some extent, they were very indifferent.

Keep saying "Don't worry, you have to trust your brother!"

Or, "Maybe that kid is having an affair right now!?" Such nonsensical words.

"Now my brother can't get through the phone. He has no relatives and no reason in Italy, and he can't speak Italian. Grandpa, why do you let my brother go, and you don't allow me to follow? Mom, too, actually helped grandpa say………"

Kusanagi Shizuka complained while wiping her tears while holding the phone.

Obviously before, Kusanagi Godou promised that after a certain period of time, he would call to report his safety, but now that the day is almost over, Shizuka didn't even get a call from him, which made her very worried.

But now it's too late for her to book the air ticket, if something happens to Kusanagi Godou, she won't be able to save the near fire at all.

Kusanagi Ichiro sipped his sake and said angrily, "Stinky girl, could it be that grandpa will harm your brother again!? Don't worry, Godou is fine, that kid is very similar to me, maybe "130" is staying in a certain place right now. Where is the house of a beautiful woman!"

Shizuka Kusanagi became even angrier when she heard the words, "What time is it? You still say that, aren't you worried that your brother will be cut off!? I heard that this kind of thing is very common in foreign countries. It is to use beautiful women to lure foreign tourists and deceive them. Cut the waist."

Ichiro Kusanagi didn't take it seriously, "When I took Godou abroad before, I intentionally left him alone several times, don't worry, that kid is very experienced!"

Kaoru Kusanagi also comforted, "Jinghua, you are not ignorant of your brother's luck, it is impossible to encounter bad luck!"

Kusanagi Shizuka almost suspects that her grandfather and mother are mentally ill. At this time, I told her to believe in my brother's luck!? Is my brother really your own!? Not picked up from some trash can!?

What's even more exasperating is, it turns out that every time my brother got lost before, was it really grandpa's intention!?

Ichiro Kusanagi, who realized that he had slipped his tongue, couldn't help showing embarrassment when faced with the staring eyes of his granddaughter who looked a bit like his wife when he was young, "Xun, you talk to Shizuka, old man, I'm getting old, I can't stay up all night, I have to go back asleep..."

"Understood, Dad." Kaoru Kusanagi looked helplessly at the old man who was going to sleep away, and after he left, he sat next to his daughter and said softly, "Your grandfather always wanted your brother to inherit the mantle, so the way he did it was a bit extreme. , but he will keep Godou safe, and it is not unattended in Italy as you think."

"Really!? Is it Grandpa's lover again!?" Shizuka Kusanagi asked with a frown.

"Uh...not this time, grandpa used to be a folklore scholar anyway, and the people he knows are not limited to women..." Kaoru Kusanagi said without blushing

"Then why didn't brother call back!?"

"Well... Ichiro is getting older too. After this holiday, he will be a high school student. Jinghua is considerate of his brother, and he also needs personal time. Adolescent boys hate his sister who is too clingy. They can't get along well with other women, and Shizuka doesn't want Godou to hate her..."

"No, wait, it's not the same thing, Mom!? I'm just wondering why my brother didn't call back to report his safety, and turned off the phone!"

"This is proof that you don't want to be disturbed. Your grandfather and your father did the same thing before. Have you forgotten!?"

Jinghua looked at her mother with black hair. She remembered that grandma was very angry about this matter before she was alive. Why did her mother not take it seriously at all, and did her brother finally follow in the footsteps of grandpa and father!?

By the way, Dad seems to have been hacked because he provoked too many women.

Thinking of this, Jinghua became more and more worried. She asked nonchalantly, "Well...will I attend my brother's funeral too!?"

Kaoru Kusanagi: ""

"No, Godou is much better than your father, your grandfather said that Godou is the most outstanding work in his life..."

Shizuka Kusanagi looked at her mother who said strange things strangely. As she grew older, she felt that her family relationship was different from ordinary people, and seemed to reveal weirdness everywhere.

And they seem to be very keen on teaching her brother some weird skills, but they are not too special for her.

Dorgali is a small coastal town, of course, because of the sea, it is also a relatively important port.

There are valleys near the sea and steep valleys nearby. The surrounding area of ​​Dorgali is rich in natural resources and has been designated as a national natural park.

At about four o'clock in the morning, the sky began to be covered with thick dark clouds, covering the stars and the moon. At the same time, the ground was filled with thick fog, turning the land into a sea of ​​smoke, as if it was about to rain up.

However, people with common sense know that Sardinia basically does not rain.

Here is a Mediterranean climate, warm and dry, with little rainfall. This island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea is of course also in this area.

"It's raining..." Erica and the others, who were not dead asleep, woke up when the rain fell, looking at the downpour outside the window, their faces were very solemn

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Thunder shook, lightning struck, and the wind began to increase rapidly, blowing the trees tottering.

The rare storm in a millennium hit without any warning.

At this time, emergency weather forecasts and early warning and disaster prevention alarms were inserted on the TV, and SMS notifications also popped up on the mobile phone.

Erica and the others stood under the eaves, looking up at the sky, and there was a four-legged giant flying leisurely in the storm—the fairy sheep, which existed in the sky.

Just like Xia Guo's dragon hovering in the air, a huge goat without feathers or wings leads the wind, cloud and rain, and thunder flies in the air.

Hesitation is far away, so don't know the exact size.

Even so, it is not necessary that the wild boar witnessed by Cagliari is small, its fur is white, and two long horns protrude from its head.


[Goat] Roaring in a high-pitched voice, suddenly a storm blew up.

Call again, this time it is thunder and lightning that descended on the earth.

This small town has almost no wooden buildings, and it is raining again. It is a blessing in misfortune that there is no need to worry about a big fire. But if it continues, I am afraid it will face floods. In this regard, there is simply no experience and preparation for dealing with it.

And farther away, as the real face vibrated, a huge human figure loomed in the mist and rain, and he was advancing here..0

However, in this small town with only a few thousand people, many people came out to watch the doomsday-like fright outside. Some of them were screaming, some were excitedly taking pictures with their mobile phones and talking, and some were tidying up in a panic. What are you doing.

However, very few people said that they saw monsters and giants. They were simply shocked by the once-in-a-thousand-year weather.

Of course, in the face of natural disasters, people are more afraid.

"My lord, they are indeed here."

Erica's three daughters looked solemn. The Eastern God of War, Veleslana, was definitely not an opponent to be underestimated, because when facing him, it was equivalent to facing ten people, although most of the time, he would only fight with one avatar. , but it doesn't mean he can't use them all together.

And that giant, Mercator, the god-king worshiped by the Phoenicians, should not be underestimated either. There is no easy person who can be dubbed the "God-King" for a god who does not obey.

If there is no such thing as the incompetent king, Sardinia may really disappear from the map after this battle.

"Hmm." Qing was noncommittal, he had locked on to the goat in the air, the looming "phoenix", and the giant approaching here.

The reason why he didn't do anything was simply because all the incarnations of the military god Veleslana didn't enter the arena.

"Just kidding, what is this...!?"

Because of the sudden storm, the tram stopped straight away, Kusanagi Godou chased after Ayanokouji Norika who got off the train, braved the heavy rain, while running, watching this scene like a myth with a pale face.

Behemoths in the sky and giants on the ground, and bad weather like the end of the world.

Ayanokōji Jixiang ran towards Dorgali in the rain with the slate in her arms, and when she heard the exclamation of the fool behind her, her expression was very ugly.

"why why……………"

Why can't she see anything even though she is holding the Prometheus book!? Could it be that she is destined to be an ordinary person!?

What kind of huge monster, what kind of giant god king, in her field of vision, there are only strong winds, rain, and thick mist that cannot be melted away. 5.1

A feeling of despair began to grow deep in the girl's heart.

Even if she kept telling herself: "You are a time traveler, you are special."

But she couldn't be completely confident.

Suddenly her feet slipped, the girl panicked, and her body fell forward, but she clung to the cold stone slab tightly and refused to let go.

Kusanagi Godou's eyes widened, and he rushed over, catching the girl's soft and fragrant body, but he didn't appreciate the beauty of this delicate body of a woman other than his sister, he said angrily, "You What are you doing!? Is that thing more important than life!?”

Not to mention whether it would be disfigured if it fell, there is a valley below here, if it slides down, people are gone, Kusanagi Godou is going to explode with anger.

However, Ayanokouji Jixiang lowered her head, her tears mixed with rain fell onto the stone slab in her arms.

She doesn't have the qualifications to change her fate at all, and she didn't have it from the very beginning...

"Don't cry, I'm talking a little bit louder, but it's because you did something wrong...that, I'm very sorry..."

[The author has something to say: The doctor suddenly told me that he suggested that I go to a big hospital, am I dying!?].

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