Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

791 The Tiger's Mouth Takes Food! ?

The storm lifted light objects such as wood and cloth into the sky, and lightning flashed briefly from time to time in the dark and gloomy sky, and the lightning strikes from the sky burned the ground and destroyed the buildings.

Dorgali, a small town with only a few thousand people, is obviously suffering from natural disasters.

Supporting Ayanokouji Jixiang who suddenly lost his energy and vitality for some reason, Kusanagi Godou approached here, but he didn't see the tragic image he imagined, but the town was strangely quiet, without any activity. human breath.

Wiping the rain off his face, Kusanagi Godou walked in a little strangely, he tried his best to avoid places where giant beasts were raging, and looked for a safe house.

If it wasn't for Ayanokōji Norika who said that Sardinia would disappear if the God of Disobedience was not resolved, he would never lead people into danger.

"Ayanokōji, cheer up! Why is there no one here!?"

Finding a relatively complete house, Kusanagi Godou helped the girl and walked in, her body felt extremely wet and uncomfortable, but what worried him even more was the scene outside that could only appear in a movie.

The confrontation between giant beasts and giants, just seeing these existences, one can feel how small one is.

Ayanokōji Norika sat on the chair, she tightened the stone slab she was holding in her arms, then let it go, tightened it again, and let it go again.

After a long time, she asked in a hoarse voice, "Did you see..."

"Well, I see, I kind of believe what you said, this kind of existence should indeed be called (Shengong."

Kusanagi Godou came to the window, looked at those special beings in the storm outside that could only appear in fairy tales and smiled wryly.

Countless buildings were struck by lightning, all kinds of things were blown away by the storm, the rare heavy rain eroded the devastated town, and all the good things were ruthlessly destroyed at this moment.

"Heh..." Hearing Kusanagi Godou's affirmative answer, Ayanokōji Norika even though she had already recognized the facts, still felt hopeless.

Ridiculous and pathetic, what a clown she is.

"Give it back to you."

"Wait, where are you going!?" Kusanagi Godou didn't look at the slate placed on the table by the other party, he looked helplessly at the girl who was walking towards the door step by step and asked.

"Me!? Me, of course..."

Ayanokouji Jixiang didn't look back, she had already come outside, she raised her head and let the rain hit her delicate face, looking at the gloomy and terrifying sky blankly, her voice was gradually covered by the sound of rain and thunder.

Kusanagi Godou couldn't hear what the other party said clearly, when he turned around and picked up the slate to chase after him, he found that Ayanokouji Norika had disappeared, and standing there was a weird boy whom he had met not long ago.

He looked about fourteen or fifteen years old, with jet-black hair down to his shoulders, ivory skin, and most importantly, he was very handsome.

Even at this moment in this kind of place and this environment, Godou was still involuntarily attracted to him, his upright facial features had a neutral feeling, even among entertainers, he had never seen such a beautiful boy like him, on the other side The dirty and torn white coat didn't make it any less attractive, on the contrary, it made people more fascinated because of its peculiar temperament.

At the same time, this young man does not feel any blasphemy. He is really a very weird and contradictory person. "We meet again, boy! But I have a battle now, and we have to postpone it for later."

"It's you!" Kusanagi Godou certainly didn't forget the other party, let alone the person he met yesterday, he couldn't forget it too quickly, not to mention that the other party left a very deep impression on him.

"You got your memory back!?"

"Well, it's still a bit short, but it doesn't matter. I am the winner, and the victory is always in my hands. This is my essence. No matter what battle I encounter, or face any enemy, my victory will not change, yes Unshakeable."

So you are the ancient Persian war god Veleslana!?" Kusanagi Godou took a deep breath and asked the guess in his heart.

【Youth】Looking at the slate in Kusanagi Godou's hand, "Are you ready!?"

Kusanagi Godou sighed, "Then have you ever seen a girl with black hair!?"

.” Welleslana still looked at Kusanagi Godou with a smile, but did not answer his question.

Kusanagi Godou's heart sank, feeling that the stone slab in his hand was very heavy, while the warmth of Ayanokouji Norika still remained.


"You and I, let's talk about it next time!" [Youth] felt that he was locked by the will of a strong man, and an excited smile appeared on his face.

"Afterwards, let someone modify the memory of the people in the town!"

After Yiziqing teleported everyone in the small town away, he told Erica who stayed beside him that although those people could not see anything even if they were sober, just because they couldn't see the God of Disobedience didn't mean they couldn't see it. Erica and the others, in the eyes of these ordinary people, they will be like mental patients.

Not to mention the death of the society, it will only become a burden to keep these guys here, and I don't plan to keep them here.

"Um, yes!" Erica replied with a wry smile. This is a big project. The modification of the memory of thousands of people is probably not as easy as fighting the beast.

"Son of the Fool..." Mercator, the God King who was standing by the sea, seemed to feel something, turned around and looked at the human town behind, and met his green eyes.

[Goat] and [Phoenix] also felt very uneasy at this moment, they stared angrily at the small human beings below who seemed to challenge their majesty, vented their anger, and turned into thunder and storm.

"This is my territory, you guys, you're too disrespectful to me." A green figure flashed, and he was already in the air, looking down at Mercator with his hands in his pockets.

As for the two huge beasts on their heads, they seemed to be pressed to the ground by invisible big hands at this moment, and they screamed.

"Hahaha, I admit that you are qualified to participate in the war." The young Eastern God of War Veleslana also flew over, looking at Yiziqing, a human being with a very high fighting spirit.

While speaking, the [Goat] and [Phoenix] that were pressed to the ground directly turned into white light and returned to him.

"In this case, there will only be one kind of avatar left."

"Aren't you going to take back the [White Horse] too!?" Yizi Qing raised his eyebrows and glanced at Welleslana, who was declaring an invitation to fight, and Mercatopo, who also exuded a fighting spirit.

"No, that boy is destined to be with me, and I have no confidence that I will be the winner no matter what state I am in!" Welleslana understood what Yiziqing said, but he still did not intend to take back the [White Horse].

In the small town, Liliana looked at the two gods and one person confronting each other in the distance, and was a little worried, "King, are you a little overbearing!?"

Erica looked at Mariya Yuri, "How's it going!?"

Wanliya Yuri shook his head, and nodded again, "Mercator's state has not fully recovered, it seems that he suffered a loss in the last battle. According to Welleslana, he has only recovered nine avatars so far. I have no way to give an accurate judgment, but thinking about it, even if the top ten incarnations gather together, it is not in its heyday."

"I can't understand Wang's words, my spiritual vision can't read the case (can't suppress the specific situation.

After listening to Erica, she nodded, "This is enough. Don't worry about what the king said. Our mission is to prevent someone from disturbing the situation. The East Japan Kingdom will definitely send someone to create a new book for those who hold the Prometheus secret book." Chance."

Knowing that Italy is the territory of the "Incompetent King", it is impossible to hide the news of the disobedient god here in Sardinia for too long. In the case of those who are incompetent, then how to snatch the head from under the eyes of the [Incompetent King] must be considered.

Kusanagi Godou, an ordinary person who has never been in contact with any knowledge of magic and 863 spells, is not enough even if he has heaven-defying luck. You must know that Kusanagi Godou's opponents are not only the God of Disobedience, but also the God of Disobedience. Already the [Incompetent King] of Godslayer.

Godslayers themselves are extremely lucky. Kusanagi Godou, a person who has not become a godslayer, compares his luck with a person who is already a godslayer. No matter how confident he is, he will not hold back There is hope.

In fact, the best way is to find a way to lure Yizi Qing away. For example, the King of Swords in the original novel went on an expedition to South America and couldn't come back in time, so Kusanagi Godou took advantage of it. Otherwise, with the King of Swords around, even if he couldn't kill Two gods who did not obey, but it is still possible to drive them away, and there is no reason for Kusanagi Godou to join them.

In fact, it’s not that the East Japan Kingdom has never thought of such a method, but the King of Incompetence is not the King of Swords. The high-level executives of the two major magic associations, the Bronze Black Cross or the Bronze Black Cross, can only let the other party work for themselves.

But he is not stupid, how could he be willing to betray the incompetent king for the sake of the East Japan Kingdom!? What good is it to counteract the anger of facing the strongest god-killing demon king!?

Since the East Japan Kingdom can't do this, even if they can only create opportunities in the battle between the incompetent king and the God of Disobedience, or let Kusanagi Godou leave Italy with the slate, and wait for the God of Disobedience to appear on the other side. plan.

To be honest, if Erica was allowed to make a choice, Erica would of course not let her choose the latter option. After all, it is unwise to fight against the Incompetent King no matter whether she succeeds or not in Italy.

But perhaps it is precisely because she lacks this domineering spirit that she is not qualified to be a godslayer.

Judging from the fact that Kusanagi Godou did not leave Italy, but came here instead, the people of the East Japan Kingdom probably chose the former option.

This is also the reason why Liliana is worried. At this moment, Yiziqing not only needs to face the two Gods of Disobedience, but also needs to beware of the blocking from the East Japan Kingdom secretly. .

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