Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

797 Irena: I'm Actually A Detective! ?

The cart was pulled by an old horse, not as handsome as a young horse, but the tall and strong body could vaguely tell that this horse did not belong to anyone when it was young.

The speed of the carriage is not fast, but it still runs far behind the town. The road along the way, from the stone road to the mud and then to the forest path with weeds, it can be seen that the further you go to the back, the less people live for a long time. walk.

"Grandfather built the manor in the forest. Although I said he was quiet before, maybe he is a bit weird and difficult to get along with..." Catherine saw Irena lying on the car window looking at the scenery outside , I finally gave up and continued to rack my brains to use some positive words.

"Aren't you afraid of living in this kind of place!?" Irena looked at the environment where the light became less bright after entering the forest, and the quiet feeling. She was really surprised by Catherine's boldness. .

Another person really would not choose to live in this kind of place. Anyway, if you have money, is it difficult to move to the town!? And it doesn’t take such trouble to go back and forth such a long distance. It can be seen that Catherine still likes the atmosphere of the town very much of.

"Afraid!? In the beginning, there was... After all, it is a strange place. I also thought about moving out, but I came back later. This is the only thing left to me by my relatives. I will always Thinking about what kind of person my grandfather was, why my parents left him and took me to live in such a far away place..."

"Sorry, did I talk too much!?"

"Hmm~" Irena shook her head. She felt that Catherine, who had been silent before, was not normal. After all, Catherine was not much older than her, but she looked more like a mother when she held her posture and measured her. Words made her feel even more awkward.

The carriage stopped slowly, and Uncle Jack shouted softly in a hoarse and ugly voice outside, "Miss..."


"Let's get out of the car." Catherine also said softly to the dazed Irena.

"So fast!?"

Irena originally thought it would be far away, but in fact the destination doesn't seem too far from the town, it's only about an hour's journey by carriage.

After getting out of the car, Irena found that Jack didn't take them to the gate of the castle, but stopped in front of the outer gate. After the two got off the car, he drove the carriage to the hut on the side up.

Irena looked inside through the gap in the gate. It was so quiet that no servant could see it. The gate was made of a black iron fence, which didn't block the line of sight very much. You could easily see inside. There was a fountain in front of the castle. , but it doesn't seem to work anymore, even the water has dried up.

What made Irena even more confused was that the inside was overgrown with weeds, and some stone bricks still had moss, which was said to be a place for people to live [more like an abandoned manor castle that has not been taken care of for a long time.

If it was changed to modern times, I am afraid that there will be many supernatural anchors coming here to explore and beat the traffic.

Just when Irena was wondering how to get in, the door slowly opened automatically.

"Come in~`" Catherine seemed very happy, seeing Irena's shocked appearance.

"All the grandfathers here seem to be cast by people, so there is no need for servants. You can live in it like a magician, and you can direct everything inside to serve you with a wave of your hand. Isn't it amazing!?"

No, I'm a witch, and I don't think it's magical.

Although she felt so bad in her heart, Irena finally understood how amazing Catherine's inheritance was at this time, not only because this level of magic required at least a hired witch to cast spells, and it was definitely not just a witch who helped her. But it is much stronger than the kings of some countries.

As mentioned earlier, magic and miracles have a price, especially for some magic props that can keep magic on them for a long time. Either the caster needs to pay a sufficient price, or some special rare and precious materials are used to create them. , no matter what that point is not something ordinary people can do.

Take the sword of the Kingdom of Honesty, it can prevent people in the whole country from lying, and the price is that the witch loses her magic power. One can imagine how difficult it is to get the witch to do these things willingly, not all witches are like that Kind of stupid and cute.

After the two came in, the door was slowly closed again, making a very unpleasant sound. It seemed to be rusted and not properly maintained.

When passing the fountain, Catherine said, "There is only water here in the early morning. I tried to change the time, but I couldn't find where the mechanism is set!? And the fountain won't respond to my words. If you want to see it, Have to wait till night."

"No, I'm not interested." Irena quickly looked away, "By the way, if there are no servants, how will you solve the source of ingredients!?"

You can’t even fly the food by yourself!?

Catherine smiled and said, "Uncle Jack will come back from the town to purchase, I know what you are thinking, I hope that can be done, but it can't be done."

"Okay, this is the old castle, do you need me to accompany you to explore together!?"

After crossing the fountain and walking for a while, the two of them came to the front of an ancient castle. The pointed tower was really old-fashioned, and the huge oak door was also very thick and historic.

Also feeling the approach of the two, the door opened automatically, and all the oil lamps on the walls inside also ignited spontaneously, as if welcoming the return of the hostess of this house.

But the feeling of emptiness will only scare people who come here for the first time.

More and more like a haunted house.

Irena walked in while complaining, I want to walk around by myself, can I!?"

"It's ok~" Catherine didn't show any embarrassment, "I also liked to do this for a while, but it's a pity that it quickly lost its novelty."

"Go, prepare some tea and snacks, I have guests."

Catherine suddenly ordered, and then there was the slight sound of porcelain clinking and the sound of boiling water. It can be seen that there are indeed many things here that are voice-controlled, and the meaning of Catherine's words can be understood.

But it shouldn't be...

Irena frowned quietly, if all of this was magic, then it would be too extravagant. And why don't you hire a servant!? There must be a limit to being withdrawn!?

All in all, Irena thought it was a weird place.

Of course, Catherine is also a little strange, maybe she didn't notice it herself, but normal people can't stand the environment and atmosphere here, let alone a young woman like Catherine.

But she seems to be used to it, isn't that very strange!?

One more thing, Irena found that there was no portrait in the castle, which was obviously abnormal.

Not to mention portraits, you can't even see a mirror.

"It's weird, it's so weird, there's definitely a secret here...

Irena, who decided to explore this secret, began to browse from the first floor. In the kitchen, the kitchen utensils were working, and the firewood jumped into the stove by itself. In Irena's eyes, it was a scene of things flying around.

There is also a maid's room, but it is empty, not even a bed.

On the second floor, there are study rooms, showrooms, and utility rooms!? Hmm...a strange layout.

The third floor is the dormitory. Irena met Catherine who had changed clothes on it. Catherine indicated that Irena could choose a room at will, even if she slept with her tonight.

But Irena refused.

Being too cute and beautiful is also a trouble..." Irena touched her face and sighed, she has already confirmed that Miss Catherine definitely has bad intentions for her

Now Irena really wanted to throw her two gold coins back in the other party's face and tell the other party, "My body cannot be stained by money, get out."

Well, the Ashen Witch will not spit out the money that fell into her own pocket.

If Catherine really wanted to do something, Irena felt that she might be able to let her see how powerful a witch is.

Really think she is a liar fortune teller!?

"Wait, do I just need to do a fortune-telling for you once!?" Irena, who was belatedly aware of it, finally realized that the two gold coins under her hand were the reward for divination of love.

Catherine, who was sitting opposite and drinking black tea, nodded, "It should be like this, but does this conflict with me inviting you to my house to play!?"

"No, not at all!" Irena's mouth twitched, why did she follow along!?

Speaking of which, have I been led away by the nose unknowingly!?

"So, did you find anything!?" Catherine said with a smile.

Irena sighed, "No."

But it was abnormal because nothing was found.

"Oh, that's such a pity, I'm still waiting to see what novel discoveries come out. Catherine said so, but there was no disappointment on her face, as if she had expected Yi Lei Na will get nothing.

"Let's not talk about this, if you find your lover in the future, what are your plans, continue to live here together!?" Irena also gave up thinking too much for the time being, squeezed a cookie and put it in her mouth, enjoying The aroma of sweets.

"Well, I don't know either. In fact, it's hard for me to imagine another person intervening in my life." Catherine said after thinking about it.

"Really!? That doesn't sound like someone who asked me for love divination." Irena complained.

"Well, I was just curious occasionally. How about you, do you have a man you like!? Or do you like me like my sister? If it's Irena, I don't mind my sister!" Catherine looked at him with a playful smile. Irena.

"No! Impossible, and I have a normal orientation, so don't even think about it." Irena looked at Catherine vigilantly. This woman really has thoughts about herself, which is really scary.

Also, just now I thought of that annoying guy Zhang Qing for a moment, which made Irena angry for no reason, how could I think of him.

No no, why do I have to avoid the other party!? Thinking of her recent behavior, Irena was very annoyed.

"Oh, sister Irena is really cute!" Catherine was laughing.

Irena glared at her, "I don't know why."

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