Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

798 The Witch Is The Biggest Trouble In The World!

When Irena's side was deadlocked, Zhang Qing's side was also not going well.

The stupid way of sitting on the fence and waiting for rabbits, but everyone can think of it. In fact, the villagers have already done it. If they can catch people, they will have caught them long ago, and they would not think of finding a magician to solve the problem.

After nightfall, it seemed that because they knew that the magician Zhang Qing was there, everyone didn't come to disturb them, and they didn't have a normal routine without too much psychological pressure.

Zhang Qing took Ai Lijie and Milina and the others to squat outside. Time passed and the moon climbed directly above the head, but they still didn't notice anything. Everything seemed too peaceful and ordinary.

Just when Ellie began to suspect that this was a prank organized by the villagers, a sudden change occurred.

No, to be precise, almost in the blink of an eye, there was an extra letter in front of the door of Hakka.

There were no signs before and after, and when it was discovered, it had already appeared.

Ellie grabbed Zhang Qing's hair and exclaimed, "How is this possible!?"

The two sisters, Ai Lijie and Milina, also stared wide-eyed. They didn't realize how these letters appeared suddenly, but they definitely weren't put there.

"Go, go over and have a look!" Zhang Qing didn't say much, took the people along, found a house at random, picked up the letter on the ground in front of the other party's door, and opened it.

The ink written on it was already a little red. In fact, Zhang Qing noticed this during the day. The further the letter went, the more red the words on it.

It was pure black at first, and then it was a little red, but Zhang Qing didn't smell blood on it.

The content of the letter has not changed much. In other words, the vocabulary of cursing others in this era is quite poor. If it were changed to the era of information explosion in Zhang Qing's previous life, the screen would definitely not be filled with the word "death" like this .

However, this kind of simple and clear text is indeed the easiest to arouse people's inner fear. On the contrary, it really writes too much, which is a bit funny.

"What should I do now!?" Ellie also read the contents of the letter, and of course she was very disappointed.

"What should I do!?" Zhang Qing put away the letter, and said to Ailijie and Milina, "It's getting late, let's go back to bed first. If there is anything, we will talk about it tomorrow."

In this world, as long as it's something that you can't understand, it's always right to blame it on the witch. In fact, the villagers' thinking is not wrong, the only thing wrong is to lock the prisoner on the [Witch of Lamentation].

Unless there is another witch in this world called [Witch of Lamentation], Zhang Qing doesn't think he will commit a crime!? Unless he dreamed of likes and dislikes, sleepwalking all the way to such a distant place, and playing a joke on the villagers here .

is it possible!?

There is no need to ask, of course it is impossible.

So it should be caused by another witch, just need to find out the person.

Of course, the reason why the witch did this may be unintentional or intentional. In short, the witch's thoughts cannot be judged by ordinary people's thinking. In fact, the reason why many "witches" in the world are not positive Impressions are not without reason.

Isn’t the witch in the kingdom of dolls a good example!? In order to make dolls, they randomly cut off other people’s hair and planted them on the dolls. If it was a little more crazy, wouldn’t it be skinned and rooted out! ?So it looks funny, but it is actually a very absurd and terrifying thing.

Ordinary people have this kind of idea, and it is difficult to realize it, but when the prisoner is a witch, then the real (cafg) can do whatever he wants.

Waking up with no hair, isn't it a bit like a plot in a supernatural horror movie!?

That's right, in this world, if you rely on the witch for anything related to the supernatural, you're definitely right, "So Zhang Qing doesn't have to think about whether it's a ghost or not.

"No, you let us sleep now!?" Ellie was speechless.

"It's you who are going to sleep!" Zhang Qing cast a glance at the little fairy and corrected her.

"No, why!?"

"Master, have you found the criminal!?"

Allie and Allie asked in unison.

Zhang Qing shrugged, "Not yet, but soon."

"Okay, the next thing is not for you to participate in. Go to sleep quickly, we have to hurry back tomorrow."

………………” So suspicious.

The two sisters, Ai Li and Ai Lijie, who were driven back to their residence, looked at each other, and both had the same thought in their hearts.

However, due to Zhang Qing's majesty, he didn't dare to go out to follow them. With the ability of his master, he was afraid that their stalking would be easily discovered.

And the things outside are a bit weird, neither the two nor the goblin dare to run around.

After dismissing the three little guys, Zhang Qing rubbed his brows. Originally, this matter still needs to be investigated for a while, but he had a feeling before that that girl Irena was nearby.

Based on the physique of the other party and the halo of the protagonist, Zhang Qing is already 90% sure that this matter has something to do with Irena.

As a person who masters magic, sometimes things like the sixth sense are really very believable.

"If it's nearby, I remember that country..." Zhang Qing once heard that there was a country called Nissel near here. It used to be a very wealthy and prosperous country, but for some reason it suddenly disappeared one day It disappeared, and many people came to look for it later, but there was only a forest in the original place.

It's as if Nissel never existed in the first place.

In the future, many gold diggers will come here to hunt for treasures, because some people suspect that Nisser was buried underground, but unfortunately, no one has found the former Nisser Kingdom.

Of course, there are many other deeds of Nissel, the most famous of which is that this country is rich in a special ore, as long as it is ground into powder and added to it when making items, it will bring a certain spirituality to the items and be able to obey People's commands are like smart homes.

This is also the reason why that country is rich, but that kind of ore is very rare.

According to Zhang Qing's estimate, Irena really has a very high chance of finding the legendary Nissel, and that girl's luck will always be so unreasonable.

In such a weird place, Zhang Qing has the confidence to protect himself, but it is different with Ai Lijie and the others, and it is definitely not an easy task to protect them, so Zhang Qing sent them back to sleep. This side is safe, except for receiving strange letters, no other strange things happened.

"Well, is it over there!?" Relying on the diary from another Irena in his hand, Zhang Qing quickly locked in a direction.

The location of the last guide turned out to be a wasteland in the forest.

"Could it be a parallel space!?" Zhang Qing looked around strangely, but didn't feel the unstable fluctuation of the space.

On the other side, Irena who was sleeping next to Catherine suddenly opened her eyes and looked around.

"Strange, why did I feel that guy standing by the bed and staring at me just now!?" Irena felt that something was really wrong with her, and she kept thinking about that guy recently.

Irena, who couldn't sleep, put on her slippers and got out of bed, and opened the window. The fountain below was indeed working, and the dry pool was also filled with water, reflecting the sky... ....The Red Moon!?

"Uh, the moon is red!?"

Irena suddenly looked up, and found that the moon hanging high in the night sky was bright and clear, and there was nothing wrong with it.

But if you look at the water of the fountain pool again, you will find that the moon reflected on the water is vermilion, which is very strange and coquettish.

"What's going on!?" Irena frowned.

She turned her head and looked towards the room where Catherine was, and it was very quiet.

After thinking for a while, Irena went back to the room and changed into the witch's robe, took out the broom, jumped off the window, and flew down on the broom.


After reaching the bottom, Irena could see more clearly, the moon above the water was indeed red, and she was not mistaken.

An even weirder thing happened. Irena found that in the manor where there were only her and Catherine, there were a lot of "people", vaguely like human figures in mist.

Some stood on both sides of the gate, and some were going in and out, as if they didn't seem to be sane.

Irena stretched out her hand to touch it, and found that they passed through directly, and these people were like illusions.

Irena got on the broom again and flew to the balcony of Catherine's room. Looking inside, she found that Catherine, who was supposed to be sleeping soundly on the bed, had disappeared and the bed was empty.

She opened the door between the balcony and the room and walked in. The room was a bit dark, but she cast a light spell, which illuminated the entire room.

There was indeed no figure of Catherine on the big bed, and the furnishings in the room were all dusty, and it didn't look like someone had lived in it. Suddenly, Irena found a portrait on the wall. She approached it and raised the light ball on the magic wand Stretched and lit up above.

"This is... Catherine!?"

There were no portraits of anyone else in the entire castle, and it turned out that a portrait of Catherine was found in the master bedroom, which was a bit off.

Isn’t Catherine a latecomer to inherit here!?

Irena feels that her head is not enough! The woman in the portrait is not just an ancestor who looks very similar to Catherine!?

If you don't understand, just put it down for a while. After Irena retracted her gaze, she searched the room again. Speaking of which, during the day, she really hadn't been here to investigate, as long as she was worried that Catherine would really let her sleep with her.

Of course, I also think that Catherine should not not check her room, but now it seems that she takes it for granted.

Catherine is definitely eccentric, not much less than here. .

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