Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

800 Estelle: You Pulled The Wrong Person!

"Huh!? Is this... a letter!?"

Irena is riding a broom overlooking Catherine's manor and the castle inside, thinking about what to do next!? She's not sure if she waits for the day to pass.

At this moment, a letter appeared in front of her eyes, it just appeared out of thin air, then slowly fell, and stuck to the front of her broom.

"So, this is the other party's response!? Write me a letter if I don't go down. Will this be a threatening letter or a curse letter!?"

"Wouldn't it be a kind greeting letter!? Or invite me to a tea party!?"

Irena didn't pick up the letter immediately, but complained, as if she wanted to use this method to let the people behind the scenes understand that she would not be easily deceived.

It's a pity that Irena talked about it for a long time, but she didn't see any more actions from the people behind the scenes.

"Okay, okay, let me see what's written, hope it's useful information!"

After checking that there were no curses or other harmful things on it, Irena boldly picked up the letter. The first thing that caught her eye was the addressee column on the envelope, which indeed marked "Irena the Ash Witch". , I can be sure that it was written for her.

Then there is the column of the recipient's address, on which is just the words "Kingdom of Nissel", which makes "Four Two Seven" Irena can't help but ponder. Could it be that she is in the Kingdom of Nissel now? Places have heard the name.

Finally, on the place where the sender signed the letter, it was written not an unknown stranger, but a righteous partner "!

"..." Irena groaned after confirming that she was not mistaken, "How narcissistic must that guy be to call himself a partner of justice!?"

After complaining, Irena began to think about how the other party contacted her, "That guy, won't cast some positioning magic on me!?"

Thinking about his behavior of avoiding the other party all this time, if Zhang Qing really knew where he was all the time, wouldn't his actions be funny!?

Thinking that Zhang Qing might be secretly making a joke to save herself, Irena's face turned ashen.

"No, next time I will also add positioning magic to him."

After thinking about it for a while, Irena finally remembered to open the envelope to check the contents.

For example, the purpose is all, such words as "go to death", "I curse you", "go to hell".

After Irena repeatedly confirmed that there were really only these contents inside, she crumpled the letter paper into a ball with a dark face, then lit it, watched the letter turn into ashes, and gritted her teeth, "Zhang

Deliberately write a letter to curse her!? Too inhuman.

Irena wished she could rush over and beat her up right now, her girlish heart was gone at this moment.

She wants to kill Zhang Qing to preach!

"Where, where...."

She no longer cared about Catherine or any mysteries, and now she just wanted to find that nasty guy who played with the girl's heart, so that she could see the horror of the Ash Witch.


Against the cool night wind, Zhang Qing tightened his grip on the spores, and suddenly sneezed.

"Sure enough, the letter is gone, but there is no spatial fluctuation, strange..."

Seeing the disappearance of the letter he had written, Zhang Qing knew that he had guessed correctly. In this area, the letter is dual-pass, but now Irena is assumed to be an undead by default!?

Without continuing to think about Irena's state at the moment, Zhang Qing frowned. Although he guessed part of the rules correctly, it was a pity that he didn't grasp the spatial fluctuations, and still couldn't find where Irena was. With the protagonist's With luck, Irena is likely to be at the crux of the matter at this moment.

Only by finding Irena can the whole matter be resolved.

Moreover, as a poor magician, Zhang Qing is also very interested in the wealth of the legendary Nissel Kingdom. If he gets one or two, he should be able to live a retirement life in advance.

Suddenly, I understood the treasure robbers in Yuanmo, and it turned out that the riches had to go deep into the soil with their own hands.

Although the vision of the future is cheerful, but the treasure is still not in hand, this happiness is still illusory, Zhang Qing quickly corrected his mentality and planned to continue the experiment.

He intends to continue writing letters to Irena to find out how the letter disappeared. Maybe if he understands this, he will be able to enter the core area. At that time, Irena will not be needed, and he will be able to eat alone.

Just kidding, can Irena, a rich second generation, understand the difficulties of a poor orphan!? He is stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.

"Sure enough, it's not space transfer."

Just when Zhang Qing was trying to explore the mechanism of the disappearance of the letters, Irena received one letter after another from the other party, almost drowning them.

What made Irena even more numb with anger was that the content inside was almost cursing herself, so that Irena could feel the deep resentment from a certain man towards her.

Irena wondered if she had done something, otherwise why would Zhang Qing have such a big resentment!?

Reminiscing about it, uh...

"Ahem..." She was a little embarrassed. It seemed that she had been chasing after the other party, shouting and killing her, but in the end she couldn't end it with the other party, and was humiliated by the other party in turn, "So, no Am I supposed to be angry!?"

And she hasn't done that lately, has she!?

"So what kind of magic is this!?" Irena realized that it didn't seem to be magic like space teleportation.

After calming down, Irena regained her sanity, and instead of burning the letter to ashes, she checked it carefully. She didn't believe that Zhang Qing was so boring.

And it was not normal to send her a letter with such content.

Moreover, the address of "Kingdom of Nissel" on the envelope also caught Irena's attention.

She always felt that she should have heard of the name of this kingdom somewhere, but she just couldn't remember it. It seemed that some power was blurring her cognition about this kingdom

Also, how did I come to this country!? I can’t remember the process, I just remember that I set up a stall for divination because I was short of money, but I am obviously a traveling witch, but I didn’t have the first time To understand this country, how can not justify.

There seems to be something missing in the middle.

After realizing that there seemed to be a problem with her memory, Irena took out her diary and opened it, finding what she wrote the day before.

"Hmm.....I'm here to hunt for treasure, the legendary treasure of Nissel Kingdom!?"

Seeing her mood of setting off to hunt for treasure, Irena's face became serious again. The part of her memory that she lost was basically related to the Kingdom of Nissel. It seemed that she had obtained some important clues to come to find the lost kingdom. Nissel's Treasure's..0

The diary also recorded my thoughts on how to spend the treasure after I started to imagine it.

But she has no memory of this.

When did it start!?

Zhang Qing should have discovered something, and wanted to tell him some important information through the letter, but it seemed that the content of the letter had been modified by someone, and it turned into a curse in his hands.

"So what kind of kingdom is the lost kingdom Saier, what happened here!?" Irena wanted to get more information from her diary and the letter written by Zhang Qing, but found it was futile.

It seems that the legend of the Kingdom of Nissel is common sense, and I didn't write too many narratives about it at the time.

No, no, I wrote my travel notes, so it shouldn’t be like this, has part of the above been covered!?

Irena has a new guess about her situation at this moment. She should indeed have found the legendary lost kingdom of Nissel, but she is deeply involved in it and even forgot many things.

However, with my own prudence, I shouldn't have left behind at all, unless all this was too sudden, so that I couldn't take any countermeasures.

But if the other party is really so powerful, why is he still alive!?

Therefore, it shouldn't be some big witch, it's just a special way to achieve all the weirdness beyond common sense.

Only at the same time as the witch, the other party needs to take such trouble to obliterate his will little by little, let himself sink completely, and finally lose himself.

"Then my second hand should be you..." Irena looked at her broom.

On the other side, in a certain hotel in a certain country, Estelle, who was having a sweet dream, couldn't help frowning.

In her dream, she put on a beautiful white wedding dress, with a familiar male figure standing beside her, and two little girls, Aisi and Reina, were helping to lift the hem of the skirt behind her.

The priest was reading something, and in the seats below were some people who couldn't see their faces clearly, and everyone was sending her blessings. 3.3 Suddenly Aisi pointed at her head and shouted, "Master, no, Mom, your hair has turned green!"


Just when Estelle was wondering, the door of the church was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

Wearing a three-cornered hat, a girl with long gray hair and glazed eyes, wearing a black witch's robe and a star badge pinned to her chest, broke in.

"It's you!?"

Estelle was taken aback when she saw the people who broke into the wedding scene, that's right! This is that stinky girl Irena, a super genius who became a witch ten years younger than her.

Estelle stopped in front of the groom and glared at Irena. She would never allow herself to be robbed of her marriage.

However, Irena rushed up, grabbed Estelle's hand, and ran out of the church with Estelle, who was short-circuited.

Estelle could even hear Zhang Qing's shout behind her, "My swallow, don't go!"

What happened!? Why did the rival in love drag her away!?

The moment she ran out of the church, Estelle woke up with a start. Her forehead was still sweaty. She gasped and opened her eyes, and found that two little girls, Aisi and Reina, were sleeping on her arms. There is no resistance in the dream.

"Ahhh... what kind of dream did you have!?".

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