"Master Irena, you finally remembered me.

With the same appearance and figure, only a girl with pink hair appeared in front of Irena, and the two stood face to face, like looking in a mirror.

And this girl who appeared suddenly was turned into a broom by Irena using her original magic of "turning an object into a person". Even Irena couldn't explain why the other party became a person. I look exactly the same, although there is a saying that "things look like their masters", but this is too similar.

Unsurprisingly, Irena directly ignored the possibility that it might be because she was too narcissistic that she would directly apply her template after turning into a broom.

Her Excellency the Gray Witch, who is both beautiful and intelligent, is a fact, definitely not boasting.


After seeing the broom's reaction, Irena confirmed that her previous guess was correct, and there must be something wrong with her current memory.

She looked at the happy Miss Broom and asked earnestly, "Then did 'I' explain anything before!?"

The broom nodded sharply, "Miss Irena, you asked me to tell you all the relevant information about the Nissel Kingdom."

"When did it happen!?" Irena asked again with a slightly uneasy expression.

"Hmm... About a week ago, there were two times when night fell, Lady Irena, you would think of me, and then let me come out and repeat the order you left earlier, Lady Irena One side, and tell Lady Irena what needs to be told..."

"In the remaining few days, Lady Irena is completely unaware of her situation, but in the daytime, Lady Irena will forget about everything." Miss Broom seemed very distressed, and looked at Yi with a worried expression on her face. Rena.


So she is almost trapped to death in this ghost place now!?

It seems that after traveling, she can always meet similar situations. Is she very suitable for playing Prison Play!?

"Then, did I find anything a few days ago!?"

The broom shook his head, "Miss Irena, you have been wandering around the town. At night, everyone has turned into dead objects. You haven't found anything else, but the place you came to today is the first One time."

"And it's also special, which I think might be the key."

Irena raised her eyebrows, stood on the soil in the forest, looked at the location of Catherine's manor, and was lost in thought. After a long time, she ordered, "Tell me about the Kingdom of Nissel first!"

Since the other party is doing everything possible to eliminate all records related to this lost kingdom, it is absolutely crucial to help oneself make a judgment, instead of being led by the nose without knowing anything and relying on guessing all the way.

Suddenly Irena frowned, looked annoyed at the letters that fell like snowflakes, and said angrily, "That bastard never ends!?"

Why keep sending you such meaningless letters!? Want to expose her whereabouts!?

Now Irena wants to rush to the other party and grab the other party's collar and ask if the other party is too idle!?

After pushing the broom back to avoid being flooded by letters, he said, "Perhaps Mr. Zhang Qing is very worried about you, Mrs. Irena!?"

Hearing this, Irena's angry face suddenly turned pink, "Who, who made her worry!? I think he just wants to anger me! Hmph!"

"Okay, let's not talk about that guy for now, let's talk about Nihaner."

After a lot of effort, Irena also managed to learn about the deeds of the Lost Kingdom from her broom. It was obvious that she had no such records in her mind before.

But she should know these things herself.

The legendary lost kingdom of Nesser was once a very prosperous ancient kingdom. Its location can even be traced back to a thousand years ago. At that time, the Magic Coordination Association was initially established. How can humans and witches coexist in an orderly and peaceful manner? It is also in the preliminary exploration stage.

Perhaps in that era, the witch still described those who did evil.

The Nissel Kingdom was very famous in the entire continent at that time, not because it was so powerful, or because it had any big figures, but because it was rich in a kind of strange ore. The powder of this ore can obtain the spiritual intelligence similar to that of a human being. The specific degree of spiritual intelligence depends on the amount of powder

Maybe some people think this is nothing, but think about it, even after a thousand years, the overall environment is still at a relatively backward level in the Middle Ages, but the Kingdom of Nissel has achieved complete automation and intelligence a thousand years ago. The era of interstellar navigation can barely be achieved. It is conceivable that the existence of that special ore alone makes it many years ahead of the world.

And because things are rare and expensive, special ores are occasionally exported at very high prices, so the Kingdom of Nisser, which sits on such a golden mountain, is also very rich. If you want to talk about heaven, Nisser is Heaven on earth.

However, no one expected that one day, this wealthy and magical kingdom would suddenly disappear on the earth overnight, without leaving any traces, as if it had never existed.

Up to now, some people still think that the Kingdom of Nisser is a fictional kingdom fabricated by people, an ideal country that people longed for thousands of years ago, and it did not exist in the first place. Otherwise, how can we explain such a legendary country that has not been left to future generations? A little valuable historical remnant (architectural relic)!?

Although the name Nisser appeared in many records of ancient kingdoms, there was no real and reliable evidence to prove its existence, which was more sudden than the demise of Lou Banshiba.

The ancient country of Loulan is a small country on the ancient Silk Road in the eastern continent. It was once prosperous, and even the western continent has heard of it, but now there are only ruins left.

Apparently compared to the ancient Loulan Kingdom, the Kingdom of Nisser disappeared more thoroughly, not even a single bit of ruins remained.

As for what kind of country the lost kingdom of Nisser is like, people of later generations can basically only guess through a few words in the literature. Nissel at that time cannot be restored by imagination.

However, compared with scholars who still need to study, many folk treasure-hunting maps or explorers don’t think so much. They probably go there when they hear that there is a treasure. There will always be people who come here with dreams of getting rich.

In fact, the village Zhang Qing came to before was the descendants of those who came here to seek wealth for thousands of years. became the master of this area.

In fact, not only that village, but also towns farther away, but for some unknown reason, no new kingdom has been established in this area.

Thousands of years later, a girl with gray hair and glazed eyes, wearing a black witch's robe and a three-cornered hat, also stepped into this area and became a new treasure hunter

"That's the way it is." After the broom finished speaking, she looked back at Irena, intending to hear if she had any other orders.

Irena rubbed the space between her brows. Generally speaking, according to what the broom said, a week ago, she did not know where to get a clue that pointed to the real location of the lost kingdom Nissel, or a map. Then he came here on his own.

Soon, Irena found that her memory began to have problems. Realizing that someone seemed to want to do something to her memory, Irena responded, but found that it didn't help at all, and her memory about Nissel was still passing away until Finally forgotten.

Irena didn't know what would happen to 987 after she completely forgot about it, but she knew that there must be something very important and key here, so she thought of the broom as an "item". As an item, a broom is not a person, It's not even a living thing, and its memory doesn't even know that it's kept there, but it's definitely different from a human being, there is no magic in this world that works on living things and at the same time has the same effect on dead things.

So there is a high probability that the broom can be exempted, but Irena entrusted the crucial work of the broom before she lost her memory.

As it turned out, she was right.

However, she didn't expect that she couldn't solve the matter here for such a long time, and she even felt trapped in it.

To make matters worse, she will lose her memory once a day, and she will think that she has just arrived here. Only when she happens to realize the keyword "Nisser", will she realize her abnormality. Obviously, the chance is very low. She In seven days, plus today, it was the second time I thought of looking for a broom.

And now it is less than two hours before dawn,

At daybreak, she will probably forget all this again.

Irena's complexion was a little ugly, as if she was in a dead end.

Judging from Zhang Qing's behavior, he is probably still in a closed-loop strange space, cut off from the real outside world, and he doesn't know how the other party sent him a letter, but obviously Zhang Qing can do it. Just sent a letter to myself.

"It seems that I still have to rely on myself..."

Irena looked at Catherine's manor again. It should be very important there, and it was also the most special one she met in this ghost place.

So I accidentally touched the core gradually!?

As expected of me, my beauty and wisdom are already against the sky, and I still have luck.

After boasting again, Irena made Miss Broom transform back into a broom, and she needed to get back there to fix things once and for all.

"I hope time will come..."

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