"What happened to them!?"

"It's nothing, it's just that you are tired of studying, don't pay attention to them, it will be fine in a few days."

"Oh... By the way, these are the records of Miss Irena's whereabouts before I came here, which I obtained by using the authority of the Magic Coordination Association.


When the next seventh day was approaching, Saya came to meet Zhang Qing again, and brought a thick stack of documents. This is the benefit of being a civil servant. It is very simple to investigate a person's recent whereabouts, and The other countries will also cooperate with the investigation and provide assistance.

Few people will push three obstacles and four obstacles on this, and even make troubles. After all, the Magic Coordination Association is not easy to bully.

However, when Saya came over, she was still taken aback by Ailijie and Milina, who were lying on the table with their souls out of their bodies and their heads smoking. It has been able to affect the magician.

But Zhang Qing didn't take it seriously and told Saya they were fine.

He took the integrated information handed over by Saya and looked at it. Obviously, before coming here, Irena's travel route suddenly turned, and she came here purposefully, and in the "870" record Before this accident happened, she seemed to have turned a few bandits to the Kingdom of Dawn and received a small bonus.

"Will you still get rid of violence..." Zhang Qing didn't know that those bandits were unlucky, or that Irena, who was robbed by bandits, was unlucky.

After that, Irena came directly to the capital of no country and did some shopping in the town. It seemed that she was going to live in the wild for a period of time. Most of it contained food and water, and she almost squeezed out all her money. Just give up.

Sure enough, there are also capable people and strangers in the Magic Coordination Association, and I can roughly calculate how much money Irena has on her, tsk tsk.

"Did you see anything!?" Saya asked impatiently.

In fact, she has read it before, and no less than a hundred times, but she didn't see much useful information from this report. The only gain is that she has a better understanding of Irena's affairs, It's a pity that I couldn't travel with each other!

Fortunately, Miss Irena did not travel with other girls, which made Saya very happy.

"I guess there is..." Zhang Qing returned the information to Saya. These were obtained by using the ability of the Magic Coordination Association. As an outsider, he has no right to keep them.



"Don't worry, I just have a general idea of ​​why Irena came here, and it's just the most reasonable guess based on all the information I know so far, and it may be a little different from the truth." Zhang Qing signaled to the other party Don't get too excited.

In fact, the intelligence materials brought by Saya's side were only used to confirm that Irena came here with a purpose.

Unintentional and intentional are two different situations. If it is unintentional, it can only show that Irena herself is unlucky. If Irena intends to come here, as long as Irena is a little more cautious, she should leave a mark on the road to some extent.

More likely to leave a distress signal.

Obviously, that guy Irena came here with a purpose, and there is a high probability that she got information about the lost kingdom Nissel from the Kingdom of Dawn, or from that group of bandits. , and it is still very important, very useful information for finding the location of the lost kingdom Nissel.

Otherwise, Irena would never come here, unless she is interested in the explosive mushrooms here, and wants to become a witch who specializes in explosion magic!

It seems to be a string.

"Ah!? Then what should I do!!?? It's too late to go to the Kingdom of Dawn now." After hearing Zhang Qing's words, the Shaye people almost went crazy.

Who knows if Irena can persist for another seven days!? After a while, I'm afraid that Irena's body will really have to be collected.

With Irena's strength, she couldn't get out by herself for such a long time, it must be because the situation inside is very difficult, and if she fights alone, physical and mental exhaustion will greatly affect a magician's ability to cast spells. It is a very idealistic ability in itself.

"Trust her, that guy didn't die so easily, the disaster will last for a thousand years." Zhang Qing comforted.

Irena is also the protagonist after all, not the kind of protagonist in the sadistic novels, let alone the heroine in the small yellow novels, as the protagonist of cool novels, she is born with strong luck to turn danger into good luck, maybe even people from them came to rescue , It may also be influenced by Irena's protagonist's luck.

This kind of thing is not Zhang Qing taking it for granted or joking, but it is true. Think about it, how many people have searched for the lost kingdom of Nisser for thousands of years without any results, but Irena found it, and it was from someone else. The most terrible thing is that the previous owner didn't know it was a big treasure. , otherwise it will not be Irena's turn.

As for the scourge that lasts for thousands of years, that’s right. Thinking about Irena’s journey, there are basically accidents in every place she goes. Otherwise, she would have to doubt her own life.

A real traveling witch will never encounter so many things. Most of them are boring and boring journeys, and often have to work part-time because of lack of money. This process is not pleasant at all.

Not to mention that many incidents are related to the witch. Another traveler would have died hundreds of times earlier.

"Of course I believe in Miss Irena, but it's too much for you to say that she is a scourge!" Sha Ye felt sorry for Irena.

Sha Ye, who didn't care about the refutation, Zhang Qing picked up the paper that recorded the final result calculated by the two little girls of Ai Lijie, raised it, and said, "Come to this coordinate and look for it." There may be Yi Lei staying there. The information is also uncertain."

Zhang Qing didn't believe that Irena was really unprepared at all.

"This is...!?" Saya looked at the dense calculation formulas and calculation processes above, and circles began to appear in his eyes, so he quickly looked away and asked.

"After marking the affected area, according to the degree of hand influence... (a few hundred words are omitted here), in short, the approximate location of the core area is finally calculated, which should be the center of the space transfer, and it should be A short collision there will open a channel instantly, and that channel will only appear for a moment, and will disappear soon as the two spaces are staggered."

In fact, during the last time he wrote a letter to Irena, Zhang Qing discovered that as time went by, the process of sending the letter to Irena became more and more unsmooth, and there would be lags and delays. It is even impossible to send it directly. 0

This is also one of the important bases for his speculation that the space is moving away.

"I don't understand, but after all, we can find Miss Irena when we get there!?" Sha Ye didn't quite understand what Zhang Qing was saying, but she understood one thing, so she was a little happy.

This time Zhang Qing did not shake his head, but nodded, "There is a high probability."

"But don't you really have more information about the lost kingdom of Nisel from the Magic Coordinating Association!?"

Zhang Qing asked, before he discovered that in the information that Saya gave him, there was only Irena's whereabouts report, but there was no information record related to the Kingdom of Nessel.

Saya sighed, "My level is not enough..."

"However, I still inquired about some content from my master. The master told me that the country is a sinful country, there are no treasures at all, and I will not say more."

So the Night Witch Sheila also knew that something happened to Irena, so she still came!?

Zhang Qing knows that the other party is also Irena's mother's disciple. With this relationship, it stands to reason that he should come for Irena's safety. If he doesn't come, it means that the other party is very sure that Irena will not There is danger to life.

It seems that the Magic Coordinating Association knows more things than imagined. The so-called Lost Kingdom is probably not completely unknown within the Association, and even the mystery of the Nissel Kingdom may be clear.


"Is it a sinful country......"

Zhang Qing naturally also attaches great importance to the words of the Night Witch Sheila. The other party can't just say something casually. Since they think it is a crime, then something appalling must have happened in the Lost Kingdom of Nisser, and it was even because of this incident that led to other things. disappeared.

In fact, even if there is no Sheila, it is very strange that Zhang Qing has been 5.5 before. It is the strange ore unique to the legendary Nissel Kingdom. Is it really a naturally occurring mineral!?

Knowing that no one has discovered this kind of ore before and after the existence of the Kingdom of Nissel is a very worthwhile matter, not to mention that it is impossible for such a mineral to exist in one place in the world. The world is so big, If there is such a special mineral that only exists in one place, it can only be brought by meteorites from outer space.

However, this area does not look like meteorites have appeared in the past. Just look at the surface of the moon. If meteorites really appeared and brought so many minerals, the diameter of the meteorites will not be small, which also represents other The destructive power is astonishing, but there are no huge basins or lakes here, except for being close to the mountains, it is very peaceful.

So Zhang Qing prefers that kind of ore is acquired artificially.

As for the raw materials... In that ignorant and barbaric era, the most valuable thing was human life. Basically, when doing anything, people would immediately think of using human life to make up for it. When forging peerless magic weapons, they would think of throwing people into the furnace Practicing together, steamed buns with human blood can cure all diseases, the blood of young girls can keep youth forever, etc., only you can't think of it, there is nothing that doesn't exist. .

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