Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

806 Zhang Qing: Wait, I'll Save Someone, But You Stay Here!

"It should be here, look around now, and watch out for explosive mushrooms."

Riding a broom, Zhang Qing and Sha Ye landed after arriving at the estimated center position, but they were extra careful when they landed.

The exploding mushrooms in this forest are very famous in the world, and even appeared in many works, the prototypes all come from here, known as "natural traps".

There used to be magicians who planned to study it and develop more utility values, but unfortunately they were told of failure, and even owed a lot of debt because of it.

There is no way this kind of mushroom is too delicate, a slight bump or vibration will make it explode, even when the witch is dealing with it, she must always concentrate and be careful

If it is not serious, the experimental samples will be lost, and at the same time, a set of experimental equipment, the laboratory or your own home will be lost.

There was once a witch who collected a large amount of explosive mushrooms for experiments, and accidentally blew up other houses around her, and she was charged a sky-high bill for this. It is rumored that he did not pay back until the day he died.

At the same time, the coddiness of this exploding mushroom is far more than that. After leaving this forest, it cannot be cultivated at all. It seems that it can only exist and grow in this area, even if you bring the soil here to cultivate it is useless.

Sha Ye's face was also a little nervous, and she nodded after hearing Zhang Qing's words.

Just standing here, there is a sense of sight standing in a minefield, and there are mushrooms growing on the surrounding trees, once it explodes, there will definitely be a chain reaction, blowing itself to the sky.

"Are... aren't you nervous!?"

Sha Ye saw Zhang Qing's normal face, and then looked at his shivering appearance. He couldn't help feeling a little ashamed. He was a witch, and the other party was at most 20 apprentice witches. He was not afraid, but he was, isn't it plausible! ?

Zhang Qing gave her a strange look, "I'm immune to explosions."


A series of ellipsis suddenly appeared above Saya's head, followed by question marks.

Zhang Qing didn't explain either, "It's enough for you to protect yourself. Let's search separately. There should be clues left by Irena around here, even if it's just footprints."

In this kind of forest full of dangerous explosive mushrooms, even if that guy Irena didn't expect to leave clues, it's impossible, because the route she walks is full of traces, as long as she comes, she will definitely leave.

Unless Irena used magic to clean up all the footprints and tails left by her while walking, but this should not be possible.

"Okay...okay..." Saya saw that Zhang Qing had already chosen a direction to search, so she couldn't help but took a deep breath and searched in the opposite direction.

The hand holding the magic wand tightly was already covered with sweat due to nervousness. She had to react the most effectively at the first moment of the explosion, otherwise she might be injured.

There are also feet, when you move forward, you must be extra careful.

Zhang Qing looked back at Saya's situation, and saw that he was still cautious. Although he was a little nervous, it was a good thing, so he didn't care about it anymore.

In fact, Zhang Qing should have reminded the other party to use the magic shield as soon as possible, but the other party didn't react, so he didn't remind him. It's not that Zhang Qing wants the other party to get hurt, but just wants the other party to learn a lesson , it is impossible for him to cause a big explosion, at most it is a little messed up by a small explosion.

"found it...."

It didn't take long for Zhang Qing to find the traces left by Irena. First, there was an arrow drawn with her feet on the ground, and then there were traces further away where cloth strips from clothes were torn off and tied to tree branches. Irena has indeed been here.

And she was very cautious, maybe that girl was also worried that someone deliberately led her here!? So many traces were left along the way, for fear that others would not be able to find them.

In fact, thinking about it, Zhang Qing knew that Irena was the protagonist, and her luck was against the sky, but Irena didn't know it. Suddenly, one day, a clue to a great treasure from the legendary lost kingdom appeared in front of her. It is impossible not to doubt it.

The pie fell from the sky, and it happened to hit him. This was either a conspiracy or a real accident.

And compared to the accidental chance of winning the lottery, Irena undoubtedly believes that it is a conspiracy. Of course, the artist is bold, and Irena is not like ordinary people who will avoid this kind of situation. Instead, she pretends to be fooled and comes to check After all, it is not impossible, as a traveling witch, it is certainly impossible to miss such "interesting" things.

Although the treasures of the legendary Nissel Kingdom are attractive, Irena’s family is not bad. Although it looks ordinary on the surface, but with a mother of a great witch, can it be really an ordinary family!? And an ordinary family is also It is impossible to provide the learning needs to become a witch. Not every place has a magic school. In this era, it is more of a family inheritance or a teacher's inheritance.

Of course, there are some people who are talented like Saya's master, the Night Witch, who awakened on their own and how to use magic power, and then they were spotted by Irena's mother, but more people didn't show anything before learning magic, and it was all luck , This also caused the magician to accept apprentices not so casually.

It is still very difficult to learn magic. To find someone who is willing to teach, you have to have your own family conditions. This is not modern. The overall environment is in the middle ages. Many people cannot solve the problem of food and clothing. How can they have the spare energy to learn magic! ?Even if you have this idea, someone has to teach it!

So Zhang Qing was right to say that Irena is a rich second generation. In fact, Irena was also raised by the rich, even though she didn't know it herself.

But even so, it is impossible for Irena to really lose her head because of her wealth. She may be pleasantly surprised for a moment, but she will calm down soon, and then analyze the abnormality of the whole thing.

Of course, the above are all Zhang Qing's guesses, and it is unknown whether this is the case.

Most of Zhang Qing's understanding of Irena comes from the animation plots in her previous life, and part of it is from getting along with her in this life. I can't say that I really know everything about Irena, I can only say that I understand it roughly.

After continuing to search for a while, Zhang Qing discovered that the last trace left by Irena was the "arrow" on the ground at the beginning.

Saya also came back over there, and from the expression on her face, it can be judged that she didn't find anything, so it can be concluded that Irena should have disappeared right here or a little before the "arrow".

"I didn't find anything over there." Saya said very disappointed.

Zhang Qing nodded, pointed to the ground, and said, "I found the clues she left here, she should have disappeared here.

"Let's wait here. There are about two hours until the time for the King's Letter to appear. There should be a passage linking that space."

"Hmm, what's the matter!?" Saya was very happy, and it seemed that she had discovered something that made her feel lost before, but seeing that Zhang Qing suddenly stopped talking, she couldn't help but tilt her head when she stared at herself.

Then he put his hands on his chest and took a step back, "Well... I know I look cute, but my heart and body belong to Miss Irena, don't think too much 3..."

Zhang Qing: "...

Are you serious!? And don’t you think that what you just said is perverted!?

"No, I just want to remind you, I'll go in later, you just stay, I'm not interested in you!"

Saya felt insulted, what does it mean to be uninterested!? Is she not good-looking!?


"Why didn't I go in and you stay!? I'm a witch, no matter how you look at it, I'm more suitable to go in, and I can help Miss Irena even more!"

"You don't have any ulterior motives for Miss Irena, no. Irena belongs to someone else!"

Zhang Qing rubbed the center of his brows, looked at the corners of Sha Ye's mouth twitching, "I don't really understand what you said, I just want to tell you, as a witch sent by the Magic Coordination Association, if you also disappear , have you thought about what's going to happen!?"

To use an analogy, Zhang Qing’s position is that of a private detective invited by the villagers, while Saya is a policeman who came to investigate on behalf of the government. As a result, the two investigated together, and one came back. Zhang Qing can guarantee that he will be regarded as a police officer. 880 murderers thrown into jail.

Don't think about it until the suspicion is cleared.

But the incident has not been resolved yet, there must be someone to appease the panic of the people here, and Zhang Qing's identity can't do it at all.

Not to mention that Zhang Qing, as a coward, is a fake and can only rely on "self" efforts to coax, but he is much more reliable than Saya, a witch. Otherwise, another person will be imprisoned later. Then the Magic Coordinating Association sent people over, and then sent them in one by one, which was ridiculous.

Of course, with the high-level executives of the Magic Coordinating Association knowing part of the inside story, this kind of thing will obviously not happen, but who can guarantee that those witches will not send their apprentices to train because of boredom!? Isn't that what the night witches do? !? Basically sent Saya over to torment the opponent.

If possible, Zhang Qing really wanted to leave and leave the matter to them.

But if we leave now, Saya will have an accident again, and the person will disappear, and he will not be able to clean up even if he really jumps into the Yellow River.

It's so deceitful, as expected, the matter related to Irena is not an ordinary deception.

"What happened!?" Saya obviously didn't understand what Zhang Qing meant, so he asked.

Now her mind is full of her own heroine saving the beauty, and the princess holding Irena's beautiful dreams, how could she expect the reaction of other people!?

"Wipe your drool!" Zhang Qing was a little blindsided, but he still explained to the other party what would happen here if Saya disappeared, so that the other party would dispel the idea of ​​following in.

"So you get it!"

"..." Saya wanted to say but couldn't understand.

Why!? Why!?

The way of heaven is unfair, such a good opportunity is in front of me, but I can only watch it, what is this?!

But she didn't dare to be willful, otherwise Master Sheila would know what she had done afterwards, maybe... Saya couldn't help but shudder when thinking of the consequences.

Damn it, I can't stop the tears, Miss Irena......

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