Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

807 That's Right, It's Me Again, Irena!

The low hills with brown skin exposed are endless.

Small and dense bushes and plants are scattered like spots in the desolate mountain scenery, giving the scenery the most basic color. Yet perhaps because of the gray cloud that hung over the sky, even these were sunk entirely in shadow.

Amidst this bleak landscape, a young girl flies on a broomstick. She was wearing a black robe, a three-cornered hat, and a brooch symbolizing stars on her chest. She looks like a witch, she is indeed a witch, and also a traveler.

The color is like the hair of the clouds in the sky, swaying in the dry wind mixed with the gravel, and the glazed eyes are facing forward.

There was no sign of the country in sight.

However, the occasional fairy tale-like strange things on the road can also make her linger, who is she!?

That's right, it's me.

The girl sat sideways on the broom, holding a quill pen dipped in ink to record something in the diary, with a smile on her face. And next to her left side was also sitting sideways this dignified and beautiful woman with violet hair. Fang Zhengxiao was interested, did she make any noise to watch the girl writing in the diary.

When Miss Witch put down her pen and put away her diary, she asked with some interest:

"Sister Irena, do travelers record their daily events like you do!?"

The inquiring person, named Catherine, is currently Irena's traveling partner. The acquaintance between them stems from a chance encounter and a clichéd story.

Catherine, a noble lady who ran away from home, lost her way in the deep mountains in order to avoid being chased by her family. Fortunately, she met Irena, a traveling witch who passed by here. After some conversation, Irena also decided to take her to Pineapple Kingdom, to find her lover Arthur.

In fact, Catherine's family and Arthur's family are deadly enemies, and their love will be opposed by their respective families. Catherine's grandfather even locked her up, intending to let her marry the sons of other families in his Spinach Kingdom. , thinking that only as long as Catherine can give up.

However, love is blind, and it will also bring infinite power to girls. In order to stay with her lover Arthur, Catherine resolutely escaped from the family, left the spinach kingdom alone, and embarked on the road to her lover.

One can imagine how difficult it has been for a delicate noble lady along the way.

If I hadn't met Irena, I really don't know what I would have encountered!?

As for why they went to the Pineapple Kingdom, it was because Catherine and Arthur had already agreed to elope together and met at a place only they knew, but Catherine did not see Arthur at the old place, and she was worried that Arthur would also After being imprisoned by his family, Catherine decided to venture to the Pineapple Kingdom.

Hearing Catherine's question, Irena stretched out her hand to press the three-cornered hat that was blown away by the wind, and said with a smile, "I don't know, but this is probably my inheritance...

Seeing Catherine's puzzled look, Irena explained, "My teacher Fran and I both like "The Adventures of Nicole" very much, maybe this is fate, because I actually like "The Adventures of Nicole" After reading the story, I worked hard to become a witch and then resolutely decided to travel."

"And my teacher, Fran, looked forward to "The Adventures of Nicole" for a while when she was young, and wrote novels while traveling, but now she is a teacher in a magic academy, and she is very popular among students!"

Catherine seemed to be a little interested when she heard the words, "Well, if I have the opportunity, I really want to see sister Irena's masterpiece, and if I can see "The Adventures of Irene" in the future, I will definitely to buy."

Irena is rarely shy, and seems to understand why her teacher said that she doesn't intend to let anyone read her novel. Thinking about how many times she boasted about herself in her diary, Irena is really afraid that after the book is published, Known as the "narcissistic witch".

It will definitely be laughed at.

"Probably, I will probably see it..." Irena responded.

Catherine didn't know if she heard Irena's strangeness, she pointed to the candy house left behind and asked, "Sister Irena really doesn't want to try the taste of those candies, I think it will be very good! "

Irena rolled her eyes, but she was happy to stop talking about the diary, and said, "Don't eat the things of unknown origin on the side of the road. I think every parent warned their children when they were young."

What do you think, it's not normal to suddenly see a candy house in this barren mountain that is incompatible with the environment here, and it can only exist in fairy tales. It is clearly trying to lure passers-by

Irena is not stupid, how could she be fooled!?

She had a hunch that nothing pleasant would happen in the past.

"No, my family motto is: 'Catch whatever you want!" Catherine blinked and said slyly.

"Oh! Then I don't know if they have thought that you will run away from home because of this family motto!?" Irena looked at Catherine speechlessly, "Of course, if you insist on tasting, I can now Turn around and go back, but if something goes wrong, I'm not in debt.

"Sister Irena is really bad, I was just joking with you, who would really eat something of unknown origin!?" Catherine smiled and refused, but Irena always felt that Catherine's smile at the moment was a bit weird , seems to have a little deep meaning in general.

"It's good that you know, and don't just eat wild fruits and vegetables that you don't know. In nature, many plants are poisonous in order to survive and reproduce." Irena didn't seem to care too much about Catherine's weird smile. I was really just joking about myself, and then I reminded this young lady.

Because Irena remembered that when she met the other party, the other party was already hungry. She was afraid that if she didn't come, she might really find food to fill her stomach by herself. It could be foreseen that it would be a tragedy.

Aristocratic ladies who only have love and noble etiquette in their minds are afraid that it is impossible to be proficient in the knowledge of survival in the wild, otherwise they would not be in a mess. It is pure luck that their lives are not in danger.

"Don't worry, I really don't understand everything." Catherine waved her hand to indicate that she was thinking too stupidly.

Irena curled her lips and rolled her eyes, "Yes, yes, Miss Catherine, you are the best.

What a stubborn noble lady.

After a while, Catherine suddenly pointed to something in front of her and said in surprise, "Look! There are seven dwarves there, they are so small, but what are they doing!?"

Irena looked in the direction Catherine pointed, and found that there were indeed seven bearded, slightly old-fashioned short guys standing not far in front. They were only about five or six years old, and their clothes were just right. Seven different colors, like a gourd baby, but with thick and short limbs, it looks very powerful at first glance.

The seven dwarves seemed to have also seen Irena and Catherine, and immediately took out axes, bricks, hatchets, benches, mallets, saliva and boogers from behind, and looked at them with grinning faces.

"We open this route, this... ah, brother! Why are you hitting me!?"

Idiots, we are no longer... We were hired by the Moen family to bring their eldest lady back, so we have to change the lines, you know!?"

"Oh!? Oh oh..."

Irena twitched the corners of her mouth when she saw the scene in front of her, and the weapons of the seven rainbow dwarves were also a little unscrupulous. With a little disgust and disgust, she let the broom fly up into the sky, away from the seven strange flowers on the ground.

Then he said to Catherine, "From what they said, it seems that your family hired them to take you back. What do you think!?"

Catherine: " about, sister Irena, you tell them that you are Catherine, and then go back with them, I think they are not very smart, they will probably believe it, and then I go to the Pineapple Kingdom by myself Sample!?"

"It's not good!" Irena glared at Catherine, what are you talking about, a fool will go back with seven strange flowers, and is it true that everyone's IQ is negative!?

"Hey! That gray-haired old witch, don't fly in the sky, let's go down and fight one-on-one."

After the elder dwarf in red clothes taught the younger brother a lesson, Irena, who flew above, waved the big ax in her hand and shouted loudly.

"Old... old witch!?" Irena didn't want to pay attention to the other party, and flew away after joking with Catherine, but now, she took out her wand and stared fiercely at the red one below. The little dwarf showed a "kind" smile.

"Heaven (good Zhao) punish——!"

As Irena waved her magic wand silently, the gray clouds above her head suddenly became pitch black, and then a huge thunder light broke through the dark clouds and illuminated the world. The roar of thunder came.

In front of the seven dwarves was a huge pit, and at the same time, it was scorched black and exuded some unpleasant smell.

Irena looked down at the shivering seven rainbow dwarfs and said with a smile, "Can you please repeat what you just said!?"

"This...... this......... this beautiful lady who is gentle and kind at first glance, we are just passers-by, then... and then [

After a long time, the little red dwarf said flatteringly with a smile on his face, and then led the other six dwarves to flee far away as if they were followed by evil spirits without looking back.

"Brother, we promised the Moen family..."

"Idiot, keep your voice down, I managed to fool you, that vicious witch is not a good person at first glance..."

The voices of those dwarves disappeared completely with a scream and thunder.

Irena put away her wand and looked up at the sky, "The weather here is really terrible, there will be sudden lightning and thunder, and you will chase people to chop, let's leave!".

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