Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

809 Saya: Wait! Shouldn't You Find Someone Else First! ?

The banquet of the nobility is lengthy and very boring, of course this is the feeling of people other than the nobility.

In fact, for the nobles, a banquet is a platform for communication, an opportunity to get together reasonably, and people can't blame them. As for what they want to do when they get together, it's a matter of opinion.

The engagement banquet lasted until almost the early morning, and Sha Ye was so tired that he was about to fall apart, so he was taken home by the "family" in a carriage.

"Finally I've dealt with it, Miss Irena should come to me next..."

Saya leaned back on the padded back with anticipation, imagining the scene of Irena and her private meeting, and couldn't help drooling.

"Suck, no, no, no, no here, Miss Irena, hehe..."

Because the theater in her head was too violent, Ms. Saya couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise, but perhaps because the sound was not loud, the people outside the carriage didn't care, the carriage galloped all the way, and amidst the sound of wheels turning, the carriage headed towards the city. Going to the other end, it slowly seemed to disappear under the night.

The host venue of the engagement banquet was, of course, the mansion of the Kion family where Arthur lived, so after the banquet ended, Zhang Qing was allowed to go back to Master Arthur's room, and then the door was closed and locked. There were a few guards standing outside to prevent him from escaping.

Obviously, the Chien family was not completely relieved at all, and took great pains to prevent the young master from running away from home.

"Oh, my Juliet..."

Zhang Qing felt that he should stand in front of the window of the room and sing loudly. He already had a general understanding of the current situation from side-by-side remarks. He didn't know the details of the story, but in general, with Romeo It's pretty much the same storyline as Juliet's.

It is the love and hatred between two deadly rival families. They originally disliked each other, but the children of the two families in this generation are inexplicably "the bastard sees that mung beans are in the same eye", and they are out of control. My own family contacts privately and agrees for life.

It's a good thing that this matter was not discovered, but if it was discovered, it would naturally usher in the stormy pressure from their respective families.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, so not long ago, the incident between the two finally caught fire, and both Catherine and Arthur were imprisoned and guarded by their respective parents.

Then the two families started a new round of war of words because of the matter between their children, and it even escalated to a war of violence. It was only by taking advantage of the quarrel between the two families that the two had the opportunity to continue exchanging letters in private. In the end, it was agreed to elope.

However...Catherine successfully ran away from home, but Arthur failed. The specific reason was that the lady from the Spiley family who was engaged to him now had always had a good impression of Arthur, so naturally she was interested in snatching him away. Her Arthur's Catherine was very annoying.

When it was discovered that Arthur wanted to run away to meet Catherine, the vixen, people naturally uncovered it, and directly took the opportunity to ask Arthur's father, the head of the Kion family, to let her and Arthur get married as soon as possible, so as to avoid cloudy nights.

In other words, Saya played the role of the vicious female supporting lady.

And Zhang Qing is the hard-working male lead-A Romeo Ser.

After returning to Arthur's room, Zhang Qing did not use force to get rid of the guards outside, nor did he rush to find Irena or more clues, because Zhang Qing knew that Irena would definitely come to find him. During the banquet, Zhang Qing knew that Irena, who chased and killed him for a long time, was back again through the angry little eyes of the other party.

The other party will definitely find a way to find him. What is more valuable to be the old player who entered here first? Irena must have more important clues, so instead of wasting time looking for some repeated clues, It is not as convenient as copying the answer directly.

Now time is life, no one knows what will happen if the time is delayed here!?

Even if Irena is indeed living well, it doesn't mean that she can live well all the time, maybe it's already very bad now.

After having an idea, Zhang Qing began to rummage in the room of Yuan Arthur Keen, wanting to see if there is any valuable information, and not letting go of all the useful information that can be reached in front of him is the key to decrypting the boss. That's why the little fool Saya obediently went back to Spiley's house.

Of course, maybe Saya just wanted to be alone with Irena, and didn't want to be disturbed by Zhang Qing, a foreigner.

The desk was very clean and neatly arranged, even in the drawer, but after Zhang Qing touched the top of the drawer, he quickly found the hidden compartment.

It was found that there were many letters hidden in it that had not been sent to Catherine Meyn.

Although it is very impolite and immoral to peek at other people's private messages, Zhang Qing doesn't say that he is wearing Arthur's identity now, and he also thinks he is not a moral "polite" person, so he opened it without psychological pressure. He opened the envelope, unfolded the letter inside and read it.


"Did you see the stars in the sky outside the window!? Those are my eyes looking at you silently, spending lonely nights with you!"

"When I miss you, are you thinking of me!? No matter how far apart we are!? No matter how long the road ahead is!? I just want to say that love has no regrets!"

Zhang Qing put down the letter, rubbed the center of his brows, and wondered if he had some serious illness. Why would he always interpret the sweet words written by others from a strange angle!?

For example, Arthur used the stars as eyes, which was romantic, but Zhang Qing immediately thought it was a horror story, that Miss Catherine was being watched by densely packed big eyeballs in the sky, and the other party was still there all year round. Not a single night was spared.

Really permeable!

The next sentence directly rises to a threat, which means: when he misses the other party, the other party must also miss him, otherwise he will be unhappy, and if he is unhappy, he will not know what will happen. Wherever Catherine fled, he will find you.


Sure enough, it’s not unreasonable for researchers to be single. They are too calm and rational. They will try to analyze and understand everything calmly and rationally, and then interpret it with rigorous thinking. This is true whether it is scientific or magical research. are the same.

I looked through the other letters and found that they were roughly the same, but I didn't know why they weren't sent, and they were all addressed to that Catherine.

Seeing that there were no more discoveries here, Zhang Qing went to the bookshelf and rummaged through them, first to see if there was any useful information hidden in a certain book. The second is to see if there is any mechanism that can open the secret passage, although Zhang Qing does not think that a noble young master who can only talk about love is capable of creating a secret passage in his room without being discovered , but the world is impermanent, maybe Arthur really did it!? You can't say that it is impossible to win the lottery, right!?

ask for flowers...

"Very well, Mr. Arthur, he is indeed a good-for-nothing noble young master with a good-for-nothing face."

Zhang Qing quickly came to this conclusion, because there really was no mechanism or secret way to prove that the other party was not a movie-level powerhouse, nor did he have superb acting skills of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Just when Zhang Qing was commenting on Arthur Keen, there was a sudden "click" sound outside, as if something had fallen to the ground.

Zhang Qing also stopped planning to continue rummaging through boxes and cabinets, and shifted his gaze to the direction of the door. Could it be that Irena is here now, but this movement is not expected to be made when she is placed!

After putting the book in his hand back to its original position on the shelf, Zhang Qing came to the door and opened the door. The so-called "lock" is useless to a magician, let alone Zhang Qing. It's about the same as not having one.


After opening the door, Zhang Qing saw a few puppets dressed as guards on the ground, and was stunned for a moment, "This is..."

Is it the guard who was guarding outside before!? Zhang Qing knelt down and checked, then frowned and thought to himself.

Then, looking further away, one or two puppets dressed as servants also fell there. Obviously, everyone in this mansion except him has turned into puppets.

But he didn't find anything wrong with these people before, as if they were real living people.

"It seems that there are many things that are wrong here..."

"So what happened!?"

At this time, Irena also came out from the corner, and looked at Zhang Qing who was squatting on the ground to check the puppets with some surprise and asked, at this time, she didn't care about giving Zhang Qing a "lesson" or anything!?

Irena saw with her own eyes that all these good people suddenly turned into puppets, which shocked her a lot.

After recovering, she even found that Catherine who was following behind her had disappeared, which forced Irena to come out.

Seeing Irena appearing here, Zhang Qing already thought about how wronged Saya would be and wanted to cry, but now is not the time to care about this, he clapped his hands and stood up and said, "It's up to you, you are locked in Haven’t found anything here for so long!? This is the first time this has happened!?”

"Why have I been locked up here for so long!?" Irena frowned, feeling that Zhang Qing's words were strange.

"I also just came to this country not long ago, but when did you call Arthur Keen!?"

Hearing this, Zhang Qing saw that Irena didn't look like a liar, so she couldn't help but look at her more, looked up and down, and realized that Irena was about to turn red and angry, so she retracted her gaze, and said seriously, "There is something wrong with your memory. Already!? No, it must be like this!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm the Witch of Ashes. How could I have a problem with my memory and I didn't even notice it!?" Irena said, rolling her eyes.

Suddenly being told that he is sick, it is impossible for anyone to change to Wu who is in a good mood. .

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