Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

810 Irena: So I'm Really Mentally Ill! ?

After seeing Irena's reaction, Zhang Qing also understood why the other party was trapped in this ghost place for such a long time and did not leave. The relationship is a memory problem.

"It seems that staying in this space for a long time will affect people's memory..."

Zhang Qing rubbed her chin, and drew a conclusion based on further analysis of the current situation of Irena.

"What are you muttering about!? You haven't answered my question yet!?" Irena said angrily, this guy doesn't know how to use any weird magic, and then he replaces Arthur Keen, intending to cheat the marriage Bar!?

Worried that this guy has gone too far and will be wanted by the Magic Coordinating Association later, Irena feels that she should persuade the other party to wake up when the matter is not too serious.

Of course, this is only because Miss Irena is a beautiful girl with a beautiful heart and a kind heart. She can't see anyone going astray, especially acquaintances, so there is absolutely no other reason, absolutely.

"Answer what!? Oh, no." Zhang Qing didn't respond at first, but after thinking about it, he found that Irene had indeed asked him if he had another name called Arthur Keen, and then Zhang Qing said Shaking his head, he said no more.

Irena looked at Zhang Qing, "So, aren't you going to explain "two seven three"!?"

What she wants, yes or no!?

Zhang Qing patted his forehead and said helplessly, "So didn't I say that, your memory has problems, shouldn't you find a way to verify the authenticity of my words now!? The answers to those things, after you are sure , don't we have it!?"

What is he doing here, when you think about it, after confirming that the world is false, there is no need for him to explain it all, so Zhang Qing is really tired, and I don't understand why Irena is as unreliable as Saya stand up.

Irena frowned, for the second time, Zhang Qing said for the second time that he had a problem with his memory.

Irena had no choice but to search her memory, but found nothing suspicious, but she didn't conclude that Zhang Qing was playing tricks on her, even though Zhang Qing was often misbehaving and often played tricks on her to make her angry. But there is no need to show off your IQ on something that can easily be verified as true or false.

Therefore, Irena took out the diary "Witch's Journey" she carried with her and started to search.

Even if there is a problem with your own memory, the content of the diary should not be wrong. This is the benefit of keeping a diary.

Seeing Irena take out the diary to look through it, Zhang Qing also remembered something and handed over a diary that was almost exactly the same. Under Irena's questioning eyes, Zhang Qing explained, "This is the last time I was in that place. , the other one you left with me."

Irena froze for a moment, and also remembered who the other self Zhang Qing was talking about was.

But it was precisely because she remembered who it was that she felt very strange, "No, why did she leave the diary with you!?"

Irena clearly remembered that on the last night, everyone got together by herself, and then agreed to change the name of the diary to "Witch's Journey". At that time, the other party's diary should be in her own hands.

That guy didn't leave it on purpose, did he!? What's the picture!?

"What are you doing with such a ferocious face? I haven't looked through it." Zhang Qing felt that Irena's face suddenly changed, and she looked murderous.

How can you admit to peeking at other people's diaries!?

He is immoral, but that doesn't mean he's stupid!

"No, it's nothing." Gritting her teeth, Irena took the diary of her other self, then opened it, and found that the contents in it were still automatically updated, otherwise there would definitely be no more fillings after that time. of.

She is angry, how can she show her diary to others!? Is he an idiot!?

So shameless!

"Huh!?" Suddenly Irena stopped looking at the other party's diary. She found that the content of the diary, which was very similar to the original, was more and more inconsistent with her own. The time happened a month ago. .

That self seemed to have obtained clues to the Kingdom of Nissel in the Kingdom of Dawn, and then came to the capital of no country, but finally found that the clues were false, and left without gaining anything.

From here, the trajectories of oneself and the other party will be different.

Irena frowned, she always felt that the word "Niselle" was very special, she had a strange feeling, but she couldn't remember anything about it.

"Is there really something wrong with my memory!?"

After talking to herself, Irena opened her diary again, and found that she was in the Kingdom of Dawn at the same time before, but why she left in a hurry, the other self obtained Nissel's relevant clues, But what about myself!?

There seems to be no reason!

This is not normal, she is a traveling witch, it is not normal to leave in a hurry and not stay.

Moreover, the Kingdom of Dawn has many famous scenic spots, so I have no reason not to experience them all, unless there is an urgent matter.

The more she delved into it, the more Irena became aware of her own problems.

To make matters worse, not only was there a problem with the memory, but even the contents of the diary had been tampered with. Realizing this, Irena couldn't help but look serious.

Suddenly Irena thought of something, took out her broom, and cast a spell on it.

"Miss Irena..." Miss Broom became very excited when she became a human, "You finally, finally remembered me, and worried about me to death."

She looks exactly the same as Irena, only Miss Broom with pink hair pounced on her, crying anxiously.

While pushing the broom away, Irena calmed down the broom and was completely sure that there was indeed something wrong with her body. The broom didn't even need to explain. Just the other party's reaction at this moment confirmed Irena's conjecture.

"Calm down, tell me about the situation!"

"Yes, Lady Irena." Broom looked at Zhang Qing gratefully, then nodded to Irena.

From Miss Broom's point of view, if Zhang Qing did not appear, I am afraid that Irena would not know how long it would take to wake her up again. To be honest, Miss Broom, who cannot speak, has always been very worried about Irena, even if Irena seemed to It's the same as not being injured, because the situation is too weird.

From the broom's point of view, Irena is like someone changing her memory again and again. She met the woman named Catherine in different ways, and then handed over, and then changed her experience every day.

Broom doesn't know what will happen if this continues, but it's definitely not a good thing, because she clearly knows that Irena was pulled into this place, and she needs to get out

After Miss Broom told what she knew——Irena's complexion was very bad.

"That's all I know, because I usually stay in Lady Irena's space, and the outside world also knows that I can only see and hear it when Lady Irena calls me out, so... Sorry."

"No, you've already done well enough." Irena reassured, if there was no Miss Broom, she might not have found anything in the first two times.

It is conceivable that without realizing it, when the memory has been tampered with, the chance of being able to remember Miss Broom is very small. Without Miss Broom and the half-truths in the diary, it would be very difficult for Irena to know the truth.

And Miss Broom needs Irena to provide magic power supply all the time to maintain her body, so once Irena loses consciousness or doesn't take the initiative to remember, she can't tell

It's really not her fault.

Zhang Qing really wants to study the magic of Irena. In his opinion, this enlightenment is almost the same, but I don’t know if this is a monster!?

But obviously now is not the time to do this, and with Irena's temperament, it is impossible to allow him to study, after all Miss Broom and Irena look exactly the same.

"What to do now!?" Irena stopped in front of Miss Broom, blocked Zhang Qing's line of sight, and asked.

Now Irena also knows that Zhang Qing and the others are here to rescue her, but how to get out is a problem. Based on Miss Broom's words, once tonight and the day comes, their memories are likely to suffer. Tampering, that's what kills.

And the further you get to the back, the less time you have, because it is difficult for you to realize the problems of the world itself, the later you discover, the less time you can use, and it will be difficult to solve puzzles with limited time, and as a result, the time is getting more and more The shorter it is, the harder it is.

Of course, if Irena has the habit of letting Miss Broom transform into a human to accompany her, then it’s fine. This should be equivalent to having an archive function in 2.4. It doesn’t matter if Irena doesn’t remember her previous discoveries, Miss Broom does.

However, Irena herself is very resistant to her own magic. After all, no one can use a dead thing that can change into a human being with peace of mind. Very strange.

If not, Irena would have come out long ago.

Even during the day, you can find out that there is a problem with your memory, and then have a whole day to solve puzzles and explore, and the difficulty will be directly reduced a lot.

But the fact is that it cannot be done.

"Before we talk about this, let's find Miss Sha Ye first!" Zhang Qing, who didn't expect this to be the case, is now worried about the safety of another idiot.

Irena froze for a moment, then remembered that there was another Saya, "No, didn't she know that she came here now!?"

The corners of Zhang Qing's mouth twitched, "She's probably waiting for you to go to find her, she seems to have decided that you will go to find her."

Irena: "Ah, this..."

This is really Shaye, so why did she come here to save me!? No matter how you look at it, it looks unreliable. .

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