After getting together for a long time, Princess Anrietta also explained her purpose of coming this time.

As Her Royal Highness, the heir of the future kingdom, the real queen, the situation of Albion, and the turmoil of the future kingdom, these will not be hidden from her. She is very aware that the current Torristine kingdom is precarious.

Of course I know, but it doesn't mean she can call the shots.

But as the future queen, of course it is impossible for her to do nothing, and Anrietta also needs to grow up. But this time her mother, Her Majesty Queen Marianna, gave her a mission.

Let me also mention here by the way, in fact, although everyone calls her Majesty the Queen, in fact, Her Majesty Queen Marianna is still a queen, not a king. After her husband died, she insisted not to take the throne. The interim queen.

Similarly, Her Majesty Queen Marianna is also a member of the royal family of Albion. As mentioned earlier, the royal family of Albion and the royal family of Torristine are brother countries that are married to each other, and it is precisely because these two countries are so close In order to survive under the prying eyes of a bunch of wolves and tigers around.

So Her Majesty Queen Mariana is qualified to be the real queen, and no one can say that this does not meet the requirements.

Back to the topic, the task of Her Royal Highness is actually very simple. In the stormy Kingdom of Torristine, it is necessary to stabilize the hearts of the people. But recently there have been rumors that nobles abused civilians. Although they don't know whether it is true or not, they will definitely become a time bomb that explodes during wartime.

Although the world's nobles are superior to commoners because they master the power of magic, but it's not that commoners really have no room for advancement. For example, a musketeer captain (PS: this musket is not a gunpowder musket), was originally a commoner and did not know magic, but because of certain events, he got the title of knight and became a nobleman.

In this world, there is also the possibility that commoners can become nobles.

In addition, if commoners are favored by nobles, illegitimate children can be considered half nobles. For thousands of years, except for a few noble families, many nobles have more or less commoner blood flowing in their bodies. The most typical The most important ones are the Hugholozi family, with black hair and black pupils, typical oriental appearance [the ancestor even had a traveler like Hiraga.

In addition to these, in fact, civilians are also needed in all aspects. Once the civilians go on strike, or if they choose to support [Leikon Guista] at that time, then the Torristine Kingdom really can only be captured without a fight.

Anne does not only refer to appeasing the nobles, but also the common people.

Originally, Princess Anrietta also thought it was a very simple task. However, the people she sent out didn't know whether it was because of their abilities or because they treated her as a little girl who didn't understand anything. : Just a rumor.

The testimonies of the common people, even more so, said that the aristocrats, as a model of the common people, could not make such good words about such behavior.

One look (listen) and you know it's fake.

To make matters worse, as a princess and the future queen, Anrietta is not yet able to investigate in person. There are too many people staring at her. What she has seen and heard can only be a drama prepared by others.

In desperation, Anrietta had no choice but to come to Louise. She needed someone she could trust completely. Of course, she also found another excuse for coming to Louise. It was impossible for others to see her truth. The purpose is that the college just said that Louise helped retrieve the [Wand of Destruction], so that Anrietta didn't even need to worry about excuses.

Of course, if it was just to reward Louise, it would be a bit of a fuss.

And the news that Louise brought back the [Wand of Destruction] was just known not long ago. Princess Anrietta came this time to give Joshua a reward, but Joshua's previous mission was carried out in secret. Yes, so it can't be done with much fanfare.

"It's been a long time, Brother Joshua..." After Louise brought Joshua, Anrietta said with a smile after seeing Joshua.

She and Louise were childhood playmates, and of course she saw Joshua who came to find Kateria from time to time. Every time the poor Joshua met with his fiancée to increase their relationship, there were many light bulbs, and sometimes he had to face the cold face of his mother-in-law.

Joshua shook his head, "Your Highness, don't call me that, or I'll be in trouble if someone listens to you."

You must know that the Huguloz family, as newly promoted nobles, has no blood relationship with the royal family.

Louise was also a little nervous, "Your Highness Princess!"

"Okay, okay, I was just joking, and don't worry, I will only shout that when there are no outsiders." Anrietta said with sly eyes, who made Joshua always love him before? Teasing and teasing her and Louise, she just wanted a little revenge, and she could do it because there were no other outsiders.

Since the death of her father, Anrietta has not only lost a lot of freedom, but also lost the chance to play with Louise. She also needs to pay attention to her words and deeds at all times. It has been a long time since she has relaxed as much as she does now.

"But I didn't expect Brother Joshua, you are really willing to become a knight for Sister Cateria." Anrietta sat on Louise's bed and said with some sighs. As a princess, she knew very well what she wanted to be. How difficult is the knight title and title, "No, there is Eleonore sister, you are really greedy, brother Joshua..."

Louise raised a question mark, "Sister Eleonore!? Wait, what's going on!? What are you talking about!?"

Joshua avoided Louise's gaze in embarrassment, while Princess Anrietta smiled and said, "So you don't know Louise, I was also shocked before, your two sisters But you must marry Brother Joshua!"

Louise was shocked, "How is it possible!? Why didn't I know!?"

Talented Pinghe also stared at Joshua dumbfounded. How did this guy do it? Even if there are three wives and four concubines in this world, it is the first case of marrying other people's sisters together!?

More importantly, it seems that Louise's family has a higher status!?

"Okay, Your Royal Highness, you didn't come here just to tease me, did you? I wanted to give little Louise a surprise, but you made my plans come to naught!" Joshua looked helplessly. Princess Anrietta, I didn't expect that after so many years, the other party would become a little dark-bellied.

But it’s much better than the one in the original book who wore a fake smile mask. Of course, it’s also possible that she’s a disguise now. A princess will always make people think too much about her. This is probably the sorrow of the royal family members.

Louise spat, "It's obviously a shock, so what kind of surprise is there!?"

When Louise thought about what kind of joke she would make if she only found out about it at her sister's wedding. This is too vicious, is this my good brother-in-law, my good sisters, and my good father and mother!?

Everyone didn't tell her such an important matter in advance, it's abominable!

As for Joshua, is there any problem with marrying two Valier family ladies at once!? Of course, there is no problem. If it is another family, there may be problems, but it is well known that Eleonore cannot marry. Now, compared to dying alone, buying one and getting two free other people are more pitiful to Joshua, marrying an ancestor and going home.

Louise was also relieved that her eldest sister was finally married.

Moreover, my brother-in-law is indeed very good. Bad things said behind others will only turn into bad words. After all, good people match good people, there is no problem at all.

Compared with Joshua, Eleonor and Cateria are indeed inferior to each other except for their family background. Together, they are barely a match.

No one can see that Joshua has a bright future. Valier's house is an investment, so what's the joke!?

Princess Anrietta also restrained her smile at this time, put on a serious expression, stood up and came to Joshua, yes, Knight Joshua Huguloz, I am here this time, not just for I will reward you instead of my mother, and I hope you can help me. "

Joshua frowned, could it be that he was asked to go to Albion again!? It has something to do with that crown prince!?

"Brother-in-law..." Seeing that Joshua didn't make a statement, Louise tugged at the corner of his clothes, pleading a little.

Joshua nodded helplessly, "Okay, but I may not be able to do it."

It is easy to take back the love letter, but to persuade the Prince of Wales Tudor to escape, he and Eleonore tried this kind of thing last time, and it is impossible for someone who has no words to persuade the other party. If you are tough, the other party will say Maybe I will die on the spot for you to see.

Speaking of which, the last time I really forgot to ask the other party to return Princess Anrietta's letter.

"No! I believe in you, brother Joshua!" Princess Anrietta breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Joshua's promise, and finally put a smile on her face again, and changed back to the previous address (Qian Nuohao) "I would like to ask Brother Joshua to help me secretly investigate the people around me. Speaking of which, it was only after the mission my mother gave me this time that I discovered that the people around me were not really loyal to me. Maybe this is why It's what my mother wants me to see..."

Princess Anrietta has a sad face at the moment. In the huge palace, there is no one who can be completely trusted. Even if she is a princess, she is more like a canary in a cage.

That’s not the case!? Joshua was a little surprised.

However, I am also surprised that Anrietta discovered the problem so early. You must know that in the original plot, she knew that Louise's fiancé, Viscount Huadu, was a traitor, and then she began to clean up the people around her and replace them with others. of.

The musketeer captain, Cavaliers Anies Xiubaliye D. Milan, who was born as a commoner, also became her personal bodyguard at about that time.

Perhaps it wasn't Anrietta who discovered it now, but she had no excuse or reason to change her blood. The network of interests among nobles is not something that her ten princesses can do at will.

This princess, perhaps can't really treat her as an innocent little girl.

"If Her Royal Highness, you can trust it." Joshua nodded to indicate that he had accepted the task.

"Of course, I have always trusted you, brother Joshua, just like I trusted Louise." Princess Anrietta said with a smile. .

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