It was also mentioned earlier that the royal palace of the Kingdom of Torristine is at the end of Brutonne Street, so if everyone in the royal palace has heard a certain rumor, then the problem will definitely not be too far away from the royal palace.

Although Louise and He He still didn't believe that someone would be stupid enough to make trouble in front of the emperor's gate, they still pretended to be civilians and temporarily lived in Brutonne Street.

As for the nature of Joshua's task, it is more special and more troublesome, because although the princess asked him to investigate all the people around him, but as a princess of a country, she usually lives in the palace, which is equivalent to saying Joshua needs to investigate Princess Anrietta, no, it should be said that the entire palace, except Her Majesty, has been investigated.

Obviously, this is unrealistic. Even if this is not an ancient dynasty in the East, and the queen is not the emperor, it is still an act of offending a supreme person in a country. No matter whether the problem is investigated afterwards, this offense cannot be let go. past.

You said it's ok to avoid Her Majesty the Queen!?

This is impossible, because the people in the entire palace are precisely Her Majesty's people. Even if the people around Princess Anrietta are investigating in this category, it is tantamount to moving Her Majesty's people.

Of course, there was a reason why Joshua dared to take on this job.

As Princess Anrietta guessed, this was originally a task or a test specially arranged by Her Majesty Queen Marianna, or something else. In short, the purpose was nothing more than to tell Princess Anrietta something with facts, And these things will definitely shock and overturn Anrietta's past.

What Queen Marianne wanted to tell Princess Anrietta was not only the responsibility of being a king, but also the dangers of being in a high position.

I have always said that the aristocratic system 220 is backward. Many people may agree with this statement, but they do not have a clear understanding.

If you want to know more, you can Baidu it. Here is a brief explanation of where the lag is!? The lag is that the state power cannot be fully concentrated. If the power of the Eastern Dynasty is at its peak, the emperor alone can control about 60% of the country's power [then the king of the Western aristocratic monarchy] The highest will not exceed 100%.

Kingship does not go to the countryside, especially in Western countries, not to mention that many territories belong to local nobles. In noble territories, the nobles are the emperors. As for the orders of the top one, it depends on whether you are willing to cooperate or not. Or the size of the conflict of interest.

This is also the reason why the Albion Kingdom fell so quickly. The local nobles did their own thing and didn't know how to cooperate at all. When they even resisted the enemy together, they might stab a knife in the back. It was completely short-sighted to the point of stupidity, but this is the noble.

If there is really any kind of family and country feelings, there are only a few people, and there will always be a few people, especially among the aristocratic groups, why do they have to die for justice if they can enjoy it well!?

As for Queen Marianne, despite her great reputation among the people, in fact, as an outsider, she really doesn't have many cronies available in the Kingdom of Torristine. What was even worse was the loss of her mother's family, Albion. Her halo was shattered a little bit, and she became completely alone.

So it's not so much that Princess Anrietta wants to know who the people around her are from and whether they can be appointed, it's better to say that the heroine Mariana wants to find out more.

Obviously, during this period of time, there has been no progress in the investigation of the nobles of the Torristine Kingdom. The members of [Raycon Guista] have not been found out, but the nobles in the country have used this to exclude dissidents, saying that the opposite party There is a problem, which makes things that are not complicated at first become wool loops where the thread ends cannot be found.

I have to say, it’s not how powerful the man behind the scenes of [Lei Kong Guista] is, but how fragile and backward he is and even the aristocratic systems of various countries in the mainland. Most countries will be plunged into civil strife.

Because what the nobles are good at is never governance, but exploitation!

It is precisely because of this nature that Princess Anrietta has doubts and disbelief in the investigation results of her subordinates, and because of this, in fact, Louise and Hiraga do not need to pretend to investigate at all, because the nobles oppress the common people. It's a common thing, it's no surprise!

Among the nobles, there are nine people who have done this. There is nothing to investigate about this kind of thing, and it is useless to find out, because this kind of Tianlong people cannot be killed. This is the birth of the backward system. As long as the general environment remains like this , this kind of noble can never be killed.

As for whether there are such nobles among the kingdom's officials, of course there are, and there is even a ready-made example, which is the incident with Siesta, if she hadn't claimed to be Joshua's maid, the special envoy of the palace, Morthawk The Earl really took him back.

Of course he is very smart and did not use violence, but soft violence is also violence, how dare a small commoner refuse the "request" of a nobleman or an earl!? The wishes of commoners are not important at all.

Once the nobles are angered, family ruin is the most common, so no matter which commoner you ask, how the nobles are, you can only get good things.

Because of this, Louise and Higa's mission is meaningless.

As for Joshua's side, it is relatively easy, because if another person wants to find out any useful information, it may take time and effort, and in the end, the work may be in vain. However, as a half-traveler, he watched the plot from the perspective of God. Although he didn't watch the ending, at least he knew some things in the early stage.

There is an undercover agent beside Princess Anrietta, and it is an undercover agent who hides well.

As long as Joshua grabs the other party and investigates, basically (cadc) will find out most of the people with different hearts.

As for whether there are omissions, it doesn't matter, because not every traitor has the ability to climb to such a high position. There are not many such capable people anywhere. As for those fools who are not capable enough, they can Play yourself to death.

In the aristocratic circle, the elite is only a small part, most of them are mediocre, and there are also dudes. If [Lei Kong Guista] is looking for that kind of stuff, even if it proves that it is just like that, I think To accomplish a big event, one must win over a handful of capable people.

To be honest, Louise’s fiancé, the Viscount Huadu, has a bright future and a fiancée with a prominent family background. I really don’t know if he has the wrong nerve to join the opposite side!? Maybe he has an enmity with the Kingdom of Torristine Bar!?

Joshua guessed the other party's brain circuit, and kept working hard, writing and drawing on paper. He needed to re-plan the future plan, because the current changes are a bit big, and many things have been different from the original ones. The plot has changed.

The most obvious change is that Hiraga Talent has become Hiraga Talent. As a woman, she has not provoked Chuluk's stalking. Exposed to too many people know.

For those who have not made a name for themselves, there are good and bad things about this situation. Of course, the good thing is that some attention has been reduced. You must know that compared to other void magicians, Louise is completely at a disadvantage. In the plot, they may not Do some lore, but in reality, everything may not really fully abide by the established plot fate.

Give your opponent time and opportunity to develop!? I hate my life too easy, so I want to make it more difficult!?

So it's a good thing that Louise and the others didn't make any big achievements.

It is also not without disadvantages. As the principal Othman said, the current situation of the Torristine Kingdom is very delicate, and it will enter a state of war at any time. There is not much time left for Louise to develop. In the turbulent era, Louise A noble lady like Louise also needs to join the battle. After all, as a magician, there is no way to escape.

Instead of being beaten or even dying at that time, it is best to become as strong and mature as possible now.

To a certain extent, the void magician is similar to the Jinzhuli of the Naruto World, both of which have nuclear-level combat power. As long as one's own side exists, it can inspire people's hearts. Louise not only has to participate in the battle at that time, but also has to be the center.

If she is not qualified for such an important task, then the result will be a tragedy.

So now Joshua has to arrange a trial for Louise and the others, at least to make Louise's mentality mature.

At the same time, Joshua is also considering whether to use the opportunity of this great turmoil to sweep out the backward aristocratic system.

You must know that this world is connected to the world where the talented He He is. Wouldn't the world over there invade this side in a large scale one day? If this aristocratic system has always existed, then the gap between the two sides will undoubtedly become wider and wider.

The aristocratic system here has not changed at all for six thousand years, and even the overall civilization is still at the level of the Western Middle Ages. Magic may be very powerful, but not everyone is as powerful as the ancestor Brimir, and can Only a few people use magic.

On the other hand, technology is constantly improving, and all kinds of lethal weapons and vehicles are becoming stronger and better with each passing day, and they can be used by ordinary people. When the time comes, the world will be able to resist the overwhelming invasion. live!?

You said it is impossible to invade!? Heh, a new world, everyone knows how much the countries of the world attach importance to it. This means that there is an extra resource of the whole world. This is a fortune that anyone would envy Great wealth.

And facing the world on Louise's side, there is no restriction on using mushroom eggs over there. Just throw a few in the capitals of various countries, and then it's time to harvest.

So Joshua had a lot to do. .

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