"Old Bai, what are you looking at so engrossed in!?"

Yan Qi had just returned from a full meal outside, and was holding a toothpick in his mouth to grit his teeth, when he saw that Bingshan Kuge, Bai Zhan, fiddling with something, which made him a little surprised. You must know that this guy is a violent maniac, except for fighting I am not interested in other things, and my life is more ascetic than that of an ascetic, very boring.

So under normal circumstances, unless it is necessary for the mission, this guy will basically stay in the martial arts field and other places related to cultivation. I also have to be convinced.

If you lose to such an introvert, you can only give a thumbs up and say "serve" in capital letters, otherwise what else can you do!? Join introversion, the question is whether everyone's physique is as powerful as Bai Zhan, Really rolled up, I am afraid that it will be a crematorium in minutes.

Seeing that Bai Zhan ignored him, Yan Qi was not angry, and walked over with eight steps, looking at what Bai Zhan was researching.

It doesn't matter, but Yan Qi almost stabbed the toothpick in his throat. After pulling out the toothpick from the bad meat and throwing it on the ground, Yan Qi pointed at the strange... sword on the table, it should be Isn't it!? Asked a little unsteadily:

"What is this... what is this!? There is also a valve panel "550" on it!?"

Well, the long sword is covered with several hollow trachea-like things entangled, and there is a gas valve instrument panel between the sword body and the hilt, with red pointers and scales inside, what is even more weird is the sword. The appearance design is very rough, you can see the big screws, it is not fine at all, and it is obviously going in a different direction from the popular futuristic sci-fi style.

Bai Zhan didn't pay attention to this guy at all, he held the hilt of the sword with his right hand and lifted up the heavy looking sword, his expression changed immediately, he looked at the sword in his hand with some surprise, the exhaust that looked like a decoration on it There is actually a jet of white hot air, and the sound of a whistle, of course, this is not the most important thing.

As the pointer on the dashboard moved, Bai Zhan felt that the long sword in his hand became different, and at the same time became lighter, there was also a strange energy connected with him, and it seemed to have no effect on his body. In addition to being unable to generate damage by itself, Bai Zhan felt that he could direct that strange energy.

Of course, if you want to use that energy, you have to rely on the sword in your hand.

Bai Zhan followed the guidance in his heart and mobilized that force to flow back to the sword body. Suddenly the long sword turned red and emitted a billowing heat wave. It is probably estimated that it must be more than a thousand degrees at the moment. If Yan Qi can't bear it, just step back. I see it.

Ignoring Yan Qi yelling "Damn!", Bai Zhan waved at the wall beside him at a distance of about five meters, his eyes widened, because a hole had been burned out in that wall, and the wall body directly into magma.

"Hiss!" Yan Qi gasped, pointed at the strange sword in Bai Zhan's hand, and shouted, "Old Lao Bai, tell me what this thing is, it's so terrifying! Don't you Tell me this is a new weapon developed by the scientific research institute!"

"What are you doing!?" Before Bai Zhan could explain, there was a roar from outside. Director Zhou Xun, who was wearing a Chinese tunic suit, led a group of people to glare at Bai Zhan and Yan Qi inside the cave on the other side. I could still hear that loud siren.

"Are you trying to demolish this place!? Yan Qi, do you belong to a husky!?"

Seeing the director pointing at his nose and cursing, Yan Qi felt a little innocent. He wanted to say what this had to do with him, but before he could explain, he found that he had an extra sword in his hand, which was the one that Bai Zhan swung just now. At that moment, Bai Zhan had folded his hands on his chest and looked at himself expressionlessly.

"This... Fuck!"

Yan Qi didn't know that he had been framed, this was throwing the blame! He was so angry that he pointed at Bai Zhan and his hands were trembling. It's really not soft at all to entrap people.

"Write a 100,000-word review later, and don't break the sword. The scientific research institute left one for us. I'm still waiting for people to study it! If this thing is broken, a hundred you It’s not enough to pay, it’s even more national treasure than the terracotta warriors and horses!” Zhou Xun saw that Yan Qi was trembling while holding that “baby”, and his face turned pale immediately, he begged his grandpa to sue his grandma, so he learned from those big scientific researchers. The reason for keeping such a handful in his hands is that maybe this thing has to use non-scientific methods to achieve results, but if it can't be harmed by Yan Qi, an incomprehensible guy, he will be punished by then.

"No...this is Lao Bai, I'm innocent!" Yan Qi was so wronged that he wanted to cry, a big man who was 1.7 meters almost couldn't hold back anymore.

"Don't blame Bai Zhan, he is not as irritable as you, but Bai Zhan didn't stop Yan Qi immediately this time, you are also responsible, write a five-hundred-word self-criticism later." Zhou Xun had already run away at this time He came in, snatched the long sword from Yan Qi's hand, inspected it carefully, and said to Bai Zhan beside him without raising his head.

Bai Zhan nodded expressionlessly, "Yes."

Yan Qi was about to vomit blood when he saw this, not to mention that he was innocent, even if he was responsible, why would he only need 500 words for Bai Zhan, while he would get 100,000 words, can they be treated differently!?

At this time, the little girl Zhu Nan was holding a generation of snacks, holding a piece of snacks from time to time, and chewing them in her mouth, while following in to watch the excitement, seeing Yan Qi's colorful and constantly changing face, she almost screamed out of laughter Voice.

Seeing Bai Zhan looking over, Zhu Nan quickly stopped laughing, and said with a stern face, "Little Qizi, how many times have I told you, you have to be brave enough to admit that you have done something wrong, the bureau is not the kind of unkind person People, please tell me carefully, can I not show you the seat!? Why don’t you ask yourself, alas..."

Yan Qi's face was trembling, he was so angry that his whole body was trembling, this old hag is going too far, she is pointing a deer for a horse and turning black and white!

You are afraid of Lao Bai, so aren’t you afraid of me, Lord Yan Qiyan!? You dare to call me Xiao Qizi, you are courting death!

Zhu Nan wasn't afraid of Yan Qi's angry little eyes at all. She approached Zhou Xun to look at the strange sword and asked, "Ju Zuo, where did this come from!? It looks weird."

Speaking of which, Zhu Nan also glanced at the leaky wall beside him, where there was already a huge hole at this moment, and the bricks and stones below the hole had become crystals, lumps, and a few maintenance workers outside at this moment The worker is worrying about how to fix it.

After Zhou Xun checked it again, he couldn't see anything wrong with it, and he relaxed a little, and said, "This was excavated by the fifth team before, and it's a fairly good one."

Seeing that Bai Zhan and the others looked over curiously, Zhou Xun began to talk about the two tomb robbers who surrendered themselves, and then briefly explained the matter of them sending people to seal off the area and dig out the things buried in the soil over again.

In fact, for fear of damaging some valuable things, the whole project was very careful, so that the efficiency was not high, and it took nearly a month to complete it. Don't look at one month as a short time. You must know that the army was dispatched. The number of people is by no means comparable to that of ordinary archaeological teams, and there are various military instruments and equipment to support it. In addition, the capable people and strangers of the fifth team of the Special Processing Bureau can only be used for a month. Don't even think about it for two or three years..0

After listening to the ins and outs of the whole incident, Bai Zhan and the others understood why they hadn't heard of it before. First, it was because of the high degree of secrecy of this matter. Second, it was their first team. Running, the main job is to be in charge of those alien monsters, all doing hard work, of course I don't know about it.

Yan Qi didn't care to be angry anymore, he pointed to the sword in surprise and asked, "You said it was powered by steam!?"

Seeing Zhou Xun nodding, Yan Qi couldn't calm down, "This is impossible."

It's no wonder that Yan Qi didn't believe it. After all, steam power is a steam engine, the most representative of which is a steam locomotive, that is, a train.

The reason why the train didn't fire later was obviously because the steam engine was replaced by the internal combustion engine and the electric motor.

The main reason is that the shortcomings of "dirty", "noisy", "low" and "small" steam locomotives are becoming more and more prominent.

"Dirty" means that the air is silent and serious. When steam locomotive boilers burn coal to form steam, a large amount of water vapor, gas, carbon oxides, cinders, etc. will be emitted, polluting the air environment, not only making railway bridges and tunnels and other buildings easily dirty, but also affecting drivers. and the health of passengers.

"Noisy" refers to a lot of noise and vibration. The steam locomotive produced a lot of noise due to the transmission mechanism and the exhausted steam. At the same time, because the total weight of the locomotive and the wagon carrying coal water was relatively large, it was easy to cause a lot of vibration in Guidong.

"Low" refers to low energy efficiency. The total energy efficiency of steam locomotives is generally 6% to 8%, while that of electric locomotives and diesel locomotives can be as high as 24% to 28%.

"Small" means less tractive power. Traction power is the product of traction effort and operating speed. The greater the power, the faster things can be pulled and run. The traction power of steam locomotives is higher than that of forward locomotives, which can be more than 2,000 kilowatts, while the traction power of diesel locomotives and electric locomotives can reach 1.5 to 3 times that.

It is precisely because of these shortcomings that steam locomotives gradually withdraw from railways and are replaced by diesel locomotives and electric locomotives.

Although the above is about locomotives, it can be used for everything, and it is the same in other aspects. That's why Yan Qi doesn't believe that such a sword can use steam power. He has seen its power in Bai Zhan's hands just now. Is this what a mere steam engine can have!?

And what does it rely on to provide enough power!? Where is the water added!? And where is the coal fired!?

Don't say that Yan Qi doesn't believe it anymore, it's impossible for any normal person to believe it.

Zhou Xun gave Yan Qi a blank look, "Why am I lying to you!? And if you can understand it, why do you need the boss of the scientific research institute!?"

"Okay, I've called you back this time because I have a task to entrust to you, and I will temporarily entrust other people to take care of those small troubles."

"No, what we did before was classified as petty trouble!?" Yan Qi had a black line.

"Don't talk." Zhou Xun glared at this guy. Didn't he see that he finally had a good relationship!? Can't you listen to him quietly!?

"This time it is about the fate of all mankind. Compared with this, do you think it is a small fight!?".

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