"Steam-powered weapons!? Old Li, are you not crazy!?"

When the atmosphere at the Special Processing Bureau was weird because of the strange long sword, the Scientific Research Institute, which had taken over all the cultural relics from Dalan's tomb that had been unearthed, was also very lively.

Academician Li Xiuyan was in charge of this matter. Seeing him bring back such a pile of things, his nervous look for fear of being damaged by bumps naturally made other academicians and students very curious. Several of them usually have a good relationship with Li Xiuyan, but they also like to compete The old man also came over to inquire about one or two.

But those students are afraid to join in the fun, for fear of being punished if they hear something they shouldn’t hear. You must know that they are students, but they are actually apprentices. I don’t know how long it will take to make it through! At this time, it is natural to restrain your curiosity. Yes, after all, the place of work is quite special.

Academicians have no such scruples. Of course, if the level of secrecy is high, Li Xiuyan just keeps his mouth shut. They are all old people, so they are naturally familiar with this set.

Li Xiuyan wanted to get rid of these old bastards, but these old bastards were very thick-skinned, and they had already been trained to be invincible, so it was so easy to get rid of. Moreover, he couldn't study these treasures by himself, otherwise they would have been smuggled back to his laboratory long ago, so how could these old guys see them.

And for this pile of treasures, he had been in a war of words with the Cultural Relics Bureau for a long time, and he was about to wear off his mouth before letting these treasures fall to his own scientific research institute, instead of entering the Cultural Relics Bureau to collect ashes and be visited by others. I haven't come up with results for a long time, I'm afraid that those narrow-minded guys will jump out and be weird and disgusting.

20 When Li Xiuyan saw that these old academicians had come over, he simply pulled him to a corner and explained the ins and outs of the matter, which immediately made the eyes of these old fellows shine.

I can't wait to pounce on those weapons and study them carefully from the hands of those big soldiers and bosses. This is not as refreshing as staring at the Lighthouse Country. You must know that the Lighthouse Country has been trying to get rid of Kaxia's neck. I can't wait for Xia The country has always been poor and backward and unable to develop.

In fact, it's not that Xia's scientific research talents are not as good as those in the West. It's even that many senior personnel in Western countries are from Daxia, but they just changed their nationality. This doesn't mean that those who stay in Xia are not talents, it's just that Just choose differently.

The real reason why Great Xia’s scientific research talents are far inferior to those of the West is that Xia is on the opposite side of the entire world. No country in the world really hopes that Xia will rise again and return to its hegemony. In the process, Use any means, which of course includes slander, spreading some bad rumors, etc., while damaging the self-confidence of the people of Xia, at the same time restricting Xia's acquisition of cutting-edge technologies in all aspects.

It can be said that if the ancient black technology is really discovered, maybe Xia Guo will be able to overtake in a curve, so he is naturally very excited.

However, when they heard that these weapons turned out to be powered by steam, these most intelligent people couldn't help showing expressions of disbelief like that little bastard Yan Qi. As for why they couldn't believe it, I briefly explained it in the previous chapter. I won't repeat it.

"You're crazy, I can't even be crazy!" Academician Li Xiuyan glared at Old Zhu and said unceremoniously, "I know you don't believe it, but all these things are here, is it useful for me to lie to you!? "

Although the old man with a square face who was called "Old Zhu" expressed doubts, his eyes kept staring at the things carefully carried by the soldiers, and he seemed to have no intention of listening to Li Xiuyan's explanation. He murmured, "This is unscientific, How did you do it, and why did you choose steam power!?"

The others are not much better, they are all lost in thought. No one knows the flaws of steam power better than these scientific researchers!? You must know that all countries in the world are currently secretly researching energy weapons, and electricity storage has always been a difficult problem to solve , Just imagine that even if it is made, it can only send out a blow. "Is the weapon really of practical value!? It is not as good as a traditional kinetic energy weapon.

And this is still a difficult problem that modern electric technology cannot solve. Turning it into the obsolete steam power, not to mention the problem of miniaturization, you must know that because of the principle of the steam engine, it is destined to be small, otherwise it will not be able to provide enough power. , If the energy source of the energy weapon is changed from electric energy to steam kinetic energy, that is something that no one dares to think about. This is like changing the wheel of a car from a circle to a square. Isn't this a disease of the brain!?

At this time, one of the female academicians asked Academician Li Xiuyan, "Have you discovered anything!? I don't believe you can really resist doing nothing!?"

Everyone here knows what kind of person they are. Putting this kind of weird and common sense thing in front of them is like throwing a meat bun in front of a dog. People believe it, maybe because there are not enough instruments and equipment outside and can't do much, but I have been studying these things all my life, and my eyesight is definitely not bad. After getting started, I can basically make a judgment.

Although they have always adhered to seeking truth from facts and speaking with facts, it does not mean that they will not assume and conjecture.

Seeing the academicians looking at him again, Li Xiuyan nodded helplessly, "I'm not sure, but I think maybe the steam engines in these weapons are much more advanced than we imagined, maybe we gave up too early before, never I never thought that this road would really come to an end, it would be a dead end."

"I even suspect that boiling water is the water molecules in the air, not water in the conventional sense." Li Xiuyan drew a structural diagram of the steam engine on the ground, and stayed for a long time at the place where the water was originally filled, and then Then said, "As for what the fuel is, I can't think of it. I even suspect that this is the closest device to a perpetual motion machine."

"Perpetual motion machine!?" Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect such a strict old man like Li Xiuyan to say such a thing.

Li Xiuyan nodded numbly, "Yes, it can only be a perpetual motion machine, otherwise there is no reason why it can still work after a thousand years, and there is no place to refill the fuel, so it can't be a one-time weapon!?"

At the end he made a bad joke, but no one laughed, because everyone knew that no one made disposable weapons, except of course a certain kitchen knife that couldn't shoot garlic.

Moreover, Li Xiuyan also explained that these weapons are really not what they look like, and they have been proven to be able to release powerful lethality.

At this time, Lao Zhu seemed to think of something, and said, "If this is true, then Dalan's technological level may not be far from leaving the mother star and entering the interstellar voyage. We only need to solve how to boil water in the universe. Right!?"

"No! In fact, it's more than that. From there we discovered that the ancient tomb was built more than a hundred years ago when Dalan was founded. It can be said that these weapons are only early products, and it is impossible that there will be no progress at all afterwards." Li Xiuyan shook his head and denied Lao Zhu's statement, "And I suspect that it is not an ancient tomb at all, but someone who gave up the Institute of Biology

In fact, in addition to these weapons, many corpses of man-made monsters were found there, which were obviously laboratory products, not natural products. "

All of a sudden, everyone was shocked by the old academician Li Xiuyan's words.

"Could it be that the demons in our world were created by the people of Dalan!?" Someone couldn't help asking this question. In fact, not only demon hunters abroad were curious about where the aliens came from, Xia Guo A small number of people here who know the existence of aliens (monsters) have of course been curious about this question.

Some people even suspect that those strange creatures or gods in myths and legends are aliens, such as the various beasts in Shan Hai Jing. However, some people suspect that the alien species is actually an alien species. Maybe 337 is an alien who came from outer space at a certain time. After all, if it really existed in the age of mythology, then the current owner of Blue Star cannot be a human being.

The aliens absolutely do not allow a race beyond their control to become the majority, and they are forced to hide.

But now there is a third guess, and that is the man-made product of Da Lan, an ancient dynasty full of mysteries.

"I don't know." Li Xiuyan shook his head again, and then said, "The fact is that we learned one thing from there. Da Lan also got a strange corpse that fell from the sky before starting research, but the results were not ideal. They are all out-of-control monsters, they are very aggressive towards living things, maybe the people of Dalan continued to improve to have the monsters with wisdom now!?"

"But it is obvious that even in the Dalan period, the source of the monsters seems to point to the starry sky.

The others couldn't help but look up, even if they could only see the incandescent lamps on the ceiling, it was as if they passed through their own obstacles and looked into the starry sky.

"We are never alone..." Everyone couldn't help murmuring this very famous line.

The starry sky is infinitely vast, and no one knows what other extraterrestrial civilizations exist besides them. What kind of attitude do they have when they look at Blue Star!?

The fascinating starry sky is so frightening.

"Don't forget to look up at the sky at any time!" I don't know who said this, and other people sighed. If there is still a strong enemy outside, then Blue Star's current situation of silos and constant internal strife really doesn't know. How to evaluate it.

However, it is impossible for them to agree to let them give up their independence. If they can't stand up and be human, they would rather die.

Since it cannot be resolved peacefully, it can only make itself stronger and become the strong one. .

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