Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

908 Open The Door And Check The Water Meter!

"Do you know who those people are!?"

After Su Mu poured a cup of tea for everyone, he asked Sun Qing, who was still comforting his somewhat abnormal father, and glanced at the other party's father, Sun Xiaotian, seeing that the other party was still muttering something It looks like, and I know that I can't ask anything.

However, with the other party's appearance, it is hard to believe that he is Sun Qing's father. After all, people who are of the same generation as Su Mu would believe him, and he looks definitely less than thirty years old.

After Sun Qing looked at the teacup and thanked her, she shook her head, "I don't know, my father's condition is not very good, I don't know when he will regain his senses..."

As she said that, she also had a bit of sadness on her face, and she was also a little dazed. Her motivation all along was to find her parents, but in the end, it seemed to be different from her original expectations. To be honest, her head is also a little messed up now, otherwise she would I won't be looking for Su Mu suddenly.

The relationship between her and Su Mu is really ordinary, they may not even be considered friends, she also knows this.

"However, when my father was sober, he told me not to call the police. He said that a group of hat uncles broke in suddenly and wanted to take my mother away. Then my father resisted desperately and escaped from the other party. My mother was already dead when she was born, and from what I said, it seems that my mother hid me in the closet while I was asleep at "450" ​​that day, and escaped the catastrophe......"

As Sun Qing talked, she also frowned a little, because she always felt that there were many things wrong with her father's words, but Sun Qing felt that her father should have no reason to make up nonsense to lie to her!?

Xia Hua, a good friend, patted Sun Qing on the back lightly, comforting the worried Sun Qing.

From time to time, the eyes peeked at the blond little loli and Roman who were sitting elegantly drinking black tea, their eyes were full of curiosity.

Su Mu looked at the old alcoholic Roman who seemed to be doubting his life and asked, "Roman, isn't the group you met before really not official!?"

Roman shrugged his shoulders, avoiding Little Lolita's kind gaze, "Who knows, I just don't feel like it. In fact, this is the first time I've come to Xia Guo, and you don't know!?"

After speaking, Roman's eyes fell on Sun Qing who was also looking at him, "Instead of discussing this, let's find out your life experience, little girl! You are not a normal person, I can assure you of that.

Seeing what her nephew said, Freya also nodded, "Indeed, little Roman is right, little girl, you are probably of mixed race. I think your father is a pure human being, so your mother should not be human. You You can start investigating from this point.

"Don't call me Little Roman." Uncle Roman complained in a low voice. He has a headache about this kind of life experience. He feels that the bloody things in his body are no less than that of the little girl Sun Qing.

And if there is only a vampire aunt, he will be a little embarrassed among the witchers in the future.

Fortunately, this little aunt of mine didn't seem to have any intention of turning her into a blood race, which made Roman feel relieved and at the same time more distressed.

Freya seemed to see what Roman was thinking, and said with a smile, "Only the blood race knows the suffering of the blood race. Of course I won't let you, little Roman, suffer like this, and the transformation of the blood race is not as easy as you think. There is a chance of death, if you gamble with luck, you won’t die.”

Many people think that vampires are handsome and immortal, and they feel envious, but Freya knows that this is just a glamorous appearance seen by outsiders. After all, these vampires are more like living corpses than living beings. They have no body temperature and cannot eat at will. Hate the sun, have some impulsiveness towards blood, etc. These are not advantages.

The reason why I like to drink the blood of living people is not because of the warm feeling that makes vampires feel that they are still alive!? This kind of feeling is easy to make vampires addicted, not how delicious real human blood is. Become stronger.

Of course, Freya never hated her father who turned herself into a vampire. If the previous Patriarch of Helfur hadn't picked her up at that time, she might have died in a place that no one knew about and became that vampire. It's time for one of the thousands of low-level suffering people.

Sun Qing pointed to her nose in surprise, "I...I'm not a normal human!?"

She has never missed a physical examination since she was a child, but suddenly someone told herself that you are not human, and Sun Qing was stunned, but her father, who is not old, is a normal person!?

Not to mention Sun Qing, Su Mu was confused, he pointed to Sun Qing's father and asked, "Tell me that he is a pure human being in this situation!?"

Fu Liya nodded, "Brother Su Mu, of course he is a pure human being, there are no other impurities in his body, don't just look at his appearance, his inner appearance is very suitable for his current age, Sometimes don’t trust your own eyes too much, just like when I confirmed that Little Roman is my relative, I also felt that I had the same blood in my body as him, and it was not really just because of appearance.”

When she said this, Fu Liya was old-fashioned, and she was not at all different from her cute and young appearance, but it was precisely because of her contradictory existence that Su Mu couldn't refute.

"So, he just looks immortal, not immortal!?" Su Mu felt that he seemed to understand a little bit, Sun Xiaotian's situation was like eating the Zhuyan pill from the world of cultivating immortals

It's not that he's abnormal.

Sun Qing and Xia Hua blinked, Qi Qi looked at Sun Xiaotian, even Sun Qing wanted to ask, "Dad, is there any Zhuyan Pill left!?"

After all, she is a woman, and no one wants to grow old and ugly. Women value youthful appearance more than longevity.

"That's right, and his physical condition is very bad. It seems that there is something keeping him alive. Otherwise, in his condition, he probably has to prepare for his funeral." After careful consideration, Freya frowned. Said, "Sorry, I can't see what it is, but it seems harmless to it, so you don't have to worry too much."

"I'm here...I'm here..." Sun Xiaotian murmured repeatedly, as if he didn't care about everyone's conversation, although Sun Qing had already tidied it up, she still looked like a lunatic.

Sun Qing let out a long sigh, "Let's do this first, sorry, we seem to be causing you trouble, but I really don't know what to do!?"

"Xiao Qing!" Xia Hua whispered Sun Qing's intimate address, with worry in her eyes.

Su Mu scratched the back of his head and didn't know what to say at this time. After thinking for a while, he asked Freya and Roman, "Well... is there a way for Sun Qing to master her abilities? !? Didn’t you say that she is not an ordinary person, so it stands to reason that there should be something different!?”

Fu Liya spread her hands, "But our blood race is different. Basically, if we get through it, we will become a formal vampire. Some abilities can be mastered by ourselves. Although basically all the blood races are considered mixed blood, after all, the blood race can't rely on themselves to reproduce offspring, but It’s still different from other alien races.”

Roman was even more helpless, "Please, I'm just a demon hunter, how do I know it's a secret inside the class itself!?"

As for Amelia, just ignore it..0

If she doesn't make trouble, it's a big help, don't think about what she can do.

However, when Su Mu and the others were at a loss in the house, a black equipment vehicle slowly arrived at the door of his house, and three people wearing sunglasses got out of the vehicle. They were two men and a woman. To Su Mu's house.

To be honest, in a place like Shanghai where every inch of land is very expensive, it is very rare for Su Mu to own a detached house. It is definitely a big deal to push a house here to build a commercial building, but some people are not tempted. Carrying heavy treasures, but still able to hold on.

It is conceivable that Su Mu's own background is not simple. Without any background, he is already the plaintiff.

"How is it? Doesn't this look good!?" One of the men with two beards who didn't look like a good guy took off his sunglasses, shook his hair, and asked the girl beside him pretendingly. Complacent and cheap.

"If you use a stick, you look like a blind man." The girl was not used to him at all and curled her lips, "I will tell the director when I go back that you used public funds to do this. You can do some review when you go back."

"You..." Mustache seemed a little annoyed, pointed at the other party and said, "Obviously you liked it just now."

"Okay, it's important." Another cold and handsome man also took off his sunglasses at this time, folded them up and put them in his chest pocket, and said to the girl beside him

"Zhu Nan, go and ring the doorbell, remember to be polite."

"Me!? Okay." The girl was a little dazed, but she didn't refuse. After all, she was the only one among the three who looked harmless to humans and animals. Yan Qi didn't say anything. It seemed to be seeking revenge.

After Zhu Nan agreed, she skipped over to ring the doorbell.

"Ding dong——!" "Ding dong——!" "Ding dong——!"

The people who were discussing vigorously in the room were taken aback when they heard the doorbell, among them Roman, Freya and the others frowned, and stopped Su Mu who was about to open the door, "Wait, Su! Something is wrong, I I didn't feel anyone approaching." 2.0 Su Mu was also taken aback when he heard the words, "What!?"

"It's not easy for people outside." Fu Liya has shown her small canine teeth, and her eyes have also turned red.

Sun Qing and Xia Hua were a little uneasy, "Could it be that those people are still here!?"

"Ding dong—!"

However, no matter what everyone thinks, the person who rings the doorbell outside seems to have very good patience, and rings every thirty seconds or so.

Roman had already loaded his favorite gun. After waking up Amelia who was still autistic, he signaled the others to find a safe place to hide first, at least find a bunker or something, and then he went to the door Let go of the test slowly.

"Is there anyone inside!? We are checking the water meter! Can you open the door!?"

When approaching the gate, Roman heard a crisp female voice, and the people outside seemed to be young.

Su Mu hid behind the sofa, stuck his head out, and whispered from Roman, "My family has only paid the water bill, don't believe it!"

Before Roman could say anything, the girl outside the door seemed to have heard Su Mu's words, and then turned around and said, "Did you hand it over!? Then we are here to check the electricity meter."


Did this guy take him for an idiot!?

Sun Qing and the others also looked at each other in blank dismay. .

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