"Want some!?"



Su Mu looked speechlessly at the three people who broke in suddenly, moved away from the disposable plastic bowls in the hands of the people who claimed to be officials, and watched them with great relish sticking bamboo sticks with white radish, dried tofu and other foods After eating vigorously, I suddenly felt a toothache because of the tension before I waited for someone.

The others were not much better, but Roman and Freya still didn't dare to relax, their muscles were tense secretly, not to mention that the other party was an official member of the Xia Kingdom, the cold man among the three felt bloody when he approached The breath is so strong that it is suffocating. It is definitely an executioner. I don't know how many people have been killed.

Moreover, Freya also feels a strong sense of danger. She is a second-generation vampire, the strongest other than the first and first-generation vampires, and because she has lived for a long time, her strength is definitely at the forefront among the heterogeneous, otherwise she would not have been a vampire before. It was not so easy to save Roman.

But even she can feel the danger, this man is probably not simple, he is the most powerful person she has ever met so far.

Roman also didn't dare to relax, but what he cared about was that the situation of these three people seemed to be similar to that of Sun Qing's little girl, and they were also of mixed race, and there was definitely a different kind of blood flowing in their bodies, but compared to Sun Qing's kind of hidden and unobtrusive In the current situation, the heterogeneous blood vessels in these three people are boiling, and they are in a state of awakening.

"Don't worry, we didn't come to arrest you before you committed any crimes. It's just that you have caused a lot of troubles during this period. We are here to understand the situation a little bit and remind you a little bit about what you can do and what you can't do." 20." After finishing the soup in the bowl, Zhu Nan put down the plastic bowl and said to Su Mu and the others, seeing Sun Qing and the others staring at the disposable plastic bowl in the hands of the three of them, she also explained it by the way , "For this, I bought it on the side of the road when we came here. You don't know that sometimes in our business, we can't order hot meals on time. We have to find something to fill our stomachs."

"No, we understand." Su Mu waved his hand, he just felt that the current picture was a bit weird.

The others also nodded quickly, indicating that they can continue to eat and don't worry about them.

Bai Zhan was unmoved, but Yan Qi said with a smile, "It's really lively here, look at this lady who got out of that place before, and then greeted Miss Ghosting who ran away without fighting. The people here are quite frightened."

He pointed to Amelia who was silent, and then looked at Freya, the little blond girl, "This one is a bit like a zombie here, but it should be a vampire abroad. To be honest, I still It’s the first time we met, if it wasn’t for those friends of yours who suddenly reported to the police that they had lost a friend and thought they had encountered a kidnapper, we really wouldn’t have been able to find you.”

As he said that, he looked at Freya with a slightly deep look, because no one thought that there would be a monster who obeyed the rules, and all the procedures were legal and compliant, plus the age advantage of appearance

No one really thought there was something wrong with her before. If it wasn't for being close now, they probably wouldn't be able to find out what's wrong with her.

Finally, Yan Qi looked at Roman, "It's you, uncle, who made a lot of noise, you were fighting at the airport, you were fighting for justice every night, and you were fighting with people on the road in broad daylight, and you almost got into trouble." Hot search."

The reason why the three of them came this time was also because of the commotion that Roman had made before, and after checking along this line, they also found that the image of an urban legend in the Demon City a while ago was very similar to Roman. After further investigation, it was discovered that something wrong with the international airport at a certain time period was also related to this guy.

In this day and age, there are cameras everywhere, and there are many hidden ones. Roman and Su Mu's tricks are certainly enough for those who don't pay attention, but when someone deliberately checks, they can still find some clues. So the person disappeared, and the case could not be solved after more than two months, which already shows that the umbrella is strong, not how difficult the case is.

Seeing Luo Man looking at him, Yan Qi took out a toothpick to pick his teeth, and said, "Don't worry, we didn't come here to catch you this time, even if we sell Grandpa Su to save face, we won't be able to catch you, unless you Do any major event that endangers national security, otherwise we will turn a blind eye and close one eye. We are here this time mainly to let you keep a low profile. To a certain extent, don't let people take pictures and spread them on the Internet, otherwise we will have a very difficult time."

"By the way, little sister, if you want to suck blood, our national hospital has a lot of blood bank, you can sell it, don't attack people." Yan Qi suggested with a wink from Freya.

Freya smiled, without explaining that she does not drink human blood, "I will."

Zhu Nan gave Yan Qi a blank look, she is much older than you. "

Yan Qi glanced at her sideways, "You're younger than a five-hundred-year-old girl, aren't you!?"

"Fart, it's been less than a hundred years since I woke up from the amber, and I'm still young!" Zhu Nan bared her small canine teeth, wanting to bite the bastard to death, she would never admit that she was that old.

At this time, Bai Zhan had almost finished eating, and after he finished the hot soup in the bowl, he said to Su Mu and the others, "That's the purpose of our visit. I hope we won't meet in hostile situations in the future."

As he spoke, a blue light shone in the depths of his eyes, which made people tremble from the bottom of their hearts.

Seeing that the three of Bai Zhan were about to leave, Su Mu hesitated and stopped them, "Well...how much do you know about my classmate!?"

The three of Bai Zhan who were about to leave stopped when they heard the words, and the three of them looked in the direction Su Mu pointed, and saw the nervous Sun Qing, frowned, and it was Bai Zhan who spoke first.

"have no idea."

Seeing Su Mu's surprise, Zhu Nan explained, "We are in charge of handling special domestic incidents, and we prefer to deal with them by force, so..."

Although Zhu Nan didn't finish his sentence, the meaning was obvious. If they knew it, it meant that they were going to be violent, and the shot was the kind that would kill.

"Um, does she have any questions!?" Zhu Nan asked suddenly.

She always felt that there was something wrong with the expressions of Su Mu and the others.


Su Mu just wanted to deny it, but Sun Qing stood up and said, "Well, I do have something about me and my parents, is that okay!?"

"Sun Qing, you...!?" Xia Hua and Su Mu looked at Sun Qing's actions in surprise.

Crazy!? Didn’t your father mean that Uncle Hat made it back then!?

Sun Qing shook her head at the two of them. Of course she did not do this impulsively, but the result of careful consideration. To be honest, she grew up in Xia Guo and was well educated in Xia Guo. Suddenly, she didn't trust the officials, and she couldn't accept it even more.

Moreover, her father is crazy, and he really doesn't know how much of what he said is credible. If he investigates by himself, not to mention the danger in the middle, it is not ideal in terms of efficiency, let alone there is a group of people Being able to block the news, the strength of energy is not something that Su Mu and the others can fight against. She had no choice but to find Su Mu before. Now that there are people who are directly connected to the department that are related to the mystery, let it go. If you take this opportunity, you may really regret it for the rest of your life.

Of course, there are risks in doing so. If the person behind the scenes is really in the government, then she will be caught in a trap by doing so, but she can't stop taking a gamble just because of this risk!? And then treat the whole country as her own enemies against the country, then fled abroad and became a traitor!?

If she hadn't really reached a desperate situation, Sun Qing would definitely not want this kind of life.

Bai Zhan and the others looked at each other, but they didn't leave in a hurry. They wanted to know what's the matter with this little girl!? For civil matters, I'd suggest her to go to the police.

After Sun Qing sorted out her words, she fully revealed her current situation, as well as some problems Su Mu and the others encountered during the period. These contents made the three of Bai Zhan frown deeply

He looked at Qing more seriously.

Zhu Nan looked at Freya and Roman in surprise, "Can you tell the blood in the human body!?"

"Uh, no, we can only judge whether it is a normal person, just like I can't tell what your blood is, Miss!?" Roman shook his head and said.

"That's amazing. When we see Miss Sun Qing, she's just like an ordinary person." Zhu Nan sighed. Although they can distinguish breath, it's very difficult for Sun Qing.

Then she pointed to herself, "My word is Snow Wolf!" 807

"A husky is a husky, and a snow wolf." Yan Tucao said.

"If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb." Zhu Nan gritted her teeth and said, she is a noble wolf, not the kind of a bitch.

"Hmph." Zhu Nan snorted coldly and ignored Yan Qi, the dog, then looked at Sun Qing and said, "But if you also have a special blood in your body, it stands to reason that you should live as long as I do, but you ...are you really in your twenties!?"

She is five hundred, no, she only grew into a sixteen-year-old girl when she was over a hundred years old, and the Sun Qing in front of her is already a royal sister, what is this!?

Sun Qing also looked at Zhu Nan, and opened her mouth,... I also just found out that I am not human. "

If she hadn't grown up like Zhu Nan and Fu Liya, she would have discovered her abnormality long ago, why would she make such a fuss now!?

"It doesn't make sense, then you haven't awakened the blood in your body, but as long as you have it, you must be different from normal people, it doesn't make sense to be so ordinary." Zhu Nan was a little confused

She has lived for so many years, and this is the first time she has encountered such a situation as Sun Qing. Of course, it is fine if her blood is abnormally thin, but Sun Qing is not.

"Forget it, let's ignore these things for now. We will tell the director about your situation. I don't think it should be our official person. Maybe you don't know that if we knew about Miss Sun's situation, we would have come to recruit people a long time ago. , where will you be allowed to receive an ordinary education outside!?"

"That's right. I heard the director talking all day long, how to expand the staff!?" Yan Qi didn't say anything this time, but nodded to express that they were really short of manpower and couldn't do such a wasteful job. Things, not to mention killing Sun Qing's mother, this is simply a crime.

Bai Zhan folded his hands on his chest, and he stared at Sun Qing earnestly, "We understand your situation, please keep your phone connected during this time, and don't run around, we may meet again, and then we will give you answer."

"Thank you." Sun Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that she was always tense during this period of time.


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