After receiving a generous reward, Zhang Qing returned to his hidden residence.

After finding a place to keep the gray-haired doll away, he saw a lavender-colored letter appear on his desk.

"A letter from Estelle (Estelle)!?"

Seeing this familiar letter, Zhang Qing couldn't help but frown. The lavender witch also met more than three years ago. The animation didn't say what kind of kingdom it was, so Zhang Qing didn't know at the time that it was the second-chome murderer country.

It was at that time that Zhang Qing met Estelle who had just returned to China, and at the same time witnessed how the other party arrested her son and executed her personally.

Zhang Qing had planned to stop the other party at that time. After all, there is no magic that can erase people's memories and start a new life. Unfortunately, Estelle did not obey her request, and finally chose to cut Serena's head off. end each other's life.

Between the country and her childhood buddies, the Lavender Witch chooses the country.

Zhang Qing does not comment on this, but it is clear that the lavender witch seems to have been stuck in a knot in her heart since then, unable to get out, and even gave birth to the crazy idea of ​​time travel, and invited Zhang Qing many times , but Zhang Qing has always refused.

Because Zhang Qing knew that no matter how many times, it was impossible to save that girl, and Estelle would only be hurt more, because she never knew where she was wrong.

Perhaps the beauty of that childhood was real, but unfortunately, because of her sudden departure, even Serena's only light was taken away, and it was taken away by Estelle herself, that child at that time How desperate, it is conceivable that this has a lot to do with her eventually becoming a murderer.

At the same time, it is also something that Estelle refuses to admit. From the fact that she just chose to go back to ten years ago, it can be seen that the other party does not want to believe that it is because of her, and throws all the faults to that ten years ago. Na's parents robbed the thief.

Didn’t Estelle see it!? The way Serena’s parents died was exactly the same as Serena’s first murder, the uncle who abused her!?

She was simply avoiding herself, otherwise she would not have chosen ten years ago instead of a little earlier.

Between becoming a magician and being a friend, she still chose herself. If she had jumped earlier, and prevented herself from leaving at that time, she might have been able to delay the tragedy.

Of course, it is more likely that Serena will still become a murderer because she cannot bear the abuse of her parents, or she will choose to end her sad life by herself.

Therefore, Zhang Qing is not willing to help Estelle, because in Zhang Qing's view, this is unsolvable. For a person who has lived in darkness since birth, if no one pulls him out of the abyss, the other party's Life is doomed.

Originally, Estelle might have allowed the other party to last longer, and it was more possible to wait for such a hero to appear, but it is a pity that she went abroad to study at that time, and took away the only light and warmth of the other party.

It is true to say that Estelle is selfish, but it is impossible for any individual to be selfish. It is normal to love yourself more than others. The person who said he loves you, do you believe it!?

So Zhang Qing didn't comment on Estelle's actions, because it was human nature, and to make one's own life difficult and unsatisfactory, presumably not many people could do it. Although we often want to see a saint, but in reality, a saint rarely appears, because it is very difficult and unrealistic.

"Did you ask me to help again!~°?" Zhang Qing was a little helpless, but still walked over and picked up the envelope.

The other party seems to have taken that matter as an obsession.

But what can we do back in time!? Kill that girl again!?

They can't do much if they can't stay in that time! And have you really understood your little girl!? Estelle!

Open the envelope, and you can smell the familiar scent of lavender in your nose. Estelle is a woman who loves lavender very much, otherwise she would not have won the title of Lavender Witch

"Sure enough..." She was so persistent, she still wanted to ask herself to help, but this time it was not to provide magic power, but to say that she was about to collect enough magic power, and she just wanted to help the other party by herself.

Zhang Qing calculated the time, and it was indeed almost time for Irena to go there.

It's just that Zhang Qing still doesn't intend to help, because it doesn't make sense at all. He hates tragedies, so he doesn't want to watch it again. If it's a funny and happy plot, he can do it a few more times, but this kind of tragedy ends... .

Never mind.

However, he still plans to visit each other after a while. Speaking of which, the two are rare friends, and they also don't have many friends. Otherwise, Estelle would not keep writing to Zhang Qing, asking for his help. If she had other friends, she would have completed her time magic a long time ago.

It just so happens that I have the mature technology of artificial human beings on my side, and I also have the hair and blood left by Serena in my hand. It was not collected by Zhang Qing on purpose, but when I stopped Estelle

It was accidentally stained, speaking of it, the clothes were also stained with Estelle's hair and blood.

Zhang Qing intends to create two artificial humans and give them to each other, as a way to make up for the regrets of the other party, as disciples or adopted daughters.

After all, even if the price is paid for the memory, the deep feelings left in his heart cannot be taken away. As a person who has experienced it, Zhang Qing knows very well that this is also the reason why he has been unwilling to search for the lost memory, because I told him what kind of feeling it was.

If it is said that Estelle in her childhood was the light that supported Serena and made her smile sincerely, then Serena also played the role of Estelle’s playmate to fill her loneliness when she was a child. If I lost such a person forever in my life, I am afraid that if I can't remember it, it will leave a painful and uncomfortable hole.

From the animation, after Irena and her returned to the real world, the other party's distraught performance can be seen. After abandoning the memory of Serena, she did not feel relaxed and happy. All the time, more painful.

"Really, all these witches are so good at asking for trouble..." Zhang Qing sighed. If it weren't for him to hang up now, I'm afraid there would be no way to do anything about it, because the real Serena was doomed to end in tragedy from birth, unless it was changed from the beginning, unfortunately it couldn't be done.

The only chance is that when she was executed three years ago, all of Serena's memories were washed away. Unfortunately, Estelle couldn't accept it and missed the only chance of redemption, but that's right, Serena was already Made a big mistake, she killed too many innocent people, not only her parents who abused her and relatives and uncles, but many, many people.

As long as her memories are brought up a little bit, and those who abused her do something similar, even if it is just scolding her child's naughtiness on the street, Serena may regard the other party as a prey, and then kill him die.

At that time, Serena was out of control, completely crazy, completely giving up on herself, or having her life ended by Estelle was her wish.

Just like when Estelle went back ten years ago, Serena had a chance to kill Estelle completely before Irena arrived, just like her parents, but Estelle Survived, it is impossible to say that Serena did not show mercy.

It's just a pity that it was too late, the moment Serena chose to kill, she knew that she couldn't turn back.

She said so many hurtful things, but in fact she just wanted Estelle to kill herself. Her world had no light from the beginning, and it was too painful and hopeless for her to live. Maybe Estelle suddenly When she left, she had already realized that no one would stay by her side forever, and her life was destined to be like that.

No one can forgive a murderer, and no one is willing to accept a murderer. Serena understands that Estelle cannot accept such a self, and Estelle has also shown this point, so wash it off Serena's memory still had a thorn in her heart, so she didn't listen to Zhang Qing's suggestion. (Money) She couldn't let those victims' families not get the justice they deserved because of her selfishness.

Too many family members of the victims are forcing her to do it. Once Serena is released, what will happen to the justice of those innocent victims!?

As long as one is a person who is fairly righteous in his three views, standing in that position, in fact, the final result will be the same as Estelle's choice. Although Zhang Qing suggested it, in the end he still watched Estelle make a move. I know, he also understands that his suggestion is just comfort, it is useless nonsense at all.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Qing has always refused to help Estelle, because even the so-called only chance of redemption is wrong, so how can he do it!? There will be more or less regrets in one's life Yes, it doesn’t have to be changed. These regrets are not the nourishment for growth so that I will not make the same mistakes in the future, so Zhang Qing wants Estelle to calm down and think clearly [rather than just being hot] rush forward.

Facts have proved that when she looks back, the regret will only become a bigger regret.

It is no longer possible to turn a blind eye to the problem that I have been deceiving myself and others to avoid.

"...`Hope, this will be useful..." Zhang Qing rummaged to find the blood and hair samples left at that time, and muttered to himself. .

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