Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

93 Zhang Qing: Dead People Don't Feel Sad!

Time flies, just as Zhang Qing adjusted the Einzbern artificial human technology from the moon world, making modifications and coordination to suit this world, time has already turned into autumn.

The withered and yellow leaves became a landscape.

Zhang Qing looked at the two little girls standing in front of him, nodded, very satisfied, "There are no defects, no adverse reactions, there is no problem with common sense installation, ok!"

"Go find it, it's time to take you to find Master!"

"Father, don't you want us!?" The two little girls looked at Zhang Qing sadly.

Zhang Qing had a black thread, "How many times have I told you, don't call me daddy! I am warm."

These two cyborgs were matured, and they looked about eight or nine years old. God knows what people would think of them when they called them that!? Did he become a father when he was nine years old!?

It is impossible to tell others about things like artificial humans. After all, it is related to ethics and is considered a taboo. Unless you want to be wanted, otherwise, it is better not to be known about this kind of thing. Estelle is an accomplice, but you can tell it. After all If Zhang Qing is wanted, she will also become a wanted criminal, I believe she will understand.

"Then mother!?" Serena's artificial human body called out cautiously.

The corners of Zhang Qing's mouth twitched. It is true that he would turn into a woman when he used magic, but it would be too much to call his mother! He shouldn't have conveyed this kind of common sense in the first place.

Yes, Ji Qing regretted it.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Xiaobaizhi, anyway, Estelle was the one who taught hard in the end, not him.

It's a pity that it was too late, and I made a little trouble by unnecessary actions.

"It should be called brother." Zhang Qing gritted his teeth and emphasized again.

However, the two little ones didn't seem to hear it at all, calling "Dad" and "Dad".

Zhang Qing has black hair, how can he give it to Adele!?

Forget it, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, let's go and see Estelle first, I hope my previous reply can dispel 807's plan to continue time travel.

To be honest, during the time when Zhang Qing was making the artificial man, Estelle seemed to give up, and never wrote again, which made Zhang Qing a little worried, fearing that the guy would mess around, after all, these witches have one or two They are not the type who can listen to people's advice well.

As for the artificial human, it is impossible for Zhang Qing to tell the other party in a letter. After all, if this matter falls into writing, if one is not careful, the two of them will really become wanted criminals. Naturally, it is better to be careful.

And it was also a small surprise that Zhang Qing planned to give Estelle, so he didn't tell her in advance.

I just replied that I have a better way to prevent the other party from traveling through time, and warned the other party of the risk of time travel, and tried to dispel the other party's death behavior.

Is it really that easy to travel through time!? The success in the animation doesn’t mean anything at all, because it has a lot of luck, and I’m afraid that Estelle herself didn’t think that she would succeed at the first time.

Part of the reason why Zhang Qing refused to assist was because of this. He is a person who pursues rigorousness. He would not take risks without repeated experiments to prove absolute safety. That's why he kept saying that he was not a brave man. , because a brave man is one who never retreats at any time and is not afraid of any difficulties and obstacles.

Traveling to ten years time, the price will not be less, I really believe what Estelle said to Irena in the anime, that is naive, I am afraid that Irena will refuse to hide it after learning the truth, but If you think about it, you will find out, just like the witch in the Kingdom of Honesty, is the short-term loss of magic really worth the price!? The things to be achieved between the two are not at the same level at all, but the price is higher than that of the Kingdom of Honesty. The witch is still young, is it realistic!? (caab) It means that Irena has not been in contact with this kind of advanced time-based magic research before she listened to the other party's words. If it were Irena's teacher, she would have stopped Estelle It's crazy, that's why Estelle didn't dare to ask other witches for help, she doesn't have many friends, but she has money, but why didn't she still ask other witches for help?

Instead, I just wanted to find a trainee witch or a magician at first.

It is because it is impossible for ordinary witches to help her do such crazy things, and only Irena with this personality will agree.

And Irena didn't think much about it, so it was even more rare.

This is the difference between a Planeswalker and a Specialized Mage.

Maybe when Irena is a little older, she will discover the problem from the beginning with her rich experience. The current Irena is really too immature in terms of magic knowledge.

Regardless of the dissatisfaction of the two little ones, Zhang Qing picked them up one by one and left.

However, when Zhang Qing came to Estelle's residence, he saw a chair and a money bag lying on the ground [and Estelle who was lying on the table with her head down as if she was dead.

"Are you late......"


Although I thought that Estelle would not be so obedient, I didn't expect Irena to come so soon. After all, the hair has been cut and it hasn't grown back. It should take a while to find a way to recover. It can be done from the anime. It can be seen that Irena is a witch who loves and cares about her long hair very much.

Asking her to continue traveling with her sister's head on her head, she is afraid that she can't stand it anymore. It can be said that Zhang Qing did not return the doll on purpose, just to delay time.

Otherwise, based on the relationship between him and Irena, I am afraid that the other party will not agree to whatever he says, no, the other way around is fine.


"Dad, what's wrong with this sister!?" Estelle's artificial man pointed to Estelle and asked suspiciously.

Maybe it was because Estelle hadn't raised her head, she didn't realize that Estelle looked almost exactly like her.

Maybe everyone has also discovered that the two artificial humans do not have names, because Zhang Qing is a waste of names, so he intends to leave this matter to Estelle, so he has not decided on a name for them, otherwise it is afraid that the two People have to be called "Little Red" and "Little Blue". If they are not satisfied, they may be "Megatron" and "Optimus Prime".

If I really did this, I was afraid that I would be beaten to death later.

"Huh!? She looks like you!" Serena's artificial man saw Estelle raised her head, and couldn't help pointing at Estelle and her little friend in surprise.

"Provoke!? Really." Estelle's artificial man also touched his little face and opened his mouth, staring blankly at Estelle, who was full of tears.

"I knew you wouldn't listen." Zhang Qing sighed helplessly, then pushed the two chattering little girls beside her, looked at Estelle and said

"This is the disciple I found for you, do you accept it!?"

Zhang Qing glanced at Estelle who was in a daze, and then looked at the photo of her and Serena still stuck on the wall, it's okay to forget.

Irena, who escaped from Estelle, was sitting on a park bench and crying loudly.

She didn't expect such an ending at all, and she didn't want to see such an ending.

The clever Irena also quickly figured out everything. Serena couldn't be redeemed from the very beginning. Similarly, what Estelle did was in vain, not because Serena was a murderer. Everyone knew from the beginning, not to mention that Serena was the real murderer who killed her parents. Although this kind of thing is unbelievable, it is also understandable.

What is really uncomfortable is that Serena was destined to end from birth.

How could Irena fail to see this, the other party was even forcing Estelle to kill herself, forcing Estelle to completely forget herself, that friendship was not fake, so Irena to feel sad.

Just like what Zhang Qing thought, as the person involved and the witness, how could Irena not know that Serena had many chances to kill Estelle completely, and it was impossible to leave the other party with a sigh of relief.

Could it be that Estelle couldn't see it too!? No, she saw clearly, that's why she shed tears, and that's why she was in despair.

What is more desperate and painful than knowing that you can't save the person you want to save no matter what!?

Just when Irena lowered her head and was thinking wildly, the sound of the money bag falling to her side came from her ears.

Wiping away her tears, Irena was surprised to find a somewhat familiar money bag beside her.

She couldn't help but forgot to continue crying, and looked at the money bag she had discarded at Ai Sisheng's residence in a daze.

"You forgot to take your reward!" Zhang Qing stood in front of Irena, pouted, he didn't expect this girl to have short hair, he thought she had regained her long hair.

"It's you!?" Irena rarely went crazy when she saw Zhang Qing, she just rolled her eyes and pushed the bag of gold coins, "I don't want this......

"You like Dabai Gong very much!?"

"Oh, I didn't expect Miss Irena to be such a saint!" Seeing that the other party was silent, Zhang Qing couldn't help but praise, "Why don't you give me a job too!? I promise I won't give you a cent .”

.." Zhang Qing answered with a magic wand pointed at his nose.

Irena clenched her fists tightly, and almost couldn't bear to abandon the dignity of the witch and fight hand-to-hand.

This guy is so annoying.

Zhang Qing pushed Irena's magic wand away, shrugged and said, "If you really don't want it, I will take it away without hesitation! I just happen to be short of money, thank you so much

Sister Irena, I will remember your kindness. "

"Who gave it to you!?" Irena quickly hugged the money bag in her arms, watching this pervert who wanted to take advantage of it with vigilance.

Seeing that the other party accepted it, Zhang Qing put away his joking smile, tidied up his clothes and said, "Don't worry, Estelle's side is fine, I'll solve the problem easily, this reward you Take it at ease, that guy is not sad now."

"?" Irena looked at Zhang Qing in bewilderment, although she was a little surprised that the other party still knew Miss Estelle.

Seeing Irena staring at him, Zhang Qing put on a nasty smile on his face, "Because dead people don't feel sad..."

As he said that, he turned around and stepped out, and he completely disappeared in front of Irena.

"!!!!!!" Irena was shocked and stood up abruptly. .

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