Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

926 Xiaohua: Sister Nazi, What Have You Done! ?

"Grandma, are you back!?"

The sun was shining on her face, the girl's eyelashes fluttered a few times, and then she opened her eyes, and saw a small and slightly hunched figure standing in front of the window of her room, blocking half of the sunlight.

Hanako or Xiaohua rubbed their eyes to see who it was. After finding out that it was their grandma Chrysanthemum, they were relieved and put down the poke ball they had secretly grabbed.

Xiao Hua, who has been a human for two lives, is only ten years old on the outside, but her mind is definitely far superior to her peers. Since she has her own Pokémon, no matter where she is, the Poké Ball will never leave her side. This kind of caution is definitely not something she has. Persecution paranoia, but the world is far from being as harmless as shown in the animation.

Perhaps Pokémon are indeed mostly pure-minded, but people are not. Maybe an old lady who looks kindly and kindly, even invites you to her house for dinner and offers you help during the day, but at night when you put down your guard and sleep peacefully At that time, it is likely to be the beginning of the nightmare or the end of life.

Especially after Xiaohua has lived in this world for ten years, such news is not uncommon. Although there are more incidents of wild Pokémon hurting people, it is not that there are no man-made bad incidents.

So for her own safety, Xiaohua will never be careless, even if she has an extraordinary family background, even if she is a grandma.

Speaking of which, if it were in Xia Guo's novels, her identity setting would definitely be a stepping stone or a villain for the protagonist to step on to a higher position, but considering that she is a girl, she may be one of the protagonist's harem.

As a woman who can't accept being someone else's harem, Xiaohua is naturally very willing to accept Juzi's rigorous training. There is nothing more reassuring than becoming a strong person.

Seeing that her grandma didn't respond, Xiaohua called out again with a soft, milky voice, "Grandma..."

Only then did Juzi turn her head, "Go wash up when you wake up, it's time for us to leave.

"Huh!? Are you leaving so soon!?" Xiaohua was a little surprised, didn't they just come here!? Why did they leave, "Didn't grandma still want to monitor Sister Nazi!?"

"Since there is no role here that can help you improve, what are you doing here!? As for that girl, Nazi, hmph..." When Ju Zi mentioned Nazi, she was still a little dissatisfied. She didn't know why that girl was so stubborn. , Between strength and a man, choosing a man, love and brains are really bad, and I am even more disgusted than Dr. Oki because of his too weak personality.

For this kind of girl who is only for love, Juzi thinks that it is a waste of time to keep monitoring, it will only make her want to tie up Nazi, beat her up and take her home to educate her, but Nazi is not her granddaughter, how could Juzi Wasting precious time on each other!?

Thinking of Nazi's stupidity, Juzi looked at her granddaughter, "Come on, read it with me, and read one every day when I get up and before going to bed at night."

"Men are big pigs, men will only affect the speed at which I become strong."

little flower:

"Hurry up! Read!" Seeing her granddaughter standing there in a daze, Juzi urged dissatisfied.

"Ah, ah! Men are big pigs, and men will only affect my speed of becoming a strong man." After Xiaohua realized it, she quickly repeated it loudly, feeling ashamed and speechless.

Grandma, I'm only ten years old, and how can I fall in love with those kids of the same age!? Can't you have more confidence in your granddaughter!?

Fortunately, there are no other outsiders, otherwise this is really unbearable!

Also, what did Nazi do, why did grandma react so strongly!? By the way, did Nazi fall in love with anyone in the plot!? Xiaozhi!? No, no, no, how is it possible?

Nazi is a girl over fifteen years old, would she like a ten-year-old boy!?

What is this!? An old cow eats tender grass!?

Is it true that the three-dimensional Xiaozhi is really handsome!? Yes, if he is not good-looking, there will not be so many girls who like it. Xiaoxia, Sarina, and um, it seems that there are many All the girls are fond of it.

While thinking wildly, after reading the words full of shame, Xiaohua asked with Juzi's satisfied expression, "By the way, grandma, isn't there a Pokémon Tower here!? Shouldn't we go! ?”

After withdrawing her satisfied expression, Ju Zi glanced at her granddaughter who suddenly became stupid, and said with a sneer, "Do you want to die!?"

"I said that I will not help you. You have to deal with the dangers along the way. You can't rely on me. The Pokémon Tower is definitely not something you can challenge now. Your goal now is to compete in the upcoming Quartz Contest." To win the championship, and by the way, defeat the grandson of that guy Oki."

Xiao Hua looked out the window in surprise at the ancient pagoda that could only be seen with a vague outline. In her previous life, Xiao Hua also played games, but she never thought that in her grandma's eyes, it was so dangerous that she would give it away as soon as she went in. This was far more than Xiao Hua's. Imagination also made Xiaohua understand how stupid her foresight as a time traveler is. If she hadn't been born, she was afraid that if she was a child of an ordinary family in this life, she would probably die tragically due to a wrong judgment.

Pokémon Tower is a seven-story cemetery where dead Pokémon are buried. There are hundreds of Pokémon tombs in the tower, and many people come to pay their respects every day. Except for the first and second floors, there are wild Pokémon on other floors, and there are also a large number of prayer masters challenging in the tower.

In addition to the grave, Pokémon Tower is also home to wild Caracalla and many ghost-type Pokémon. The ghost-type Pokémon in the tower have the special ability to disguise themselves as human ghosts, but the Silver Inspector can reveal their true colors, allowing trainers to fight them.

This is what Xiaohua's memory knows based on the game settings, and it stands to reason that it is not too dangerous.

Seeing her little granddaughter's stunned look, Ju Zi didn't want to say anything more, but she was afraid that the other party would not believe her and would commit suicide, so she told her, "Remember! But all ancient ruins are full of unimaginable dangers."

Countless idiots die every year because of curiosity. Of course, many people know that ruins represent wealth, but without that strength, there is just a cemetery for harvesting lives.

In this world where Pokémon and even powerful beasts exist, the older the ancient ruins, the more dangerous they are, so I want to be an archaeologist in this world

It is true that every archeology is a contest with the god of death.

Not to mention that there may still be the power of the beast inside, even if it has nothing to do with the beast, some ancient Pokémon are not comparable to those of today's Pokémon. They are often more ferocious and powerful. , Pokémon that can survive are extremely powerful.

And there are also some alien Pokémon from outer space like the Pippi Tribe in Yuejian Mountain. These Pokémon that can shuttle in the universe are naturally very powerful and have very magical abilities. Think about it, Because Pippi and the others have summoned meteorites for many years, Yuejian Mountain has undergone mutations and has become an acquired forbidden area. "It is conceivable how abnormal it is.

In a place like this, a child who is only ten years old will not be able to return safely unless he is escorted by a divine beast.

If it wasn't for wanting to waste too much time, Juzi wouldn't accompany Xiaohua, and wanted her to travel alone, but just wasting a year like this, Juzi felt that it was too much of a waste. In this year's Quartz Competition, she was not at all willing to allow her granddaughter to participate in such a useless competition when she should be laying foundations.

Yes, Chrysanthemum is also a person who does not agree with ten-year-old children participating in the competition. As for relying on the child's innocence to capture the favor of the beast!? Do you think she has a beast!? Does she need a beast to become a king!?

There is no such thing as a divine beast that can always be a partner. If you want to rely on the innocence of a child to bind a divine beast, you are thinking too much, and you don’t have enough strength. When the other party wants to leave, it’s not the same as leaving, and no one can Always keep the original innocence!?

Unless it never grows up, is it possible!?

In Chrysanthemum's view, if she really wants a divine beast, it's better to use her strength to conquer the other party, just like that lightning bird, she will take it back if she wants to, because she is strong, because she defeated the opponent, even the divine beast will have to Lower your proud head.

But she is able to defeat the opponent, do you really need it!?

Instead of subduing the other party and slowly cultivating feelings again, so that the other party becomes one's own combat power, it is better to think about how to break through the bottleneck and go further. Otherwise, after one's death, how can the juniors in the family be able to keep the other party!?

Therefore, most Heavenly King-level powerhouses will not waste time and elves on divine beasts. Chrysanthemum also admits the power of Divine Beasts. Even a young Lightning Bird is close to the Heavenly King-level. How stupid the beast is.

From this point of view, Sakagi, who is also a heavenly king, seems a little stupid, because he actually made a god, created a super dream, and tried to conquer and control the opponent. However, this is not the case. To some extent, Sakagi is already regarded as the creator, or Chaomeng's "father". The birth of Mewtwo tries to see the gate of the next realm.

The birth process of a divine beast, even a man-made divine beast, can bring enough understanding to him, a king-level powerhouse, which is why he didn't try his best to catch it back after Chaomeng escaped.

Of course, he didn't really let Chaomeng go, but he still pretended to let his subordinates look for Chaomeng.

But this time, with so many changes, I don't know if things will go on the same track as before, as long as it is still so smooth. .

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