After the Lightning Bird was subdued by Chrysanthemum, Zhang Qing and the others waited until Junsha and the others came to report what they had seen, and then destroyed the Elf Center. As for Ma Zhishi, Chrysanthemum did not take him away, but kept him After coming down, Nazi also handed it over to Miss Junsha and the others for supervision.

After Miss Junsha realized the seriousness of the problem, her face was very solemn. One can imagine how shocking the news would be if a gymnasium owner of the Kanto Alliance was an undercover agent of the Rockets.

And that's not the worst part.

There is one problem that is more important than catching Ma Zhishi, and that is the crisis of trust within the Kanto Alliance. No one can guarantee that there will be absolutely no problems with their colleagues, superiors and subordinates. Do you need to be more cautious when executing tasks and instructions, so as not to become an accomplice of the other party!?

And the rest of the Gym must be fine!?

It can be foreseen that the Kanto region will usher in a major review of gymnasiums in the whole region in the future.

But these are not what Nazi needs to care about, because the lightning bird was taken away by Chrysanthemum, and Nazi is in a bad mood. It's not that she wants the lightning bird, but that she has lost a good opportunity.

Not long after Zhang Qing and the others returned to the elf center, she also came back.

But Mei and Touzi stayed in Zhang Qing's room and did not go back to their own room. They were chatting happily about what they had seen and heard before, and shared their gains.

Yes, the harvest, not only did the battle with the Rockets release the pressure and increase the combat experience, but also the battle between Juzi's Gengar and the Lightning Bird also gave them a lot of understanding.

Although there are some places that I can't understand, it's still a contest between the heavenly kings. It's better to wait and see at the scene at a close distance, and there will be something to gain.

Fortunately, the two girls are both super rookies who are talented monsters. Otherwise, another trainer would really only get a nutritious exclamation like "666", "Awesome", and "Damn it".

No, as soon as they came back, they couldn't wait to share their experience and understanding, which confirmed each other. Undoubtedly, watching them at a close distance this time saved them from taking a lot of wrong roads, and they were a little vague about the direction ahead. This is a lot of trainers. It takes several years or even ten years to slowly comprehend.

There is no way, not everyone has the parents and elders of the gym master, and not everyone has a parent at the level of a king. Ordinary trainers can only rely on themselves step by step. As for the even worse orphan level training The family is probably still struggling to survive on food and clothing at the moment. Unless there is a big opportunity, there must be a long time to waste.

Genius!? A genius must have the conditions to grow to be a genius. Even if it is difficult to live, there is no way to show your talent!?

Zhang Qing occasionally interjected a few words. Although he saw more, considering the reminders from the Rift Seats before, Zhang Qing did not express some deeper understanding. People who practice the system, in some systems, they can't practice at that level, and contacting higher-level knowledge in advance will completely ruin their personal path.

In addition to being cautious for the sake of the two women, Zhang Qing also lamented that this world is indeed very different from games or animations, and one cannot rigidly regard the memories of the previous life as completely reliable information. Take this discovery as an example, who I can think of such a trainer profession that looks like commanding and cultivating Pokémon to fight, similar to a summoner, and there is even a realm.

Although they all obtained the three dragons of the Tao in the Hezhong area, because most of the members of the plasma team rely on black technology, not the strength as trainers, the chance is that the three dragons of the way will be completely abused by the liberated three dragons, so None of the three realized this, nor did they even realize anything from it.

This is the side effect of contacting divine beasts when one is weak. It is a good thing to be recognized by divine beasts, but it also makes people lose a lot. If it is not for such a battle this time, not only Mei and Touzi, but even Zhang Qing will be in the battle. It took a long time before I realized that I and others didn't even have the level of beginners, they were just better than those children's newcomer trainers.

What is the division of new trainers, senior trainers, gym trainers, and king-level trainers? If no one tells you, no one will know, and no one will tell you how to divide. This is the tragedy of being an ordinary person. , the more precious the knowledge, the more difficult it is to get access to, unless you lose your freedom by signing a contract of sale, no one will be willing to teach and share it for free.

After staying for a while, Mei and Touko gradually began to feel sleepy, and they yawned from time to time. You must know that because of the unmanned power plant, they were awakened before they had a good rest, and then ran to exercise again After a while, after the excitement calmed down, the natural mental and physical exhaustion began to appear.

Zhang Qing took out the Pokémon Pokédex and looked at the time, and it was less than an hour before dawn, "I will continue with Ms. Joey later, you can go back to sleep first, we can leave after noon." '.

In fact, they have already obtained half of the badges required for the Quartz Competition, and they are not in a hurry. As far as time is concerned, there is enough time until the Quartz Competition starts.

The reason for not staying here is because this is not a human town, it still belongs to the wild. The three of them are a little tired and want to go to the next town early to enjoy some modern life. Although they must live in a room in the elf center, But you can go shopping and eat a big meal, just these things make people miss it.

And each place has its own unique charm, the three of them need to come to participate in the competition, but they are also here to travel, so they will not come and leave in a hurry, and they will definitely browse every place Will be satisfied to leave.

"Okay..." The two girls were indeed a little sleepy. Seeing the things Zhang Qing took care of, they planned to sleep in their own rooms. As for taking a bath again, forget it. It is clean and comfortable, and the soft big bed is more absorbent.

After sending the two girls out and watching them return to their room, Zhang Qing also walked towards the gate. He needs to apply to Ms. Joy for an extension of the housing time. When he registered before, he only stated that If you only stay for one night, that is, at around 8:00 in the morning, the room card function will be revoked, and you will be asked to leave the house.

The rest room in the elf center is not for as long as you want to live in, otherwise, if someone stays around all the time, it will have a bad impact on the operation of the elf center or even cause trouble.

Just like the housing service of a hotel, the residents must have paid for it, but if it is true that everyone has been using the housing as their home for a year, I am afraid that the hotel that cannot provide housing services to new guests will not be close to bankruptcy. Far.

Yes, even if the hotel can get housing money from those who refuse to leave, it will damage the reputation of the hotel because it keeps refusing newcomers to stay, and it will even be considered that they are not entertained here, but again Guests who have already checked in cannot be driven away, so generally hotels have a maximum stay period, for example, a maximum stay of three months, etc. If it exceeds, you have to make a new appointment or register.

Of course, the check-in fees in general hotels are also relatively high. If it is not true that there is too much money to spend, or there are ulterior motives, there is really no need to do so.

Ms. Joey just came back from the outside. As the person in charge here, she naturally needs to hand over to Ms. Junsha who came from Ziyuan Town and make notes. Moreover, the post-processing of the unmanned power plant also needs Miss Joey's attention and attention. help.

After all, the residence of electric-type Pokémon is gone, and the lightning bird living in it is gone. Those electric-type Pokémon are afraid that there will be commotion. Even in order to appease these Pokémon, Junsha and the others cannot let them go. No matter.

Is there something wrong!?" Seeing that Zhang Qing was coming, Miss Joy also put down her hand covering her mouth. She also seemed a little sleepy, but she still pulled herself together.

Zhang Qing talked about the time extension, and Miss Joy nodded after she understood, "No problem, as for the cost, forget it, you have worked hard before, and I have nothing to reward you here. "

Seeing that Ms. Joy doesn't intend to charge for the continuation, Zhang Qing doesn't force it either. If he can prostitute for free, he won't insist on paying the money. You must know that he hasn't had a formal job yet, so he got the money from the plasma team , really spend a little less.

After the work was done, Zhang Qing was going to leave and go back to the room and lie down on the bed, but was stopped by Miss Joy. Zhang Qing looked back in confusion, not knowing why the other party called him back.

Miss Joy showed a friendly smile and raised her fist and said, "Come on, I will cheer you up in front of the TV during the competition.

Zhang Qing froze for a moment, and then showed a shallow smile, "We will."

After he finished speaking, he pulled the brim of his hat and turned back to his room without turning back. At the same time, he waved his hand as a farewell to Joey.

Joey watched Zhang Qing leave, and murmured, "The youngsters who can attract Nazi's attention will definitely not be mediocre... The children participating in this year are really a bit unlucky."

Not only is Na (Qian Qianhao) the celebrity's attention, but Joey also saw in the identity information of the three of them in the Pokémon illustrated book that the three of them had participated in the Hinoheng Conference in the Hezhong area, and The rankings are all good.

Of course, the reason why I was not too surprised before is because there are many people who participate in the competition every year, such as Mei and Touzi, who have already participated in the regional competition once. To be honest, this honor and qualifications are naturally worthy of admiration for ordinary people , but for Joey who has seen many of the same children, it is really nothing.

And compared to those children who became the champion and runner-up of the regional competition at the age of ten, Mei and Touko really have nothing to be proud of.

What really made Joey look different was the attention of Nazi, a gym-level powerhouse, not to mention listening to Junsha and the others, Juzi, the heavenly king, had come here and had a face-to-face meeting with the three of them, even if the heavenly king Juzi might He came here for the Rockets or Nazi, but being able to have such a brief contact with a heavenly king, even if it is just to leave an eye contact, is an incredible thing. This is a good thing that many trainers can't think of .

It's not that Ms. Joy is snobbish, but it is also a blessing to be able to witness a legend from insignificance to glory. If Zhang Qing and the others really become big figures and celebrities in the future, then they have received them and cheered them on. For those who have long believed that they will go further, doesn't this prove that her vision is good!?

Among the crowd of Joeys, this also has the capital to overwhelm other Joeys. .

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