The scream was only for a moment, and soon there was no more context.

The Elf Center in Ziyuan Town is full of people in the hall at the moment. Of course, it is not right to say that it is full of people, because apart from the administrator and person in charge, Ms. Joy and her assistants, Zhang Qing is the guest. , Mei, Touko and Nazi.

Yes, Nazi once again appeared where they were.

Miss Joy from Ziyuan Town looked a little absent-minded and worried. After seeing Zhang Qing and the others coming, she didn't say much, but kept looking outside the gate, with her hands folded on her chest in prayer.

Mei and the others looked past Joey who was blocking the door, and looked at the situation outside through the glass door, that is, if there was a thick fog that couldn't be melted away, it would still be a thick fog, and they couldn't see what happened at all.

What's more, after the beginning, there was no more movement except for the hasty and miserable cry. Now this kind of silence is more likely to make people think and worry more.

Waste more anxiety.

The few people didn't plan to rush out to find out, because all fools knew that if they got lost in the thick fog, they might encounter unnecessary dangers, and they still didn't know what happened.

Speaking of which, why does Ha feel that accidents will happen wherever he goes!? "Zero 20" can't take a good rest and sleep.

The two girls, Mei and Touko, couldn't help but murmured in their hearts. They thought that when they were in the Hezhong area, it was because the Plasma team was too rampant, but now that they are in the Kanto area, the result doesn't seem to have changed much. Is it really because I and others have some special physiques!?

Touzi vomited in her heart, while also secretly observing the expressions of everyone here, Zhang Qing's words, well, I can't see much, and there can't be too much ups and downs on that paralyzed face, this girl Mei If so, forget it... It's too teay, and even took the opportunity to take advantage of it, and kept digging into Zhang Qing's arms, shouting in his mouth, it's terrible, this bitch (angry)!

Then there is Miss Joy, a little strange, she doesn't seem to be surprised at all. And when the unmanned power plant had an accident last night, Ziyuan Town was clearly dispatched to send support, why is it so quiet outside now!?

Not to mention that the residents in the town don't like to watch the excitement, and they slept too dead to hear the screams, but even the most responsible Junsha and the others didn't call the police, which is a bit unreasonable.

I don’t know if it’s because Ziyuan Town is already very weird, but at this moment Touzi’s heart is also a little nervous and hairy, especially when looking at these locals, I can’t help but recall scenes from some horror movies I’ve seen before, Comparing them one by one, they are found to be very similar.

This town....maybe there are no living people at all....

After scaring herself like this for a round, Touzi couldn't help sticking to Zhang Qing's body, looking for a sense of security.

This move caused Mei Yi to roll her eyes, Mei Yi just saw Tou Zi cast a contemptuous look at her, but the result is not the same, this Bichi is too double standard.

It can be seen that when facing men, the friendship between women is very plastic.

After Touzi glared at Mei Yi, she stopped making eye contact with her, but shifted her gaze to the last person, Nazi, the former owner of the Golden Gym. If Touzi remembers correctly, he and others now This is already the third time, no, it should be the fourth time I have seen him.

The first time was in the Golden Gym, they were the challengers and Nazi was the challenged.

The second time was when I was in Hualan City. At that time, Nazi followed the local Miss Junsha to help arrest criminals.

The third time was at the unmanned power plant last night. It seemed that Nazi followed the Kanto King named Juzi to capture Ma Zhishi and the Rockets.

Now, it is the fourth time.

Is it because the frequency of chance encounters is too high, too many times!?

Just when Touzi was secretly looking at Nazi with scrutinizing and vigilant eyes, Nazi seemed to be aware of it, her eyes turned around, met with Touzi's gaze, and then nodded at Touzi.

This indifferent expression without the slightest guilty conscience made Touzi wonder if she was thinking too much, and her feet were growing on her body, and the Kanto area was not their home. Nazi was a local, so she could go wherever she wanted Where is it not!?

"Why are you staring at each other all the time!?" Mei found out that something was wrong with Touzi, and patted Touzi's arm and cried out in a low voice.

Because Touko's behavior was too impolite, Mei felt that she should remind the other party.

After regaining consciousness, Touzi shook her head slightly, "It's nothing."

She didn't want to tell her previous thoughts, because she herself felt that she might have thought too much, and there was no factual basis, it was purely wild speculation.

Perhaps because of Mei's persistent yelling of "scared", Miss Joy put down her hands and turned her head, soothing her in a gentle tone, "Don't be afraid, everyone, the elf center is very safe, as long as you stay here, nothing will happen." Get hurt, I promise."

After finishing speaking, Ms. Joy found that Zhang Qing was hugging two girls, and the two girls didn't seem to have heard her comfort. One of them continued to shout "scared", but his face was blushing and hugging her. Looking at the boy, his winking eyes were as tender as silk, and there was no sign of fear at all.

The other girl might as well give way. Although she didn't cry out of fear, she looked pitiful and ready to cry. Even those tears were a little fake, because Miss Joy read it right, she Holding a bottle of eye drops in his hand.

Miss Joy couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, and she was even more speechless when she noticed Nazi's pensive and seemingly enlightened look.

Emotional self-importance just now!?

Zhang Qing is also a little helpless, or with a big head, sometimes Mei and Touzi feel like children, not babies. If they are really on the supernatural film set now, the three of them will definitely be the first to get out of the game and get the lunch of.

But Zhang Qing didn't push them away, even if their acting skills were a bit poor.

As for what Ms. Joy said just now, Zhang Qing certainly heard it. For Ms. Joy's guarantee, Zhang Qing didn't think there was any problem. Even though the members of the Joy family are all nurses and Pokémon doctors, if Because of their profession, if they think they are weak, then there is really something wrong with their brains.

In fact, Joey is not their first name, but their last name. There are many Miss Joys who work in Pokémon Centers all over the world, and some Joys do not necessarily work in Pokémon Centers.

Joey also served as a Pokémon prosecutor to test the strength of the Gym Master of the Dark Gray Gym.

If you don't have enough strength, you can't do this at all, and such a huge family can continue from the establishment of the alliance, there is no reason why you don't know how to cultivate family talents. It can be said that every Joey, especially As an adult, Joey may have uneven strengths, but there is absolutely no weak person..0

Not to mention that they have monopolized the medical industry and have mastered several groups of Pokémon with healing abilities. To some extent, they are trainers specializing in healing. Said, but if Joey is really willing to become the king of heaven, then he must be the king of the healing department.

In the same way, the same is true for the Junsha clan.

So in the world of Pokémon, you can provoke anyone, but you must not completely offend the people of these two families, otherwise it will be difficult to move an inch, but it is absolutely no problem for you to "Scary Step by Step".

With some black technology, it is true that the elf center is very safe.

"What happened!?" Zhang Qing hugged the two girls and asked Miss Joy, who had an indescribable expression.

Some Joey, who didn’t react, realized that Zhang Qing was asking herself, but she didn’t answer right away, but after thinking for a while, she shook her head, “Nothing happened, it’s just that the ghost-type Pokémon is here. It's just to scare people."

This is a lie, even Zhang Qing can tell it without reading his mind.

"Go back to your room, there is really nothing wrong, I promise." Miss Joy smiled, then she turned and returned to her work station, and began to type on the computer keyboard, looking very serious, as if As if nothing happened, everything just now was just an illusion.

Zhang Qing frowned slightly, but he didn't continue to ask questions. He patted Mei and Touzi on the shoulders and whispered, "Then let's go back!"

The two women looked at each other, put aside the clumsy performance they had just made, and each held Zhang Qing's hand, nodded obediently and said, "Okay."

After leaving Joey's sight, Touzi lowered his voice and said, "I feel that there is a big problem in this town."

Mei also nodded, "Especially Miss Joy's behavior is too abnormal, and she seems to be hiding something, I have a 70% chance of 1.6% sure that the scream before is definitely not because of the ghost system Pokémon made a prank to scare people."

After all, most Pokémon are not bad at heart, and can even be said to be innocent, even ghost-type Pokémon are the same. They may be very keen to scare humans and other Pokémon, but they will never let it happen like this. The screams, just the screams before, made Mei have goosebumps, and the fear and despair revealed in the voice could not be explained by a simple prank.

And it's too quiet outside, which is another problem that can't be ignored. Don't the residents here have any curiosity, or worry that it's not a wolf!?

And Junsha, who are in charge of public security, can you guarantee that this is just a joke about ghost-type Pokémon!? They didn’t move at all, which is not in line with the dedicated Miss Junsha in the impression.

Zhang Qing didn't say a word, he knew a little more than the two girls, because he had indeed seen that there was someone in the direction of the Pokémon Tower, so naturally Miss Joy's ghost-type Pokémon prank couldn't stand Stop.

It's just that Zhang Qing doesn't understand why Joey is lying!?

This town......

Something is wrong. .

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