Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

931 The Flower Of Evil Human Nature Blooms The Smelliest Fruit!

Miss Joy kept watching Zhang Qing, Mei and Touzi leave, with a professional smile on their faces from the beginning to the end, a friendly and non-dangerous smile.

After the three of them walked out of sight, Miss Joy looked at Nazi who had no plans to leave, and asked with a smile, "May I ask Miss Nazi what you need!?"

Nazi took a deep look at her, then shook her head, turned around and left.

After Nazi's figure was completely gone, Miss Joy from Ziyuan Town restrained the "heart-warming" smile on her face, stood there expressionless for a while, and then sat down again.

And in the police station on the other side of Ziyuan Town, three well-dressed Miss Junsha on duty are sitting upright on chairs. Seriously, it's similar to the elementary school students who are stared at by the head teacher in the elementary school classroom.

Under the dim light, the faces of the three were sallow, with an unhealthy color.

And in contrast to this dim brilliance is the weird purple-black mist outside the door, because the mist even covers the light of the stars and the moon in the sky, so it can be said that it is a lightless world outside. The flashlight can also illuminate a radius of two meters around the body at most.

In this case, even local residents who are very familiar with the terrain of this place, and can even be said to know it by heart, will get lost if they enter it rashly at night.

Of course, Juzi, the heavenly king, was able to come and go freely last night, which also confirmed one thing, that is, this weird mist does not seem to be a hindrance to ghost-type Pokémon. It seems that it is precisely because of this characteristic that many scholars have determined that this weird mist flowed in from the underworld.

According to legend, the underworld is the paradise and birthplace of ghost-type Pokémon. It seems that because of the gap and passage between the underworld and the real world, ghost-type Pokémon can be born in the real world. According to the excavated reality and some ancient ruins The exploration and research has also found evidence, that is, in the wild and cruel era of the jungle, there is no trace of the existence of ghost-type Pokémon.

Take the fossils in the animation as an example, such as fossil pterosaurs, ammonite beasts, sickle helmets, etc., are all powerful and brutal Pokémon, and even the shadows of them can be seen on the current Pokémon, but However, the ghost Pokémon is not in this range.

Perhaps because there was nothing left during the mass extinction, or because they were latecomers, in short, this is what scholars in the Pokémon world have been exploring.

Of course, despite this, the theory of extinction due to the fall of huge meteorites is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

So in the academic circles, there are also a group of people who firmly believe that ghost-type Pokémon came from outer space with a large meteorite, or because of the mass extinction, the entire planet was full of death, and this special Pokémon was born, because there are up the soil.

In vitro, let’s stop here for now and return to the topic. The reason why Junsha and the others were able to dispatch to the unmanned power plant last night was not because they had any special abilities or were all experts in fighting ghost-type Pokémon. Because their police station is near the entrance and exit of Ziyuan Town.

The three Miss Junsha, who were on the night shift tonight, suddenly heard a rapid and shrill scream, and their hand holding the pen trembled, but they stabilized quickly, and they didn't respond to the scream. Make more reactions, and after the screams are over, they continue to bury their heads in doing their own things.

From the beginning to the end, it was in an attitude of extreme indifference.

And judging from the subtle reaction just now, they are not deaf.

The Pokémon Tower in Ziyuan Town has seven floors. Its appearance is an ancient ruin that has been eroded and damaged for a long time. There are some indistinct patterns carved on it. Can't figure out what it was originally.

Every floor inside is full of tombstones of dead Pokémon. Because there is no danger, it later became a place where local people put the tombstones of Pokémon. Yes, no danger was found at first, and of course no treasure was found. Just wait for something of value.

So every day people come to visit the grave.

However, as time goes by, there is a danger of being attacked by wild Pokémon from the third floor, and it seems that some wild Pokémon have also migrated to live inside without knowing it.

Fortunately, none of them are too powerful and dangerous Pokémon. With the superhuman physique of the average person in this world, and with the help of Pokémon partners, there have been no major accidents.

But people didn't drive away these wild Pokémon. It can be said that apart from the tombstone, this place is also the home of wild Caracalla and many ghost-type Pokémon.

Humans and Pokémon have been tacitly co-existing in a certain balance, until one day an accident happened, which changed the appearance of Ziyuan Town, and gradually became what it is today

A Gala Gala mother was brutally killed in order to protect her child Caracalla, and her soul has been wandering in the tower. At first people just heard her cry, thinking it was another ghost-type Pokémon playing pranks, but gradually people saw the translucent figure of the mother Gaara-gala, which is different from ghosts. Pokémon exist.

Later, one day, for some unknown reason, Ziyuan Town suddenly became foggy, and the town was shrouded in this strange and ominous fog from the beginning. Some people moved out of here, and the rest stayed.

In fact, it is precisely because Ziyuan Town, built on this traffic artery, has become what it is today, that the abandoned mine between Hualan City and Hualan City was finally completely abandoned. Changes cannot be separated from the relationship.

The evil of human nature, the flowers that bloomed, not only caused Ziyuan Town to sink, but also affected countless people related to it.

However, the lesson did not restrain the bad guys, on the contrary, it intensified. The human trafficking gang mentioned by Ms. Joy is not alone. The specialness of Ziyuan Town has attracted many interested people who want to release their dark intentions in it.

To be honest, although the Rockets are the largest anti-alliance evil organization in the Kanto area, compared with these scumbags, the Rockets can really be called "saints", because the Rockets are evil, from another perspective Not evil[They are just a group of people who are dissatisfied with the rotten order ruled by the Alliance today.

Of course, I did some "bad things".

During the day, when the fog is thin, the inside of the Pokémon Tower is no different from before, and people can also enter it to visit the graves of their dead partners as usual, but at night, especially when the fog is the thickest, then The inside of the tower will be another world. If you rush into it rashly, if you can't find the exit, and you can't leave before dawn, you will be trapped inside forever.

Every outsider who enters Ziyuan Town will be told the precautions of Ziyuan Town, but every year there are still many people who don't listen to the advice and prefer to die. If there is no live broadcast in this world, those guys might still Take a mobile phone to live broadcast the adventure, and then you may die in front of tens of thousands of people.

In the beginning, the residents of Ziyuan Town, including Ms. Junsha, would go to the rescue, but after causing heavy casualties on their own side, but not getting thanks and understanding, the residents of Ziyuan Town became cold-hearted, and at most they made a move. Reminder, if they don't listen to persuasion, then they won't do useless work anymore.

Because Ziyuan Town is so dangerous, no gymnasium has been established here, even if it is very suitable for some gymnasium-level trainers who specialize in ghosts to settle down, it is just to avoid those fledgling little ghosts who are not afraid of death. .

But even so, people still come to Ziyuan Town by chance.

In fact, if you take out the map of the Kanto area and look at it, you will find a very miraculous thing. Except for the road leading to Jinhuang City, the roads between Ziyuan Town and other cities are not natural such as abandoned mines. Adding the obstacle of acquired processing, it is a strange road where the old elders are full of wrong roads and have to cross 580 mountains and cross the sea. It seems that people don't want to start from Ziyuan Town.

Inside the Elf Center in Ziyuan Town, when it became quiet again.

In the corridor outside the house, footsteps can be heard every hour. Whenever people in the corridor pass by a room with residents, they will stay outside the door for a while, as if they are listening to the noise in the room. The movement of people is normal.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Zhang Qing feels that the weird Miss Joy seems to have stayed in front of his and Nazi's room for the longest time, and she has repeatedly confirmed it.

Feeling the softness beside her, the sweet breath hitting her neck, and the gentle breathing, Zhang Qing wondered if Miss Joy could hear how many people were in the room with her sharp ears!?

How about........ silence!?

Miss Joy, who didn't know that she was almost silenced, looked at the room where Zhang Qing was with some doubts, and then at the room where Nazi was across the street, always feeling that she had discovered something terrible.

However, she didn't care too much about the relationship between the residents. After finding out that everyone was there and didn't sneak out outside, she was relieved. Although she was used to ignoring all these things, if she could save people from dying, Miss Joy Still don't want anyone to be in danger.

"But will that Nazi also fall in love with someone else!? It's really unexpected......"

With this in mind, Miss Joy returned to her post, and the gossip didn't last too long. When she looked outside through the door, she still let out a long sigh, and her mood became less pleasant. .

As doctors and nurses who save lives and heal the wounded, they know that someone needs treatment, but choose to ignore it, which makes Ms. Joy very tormented.

Similarly, for her mother who entered the Pokémon Tower and never came out again, Miss Joy in Ziyuan Town is also full of sadness.

"You're right, I'm not a qualified Joey at all..."

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