In the early morning, the earth seemed to have opened its eyes and woke up. Ziyuan Town was under the sun, and it was no longer like last night when the quilt covered its head and did not know whether the sky was cloudy or sunny.

At this moment, it was like a shy girl dressed in fighting clothes, no one could have imagined that the night would be so cruel.

Zhang Qing looked at the trees outside the window, which looked lush and green under the sun, as if everything last night was like a dream.

The sunken place next to it has not recovered, and while retaining the temperature, there is still a faint fragrance.

Zhang Qing doesn't know what Na Zi wants to do!? The other party's behavior is so strange that Zhang Qing can't help but think about its purpose. When I fell asleep and closed my eyes, I teleported to my room and lay beside me, like a little milk cat seeking a sense of security.

A sense of security!? Is it because he defeated the opponent in the Golden Gym and got the Golden Badge!?

Indeed, unlike other Gym owners, Nazi refuses to use the top-level (high-level) Pokémon raised by her parents because of her heart knot, and only uses her own Pokémon to deal with challenges, and because of her age, plus Because she hasn't left the Golden City for a long time, her own Pokémon level is actually not high, especially later, the chances of gaining experience simply by defeating those cute new trainers are negligible.

In this case, if Nazi's own powerful superpowers are left aside, her Pokémon are a bit better than the fledgling trainers, at most they are like Mei and the others who have already participated There are almost no contestants in the regional competition.

But when facing those new trainers, it's enough.

But Zhang Qing really forced her to use her superpowers at that time. Although she still had restraint and didn't use her full strength, she still used her superpowers. This is an inescapable fact.

Perhaps because of this, Zhang Qing gave Nazi an illusion. Nazi mistakenly believed that Zhang Qing was stronger than her, but Nazi had never experienced a defeat so far, which gave this illusion a basis, so when she was uneasy, They will subconsciously seek asylum from those who think they are powerful.

This is very possible, because Nazi's gym-level strength is completely supported by her superpower comparable to that of a beast. The Pokémon under her are actually unqualified in all aspects, and they are still quite immature. It's just because Nazi controlled her when she used super powers, and she gained gym-level strength by virtue of her various advantages. The fight between Meng and Nazi, a psychic.

Maybe Naz herself didn't realize this, so when someone defeated her Pokémon, Naz would probably make a wrong judgment and think that the other party defeated her.

While analyzing, Zhang Qing changed his clothes and put on his coat, and went to the bathroom to tidy up his appearance.

After a lot of fuss, when Zhang Qing came to the dining hall, Mei and Toko were already sitting there early, having ordered food and chatting together.

After picking up the meal, Zhang Qing sat across from the two of them, handed out a box of Moomoo milk to the greedy fat man, and then began to eat to fill his stomach.

"When I went out for a morning run just now, I found that the residents here didn't talk about what happened last night at all. Could it be that we were the only ones who heard the screams last night!~°?"

"Didn't you try to test the cliché!?"

"Don't, I haven't figured out what's going on, it's not good to ask rashly, and this town is weird, and I don't want to contact people here rashly." Touzi lowered his voice, as if he was worried that he would be caught by the locals here. People listen to it in general.

Mei understands very well. To be honest, she also went to bed late last night, because Miss Joy has been walking in the corridor every hour, which makes her very uneasy. He broke into the door suddenly, bared his fangs, and didn't even dare to get out of bed to go to the bathroom.

No way, who made Miss Joy too thick.

"Not to mention, I found that it is very difficult to see insect-type Pokémon here in Ziyuan Town. Obviously, green caterpillars and the like are all over the place. As long as there are green plants, it is impossible to lack these Pokémon. , the grass-type Pokémon known as the gardener can't be seen here either..."

Zhang Qing listened to the two women talking about their discoveries in a low voice, and couldn't help shaking his head secretly. Hearing what they were talking about, if Zhang Qing hadn't been sure that Ms. The four of them plus their own Pokémon are all indescribable.

And if you're really worried, I didn't see you two not eating or drinking, aren't you eating breakfast with relish!?

As soon as Zhang Qing finished complaining in his heart, Mei Yi, who had talked about it over there, turned to complain to Zhang Qing, "To be honest, although it is more convenient in the city than in the wild, and you don't have to worry too much about your safety at night, the food here is really good. Compared with Ah Qing, what you have done is much worse."

Touzi also nodded, expressing that this is the reason, and it seems that he also dislikes the food here.

These two girls whose mouths have been kept in their mouths made Zhang Qing sometimes wonder if they have been traveling with him because they can't do without their own food!?

But to be honest, the culinary skills he possesses in the little master world are indeed extraordinary and refined, even if he can't completely imitate the opponent's full strength, the meals he makes are still unstoppable.

If you don't want to be a trainer in the future, maybe opening a small restaurant is also a good idea.

But Zhang Qing still said, "It's useless to look at me, it's agreed, when I get to the town, I have to take a vacation, and I'm very tired to cook for you every day.

It's not about the food intake of the three of them, but because everyone has a family of Pokémon to feed, and Zhang Qing is tired from cooking a big pot of rice. Without a big eater like a squirrel, Zhang Qing might have to cook all day long.

Don't think there is anything wrong with Pokémon eating human food. In the Pokémon world, any animal or plant carries energy to some extent, which is by no means comparable to that in the ordinary world. To some extent, it is a natural treasure. It's not an exaggeration, otherwise the physique of people in this world wouldn't be so perverted.

Of course, the physique of most people in this world is far inferior to that of Xiaozhi and the Rockets, who have a cat and a cat, but compared to the people in the ordinary world, they are definitely the captains of the Beacon Country per capita.

So there is nothing strange about Pokémon eating human food. It can even be seen from some plots in the animation that some Pokémon will even steal human food

Of course, the energy carried by the food eaten by ordinary humans is definitely not enough to satiate Pokémon. The full stomach here does not refer to filling the stomach, but whether the energy needed every day is sufficient. Simply filling the stomach can only ensure that the hungry will not die, but in Being energetic is the guarantee of being strong and healthy.

Because of this, there are energy cubes, but because of the price, ordinary trainers will not allow their Pokémon to be cubes.

Moreover, eating all at once is also a waste, and the energy contained in the energy cube cannot be digested in a short period of time. It can only be digested and absorbed by high-intensity combat or exercise, otherwise it will only be a waste of time.

Of course, in addition to energy cubes, this world also has some natural and earthly treasures unique to this world, but they are generally guarded by powerful Pokémon, and it is not so easy to get them.

However, it seems that the cooking skills of Little Master World can not only make ordinary meals more delicious, but also better retain the strange energy contained in the ingredients themselves, and even neutralize and combine them to make the energy inside become more gentle And suitable for absorption, some advanced recipes can even exert the effect of one plus one greater than two, so that the energy in the meal does not belong to the energy cube, which is why the Pokémon of the three like to eat so much.

I have to say but this talent is enough to make Zhang Qing reach the pinnacle of life in this world.

Hearing Zhang Qing's words, not to mention that Mei and Touzi were disappointed, even their Pokémon were secretly sighing.

It's too difficult to choose. On the one hand, you can eat delicious food that can make you stronger, and on the other hand, you don't want to live the life of a savage. Why can't you have the best of both worlds!?


For a better life in the future, this man is mine.

The two women suddenly looked at each other, sparks and electric arcs appeared in the colliding eyes.

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, these two people might have already started fighting. I heard that the two of them are good sisters who have known each other since childhood, the kind who pretend to be sweethearts.

Sure enough, they are all deceitful. (No Zhao Zhao)

Zhang Qing took a sip of the soup on the spoon, and frowned. Indeed, just by tasting it, he found that there were many flaws in the soup. If he came

Shaking his head, Zhang Qing forcibly suppressed the idea of ​​doing it himself. He didn't want to really become a cook, and he had no time to rest all day long. That would be too tiring.

"I came to the Pokémon world as a cook?" This is too strange.

Suddenly Zhang Qing was a little curious about how the self in other worlds solves the problem of eating. Compared with the ingredients in the Pokémon world, if it is in the ordinary world, those ordinary ingredients may make them feel more uncomfortable after they have tasted the top delicacies. A world of ingredients that are delicious enough in themselves.

It is no exaggeration to say that just picking a piece of grass in the Pokémon world and giving it to people in the ordinary world, they can eat it with relish, even endless aftertaste, and because it contains energy that can be absorbed by the body, it will even make the whole body eat. All human cells are eager for it, so when tasting this grass, there will be a sense of hunger, thirst and satisfaction in the spirit, making people feel that this grass is the most delicious food in the world.

So, don’t they have to cook for themselves every day!? The self in the little master world is really harmful. He made all the selves get rid of the stinky laziness by his own power. He is really a terrible man. .

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