Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

934 Two Generations Of Heroines Who Think They Are Ordinary People!


"Drink the ginger soup while it's hot."

In the dark and narrow cave, a man and three women were sitting around the fire, and above the fire was a pot, which was filled with bubbling soup, exuding a spicy ginger smell.

At the moment, the four of them were all wearing thin underwear, a large white towel on their bodies, and their hair was still a little wet, but even so, they were isolated from the sound of the storm outside, and it was rare to be quiet.

Zhang Qing filled three bowls of ginger soup with a spoon and handed them to the three girls respectively.

In the end, he slowly filled a bowl for himself, but with his strong physique, it would be extremely difficult to get sick and catch a cold. This ginger soup is just a taste.

"Well, my body has finally warmed up." Mei took the bowl, brought it to her lips and sucked it lightly, and felt the coolness dissipate a lot, so she couldn't help but sip again until her body gradually warmed up.

Because the hair is the longest among the people, she also spent the most time wiping her hair just now, so she feels very bad now, even after changing into a clean underwear.

It's not that they didn't want to simply change into their coats, but deliberately wore underwear to tease Zhang Qing's endurance, but because they stayed in Ziyuan Town for too short a time before, and they had been in the wild before, so the remaining Most of the clothes are washed and not dried, but there are still some evening dresses that are used in formal occasions.

The problem is that that kind of clothes are generally not too thick, not much better than underwear, not to mention that they are not warm, and it is very cumbersome to wear, and more importantly, it is very inconvenient to move around in them. It's a semi-suburban area. Once you encounter a situation where you need to fight, I'm afraid it's too late to cry.

As for Nazi, she probably saw that Mei and Touko were doing the same thing, so she followed suit, but she probably didn't think that her own situation was actually different.

Touzi scrubbed his arms, and looked at the direction of the cave entrance worriedly. It was obviously not dark outside, but it was already as dark as night. It looked like an inexplicable sense of fear.

The whistling wind never stopped at all, and the sound of waves beating was endless.

If it wasn't for the bridge builder who might have already considered this situation at that time, if there is a side road leading to the artificially dug small cave on the cliff wall at a certain distance, they are probably still competing with nature outside at this moment. Woolen cloth.

What's even more rare is that the Silent Bridge was safe and sound in such a terrible weather. Except for the wooden bridge body shaking greatly due to the wind and waves, there was no damage. This is beyond imagination. Exquisite, steel alloy, concrete, and a modern bridge built with more manpower, material and brainpower are inferior to this wooden bridge in the face of natural disasters.

And this small refuge cave is also very particular, the overall shape is a "," or Gouyu shape, the entrance is very narrow and only for one person to enter and exit, but the inner space is still relatively large, and there seems to be a vent on the top to let the people inside You can cook your breakfast with peace of mind, without worrying about suffocating yourself or saving carbon dioxide.

At the same time, it seems that in order to prevent criminals from using this place to hide and ambush passers-by, there is a door at the entrance of the cave. It will only be opened automatically when bad weather is detected or the bridge body of the Silent Bridge is damaged. I have to say that black technology is really everywhere in this world. can see.

"It always feels like the storm is coming towards us." Touzi joked.

Zhang Qing looked away from the bowl and turned to look outside, but he didn't see anything. He didn't know if there were beast-level creatures making troubles, and making such a big battle just to "welcome" them A few, too exaggerated.

Zhang Qing didn't speak, and Nazi naturally didn't. In fact, Nazi also cherished her words like gold, but she and Zhang Qing had a slight "husband and wife look".

Mei, on the other hand, cheered up, and said, "Can't it be that some people don't want us to leave Ziyuan Town like this!?"

"Ugh, why are you all looking at me like that all of a sudden!?"

Mei, who was originally just joking, didn't expect that just after she finished speaking, everyone else turned to stare at her, and they all looked thoughtful, and suddenly became a little unnatural, "Why... How is it possible, what are you all thinking!?"

Mei has always considered herself to be an ordinary girl. She doesn't think she will be the protagonist or savior in any novel or movie. When I was in DreamWorks, I lost interest.

Because she is afraid that the movie will be very different from her imagination, but rather than being afraid of the movie, she still prefers to travel with Zhang Qing and the others to collect Pokémon and explore all kinds of this world, as well as become stronger in battle and see a wider world, Instead of memorizing the lines, standing in front of the camera and acting like a fool.

Once or twice is okay, but if there are too many times, Mei will definitely not be able to stand it.

"No, I just think this possibility is not impossible." Although Tou Tou was the first to make a joke, but after being touched by Mei Yi, Touzi suddenly realized that this possibility is not impossible. It couldn't be that they didn't go out Looking at the almanac, it really happened to be such a rare and huge storm!?

This is too bad luck, isn't it!?

Rather than admitting that he was unlucky, it was easier to accept it as someone else's conspiracy.

Nazi is also using her powerful mental power to scan within the range of her ability [I want to find out if there is really someone or Pokémon playing tricks.

It's not that Nazi is superstitious, or has persecution paranoia or something, I really believed Mei's joking nonsense, but that Nazi has experienced this kind of maliciousness since she was a child.

On the surface, because of her supernatural talent, which is so strong that she can express her opinion, she has a gap with her peers, and even her parents who are human beings at the same time, and her heart is further closed.

But in fact, this is only part of the reason. As mentioned earlier, Nazi's super power is very close to the level of a divine beast. However, due to her age and lack of control, there is currently no way to fully grasp it, and she can only use it with limited command. It's just a part, but even so, she is far stronger than most Psychic-type Pokémon.

Of course, when Nazi's specialness spreads along with her name, one can imagine how many times she will encounter danger, and how many times others will maliciously turn her mother into a doll. It can also be regarded as a means of protection for Nazi's mother.

When human beings are shameless, they will even hold high the banner of righteousness for all mankind and make some people make "necessary" sacrifices. If you don't want to, you are not generous and selfish.

0 for flowers


This is the same as claiming that blood donation is a contribution, but in the end, when you need it, you have to exchange it with money, and at the same time it is not your turn.

If it hadn't been for Nazi's display of strength enough to scare some people, showing her cold-blooded ruthlessness that even her closest relatives would dare to fight, it would have dissuaded some people from wanting to seize the so-called "weakness" to break into her heart. At the same time, Nazi would have Sit on the throne of the golden gymnasium owner, and have a ghost card that people under the official banner dare not act rashly Yes.), maybe at this moment Nazi has already become the female devil who betrayed the alliance and even the human camp.

I have to say that Nazi is actually very smart and precocious. At that age, she already had a premonition of some things and responded accordingly.

After searching for a long time, Nazi finally shook her head lightly. She didn't find any suspicious people or Pokémon.

Generally speaking, in order to achieve this level of natural disasters, one must have some kind of large-scale meteorological weapon device, or a terrifying beast-level Pokémon.


The former cannot be hidden, and the latter can escape Nazi's search if you don't use your strength to hide it as much as possible. But if it is really related to this natural disaster weather, then the aura in your body will be connected with the celestial phenomenon, which cannot be hidden at all .

Maybe the other party is hiding in a place far beyond the limit of my spiritual search.

While Nazi was searching, Mei and Toko had already started discussions on the assumption that "there is a mastermind behind the scenes", combined with the previous findings in Ziyuan Town. Infer the other party's self.

Oh, and after a lot of wrangling, I came to the conclusion that...

Nothing came out.

Because they didn't discover much at all, and when they were in Ziyuan Town, they also controlled their curiosity very well. Even if they asked about it, they just stopped at the point, and they didn't intend to break the casserole and ask the end.

It is said that there are problems with the people in Ziyuan Town, maybe they are all ghosts or something, and it is just because the atmosphere there is in place, and the two women are fooling around to scare themselves. In fact, they did not take it seriously.

Just like some people love to be in the cemetery. In the old school building at midnight, a group of people gather around and tell ghost stories with candles lit. You say how much they believe in ghosts in the world and how scared they are, it’s incredible.

For example, at this time, because of the storm outside, they could only be trapped in this small cave, and when they became bored, they started talking about things they didn't believe to pass the time.

In fact, after thinking about it, I understand that if you really want them to turn around, why would it be so troublesome to create such a big scene, just pretending to be a passerby in need of help, such as an old grandma and grandpa who came to find a missing grandson? It's okay, because they did hear a scream belonging to a young man that night, and now it makes sense to meet someone looking for relatives.

If this really happened, and the other party begged hard, it would be really hard for Mei and Touzi to refuse, and they would definitely pull Zhang Qing back to Ziyuan Town together in the end.

So even if there was a possibility that someone might play tricks, the probability of this possibility was really negligible, so naturally Touzi and the others didn't pay too much attention to it.

After all, both women feel that they are just ordinary "village girls". .

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