Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

935 Meeting Xiaozhi And His Party By Chance!

Facts have proved that Touzi and the others are simply overthinking.

The huge storm had stopped in the early morning of the next day, but it was still raining lightly, as if someone had sprayed the sky with a spray gun.

But it still makes people feel wet and very uncomfortable.

After the four of them simply packed up their luggage, they put on the clothes, shoes and socks that had been dried by the fire last night and set out on the road again.

Walking on the wet wooden floor of the Silent Bridge, smelling the smell of sea water in the air, you can see a few "salted fish" jumping on the ground from time to time before returning to the sea with the waves. The living ones were thrown back into the sea, and the remaining dead ones were left alone, because it would not be long before seabirds would come to feast on them.

The rest of the journey was not long, and the four of them walked for about three hours, and finally entered the opposite Route 15. This made Nazi, who had rarely experienced such a journey, feel a little tired and had no choice. Because she wanted to join the team, she didn't choose to use superpowers to fly, but used her feet to measure the ground all the way.

This kind of experience is probably the first time. Because of her age when she was a child, her parents could not let her walk so many roads. When she was a little older, she had already accepted the Golden Gym and imprisoned her mother to drive her away. The father died, and she was in a state of semi-out of control, and she usually walked and flew, so walking this "five-nine-zero" way was really sour.

Zhang Qing naturally saw it, but seeing that Nazi still didn't stop, she patiently followed along, and didn't say much.

In fact, it is not uncommon for their fifth team to go through such a situation, and there will definitely be more difficult journeys to go through in the future. If Nazi really can't hold on and wants to give up, then it is best as soon as possible, there is no need to force .

Zhang Qing will not think of tying her to his side just because the other party is a beautiful girl. There are too many beautiful girls in this world. If you really want to capture one when you see one, then no matter how big the Crystal Palace is, it is not enough to pretend down.

Just the number of beauties from the Joey and Junsha families holding hands is enough to circle the planet.

"We're here, we're here, we're in the wild wilderness~"

"There are a lot of Pokémon there~!"

"Yeah.....Wild Wilderness Area~!"

Not long after the four of them continued to move forward, suddenly a young man's slightly out-of-key singing voice came from their ears, causing the four of them to turn their heads and look in the direction of the sound, and saw that it was a little short, The upper body is an open mid-blue jacket with golden lace and a dark turquoise T-shirt, the lower body is jeans with light blue trousers, black and white sneakers with red accents on both sides, and a pair of strips A brown belt with a ten-year-old hanging from it with a Poke Ball.

There is also a yellow electric mouse Pikachu standing on his shoulder.

A man and a woman followed at the back of the two sides. The man's dark skin was taller than the singing boy's Pikachu, with squinting eyes, he followed calmly.

The girl is also not very old, maybe around ten years old, half a head taller than the singing boy, but considering that girls at this age do develop earlier than boys, it cannot be said that they are necessarily older than boys .

When Zhang Qing saw that it was Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang from the Guandu area who came here, Zhang Qing couldn't help pulling at the brim of his hat, lamenting the wonder of fate, that they could all be met.

After distributing his mental power for a while, Zhang Qing found that there were two charming villains Musashi and a cat hanging behind Xiaozhi and the other not far away.

Mei and Touko quickly looked away and didn't look much. Although they felt that they had seen each other somewhere before, there were a lot of passers-by who were acquainted with each other along the way, and they couldn't just go up and say hello if they met one.

And if you are really familiar with it, you should have added the address book long ago.

Nazi originally just glanced at it and didn't pay much attention to it, but when she saw Xiaozhi, she was taken aback suddenly, not because she fell in love at first sight, or because she was shocked by Xiaozhi's non-existent domineering aura, but because of her powerful The super power of the other party felt sluggish on the opponent, as if passing through a viscous liquid. The strange thing was that the boy obviously didn't have the same super power.

Although it is not a super power like myself, it is definitely a special talent that ordinary people will not have.

When did the Kanto region have so many people with special abilities!? Nazi frowned slightly and was puzzled. She was surprised when she met Zhang Qing. You must know that Zhang Qing's superpowers are not as good as her own. , but it's not too much difference, at least it's much better than Nazi's biological father. This is definitely a very shocking thing.

You must know that when the news about Nazi possessing such a powerful superpower got out, it caused a sensation. This kind of attention is not limited to the Kanto area, and even people in the world who do not live in places where the news is blocked are all right. Her name has been heard.

And it's really very strange that Zhang Qing, who obviously has not weak superpowers, has not shown his reputation so far.

Now there is another boy who possesses other kinds of abilities other than superpowers, and it is certain that this is definitely a rarer ability. As a result, he has never heard of his name before. Could it be that his parents You don't know how to keep a secret!?

Or was it because I was too high-profile when I was a child!?

In any case, Nazi's mood is not very good, her experience so far is largely due to this super power, and being too famous.

"It's too embarrassing, please stop singing, Xiaozhi." Xiaoxia blushed and shouted at Xiaozhi, she noticed the eyes of Mei and the others, and immediately wanted to walk away and pretend to know Xiaozhi.

"What's wrong with me singing mine!? And I think I sing really well, don't you, Pikachu!?"


Seeing Pikachu nodding, Xiaozhi laughed happily.

Xiao Gang's eyes lit up, and he took out a bunch of words from somewhere, and in a blink of an eye, he came to the third daughter of Mei and knelt down on one knee, squinting his eyes affectionately, and sang in an opera tone, " Three beautiful young ladies~ To be able to meet three Xiaosheng on such a beautiful day~~~~Xiaosheng~~~~ I am so lucky~~~~~~!~!

"Please date me on the premise of getting married~~~!!!"

"Ugly refusal!"

"You're a nice guy, but you're too dark!"

"Sorry, I'm not interested in squinting!"


However, waiting for Xiaogang's reply will always be "You are not worthy", and he is gentle when he receives the good person card. At this moment, Xiaogang, who was rejected by three consecutive strikes, instantly petrified, and cracks appeared

Stay in this one-knee position without moving.

Xiaoxia Su slapped the face with her hand, feeling ashamed, why are her two companions so hard to describe!!!

"Sorry, you don't have to worry about what that idiot said, and he's used to it." Xiaoxia hurriedly bowed to the third daughter of Mei and apologized.

She is also used to it.

"It's okay, little sister, you are working hard too." Touzi patted Xiaoxia's shoulder and comforted him gently.

.......Actually, it’s okay..0″Xiaoxia said bitterly, but she sighed in her heart, who said no! Since this journey, she has almost become a vomit


But Xiaoxia didn't want to say these words to outsiders, she changed the subject and said, "Are you also here to hunt Pokémon here on purpose!?"

"Ah! The hunting zone in the wild park..." Touzi and Meiyi glanced at each other, both seeming to lack interest, but they also saw that Xiaoxia and the others seemed to be very interested in this, and also It's hard to say anything, just nodded.

In fact, the so-called hunting zone is actually an artificial park that provides Pokémon more reminiscent of the wild, but it is safer than the Pokémon living here in the wild, and will not encounter too many dangers.

Most of the dangers that Pokémon encounter in the wild come from carnivorous and vicious Pokémon, because there are so many resources in the forest and plains, it is impossible to distribute them equally, and some Pokémon are too prolific, and if they are not controlled, they will Cause greater disasters, so under the law of nature, it is normal for the weak to survive.

But this is not the case in the hunting zone. Different types of Pokémon can coexist peacefully, so most of the Pokémon living here lack combat experience, and because they are artificially bred, there are few rare Pokémon Pokémon, mostly more common, or some Pokémon from other regions.

For some children with good backgrounds, it is naturally not attractive, but for some children with low backgrounds, it is difficult to tame weak Pokémon in the wild

The hunting zone just met their needs.

Of course, there are pitfalls here, you don’t need to fight, you just need to throw hunting balls accurately to conquer the Pokémon here, even after buying tickets, there are 30 balls, even though they are all one-time, they fail after throwing out You can't continue to use it. This is different from the usual red and white elf balls outside, but there are so many hunting balls. If you give 30 balls at a time, even a fool can subdue one-third of the number.

Because the Pokémon here are really easy to tame, basically they won't struggle if they are contained by hunting balls.

However, this is the worst part. If you are unlucky and really conquer 30 Pokémon, then it will be the beginning of a nightmare. You definitely don’t dare to discard this number of Pokémon at 3.7, because the other party may form a partnership. Launch an attack on you in return for your abandonment. In this case, the alliance will not sympathize with you.

Abandoning one's Pokémon is definitely a shameful thing, and it is not tolerated by all trainers.

But it is impossible for ordinary people to feed such a large number of Pokémon. This is the most pitiful place.

(Note: Pokémon eggs are the only ones that can freely sell Pokémon. Generally, Pokémon that come out of broken eggs are protected by law. Buying and selling is also illegal in the alliance. Of course, there are places where Pokémon are traded in the alliance. , but these places are voluntary by Pokémon, Pokémon chooses the shit shoveler, not the trainer chooses Pokémon.)

The two girls who were cheated once and almost fell into the trap of "mortgage (cross-out) Pokemon loan" are naturally not interested in it. Fortunately, they stopped in time in the Hezhong area, so they took over one or two That's all, otherwise I would have to worry about the food expenses of my Pokémon by now, and those Pokémon were sent back to their respective mothers. After all, the mothers of the two daughters don't seem to have their own Pokémon, do they!?

When they left the Hezhong area before, the two women also saw the two Pokémon they captured in the hunting zone, and they seemed to be doing well. The feeling of being a pig. .

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