"I've made a deal, only the hunting balls and fishing rods in the wilderness area are allowed to be used in the wilderness area. Those who don't follow the rules, don't blame me, Brother Thunder, for serving them."

In the administrator's hall next to the gate of the wilderness area, an old man dressed as a western cowboy pulled out one of the two guns on his waist and pointed it at Xiaozhi, who was reaching for the hunting ball, and warned him. People who open the door to do business and get rich.

"Who is Brother Thunder!?" Although Xiao Zhi withdrew his hand in fright, he still asked curiously.

Xiao Gang beside him was also taken aback, because the moment Xiao Zhi finished speaking, the uncle administrator named Caesar aimed his gun at Xiao Zhi's forehead.

The meaning is obvious, Brother Lei Ting refers to his two guns, one named "Thunder" and the other "Ting".

Caesar is a man who masters the power of "Thunder"!

Xiaoxia didn't care about Xiaozhi's bad business, she and Mei and the others looked at the photos hanging on the wall of the hall with great interest. There were many photos of Uncle Caesar with various treasures when he was young. Pokémon's photo.

From the vicissitudes of the face of the advanced Uncle Kaiser, it can be seen that these photos have been around for many years, and they may even be older than the children present here, and they are all old photos.

Originally, Mei and Touzi, who were not interested once, didn't want to join in the fun, but Xiaoxia heard that they had challenged the Hualan Gym, and they had a good relationship with her three sisters

I just want to talk more, and she hasn't been back for a long time.

Because the route chosen by Xiaozhi was a bit messy and he often got lost in the wild, Xiaoxia and the others basically didn't follow a simple, quick and effective route. They were still in the east just a moment ago, and the next 20 stops might be the shortest time in the Kanto area. west.

Some people may ask how is it possible!? But I have personally experienced being chased by a swarm of bees more than once, being carried away by a big bird, or Xiaozhi suddenly got up and ran around chasing a certain Pokémon and then led everyone into the pit. Xiaoxia, who is still lost on the map, is really tired.

Originally, after challenging the gymnasium in Yuhong City, Xiaoxia planned to take Xiaozhi and the others to Hualan City, because several times before, her three sisters were a little weird, which made Xiaoxia very worried , I'm afraid that these three sisters who ruined the gymnasium left by their mother and father and changed it to sleep in a ballet performance hall will do more insane things, so as to stop them.

In the end, I don’t know why, obviously I, a local who grew up in Hualan City, led the way, but Ning somehow came to the hunting area in the wilderness area, which is farther away from his hometown Hualan City.

Faced with Xiaoxia's questioning, Meiyi and Touzi scratched their pretty faces, feeling a little embarrassed. They had promised to keep the three Hualan sisters secret, and they would not let their sisters know about it until the Hualan gymnasium was rebuilt. Something happened, and I was a little overwhelmed for a while.

You shouldn't admit that you know Sakura and the others. This is really asking for trouble for yourself.

But fortunately, the two of them also have full deception skills, and they are able to change the topic with one hand, especially after the manager Uncle Caesar, who looks fierce and hard to talk, comes out with a gun, so that the two girls can finally find it. The breakthrough to divert Xiaoxia's attention.

No, I took Xiaoxia to look at these old photos, and explained the habits and cultivation skills of those Pokémon in the photos from time to time. I am also interested in the Pokémon of the department. There are two seniors, Mei and Toko, who have been traveling for a year to lead them to increase their knowledge, and they suddenly forgot to continue thinking about their three unreliable sisters.

It has to be said that Mei and Touzi are worthy of having attended formal trainer colleges, plus they have traveled frequently in the Hezhong area for a year. The little kid who ran out to travel can compare.

To be honest, it is really irresponsible and understandable that such a young age does not go to school to learn more knowledge and common sense, but let them be randomly dyed with various colors by luck in the outside world like a blank sheet of paper cannot.

It's really "parents don't teach themselves, others teach, society teaches".

However, considering that this is a world transformed by the animation of the Neon Kingdom, and the class solidification theory of bloodlines and other factors, it is relieved.

Just like Xiaozhi's mortal enemy Xiaomao, after getting tired of being a trainer, he can immediately go back to inherit the research institute and become a researcher. You must know that he hasn't gone to school for a day since he was ten years old, and he hasn't done this before. Specialized study in this area is equivalent to a semi-literate person, who ended up becoming a researcher in such an absurd way. Others don't think there is any problem with this, so one can imagine how outrageous this world is.

The industry is basically in a state of being monopolized by the family. If you get promoted and rewrite your destiny, you will join.

But these have nothing to do with Xiaoxia Mei and the others now, they haven't realized it yet, or realized it but didn't take it too seriously, or simply don't want to think about these messy things.

"Ah——! This, this.....Could it be a miniature dragon?!" Suddenly Xiaoxia pointed to one of the photos and said in surprise, her voice became sharp and loud because she was too shocked , so that the three people on Xiaozhi's side also turned their heads to look over.

Xiaozhi suddenly ignored the quarrel with Uncle Caesar, and trot over excitedly, "Really!? Show me too!"

Xiaoxia smiled and took off the photo frame on the wall and held it in her hand, and asked Xiaozhi and the others to come over to look at it. The photo was black and white, and because of the long time, it had become unclear, but Caesar seemed to be I kept it very carefully, but I could clearly see the snake-shaped Pokémon and the youth standing together in the middle.

That western cowboy outfit is obviously the same as the gray-haired Uncle Caesar when he was young.

"Look! The one taking pictures with it is the young Mr. Caesar!"

Mei, Touzi and even Nazi also leaned forward to take a look, "I didn't expect it to be so, but Xiaoxia, you can recognize it as a miniature dragon at a glance, it's really amazing."

Because there are very few witnesses, it used to be called the Mythical Pokémon. Originally thought to exist only in fantasy, it was not confirmed until a fisherman finally caught it after 10 hours of hard work.

"Hehe, it's not that great. It just happened that someone caught a miniature dragon in the news before, and it was also published in the newspaper. I didn't know it. If it was before, I really wouldn't recognize it." Xiaoxia explained shyly.

Although Caesar was the first person in this world to discover the miniature dragon, since there was no more evidence to prove that it really existed, and many people who came here for the name stepped through the wilderness area, All the Pokémon here have been subdued, causing ecological problems in the wilderness area, and the wilderness area is almost unable to operate, so the wilderness areas around the world have changed the rules, and it is not allowed to fight with Pokémon inside. The chaos of the mob can only be changed by relying on special hunting balls and fishing rods to subdue them.

At the same time, because the Pokemon in the wilderness area here were all cleared and the so-called "miniature dragon" was not found, everyone later believed that Caesar was a "liar" and the photos were fake, which made the place depressed now.

The miniature dragon is also defined by everyone as a fantasy Pokémon fabricated by someone, just like the so-called "dragon" in a mysterious ancient oriental country, there is no evidence to prove that it really existed. Most of the theories are fantasy species based on the combination of the characteristics of various animals.

However, this statement completely disappeared after a certain fishing guy incident not long ago, because this time someone really caught and subdued the miniature dragon, which also proved that this kind of Pokémon does exist , It was not fabricated by someone to fool the public. (Note: In fact, the Yulong family has known for a long time that miniature dragons really exist, and this has been known since the day of the sun and the owner of the Kuailong.)

Even because of the demonstration of miniature dragons, there is now an upsurge of the whole people looking for miniature dragons, but because it is indeed too difficult to find, the number of people has dropped sharply without persisting for too long.

The reason why Caesar, the manager of the wilderness area in the Kanto area, had a bad temper before was because he came here a while ago because he wanted to disturb the peaceful tourists here again, and he finally waited for the tide to subside. The people who came to Mini Dragon gave up their minds and left, but in the end, Xiaozhi and other little ghosts came again. It's no wonder that Caesar is in a good mood.

After staring at the photo for a long time, Xiao Gang said: "I didn't expect that the rumors of miniature dragons in this field area turned out to be true. I thought it was fake news before!"

Zhang Qing is not very interested in miniature dragons. Although they are also Pokémon in the ranks of quasi-mythical beasts, the fat dragon after the second evolution, ah, no, it should be a fast dragon. It is really ugly. Everything is fine, it is a beautiful dragon, and it will eventually become a fat and ugly western dragon.

Just when everyone was amazed by the photo, Uncle Caesar, who was still behind the service desk before, ran over in a hurry with an angry face, grabbed the photo frame from Xiaoxia, and said angrily, "No, There are no miniature dragons here, you are mistaken!"

"But it's clearly there in this photo!?" Xiaozhi said unconvinced.

I have to say that a kid at this age really doesn't know how to look at an adult's face at all.

It can also show that Xiaozhi has never been beaten and scolded by adults since he was a child. To be honest, many people are very envious of being so stupid.

However, if you are not willing to show color to your own children, then someone else will do it for you in the future. Uncle Caesar, who was unhappy in the first place, has already put his hand on the gun at his waist.

Xiaozhi waved his hands in fright, "I know, I understand everything, this is a green caterpillar, not a miniature dragon at all.

Well, he was cowardly.

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang's cheeks twitched, and they thought: green caterpillar or something, thank you for thinking it out.

But Caesar seemed very satisfied with Xiaozhi's words, and nodded, "That's right, it's the green caterpillar, but it's just a genetic mutation. In order to prevent you from causing more misunderstandings, I'll put this photo away first, and you are waiting here , After I come back, I will take you into the hunting zone."

Everyone nodded when they saw this, since the other party said so, what else to do, just pretend to be stupid!

I have to say that this is the second disabled Pokémon besides Pikachu. .

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