"Wait for me!"

"Xiaozhi! Damn...I told you not to run around, why doesn't this guy listen!"

Xiaoxia hugged her own Kodak Duck, and looked at Xiaozhi who suddenly ran away again speechlessly, she was almost numb, how could that guy run like that!?

Facing Xiaoxia's complaint, Pikachu, who was left behind, couldn't help showing an embarrassed expression, and didn't dare to speak for his trainer at this time, for fear of being angered by the girl who had accumulated a lot of resentment and anger.

Xiaogang scratched the back of his head and suggested: "In short, let's catch up first, we can't let Xiaozhi run around.

Xiaoxia heard the words and said angrily, "But how do I chase after it!? It's surrounded by thick fog, and the road can't be seen clearly, so what is this place!?"

"It's all because Xiao Zhifei said he saw some horse and led us into the ditch."

"This..." Xiaogang was also a little speechless, "Just now Xiaozhi was running in this direction, let's take a walk in that direction too, maybe Xiaozhi who has calmed down will stop not far ahead waiting for us."

"That's the only way to go, alas..... When we find Xiaozhi, we must talk about him." Xiaoxia sighed.

After discussing, the two of them, one duck and one Pikachu, moved forward in a certain direction. Their speed was not fast, because the surrounding area was full of thick fog, and it could even be said that they were moving at a snail's speed.

No way, in this kind of environment where you can hardly see your fingers, if you run around carelessly, you may really fall into the ditch. Similarly, if you look back from time to time to see if your companions are keeping up, you may fall into the ditch. The fate of being alone.

What is more terrifying than being alone in an environment full of thick fog and unable to see the surroundings clearly!?

Maybe it's just the darkness.

20 After parting with Zhang Qing and others in the Wilderness Area, Xiaoxia made a firm decision that the next route was to head towards Hualan City. Zhizhi has not yet obtained the Hualan badge, so it is not a waste of time to go to Hualan City at this time.

However, shortly after Xiaoxia and her three good-for-nothing sisters agreed to return to Hualan City in the near future, an accident happened.

Of course Xiaoxia and the others did not follow the road to Ziyuan Town, and naturally they did not enter the Silent Bridge. I have been to Ziyuan Town once, and I am a little bit unimpressed by the weirdness of Ziyuan Town.

But just because they had been here once, they didn't plan to revisit that place, even though they went straight to the haunted house outside the town where Ghost Stone was, and didn't enter Ziyuan Town.

However, when they walked along the road to Dead Leaf City, Xiao Zhifei said that he saw a steed with a blue mane, and then lost his mind and chased after him.

But Xiaoxia and Xiaogang didn't see the so-called horse with blue mane, or rather, they didn't see any horse at all!

Before this, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang didn't know that Xiaozhi was still a horse lover who had hidden a lot, what a hell.

I don't even look at what time it is, but just because I saw a horse, I excitedly chased it, leaving my companions in the camp to ignore it, is this crazy!?

In order to catch up with Xiaozhi and bring him back, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang didn't even care about the tents that had been set up. They just grabbed their backpacks and put on the elf balls before chasing him. This became the trace that Miss Junsha and the others found. One, especially the one that was burned through the pot, proved that the three disappeared at mealtime and were cooking before disappearing.

As for Junsha in Ziyuan Town, it seems that he has not met Xiaozhi and the other three. Whether this is really the case remains to be discussed.

The reason why she didn't look at Ziyuan Town at the beginning was not that Miss Junsha from Hualan City was weak, but that Miss Junsha from Dead Leaf City found the tents and other items that Xiaoxia and the others had left behind earlier, which proved that they were indeed It is indeed walking along the road to Dead Leaf City, instead of turning into the Bridge of Silence.

Naturally, the investigation direction of Ziyuan Town was also ruled out.

However, after a carpet search along the road from the wild wilderness area to Dead Leaf City, Miss Junsha and the others entered a new predicament, because they failed to find the three missing teenagers, and the last footprints left by Xiaoxia and the others , and even after leaving the camp not far away, it disappeared, as if it suddenly spread its wings and flew away.

However, according to the information Ms. Junsha and the others have obtained, especially the information obtained from Ms. Joy of the Fairy Center, the three of them do not have the flying-type Pokémon that can be used by three people at once. It is impossible for Ba Dadie or Bibi Bird to do it.

Even if Bibi Bird evolved into Bi Diao, it was not big enough to accommodate three children.

It’s impossible for three children to climb a tree and jump from tree to tree like Naruto!?

But even so, Ms. Jun Sha and the others did not find traces of being trampled and climbed on the tree, which made the investigation and search enter a new dead end.

At this time, the three Hualan sisters came to the police station, thinking that Xiaoxia and the others might have gone to Ziyuan Town.

With an attitude of not letting go of any possibility, Miss Junsha from Hualan City immediately contacted Miss Junsha who was in Ziyuan Town, but Miss Junsha from Ziyuan Town said that she had never seen them For the three children described in the mouth, Ms. Joy, who is also in Ziyuan Town, has no registration information for the three children.

Obviously, unless Ms. Joy and Miss Junsha in Ziyuan Town were lying and deliberately tampered with the information records of the system, otherwise, Xiaoxia and the others really did not appear in Ziyuan Town.

Similarly, if you want to enter Ziyuan Town from the road to Dead Leaf City without going through the Silent Bridge, you need to go through a lot of mountains, which is not an easy task. Junsha and the others also feel that this is too difficult for three children who are only ten years old.

At present, the suspicion in Ziyuan Town is the smallest, so small that it hardly exists.

But if the three of Xiaoxia didn't go to Ziyuan Town and didn't enter Dead Leaf City, where could they go!? Miss Junsha has searched almost all the places where they might be hiding, because otherwise they wouldn't turn their eyes Ziyuan Town, which was ruled out as a suspect early on.

But the problem is that it is basically impossible in Ziyuan Town. The only roads that can easily go to Ziyuan Town are two, one is the No. The road adjacent to the blue city that needs to pass through the abandoned mine was not considered at the beginning.

That is absolutely impossible, one is the distance, from the place near Dead Leaf City to the abandoned mine in an instant, it is impossible even by plane. The second is that if you want to take that road, you still have to go through the two roads mentioned before to enter Ziyuan Town. This is a matter of causal logic and cannot be reversed.

There is no choice of one of the three, only one of the two, or even one of the options, which makes the search work even more difficult.

And Xiao Zhi, who had no idea that so many people in the outside world cared about him, was running wildly in the mist at the moment, all he could see was whether it appeared or not, as if he wanted to wait for his dark horse ahead.

Xiaozhi's whole mind seems to be taken away by the other party's beautiful figure, and his eyes and heart are full of the other party's figure.

"Wait for me!"

"Don't go!"

He shouted loudly, not even noticing that the place where he was at the moment was full of fog that blocked his vision, and that weird horse-shaped Pokémon was so weird that he could clearly catch it.

He strode forward with his legs wide open, and he stretched out his right hand, wanting the other party to stay.

The surroundings were very quiet, only the sound of his own heartbeat and shouts could be heard, Xiaozhi gradually began to forget why he was chasing that horse he had never seen before, as if there was a voice whispering in his ear, "Chasing Go up——!"

On the other side, in Ziyuan Town, in the police station near the entrance and exit of the town.

Miss Junsha, who hung up the communicator, couldn't help but frowned and looked outside at the mist that was as thick as ink, and she couldn't see the Pokémon Tower on the other side, the relic that was used to place tombstones in the past. The Tower of the Netherworld actually has another name, the Tower of Netherworld, which is said to have been found by scholars in the limited ancient texts that can be seen clearly.

As for the real name, it is impossible to know.

After all, it is just a tower that has been severely damaged by the years. If you want to know more, unless you summon those ancient undead, or find a legendary Pokémon that has witnessed that era, otherwise the little bit of unwritten " Legacy", the real 470 can only be supplemented by brain.

After looking back, Ms. Junsha, who was on duty, found the diary, and found outsiders who had recently entered Ziyuan Town on it. Except for a certain name whose name was crossed out, there were only four of them, Zhang Qing and the others. It's Juzi and her granddaughter, and I didn't find Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia's......

"Could it be sneaking in again!?"

This Miss Junsha frowned, and tapped her index finger on the table unconsciously, "But how did you get in? Our police station is right at the entrance, so there's no reason to avoid it!?"

Miss Junsha, who couldn't figure it out, became a little uneasy, because the weirdness of Ziyuan Town has indeed become more disturbing recently.

However, it is almost impossible to enter the Nether Tower that may be the source of the investigation. In fact, not only the relatives of Joey from the Elf Center in Ziyuan Town disappeared in it, but even Miss Junsha's Many relatives also went inside and never came out again.

The Junshas who are in charge of public security are the ones who lose the most, because those who refuse to listen to the persuasion and have to enter to die, they have to venture into it. If they really can't afford to lose later, if they continue, they will lose the whole family. Now it is not so indifferent to watch and do nothing.

Being able to advise outsiders who enter Ziyuan Town is the last kindness, and there really can't be more.

"It seems that this area has to be completely sealed off..."

After a long time, Ms. Junsha sighed. If it continues to get out of control, Ziyuan Town will not be able to continue to exist. In fact, if it weren’t for the fact that many people here are reluctant to part with their relatives, they would have moved out of here long ago, but if they thought that the existence of Ziyuan Town would make more If someone goes missing, the Alliance will not continue to allow Ziyuan Town to exist.

So Ms. Jun Sha felt a little melancholy, who can stay in Ziyuan Town now, who is not a relative who disappeared in the mist, I really think they all like the magic here!?

[The author has a message: The update is a bit late, as long as it is uncomfortable, I just woke up from sleep last night, my mind is a little dizzy, and the writing may be a bit messy. 】.

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