Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

947 Sirin: Ha! ? Have You Finally Lost Your Mind? ?

[The author has something to say: I found a very bad thing, that is, I found two setting notebooks, one of which was discarded, but I checked the previous content about the chat group, and I was speechless. By the way, it was actually written according to the discarded book. There are many discrepancies in many places, but there is no way to change it. Abandoned Lu is different from the starting point. After a hundred or so chapters, the typos were corrected, but it was found that Feilu didn't work here, so I stopped. 】

...following text

"It's cold!"

Mei and Touzi put on cotton-padded jackets and overcoats, but they still felt cold in the cold wind. They huddled together and squeezed next to Zhang Qing. Nazi, who couldn't find a place, could only sit back to back with Zhang Qing, hugging her legs. It's not that she doesn't want to sit in the front, but that Mei and Touzi not only occupy the sides, but also occupy the two thighs, so they can only drink cold wind in front.

In the high sky, which is difficult for human beings to observe, a strange linnosaurus-shaped Pokémon with black and golden lines is flying at high speed in a posture of meandering above the clouds, and there are four on its back. It was not affected by the air current and was sitting on it like an old dog wrapped up in its roots.

The four of them were Zhang Qing, Mei, Touzi and Nazi, and the flying pet that was riding was a crack seat boss. In fact, the carp dragon does not have the ability to travel very far, at least there is no way to take four humans from the light red gymnasium to Ziyuan Town.

After all, in addition to the flying attribute, the Gyarados also has the water attribute, and the water attribute is its main attribute. Even after the super evolution that appeared later, the water attribute did not disappear, but the flying attribute was directly replaced by the evil attribute.

It can be said that Gyarados has the attribute of flying, but its flying ability is actually not outstanding. Compared with other flying-type Pokémon, there is a big gap, which is a short board, but Zhang Qing is an exception, not its talent How outstanding it is, it is because it has received training from Zhang Qing who thinks that its vision and ability are extraordinary, and there are big brothers like Likongzuo who teach by example, and the breath of the three dragons of Youdao is nourishing, and even appeared The sign of returning to the ancestors gave birth to the real dragon attribute that the tyrannosaurus should not have, so the flying ability has also been improved.

Even so, as a sea dragon, the sky is still not its battlefield, so when it chooses to travel long distances and is in a hurry, it naturally has to choose the sky overlord, the Rift Seat.

This is probably the first time that Zhang Qing has officially appeared on the empty seat.

In fact, in terms of flying speed, the three dragons of Tao are also good, but the three dragons of Tao often bring natural disasters along the way, either high-temperature thunderstorms or blizzards, and they are not as good at hiding themselves as Rikakuza. There is no way around this, after all, how can any divine beast restrain its own strength, even the process of flying is dull and soundless!?

This is not for pretending, but in the older era, no Pokémon would do this at all. After all, in the era of the jungle, there are Pokémon who dare to challenge even the gods and beasts. If you don’t show your invincibility In terms of body shape, there will never be peace, so most of the beasts who have made their own reputation have only learned how to let their domineering sideways leak.

For the Rikuzuo family, it is because they are like fish entering the sea in the sky. Even if they do not have priesthood and authority, they are very close to the "sky`々sky", so almost no one can find them, let alone Zhang Qing This old six is ​​empty, and he has won this way even more.

"I didn't expect that we would go back in the end..." Touzi sniffed and said.

Mei nodded, "It's not true that someone kidnapped Xiaoxia and the others [just to let us go back!? Isn't it like a sheep falling into a tiger's mouth if we just pass by now!?"


Nazi looked at the empty seat under her, recalled the scene of Mei and Touko trying to summon Reshiram and Zekrom before, and suddenly fell silent.

Who is the sheep!?

Speaking of which, I still wanted to catch a flash before... No, isn't the idea that the miscellaneous bird gave Zhang Qing stupid!?

The clown turned out to be himself!?

Nazi is autistic.

She, the future super queen who has attracted the attention of the whole world, does not have a super beast yet...

Zhang Qing didn't expect that Nazi would think so much, so naturally there was no consolation, he was also thinking about Mei's question now, could there really be some "person" who deliberately made them turn around and go back to Ziyuan Town!?

But if this is the case, there is really no need to go to such trouble and make such a big fuss. As Mei and the others said in the safe cave of the Silent Bridge, as long as there is a person who claims to be a grandmother or other relatives whose child is missing, they will Maybe he went back because of uneasy conscience.

There's no need for another big storm and another kidnapping of acquainted children, just to make them go back.

To be honest, Zhang Qing thinks they are just ordinary trainers.

If you really want to say that your career as a trainer is actually just over a year, and less than two and a half years, you can't even count as a trainee, so you need to be so valued!?

So if this matter is really aimed at the four of them, it is too unreasonable.

Even after owning the plug-in of Misty Space, Zhang Qing never feels that he is the child of destiny, of course Mei and Touzi are not counted, because they are indeed the heroines of the two generations, but apart from the game, they are actually just supporting roles.

But if I really want to say something special, it may be about the life experiences of Mei and Toko. After all, it seems that the protagonists of Pokémon in the past are all single-parent families, and they only have one mother. The column of paternity is always a mystery, maybe it is It's not surprising that there are no Pokémon, otherwise why some mythical beasts are willing to stay by their side, isn't it because they always


Of course, this is just Zhang Qing's speculation. In fact, this kind of speculation has also been made on the forum in his previous life, but he often starts driving after a few words of discussion, and in the end it is so crooked that it is blocked and there is no result.

And some people think that humans in the Pokémon world are actually a special kind of Pokémon, otherwise there is no reason why Arceus, the creator god, would suddenly create another primate creature that does not belong to Pokémon , which is very strange. It's just like Nuwa pinching people, suddenly slapping her head and pinching a bump, it's not a sudden cerebral thrombosis

It's just that the root of the hand is pinched.

In short, there are many mysteries in the world of Pokémon, and perhaps these can only be answered by awakening Arceus who has fallen into a long sleep.

The flying speed of Likongzuo was very fast, and it covered a hundred and eight thousand miles almost instantly. In the blink of an eye, I saw the long-lost Ziyuan Town.

But the price for such a quick exchange is that the people above were almost numb from the cold, and the high-speed airflow took away the heat from the bodies of several people. Knowing that the experience of taking the Shenshou through train is not wonderful.

In fact, if Mei and the others had already crossed the gate of the heavenly king at this moment, they would not be so embarrassed, but they are only sixteen or seventeen-year-old girls. Although there are teenage heavenly kings in this world, it is a pity that they are not. It's enough to be perverted to this extent, so it should be uncomfortable or uncomfortable.



Zhang Qing supported the two girls who were struggling to stand on the ground. Don't look at the frozen legs. Now that the blood hasn't circulated, they must be unstable. Mei and Touzi don't have superpowers like Nazi. So take it easy.

"Sure enough, I don't want to have this kind of experience again." Mei looked at the Poké Ball that Rikongza had returned with lingering fear.

Divine beasts are really not something that mortals can control. Just riding them almost killed them. I really don’t know what the Plasma team ate back then. The bear-hearted leopard dared to control them to be ranked among the ranks of divine beasts. The three dragons of Tao who are still at the forefront, isn’t this crazy!?

Leaning on Zhang Qing, Touzi looked towards Ziyuan Town not far away, ""'Sure enough, it was even more weird when he looked at it at night, the whole town was shrouded in purple-black mist and disappeared. "

"Do you want to take back this body and save this girl!?"

"Is it is it!?"

"Is she your important partner, important family member!?"

"Have you ever created precious and sweet memories together!?"

"Have you ever made an unbreakable agreement!?"

"Let the beautiful past be fragmented bit by bit, and become disillusioned in despair and grief. I want your distorted faces and broken limbs to be the last sight in her eyes.

"Family, friends, happiness, dreams, future, hope (um ha ha ha)..."

"She shouldn't have it, she doesn't deserve it, she won't have it!"

Ah Celine......

Just when Zhang Qing was looking at Ziyuan Town, he suddenly heard a familiar voice or a familiar line from someone. It was replaced by a familiar figure with white hair.

The other party looked down at the creatures on the ground contemptuously, including Zhang Qing.

This made Zhang Qing feel a little overwhelmed, because Xilin obviously shouldn't appear in this world, and if Herrscher appeared in the world of Pokémon, it would be a bit scary. In terms of the strength of Herrscher, the birth The herrschers in the Pokémon world are absolutely beyond imagination. They are cosmic-level herrschers when they come out, and it's not that Guangguang can only have the authority of physical laws.

Both humans and Pokémon must have Muggles.

(Zhao Zhaohao) At the moment when Zhang Qing denied the truth of Sirin, the Herrscher of the Sky, Sirin, who looked like a Houkai queen, disappeared immediately, and the high-hanging moon appeared again. The scene just now seemed to be just dizzy That's all.

"Ah Qing, Ah Qing! Did you hear me!?"

Gradually, the shouts of Mei and Touzi appeared in his ears. Zhang Qing recovered his senses and looked down, only to see that the two women looked at him with worried eyes, and even Nazi, who had not been emotionally fluctuating all this time, had little expression on her face. Some showed emotion.

Zhang Qing scratched the back of his head, "Well, I heard a demon."

Mei frowned, "What did I hear, we called you for a long time just now, and you kept looking up at the moon, no matter how you shouted, you didn't respond.

"Is there something wrong with the moon!?" Said Mei also turned to look at the bright moon hanging high in the night sky.

Touzi stared at Zhang Qing seriously, "If you have anything to say, you can tell us. Although it may not be helpful, we are good listeners."

Because Zhang Qing's expression really scared her just now, and it's the first time in Touzi's long time to see Zhang Qing showing such shock, surprise, unbelievable, and a bit weird expression, you know Zhang Qing has always turned into a rock Collapsed in front of him without changing his expression indifferently, in other words, he can be said to be confident. There are very few problems that he thinks cannot be solved, even when facing problems at the level of divine beasts.

"Eh..." Zhang Qing didn't know how to explain it, he couldn't possibly tell them that he just saw the moon as a woman!?.

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