"Huh!? Come out!"

"Where is Xiaozhi!? Where is he!?"

Just when Zhang Qing and the others were considering whether to enter Ziyuan Town to search for Xiaoxia and the others, they saw a man, a woman, and two half-year-old children stumbled out of the dense fog, followed by a yellow electric mouse pikachu.

Xiaoxia was quite tired. After all, she still had to hold the big duck. This silly duck didn't look stupid, but it was not light at all. Cough, I was wrong, but its strength was not weak at all. Among all the Pokémon currently owned, it is also the most powerful Pokémon at present.

Of course, when Duck Duck Headache is able to use hidden inconceivable powers, including "thought power" and "body-holding method".

It is obviously a Pokémon with the water attribute, but it is surprisingly not to be underestimated. It is the most appropriate word "a person should not look like it". Maybe it looks a bit like Saitama-sensei has a doctor.

Perhaps many people have different opinions on the fact that Kodak is actually the strongest Pokémon under Xiaoxia's hands, but in fact there is nothing wrong with it. At present, the only Pokémon Xiaoxia has tamed is the horned goldfish that she cultivated since she was a child. And starfish, and then there is the Mohaima captured in the sea area of ​​​​Dead Leaf City, and finally there is Duck Duck, after all, the travel time is not long.

Because Xiaoxia is determined to inherit her parents' Hualan Gym and become a qualified gym owner, so her goal has always been a water-type Pokémon master, so naturally she won't accept all Pokémon.

The horned goldfish is a very ornamental, goldfish-shaped Pokémon known as the "Queen of the Water". Naturally, it is very bad at fighting on land, so it rarely appears on the scene, and Xiaoxia will not choose to summon other Pokémon on land. Come out and protect yourself.

Hai Xingxing's words, although it has always been Xiaoxia's first choice for fighting, but since the arrival of the Kodak Duck, every time Xiaoxia calls Hai Xingxing, the Kodak Duck will run out, but 383 is not a battle with strict rules. , Xiaoxia didn't call Haixing again, or Haixing came out by herself, so you can see that Haixing is different from ordinary Pokémon, or the physiological structure is different, after all, it is a starfish.

According to the setting, the starfish becomes active at night. Its core shines brightest when the sun sets. Many sea stars will float from the bottom of the sea to the surface of the sea, shining their cores, arranged like the stars in the night sky, showing a certain relationship with the celestial bodies in the universe.

At the same time, starfish can adapt their skin to external conditions in many ways, including changing color, hardening the skin surface, and even reducing its surface area.

Therefore, starfish's sensory system is different from that of ordinary creatures, and it will not cooperate with Xiaoxia's command like other Pokémon. It is not rebellious but they may not be able to find Xiaoxia calling it, and there are factors such as time and sunshine that affect them. activity, so letting starfish come out to protect itself is not a suitable choice.

Finally, there is Mohaima. It is different from other water-type Pokémon. It cannot stay in the Poké Ball all the time. Fighting on land, so naturally Xiaoxia will not consider the other party if she is not crazy.

Because of this, Xiaoxia didn't say anything even though Koda Duck came out without any explanation every time. In addition, when she was in the light red gymnasium, she also saw the hidden power of Koda Duck. Xiaoxia felt that there was such a The silly duck is there, but it feels the most secure. Naturally, I called it out immediately, and hugged it to prevent it from running around.

As for Xiaogang, he didn't summon his own Pokémon to protect him. Firstly, he still had to carry the luggage that Xiaozhi had left behind to keep him empty. Kemeng can only be rock systems, such as small fist stones, big rock snakes and so on.

Either it will slow down your movement speed and make too much noise, or because of its huge size, it is easy to cause unnecessary accidents. It is not suitable for big guys who are summoned at will. It is better to call out when you find that there is danger. Xiaoxia's Kodak and Xiaozhi's Pikachu are protecting it.

At this time, the two of them saw that there was no thick fog in front of them to block their vision, and they both showed relaxed and joyful smiles, but soon they found that Xiaozhi's familiar figure was no longer in their field of vision, and their eyes were filled with disbelief.

Pikachu also tilted his head, somewhat puzzled, "Pika!?"

They have been chasing in the direction that Xiaozhi was running, why did they disappear when they got out of the thick fog!? Could it be that Xiaozhi turned in the opposite direction halfway!?

The two of them turned their heads to look at the direction when they were in some embarrassment. Do you really want to re-enter the mist that is as thick as ink that cannot be melted away!?

"Pika, Pikachu..."

"Pikachu, I know you are worried about Xiaozhi, but even if we go back now, we don't know how to find Xiaozhi in such a fog!?" Feeling that Pikachu was pulling his trouser legs with his small claws, Xiaogang said helplessly.

"Pika! Pikachu Pikachu!"

"Okay, okay, Pikachu, I know you are very anxious and worried, but what Xiaogang said just now is correct, we may not be able to help and make trouble if we rush in." Xiaoxia heard Pikachu's more and more anxious calls. , and tried to comfort him with a soft voice.

Pikachu looked helplessly at the two humans who didn't look back at it at all, sighed at Zhang Qing who came not far away, and spread his hands, expressing that he did his best.

After Yai and the others looked at each other, she immediately beat up Xiaoxia with her hands on her hips, "I said, you two, do you know how worrying you are? I told you not to be curious and come here from Ziyuan Town!? You still patted your chest and promised us, did you forget it so quickly!?"

Speaking of this, Mei became angry. God knows how worried and uneasy Mei was when she learned about the accident with the three of them from Sakura. She almost felt that it was because of her words that they aroused curiosity and died. She felt that she had a heavy responsibility. .

Jie (cacg) didn't wait for them to look for them, but saw Xiaoxia and Xiaogang alive and well, so angry, they flew all the way back from the light red gymnasium at the expense of revealing the secret of having a divine beast.

"And Xiao Zhi, where is he!?"

"This voice is......!?" Xiaoxia and Xiaogang were taken aback by the voice that suddenly appeared from behind them. Sister Mei!? And Brother Zhang Qing, why are you here!?”

And, why are you all so angry!?

Pikachu felt that the crisis had long been hiding behind Xiaoxia, and only Kodak, who was being held by Xiaoxia, still seemed to be wandering away.

"Ask us what's the matter!? Don't you know how worrying it is to suddenly disappear!? Sakura and the others are terrified." Touzi also stared at Xiaoxia and Xiaogang with some annoyance.

"Miss... missing!?" Xiaoxia, Xiaogang and even Pikachu all looked at each other in dismay.

Xiaoxia panicked, "But we are not missing, and I reported safety with Sister Sakura and the others not long ago. Sister Mei, did you make a mistake!?"

"I can testify to this point. Xiaoxia just reported her safety to her family yesterday, and told her that she will go to Hualan City!" Xiaogang was also a little puzzled.

Now it's Zhang Qing's turn to be a little confused, because Xiaoxia and the others don't seem to be lying, and Zhang Qing is also a little concerned about why he saw Xilin's little friend who could not appear in this world before, so this It was Zhang Qing's turn to speak first.

"Do you know where you are now!?"

"Of course, we're on our way to Dead Leaf City." Xiaoxia and Xiaogang answered without doubt, even if he chased Xiaozhi for a distance, it was impossible to go beyond this range. One thing they can absolutely guarantee.

However, as soon as the words fell, even Mei and Touzi, who were only concerned about being angry, were a little stunned, "No, don't you guys know that this is Ziyuan Town!?"

Although Mei and Touko were asking Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, they looked at Nazi who had been silent like a bystander. Nazi shook her head slightly, indicating that Xiaoxia and Xiaogang were not lying.

In other words, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang really did not know that they had come to Ziyuan Town, and it was even possible that they didn't even know how they appeared here.

Immediately, both of them frowned tightly.

"It doesn't matter, let's report to the family first, and we can talk about it later." Mei Yi, who didn't care about getting angry, waved her hand and signaled the two to inform the family quickly, at least not to worry them too much.

"What's the matter!?" After a long time, seeing that the two children hadn't moved [Mei was a little irritable and confused.

"Well... Even if you say that, we have no way to report safety!" Xiaogang, as a boy, naturally replied boldly at this time, "If this is really Ziyuan Town, we have no way at all Contact home."

As young children, they simply don't have the ability to buy themselves a communicator that can be carried around like Rocket Musashi and the others. In this world, the machines used for communication are generally as big as desktop computers, and their technological level is obviously higher than that of Blue Star. , But in some tools, I didn't think about miniaturization.

Therefore, this type of communication tool will only appear in some large places or stores that require it. Of course, some families with better family backgrounds can also have it, like Xiaozhi and Mei. They have it in their homes, but most of them In most cases, letters are still used.

On the contrary, high-tech products have not been popularized, and they are exclusive to the small and powerful. Ordinary people can only spend money to rent these shared products.

That's the weirdness of this world. So Xiaogang and the others really couldn't report their family's safety, because they couldn't enter Ziyuan Town.

Mei, who understood what the other party meant, was also a little speechless, and raised his forehead and said, "Okay, let's talk about it after reporting safety. By the way, Xiaozhi, why didn't I see the other party just now, didn't he come with you!?"

Said, Mei also looked around, but did not find Xiao Zhi's figure, could not help showing a confused expression. .

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