"By the way, sister Mei, did you see Xiaozhi when you came here!?"

Hearing Mei asking where Xiaozhi was, Xiaoxia also remembered that they were chasing Xiaozhi before, but they still lost them. Just now, they were thinking of going into the dense fog again to find someone.

Seeing that Mei and the others seemed a little puzzled, the thirteen-year-old Xiaogang, who was three years older than Xiaoxia, was about to recount what happened before in more detail and succinctly.

"That's the way it is. If you didn't see Homo sapiens when you came, he is probably still inside." Xiao Gang said with some worry.

With his mind, it was enough to realize that the three of them were involved in big trouble.

It is impossible for Mei and the others to joke about them at this time, so this place must be outside Ziyuan Town, which is more than a hundred kilometers away from the place where they camped before, and there are many cliffs and canyons in the middle, if there are not too many difficult problems to overcome , and would not take a detour on purpose, instead of making a direct road, that is to say, the three of them crossed a distance of more than 100 kilometers in an instant, even if they felt that they only ran for a short while.

At the same time, combined with what Mei and the others said before, it is not difficult to see that they seem to have traveled for a while, because if they disappear for a short time, they may have entered some place where the electronic signal has been lost, and it is difficult for the family to find out in a short time. Therefore, this time must be calculated in days at least, and it is conservatively estimated to be more than three days.

This is a bit scary, especially as a person who has experienced it personally, Xiao Gang just thought about it in his mind for a while, and then he was drenched in cold sweat.

It's hard to imagine that the short distance of more than a hundred meters that he and Xiaoxia ran chasing Xiaozhi just now was so terrifying.

If they stay inside for a while longer, will the outside world have gone through hundreds of thousands of years of vicissitudes!?

Once this thought popped up, it was hard to suppress it.

So Xiaogang was really worried about Xiaozhi who might still be inside.

"You all calm down first." Zhang Qing patted the heads of the two children, stopping their heads from continuing to think wildly.

"Things are not as terrible as you imagined. I believe your sister Mei and the others have told you before. Not long ago, we also stayed in Ziyuan Town for one night. At the same time, we also heard from Ms. Joey from the Elf Center in Ziyuan Town We learned that Juzi, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto, also stayed here with his granddaughter for a longer time than us, so it is impossible for Xiaozhi to spend a hundred years in it for an hour outside."

The power of time is not possessed by all gods and beasts. The saying "time is respected and space is king" does not apply to all worlds, but at least no matter which world the two abilities of time and space are very rare and extremely difficult to improve , even because of its profundity, it is very likely that an accident will hurt others and hurt oneself. Take an Iv4 space ability user in the Forbidden World as an example. Her accident has her own carelessness, but in the end it is unavoidable. , Even if the disaster of that day is avoided, it will still happen again in the future.

Compared with the space system, there are more characters who have the ability of the time system and then get lost in the long river of time.

At the same time, the abilities of these two are somewhat against the sky, so the restrictions are relatively large, so there is no need to imagine them too scary. It is also fatal.

The reason why Zhang Qing is sure that there is no such kind of beast is not because he made a random judgment, but because they didn't find the same kind in the cracked space, and the mighty beast can't be hidden.

This is no surprise, even if it possesses any ability to block the breath, it is doomed to be unable to continue hiding behind the scenes the moment he makes a move.

Among the gods and beasts, Likongzuo and the three dragons of Tao are also the existence of first-level gods or above. There are very few beasts who can be stronger than them, and they still have names. The credibility of the words is very high. In terms of the perception of divine beasts, even Zhang Qing can't compare with Likongzao and the others, so there is no saying whether to believe it or not.

Similarly, as Zhang Qing said, he, Mei and the others had stayed in Ziyuan Town before, so it can also prove that the situation Xiaogang guessed does not exist. If there is a problem, it is impossible for them not to find it.

Xiaogang’s crossing time and space is likely the result of an exchange of equal value. Imagine if it would take the same amount of time to arrive at Ziyuan Town from Xiaogang’s previous camp!?

Of course, whether this is really the case needs to be tested, but this matter can only be put aside for the time being because it cannot be carried out.

"By the way, did you find any obstacles before!?" Seeing that the two had calmed down for a while, Touzi asked meaningfully, and at the same time looked at the weird fog that just happened to cover the whole town inside and out .

That's really not too much more, not more than one point less, just right!

"Obstacles!?" Xiaoxia was stunned, she didn't know why sister Touzi suddenly asked this, but she shook her head and said, "No, nothing!"

Xiaogang came to his senses, and looked at Ziyuan Town shrouded in dense fog thoughtfully. After all, he was three years older than Xiaoxia and Xiaozhi, and the elder brother of eight younger siblings. Naturally, he was more mature mentally. If it weren't for his face becoming a little more immature, it would be fine to say that he is a high school student.

"I see, that means we might not be in Ziyuan Town just now, but in another space!?"

I have to say that it is the greatest luck for Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia to have Xiaogang as a nanny to accompany them. If they change their companions, in the first Muyin chapter, I really can't believe what will happen.

Apart from liking the big sister, there is really nothing wrong with this child, maybe there is also the fact that he looks a little dark and a little anxious.

"Yes! That's right, it is likely to be a different dimension. Otherwise, if you are not familiar with the environment of Ziyuan Town, and you are blocked by the fog again, and you can only see things at a close distance, think about it all the way. How lucky is it to come out unimpeded!?" Touzi snapped her fingers, and then she turned to look at Nazi.

"Did Nazi find out!?"

Nazi who was being questioned was still shaking her head, "My superpowers didn't discover the alien space. Although these fogs interfered with my superpowers to a certain extent, I still saw the situation in Ziyuan Town... .”

"I'm sorry, I didn't find your companions." Nazi said the last sentence to Xiaoxia and Xiaogang.

As a superhuman with superpowers comparable to divine beasts, if even Nazi couldn't find Xiaozhi, let alone a human.

For this, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang were naturally extremely disappointed. As authentic Kandu people, even if they knew little about Nazi before, they would inquire and learn more later, so they naturally knew that a future superstar Queen of Ability (PS: The queen here is not the title, the king refers to entering the heavenly king level) has gold content. If Nazi can't find Xiaozhi, it's useless for them to go in.

Pikachu, who had listened to one ear, also drooped his ears and became dejected at this time.

0 for flowers...

To be honest, Pikachu felt a little regretful that he didn't follow Xiaozhi closely at that time. If he had been by his side, at least he wouldn't have to worry so much now.

It's super strong, muscular~!

"What are you thinking!?" While Mei and Touko were comforting Xiaoxia and the others' wounded hearts, Nazi sneaked close to Zhang Qing, enjoying the peace and peace of mind of being alone by her side, and My heart beat faster, and I deliberately found a topic to avoid looking too strange.

Zhang Qing, who was awakened, didn't think much about it, he shook his head lightly, and said: "It's nothing, I was just thinking about what the horse Xiao Gang was talking about......

And whether the "Sirin" he saw before came from the same source.

Of course, Zhang Qing didn't tell anyone about "Xilin", because it would be a very troublesome matter, since Mei and the others hadn't seen anything before, then let's keep it as a secret.

As for thinking day by day and dreaming at night, that definitely does not exist. No matter how perverted he is, it is impossible for him to fall in love with another self, and he can actually see the other person every night when he sleeps, There is nothing to miss.


However, Zhang Qing has to admit that when he saw "Xilin", he was indeed startled. Those boring selves, so much love made Sirin come forward, it is estimated that as long as they are not reincarnated into a very powerful world, and they are big bosses, they will not be able to calm down when facing an "anti-human" Herrscher of.

It's the same even if the Herrschers are all beautiful girls, it's mentioned in the plot, but even if the destructive power of the Second Herrscher is just to clean the surface, mortals can't help feeling afraid.

Moreover, it is scary because it only has the ability to wash the surface, because it means that the most powerful weapon in the current human civilization is only capable of washing the surface. The protective facilities can protect the human beings in the city at all times, and the Herrscher can kill as much as he wants. Except for a few special places where there are protections, the lives of ordinary people are really not guaranteed.

If you change to a civilization level that can already leave the home planet, maybe the battle with the Herrscher is in the universe, and the planet is the one that is protected in the tower defense game. The Herrscher needs to break through one after another checkpoint, and then come to the planet A front strike destroys the star.

Unfortunately, humans in the Pokémon world may not be capable of interstellar travel, but Pokémon are different, so once there is a collapse and Herrscher in this world, it will really be a disaster, because Pokémon Dreams and human beings coexist, that is to say, the two races share the same civilization system. This deformed civilization naturally gave birth to Herrschers who do not match.

So why did I see "Xilin"!? As long as I figured this out, I might be able to know what kind of horse Xiaozhi saw and find out where Xiaozhi was!?

Zhang Qing thinks so.

"Horse..." Nazi blinked her eyes, feeling that she couldn't answer the conversation. She was not a horse lover, so she tried her best and couldn't find any knowledge about horses in the memory palace.

Zhang Qing smiled nonchalantly, "It's fine if you don't know, but I don't know what kind of horse it is!? Let the two children fill their stomachs first, they probably didn't have dinner."

Nazi:.......Good job. "

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