Time came in the morning amidst the torment and waiting.

Zhang Qing and the others did not fall asleep. They camped at a safe distance outside Ziyuan Town and waited for the fog to clear at dawn.

This is also the first time they witnessed the strange mist changing color and thinning over time.

If they were not still worried about the safety of the missing Xiaozhi, several people would have been amazed by such a spectacle, especially when the first ray of sunlight fell, the whole Ziyuan Town was really like a fairyland looming in the clouds and mist, it was hard to imagine It can have such a scary side at night.

Zhang Qing and the others finally walked into Ziyuan Town after the fog cleared.

I saw the police station near the entrance, and several people walked straight in.

There was only one Ms. Junsha in the police station in Ziyuan Town. When Zhang Qing and the others came in, she was yawning. A thick layer of dust, I don't know where she found it.

This Miss Junsha has slightly dark circles under her eyes at the moment, and she was a little dazed at first when she saw Zhang Qing and the half-sized boys coming in, but when she saw the faces of Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, she was shocked. Got to stand up.

"You, you..."

Because Mr. "Zero Six Three" Sha of Hualan City asked them to assist in the investigation and search work, Jun Sha of Ziyuan Town also kept the photos of Xiaoxia and the three of them here. Naturally, they recognized the two at a glance. There is no way, she dug up all the files of those old cases last night for the sake of the three of them, and now she has only read a small part.


Realizing that something was wrong, Jun Sha looked carefully at the faces of Zhang Qing and his group again, and found that he didn't find the silly little boy in the photo who didn't look very smart.

"Well, there's another child!?"

Seeing this Miss Junsha asking such a question, Zhang Qing and the others knew that the other party must also be an insider, which saved them a lot of time, and immediately recounted the ins and outs of the matter.

Zhang Qing and the others naturally hope that the lady police officer who lives in Ziyuan Town can help them.

However, Ms. Jun Sha from Ziyuan Town was more at a loss than Zhang Qing and others after hearing the incident, "This... I admit that Ziyuan Town has indeed become more and more recently, uh, I don't know how to describe it, In short, it has become a little different, but there is absolutely no ability to catch three children over a hundred kilometers apart...

"At most, there have been some disturbing voices at night recently. This is the first time I have heard what you said."

"What kind of voice!?" Touzi grasped the point and asked.

Others were also a little concerned, and looked at Miss Junsha one after another.

"How about this, you two report to your family first, and then I will tell you..." After hesitating for a while, Miss Junsha from Ziyuan Town seemed to have made a decision, with an expression on her face She became serious, as if she really planned to reveal some secrets, but she still didn't explain it immediately, but looked at Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, "The communicator is over there, you can use it in turn. "

Half an hour later, both Xiaogang and Xiaoxia reported to their families that they were safe, which made the unclear matter a little easier. Except for the only missing boy, this matter was also resolved It's half done.

Ms. Junsha poured a cup of coffee for several people respectively, "I only have this here, but I added some milk and sugar, I hope you don't dislike it."

"Thank you!" After Zhang Qing and the others took it, they also sat down. There are not many chairs in the police station, so the two men, Zhang Qing and Xiao Gang, could only stand against the wall, while the girls were close to each other. Sit together on a few chairs or sofas.

Ms. Junsha also sat back on her work chair, took a sip of bitter coffee to refresh herself, then held it in her hand, and said to the few people who had been waiting for a long time, "Where should I start?" Well, let me think about it, since it’s up to me to say it, let’s start with my mother..."

"No need to guess, my mother is also named Jun Sha, and she is also a local police officer, hehe, isn't there any surprise at all!?"

"Oh, isn't it funny!?"

Zhang Qing and the others have black lines on their heads. Don't say such cold jokes. Who can laugh now!? Anyway, let's see the occasion.

Facing the expressionless faces of Zhang Qing and the others, Ms. Junsha gave a wry smile, and then said, "Well, I just intend to let you not be too nervous, but it is obviously a big failure."

"Actually, Ziyuan Town was not what it is now. It was very ordinary, except that there were many Pokémon who liked to bury their bones here. It happened more than seventy years ago, of course I was not born at that time, but my grandmother witnessed the initial historical record."

"In the beginning, some people in a small area said they saw ghosts, or heard whispers that only they heard..."

"My grandmother was just a new police officer in her teens at the time, she didn't care at all, she just thought it was a simple prank, and the worst case would be that someone was secretly teasing the townspeople. In fact, this kind of thing is very rare and common. After my grandmother and other colleagues investigated and visited, it quickly subsided. Everyone guessed that the people behind the scenes did not expect to attract Jun Sha to join, so they were afraid."

"My grandmother thought so at first, and for a long time afterwards, nothing happened, even if one or two people occasionally said that there were ghosts, but after a while, they all felt that they were scaring themselves. Something happened."

"Aren't those strange fogs gone!?" Xiaoxia couldn't help raising her hand to ask at this time.

Miss Junsha who was interrupted was not angry either, she smiled and said, "No, at least I heard from my grandmother that there is no such thing, and this is what I'm going to talk about next, um, where did I go!? Yes, nothing happened for a long time, until my mother was 20 years old, I was only about seven or eight years old at that time, because my mother disappeared on that day, so I still remember very clearly, she probably is now In the records of Ziyuan Town, you are the first person who appears to be lost in a ghost!?"

Hearing what Miss Junsha said, the others couldn't laugh at all, even Fat Ding could see the sadness that couldn't be hidden in Miss Junsha's eyes at the moment.

"She said that day that she would go to the Tower of Ruins, that is, investigate in the Nether Tower over there, and she would come back before dinner at the latest, but the result is that none of us waited for her to come back, one day, two days, three days. .....Twelve years later, it feels like a reincarnation, and I will be twenty years old this year..."

Miss Junsha looked at Xiaoxia as she spoke, and seemed to be sighing.

"I don't know where the news came from. It is said that a Gala Gala mother was brutally killed in order to protect her child Caracalla. Her soul has been wandering in the tower. It was from that moment that Ziyuan Town changed. As it is now, I only know that the strange fog began to appear from the day my mother disappeared, and since that day we have never seen the stars and the moon at night again..0”

"And we are just a bunch of poor people who are waiting for their loved ones. I'm sorry. I didn't want to talk about these things with outsiders. But after this incident, Ziyuan Town may not be able to continue to exist."

If Xiaoxia and Xiaogang hadn't appeared in Ziyuan Town, maybe all of this would have been a different result, but the worst case had happened. Define its hazard class.

You don't need to think about it to know that Ziyuan Town can no longer treat people. All the townspeople must move out, and they will be blocked or saturated and destroyed.

"I'm sorry..." Xiaoxia and Xiaogang looked at each other. Although they still didn't fully understand the meaning of Miss Junsha's words, they also knew that it probably had something to do with them, and immediately bowed their heads apologetically. up.

Miss Junsha shook her head, "You don't need to apologize to me, and you didn't do anything wrong, but we are too selfish to cause today's bad results.

"By the way, the strange noise I mentioned to you before..." Jun Sha didn't seem to want to stay on the previous topic, she turned her gaze away from Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, and turned to Zhang Qing On the four of them, "The strange voice, I remember that you four also stayed in Ziyuan Town before!?"

After the four of Zhang Qing nodded and said they stayed overnight at the local elf center, Jun Sha nodded, "In that case, it's easy to explain, you should have heard the screams that night too! ?”

The four of Zhang Qing continued to nod, "Yes, there is indeed such a thing."

"It's good to know. At first we thought that someone sneaked into that tower while we didn't know it. As a result, the same sound still appeared the next night, and it continued the day after tomorrow. It seems that after 0.1 every It's been like this all night." Miss Jun Sha said with a somewhat ugly face, which seemed to explain why she had dark circles under her eyes.

It's fine if one or two love to die, but if it's more than ten nights in a row, it's a bit strange, it's impossible for more than a dozen guys who seek excitement and seek death to appear at once!?

To be honest, the geographical location of Ziyuan Town is quite remote and hard to find. Even the No. 8 highway connected to Jinhuang City is actually a very stretchy dirt road, and it is very difficult to walk. It can be said that there is not even another link The road in the abandoned mine is smooth and wide.

Of course, because it is a mine rather than a tunnel, it is not suitable for vehicles to drive in and out. You can only rely on your legs. Naturally, there is nothing to be complacent about. There are three roads that are not very good to go to the outside world, so it is naturally created. Ziyuan Town is barren.

Even before this kind of place became weird, there were few outsiders all year round, let alone now, so there must be a problem with the screams and screams for more than ten nights in a row.

Seeing that Zhang Qing and the others were thinking, Jun Sha coughed, pointed to the documents on her desk and said, "You can look at the files here, they are all records of disappearances in recent decades, I hope I can give you some help!"

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