As time went by, Ziyuan Town seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, and it became alive.

The townspeople opened the windows, replaced the indoor and outdoor air, and then began to arrange today's daily activities, walking around the streets, doing housework and getting ready for work.

The only thing missing is probably the laughter of children.

Only at this time will I realize that Ziyuan Town is indeed very strange. This is a town where there are almost no children, and people rarely have relaxed and happy expressions on their faces, living like NPCs.

At the police station near the entrance and exit, there are also Junsha on daytime shift one after another. Seeing Zhang Qing's half-grown children looking through the thick files with bitter faces, they all showed surprised expressions, but after following Junsha, who was on duty at night who was not off work, also joined the search team after learning about the situation.

There are more than 70 years of documents, the number of paper alone is not less than 100,000 copies, and many records seem to be related, but whether they are really useful is unknown, so I can only use stupid methods to ponder word by word. For fear of missing useful information.

To be honest, even Zhang Qing never thought that Ziyuan Town, which is just a small town, has so many missing persons in more than seventy years, and a large part of them had to be canceled because of the death of relatives and friends, not Case closed.

Zhang Qing and the others also discovered the record about the evil organization mentioned by Ms. Joy of the Elf Center in the process of browsing. Although it has been marked as "closed", after comparison, it can be found that many missing persons have not closed the case. 20 years later they were found, and they seemed to disappear from this world forever and ever.

Zhang Qing does not believe that Ms. Junsha and the others have not tortured and extorted confessions, otherwise they would not be able to find those who were trafficked to other places, but under such a premise, there are still some people who have not been found, not even dead bodies, which is very worthwhile thought deeply.

Perhaps even Ms. Junsha, who handled the case at the beginning, guessed where that part went.

Ziyuan Town is like a monster with its mouth wide open, and humans are just its food.

The entire morning was spent on those words, and Mei and the others also felt sore eyes, Xiaoxia, a little girl who was only ten years old, was exhausted physically and mentally. If it wasn't for finding her companion, Xiaozhi, she would have given up. A girl whose elder sister protected her very well, Xiaoxia has never suffered this kind of pain.

To be honest, it seems that since the bicycle was scrapped by Xiaozhi, after meeting Xiaozhi and traveling with him, the sum of her life in the first ten years has not been as ups and downs as in the past few months. The sins that ordinary people rarely encounter in their lives, I am afraid that if they are written down, they can make up a best-selling adventure notebook.

It's called "Those Years I Became a Fool's Partner".

"Don't be too busy, take a break and eat something!"

At this time, Miss Jun Sha, who had already returned home from get off work to rest, walked into the police station in casual clothes carrying a bag, and handed the bag to Zhang Qing and the others.

"Thank you." Mei patted her screaming stomach, and took it over without politeness.

Looking through it, there are sandwich rice balls, instant noodles, etc., which seem to be foods that can be bought in convenience stores.

"That's the only thing." Miss Jun Sha, who was on duty last night, scratched the back of her head and said in embarrassment.

"It's okay." Mei didn't care, and divided the contents among the people, and immediately started eating.

Touzi asked for a rice ball, took a bite out of the wrapping paper, and then asked Miss Junsha, "Why did you come back suddenly!?"

This Miss Junsha greeted other colleagues before answering Touzi's question, "I'm afraid that you are too involved and forget to eat, and you seem to have not checked in at the elf center, so there will be no lunch for you Prepared, remember to register in the future, otherwise dinner will have to be done, and the shops here will not be open too late, usually they will close soon after dusk, if you don’t prepare early, it is very likely You must be hungry."

She kindly reminded everyone of the survival rules worth remembering in Ziyuan Town. If there is procrastination here, you will definitely not live long. She also winked playfully as she spoke.

It's a pity that none of them are in the mood to laugh, and Xiaoxia is even more unhappy, "Sister Junsha, you made an exception to let us look up these files, but we basically didn't gain anything all morning...I'm so worried about Xiaozhi and him Ah, it's all because we didn't hold him back..."

Seeing that Xiaoxia dropped the Golden Doudou, they all panicked and stepped forward to comfort her.

Xiaogang even took the responsibility and said, "If it's really to blame, I should be more responsible. I will be the oldest among us next year, but I didn't catch Xiaozhi. If Xiaozhi was talking nonsense before, I would have If I take it seriously, it won’t be what it is today, so if I talk about responsibility, I should blame myself even more.”

"How come, Xiaogang, you are in charge of cooking, and you couldn't put all your attention on Xiaozhi at that time."


Seeing that the two began to take responsibility for each other, Zhang Qing and the others were also a little speechless, "Okay, okay, how could I have known about this kind of thing, you are all right."

If there’s anything wrong, it’s Xiao Zhi, why can’t he get rid of the stinking problem of getting hot when he sees a Pokémon he’s never seen before!?

Although most Pokémon don’t have too much malice towards humans, let alone deliberately lure human cubs to dangerous places and kill them, this is impossible

But you can't really ignore the danger. Sometimes Pokémon may not have bad intentions, but it doesn't mean that the environment they live in is safe. Maybe even Pokémon themselves have never thought about it. The natural environment they depend on for survival is Human beings seem so dangerous that one's carelessness will endanger the safety of life.

Similarly, not hating humans does not mean that they will be close to humans. Most Pokémon are either shy or have other factors. But where do these Pokémon that are generally harder to find usually hide!? As long as you have a little brain, you will know that it is definitely not a street. And once humans invade their territory, they, who are not close to humans, probably won't be too friendly.

Precisely because children are too simple-minded, they often feel inferior to themselves in danger without realizing it, so many areas have pushed back the age of trainers, and only a small number of areas still adhere to the ancient tradition of ten years old.

There are even some places that allow children to grow up with Pokémon, starting from infancy, but because it is too inhumane, it is very rare now, except for some ancient families, no one will do this anymore.

Perhaps human beings are really a strange kind of Pokémon, but it is also true that he is not born strong.

"There is no way to go on like this. If it drags on for too long, it will cause irreparable psychological trauma to Xiaoxia and the others." Touzi pulled Zhang Qing and said in a low voice, with some worries in his eyes.

Zhang Qing glanced at Yai and Junsha, who were trying their best to appease Xiaoxia, and said after thinking for a while, "The source of all abnormalities in Ziyuan Town is in that tower. If there is really no other way, we can only venture in." …”

To be honest, the whole morning's work was not completely fruitless. In fact, even if you don't read these materials, everyone knows where the problem is most likely!? It's just that the ancient ruins are too weird and unknown, and people always subconsciously think I want to avoid it, hoping to find another breakthrough.

It's a pity that all this seems to be in vain. If there are other discoveries, they have already been discovered by the Junshas, ​​so why use the current situation!?

"Is that so!?" Touzi bit her lower lip and sighed helplessly.

To be honest, she didn't want to enter that tower rashly. She didn't expect to hold back her curiosity from Ms. Joy at the beginning, but now she came back after going around, and had to face the horror of that position. Is there a 543 invisible hand manipulating all this!?

"Don't worry, at least the black caterpillars are here, we won't have the worst situation." Zhang Qing patted the back of Touzi's hand to comfort him.

It's not that they are too holy and plan to rescue Xiaozhi regardless of their own dangers, but that they have applied for the saying "with great power comes great responsibility". They still turn a blind eye, listen and don't hear it when they're on it, which is definitely against the philosophy they have always adhered to.

Becoming the owner of a divine beast is not free, even if it is not imposed on you by the divine beast, but when you are lucky enough to obtain this power, it means that the life of ordinary people will actually leave you.

Ordinary people will no longer be intimidated, and the way ordinary people deal with it will only become an alternative and the only choice.

Of course, the most important thing is that they all like Xiaoxia and the others. Although there are some minor flaws, as long as people are not perfect, it is impossible for them to give up easily if they are friends. Maybe you have to think about it or just ignore it.

"Let's act after Xiaoxia and the others go to bed at night." Youdao's Three Dragons and Cracking Kongzuo can definitely be broken out no matter whether they are locked in a different dimension or not. The only thing worth noting is that apart from Zhang Qing, Mei and the others His physical fitness is obviously in the category of ordinary people, but with Zhang Qing, as long as he is not too strong and makes him unable to react, he can protect the safety of the three women, not to mention that Na Ziruo is using superpowers all the time. As for the shield, he doesn't have to worry about it.

"Well, I'll talk to Mei and the others later." Touzi nodded, feeling a little excited in her heart. As a trainer, she had fantasized about exciting and thrilling adventures, but her reason is still restrained. It's rare to have this opportunity , Touzi was also a little excited.

There are too many unknowns in this world waiting for them to discover, so they should not stop, at least their journey will not end until they get bored. .

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