Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

958 The Star And The Day Of Destruction!

"Grandpa Wu, I caught a beast, look!"

The old man, who was discussing something with the patriarch, couldn't help but stop talking when he heard the sound, and the patriarch wisely didn't continue, put on a mask, and got into a simple tent not far away, while the old man was wearing a mask from the beginning to the end. Wearing a somewhat dull thick mask.

He looked in the direction of the child wearing the mask, and found that it was a human child wearing a strange dress. He froze for a moment, then put his hand on the child's head and stroked it gently.

"Aya, how did you determine that he is a beast!?"

"Of course I confirmed it. Dad said that I will definitely become a warrior in the clan." The child seemed a little proud, but soon he remembered that he didn't seem to answer the wizard grandfather's words, but hurriedly said, "Where am I?" When I found it, I thought it was someone from other places, but I tried to talk to it, but it only babbled and shouted, this must be a rare humanoid beast..."

Listening to the kid named "Aya" talking more and more vigorously there, the old man didn't interrupt it, but he was still cheerful under the mask, "It seems very happy to be this audience.

"Well, Grandpa see, I also caught the wild beast. Look, can I also..." Aya suddenly stopped talking about her experience of catching the humanoid beast. Hesitating and hesitating, the little feet drew circles on the ground, and their eyes drifted to the strong man who was dancing the sacrificial dance in front of the fire from time to time. There was longing in the eyes, which was a light that even the mask could not hide.

The old man was taken aback for a moment, then nodded lightly, "Go, our Aya is now our warrior, a warrior I recognize."

"Yeah!" The child seemed very happy, jumped 270 and ran into the team that was sweating profusely, attracting a lot of unexpected looks, but after hearing what Aya said, everyone burst into laughter Laughing, she didn't chase him away, but led him to dance together.

After watching Aya go to dance the sacrificial dance, the wizard turned his attention to the construction site of the high tower, which was rushing to work overnight. Even though it was night, there were still a group of people working hard. Now the bottom two floors have been built as required. I believe it won't be long before the work can be completed, and by then...

The wizard looked up at the gray moon, his eyes under the mask became deep, and it seemed that a new storm was brewing inside, or the birth of a new generation.


The angry savage beasts still roared without getting tired. They opened their mouths wide, showing sharp teeth, and looked at these two-legged orcs fiercely.

But the more it moved around, the tighter the rope tied around its body was, making it more painful.

The fierce flames in the eyes seemed to be more scorchingly focused by the burning flames.

His thoughts drifted to the wizard who didn't know where, he seemed to be awakened by the roar, he looked in the direction of the sacrifices again, and fell on the "human" child who violated the law. Frightened by the ferocious savage beast, he looked around curiously.

The old man suddenly became interested. Of course he knew that it was not a savage beast. On this land, human beings have tried their best to survive from the moment they were born. If they are weak, they will only be reduced to these Food for horrible beasts.

Therefore, almost everyone in this era has been fighting wild beasts since they were able to run and jump, so except for immature children, almost no one would fail to recognize what a wild beast is.

In nature, it is a terrible thing not to recognize one's natural enemies.

Of course, the old man also knew that there were some tribes outside who did not choose the path of struggle, but worshiped these powerful wild beasts, regarded them as true gods, and longed for the protection of the wild gods so that they could survive and thrive.

For this, the old man didn't scold or hate it, because in this era, survival is not easy, and he has no reason to criticize other people's way of life. Maybe they themselves look more like a bunch of fools to outsiders. .

"The star that destroys the world will come, no matter which path we choose, we will meet at the end.

The old man looked at the deep and endless high sky again, and murmured something in his mouth. He spoke in a very low voice. The dancing tap sound is even more impossible.

The old man seemed to have really seen the end of the world, but he didn't seem to have much fear or excitement.

There may be sadness too, but it may not be of its own accord.

He suddenly looked pitifully at the child Aya, who was singing and dancing with a group of strong men in front of the fire, that was his granddaughter, she was still so young...

"Becoming a warrior... is really a distant dream..."

On the other side, Xiaozhi's curiosity was partially satisfied, and after failing to see more things, his mind returned to escape.

I don't know what kind of material the rope that binds the body is made of, it is quite tough, not as rough as hemp rope, but a bit smooth, but despite this, it is difficult to fall off after being tied on the back.

Xiaozhi tried to rub it with the gravel on the ground, but it didn't work.

It was also because of the presence of those big guys who roared from time to time, that he dared to make such a big move, because compared to the little him, those big guys moved more quietly, and it was safer for him to mix in them.

To be honest, if it wasn't for his hands and feet being restrained, Xiao Zhi really wanted to take out the Pokémon illustrated book to see what these big guys beside him were, they looked very powerful.

"Ah~~~~ Sure enough, it won't work!"

Seeing that the trouser legs were almost worn out, but the rope was still intact, Xiaozhi suddenly became dejected.

I sincerely hope that Xiaoxia and the others can come to rescue him quickly, he feels that he (caaf) seems to have been picked up by the legendary cannibal tribe, and his situation is not good.


Suddenly, Xiaozhi's stomach made a noise of protest, and Xiaozhi remembered that he hadn't eaten dinner. It wasn't long before they set up camp, and Xiaogang was still preparing to cook. At that time, because he saw a magical horse, Attracted by the beauty of the other party, he chased after him.

Xiaozhi really didn't pay attention to whether Xiaoxia and the others came after her.

Thinking now that Xiaoxia and Xiaogang might not have noticed that they were gone, and were still comfortably eating dinner in the camp, Xiaozhi became even hungrier and regretted.

"I should eat and catch up..."


"Stop yelling, if you yell again, you will really be eaten." Xiaozhi couldn't help persuading him when he heard his stomach making an unsatisfactory sound again, hoping that the other party would be more mature, stronger, and considerate of his master.


It's a pity that the stomach doesn't respond to Xiaozhi's pleading at all, it is such a self-willed existence.

"It smells so good~! What kind of smell is this!?"

Suddenly, the tip of his nose smelled the tempting aroma of food, and Xiao Zhi, who was concentrating on arguing with his stomach, couldn't help but raised his head, and found that it was the masked child who had captured him earlier.

The other party stood in front of her with something in her hand, and there were still many crystal beads of sweat hanging on her body. It seemed that the intense exercise just now made her look a lot better.

What is he doing here!? Xiaozhi had doubts in his heart.

He didn't speak, because he tried it before, and the other party and him were in a situation of language barrier, Xiaozhi felt that his speaking might not please him, and it would lead to misunderstanding, and it might be even worse at that time.

He hadn't forgotten the sight of the sharp spear pointing.


The masked child seemed to say something again, and then under Xiaozhi's dazed gaze, he put down the big leaf in his hand, on which were placed some unseen fruits and some meat.

After putting it away, the masked child just stared at Xiaozhi, as if observing how he eats.

Xiaozhi's eyes were a little straight, if it wasn't for the inconvenient hands and feet, he would have pointed to the meat on it and asked the other party, how do you eat the raw ones!?

However, considering the language barrier, Xiaozhi shut up obediently, lay down directly, and bit those strange-looking fruits with his mouth.

It's like a salted fish bouncing twice on the ground.

The child seemed a little surprised, she took off the mask, revealing a pretty face, even Xiaozhi could tell that the other person was actually a girl, but Xiaozhi didn't pay much attention to female sex, she didn't look at it at all, Continue to gnaw on the fruit, swallowing the skin together.

But the girl pointed at the meat, as if asking Xiaozhi why he didn't eat it, looking very curious about it.

In fact, Xiaozhi also noticed that those big guys who yelled before were also burying their heads in eating those unknown meats. Just like him, at this time, someone was giving food to those big guys who were tied up.

Xiaozhi guessed that maybe this was the last meal, and he ran away before slaughtering.


Seeing that Xiaozhi ignored her, the girl began to mutter something again, but Xiaozhi was not moved at all, he is not really a fool, how could he eat raw meat!? So no matter what the other party said, Xiaozhi's eyes were all Didn't glance at the meat.

Please, if you really eat it, you may die if you don't get timely medical treatment.

Xiaozhi still has this common sense.

"Ah~~Although I'm not full, but after I finally got something to eat, Xiaozhi suddenly felt a little sleepy, and couldn't help but yawn.

You know, after a day of hiking, he chased the horse and ran here just after setting up camp to rest. He hasn't had a good rest yet, and now he wants to sleep after eating a little.

I have to say that Xiao Zhixin is really a bit big.

If someone else was in his situation, he would be in constant panic at this moment, and would not be in the mood to eat or sleep at all.

Seeing that Xiaozhi ignored her and fell asleep on the ground, the little girl was also stunned. After being in a daze for several minutes, she put on the mask again angrily and left.

Seeing this, the other feeders let out good-natured laughter, which accelerated the pace of the little girl's departure. .

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